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// A MethodInvoker manages sending a method to the server and calling the user's
// callbacks. On construction, it registers itself in the connection's
// _methodInvokers map; it removes itself once the method is fully finished and
// the callback is invoked. This occurs when it has both received a result,
// and the data written by it is fully visible.
export default class MethodInvoker {
  constructor(options) {
    // Public (within this file) fields.
    this.methodId = options.methodId;
    this.sentMessage = false;

    this._callback = options.callback;
    this._connection = options.connection;
    this._message = options.message;
    this._onResultReceived = options.onResultReceived || (() => {});
    this._wait = options.wait;
    this.noRetry = options.noRetry;
    this._methodResult = null;
    this._dataVisible = false;

    // Register with the connection.
    this._connection._methodInvokers[this.methodId] = this;
  // Sends the method message to the server. May be called additional times if
  // we lose the connection and reconnect before receiving a result.
  sendMessage() {
    // This function is called before sending a method (including resending on
    // reconnect). We should only (re)send methods where we don't already have a
    // result!
    if (this.gotResult())
      throw new Error('sendingMethod is called on method with result');

    // If we're re-sending it, it doesn't matter if data was written the first
    // time.
    this._dataVisible = false;
    this.sentMessage = true;

    // If this is a wait method, make all data messages be buffered until it is
    // done.
    if (this._wait)
      this._connection._methodsBlockingQuiescence[this.methodId] = true;

    // Actually send the message.
  // Invoke the callback, if we have both a result and know that all data has
  // been written to the local cache.
  _maybeInvokeCallback() {
    if (this._methodResult && this._dataVisible) {
      // Call the callback. (This won't throw: the callback was wrapped with
      // bindEnvironment.)
      this._callback(this._methodResult[0], this._methodResult[1]);

      // Forget about this method.
      delete this._connection._methodInvokers[this.methodId];

      // Let the connection know that this method is finished, so it can try to
      // move on to the next block of methods.
  // Call with the result of the method from the server. Only may be called
  // once; once it is called, you should not call sendMessage again.
  // If the user provided an onResultReceived callback, call it immediately.
  // Then invoke the main callback if data is also visible.
  receiveResult(err, result) {
    if (this.gotResult())
      throw new Error('Methods should only receive results once');
    this._methodResult = [err, result];
    this._onResultReceived(err, result);
  // Call this when all data written by the method is visible. This means that
  // the method has returns its "data is done" message *AND* all server
  // documents that are buffered at that time have been written to the local
  // cache. Invokes the main callback if the result has been received.
  dataVisible() {
    this._dataVisible = true;
  // True if receiveResult has been called.
  gotResult() {
    return !!this._methodResult;