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Test Coverage
Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\dev-bundle-lib.psm1"
$PLATFORM = Get-MeteorPlatform

$windows_scripts = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$scripts_path = split-path -parent $windows_scripts
$CHECKOUT_DIR = split-path -parent $scripts_path

# extract the bundle version from the meteor bash script
$BUNDLE_VERSION = select-string -Path ($CHECKOUT_DIR + "\meteor") -Pattern 'BUNDLE_VERSION=(\S+)'  | % { $_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value } | select-object -First 1

Write-Host "Will get you a dev_bundle for $PLATFORM version $BUNDLE_VERSION"


$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

# duplicated in top-level meteor script:
# If you set $USE_TEST_DEV_BUNDLE_SERVER then we will download
# dev bundles copied by without --prod.
# It still only does this if the version number has changed
# (setting it won't cause it to automatically delete a prod dev bundle).
if ("$env:USE_TEST_DEV_BUNDLE_SERVER" -ne "") {

$devbundle_link = $DEV_BUNDLE_URL_ROOT + $TARBALL
$devbundle_zip = $CHECKOUT_DIR + "\" + $TARBALL

if (Test-Path $devbundle_zip) {
  Write-Host "Skipping download and installing kit from $devbundle_zip"
} else {
  Write-Host "Going to download the dependency kit from the Internet"

  $webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
  $webclient.DownloadFile($devbundle_link, $devbundle_zip)

  Write-Host "... downloaded"

Write-Host "Extracting $TARBALL to the dev_bundle directory"

cmd /C "7z.exe x `"$devbundle_zip`" -so | 7z.exe x -aoa -si -ttar -o`"$CHECKOUT_DIR\dev_bundle_XXX`"" | out-null
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
  Exit 1

$downloaded_tmp = $CHECKOUT_DIR + "\dev_bundle_XXX"
$downloaded_path = $downloaded_tmp + "\dev_bundle_" + $PLATFORM + "_" + $BUNDLE_VERSION
$target_path = $CHECKOUT_DIR + "\dev_bundle"
Move-Item  $downloaded_path $target_path

Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $downloaded_tmp

if ("$env:SAVE_DEV_BUNDLE_TARBALL" -ne "") {
  Write-Host "Saving the dev_bundle tarball since " -NoNewLine
  Write-Host "'SAVE_DEV_BUNDLE_TARBALL' is set in your environment. " -NoNewLine
  Write-Host "Remember, these can get quite large!"
} else {
  Write-Host "Removing dev_bundle tarball. You can preserve this in " -NoNewLine
  Write-Host "the future by setting 'SAVE_DEV_BUNDLE_TARBALL' in " -NoNewLine
  Write-Host "your environment."
  Remove-Item -Force $devbundle_zip

Write-Host "Done getting the dev_bundle for $PLATFORM version $BUNDLE_VERSION"