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// This file contains a package.json for the dependencies of the command-line
// tool.

// We put this in a JS file so that it can contain comments. It is processed
// into a package.json file by

var packageJson = {
  name: "meteor-dev-bundle-tool",
  private: true,
  dependencies: {
    // Explicit dependency because we are replacing it with a bundled version
    // and we want to make sure there are no dependencies on a higher version
    npm: "6.14.18",
    pacote: "",
    "node-gyp": "8.0.0",
    "node-pre-gyp": "0.15.0",
    typescript: "4.9.5",
    "@meteorjs/babel": "7.18.0-beta.6",
    // Keep the versions of these packages consistent with the versions
    // found in dev-bundle-server-package.js.
    "meteor-promise": "0.9.0",
    fibers: "",
    "@meteorjs/reify": "0.24.0",
    // So that Babel can emit require("@babel/runtime/helpers/...") calls.
    "@babel/runtime": "7.15.3",
    // For backwards compatibility with isopackets that still depend on
    // babel-runtime rather than @babel/runtime.
    "babel-runtime": "7.0.0-beta.3",
    "@types/underscore": "1.11.2",
    underscore: "1.13.6",
    "source-map-support": "",
    "@types/semver": "5.5.0",
    semver: "5.7.1",
    request: "2.88.2",
    uuid: "3.4.0",
    "graceful-fs": "4.2.6",
    fstream: "",
    tar: "2.2.2",
    // Fork of kexec@3.0.0 with my Node.js 12 compatibility PR
    // applied.
    // TODO: We should replace this with:
    kexec: "",
    "source-map": "0.7.3",
    chalk: "4.1.2",
    sqlite3: "5.0.2",
    "http-proxy": "1.18.1",
    "is-reachable": "3.1.0",
    "wordwrap": "1.0.0",
    "moment": "2.29.1",
    "rimraf": "2.6.2",
    "glob": "7.1.6",
    ignore: "3.3.7",
    // XXX: When we update this, see if it fixes this Github issue:
    // . If it does, remove the
    // workaround from the tool.
    "commonmark": "0.15.0",
    escope: "3.6.0",
    split2: "3.2.2",
    multipipe: "2.0.1",
    pathwatcher: "8.1.0",
    // The @wry/context package version must be compatible with the
    // version constraint imposed by optimism/package.json.
    optimism: "0.16.1",
    "@wry/context": "0.6.0",
    'lru-cache': '4.1.5',
    "anser": "2.0.1",
    'xmlbuilder2': '1.8.1',
    "ws": "7.4.5"

if (process.platform === 'win32') {
  // Remove dependencies that do not work on Windows
  delete packageJson.dependencies.netroute;
  delete packageJson.dependencies.kexec;

process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(packageJson, null, 2) + '\n');