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import Cursor from './cursor.js';
import ObserveHandle from './observe_handle.js';
import {
} from './common.js';

// XXX type checking on selectors (graceful error if malformed)

// LocalCollection: a set of documents that supports queries and modifiers.
export default class LocalCollection {
  constructor(name) { = name;
    // _id -> document (also containing id)
    this._docs = new LocalCollection._IdMap;

    this._observeQueue = new Meteor._SynchronousQueue();

    this.next_qid = 1; // live query id generator

    // qid -> live query object. keys:
    //  ordered: bool. ordered queries have addedBefore/movedBefore callbacks.
    //  results: array (ordered) or object (unordered) of current results
    //    (aliased with this._docs!)
    //  resultsSnapshot: snapshot of results. null if not paused.
    //  cursor: Cursor object for the query.
    //  selector, sorter, (callbacks): functions
    this.queries = Object.create(null);

    // null if not saving originals; an IdMap from id to original document value
    // if saving originals. See comments before saveOriginals().
    this._savedOriginals = null;

    // True when observers are paused and we should not send callbacks.
    this.paused = false;

  countDocuments(selector, options) {
    return this.find(selector ?? {}, options).countAsync();

  estimatedDocumentCount(options) {
    return this.find({}, options).countAsync();

  // options may include sort, skip, limit, reactive
  // sort may be any of these forms:
  //     {a: 1, b: -1}
  //     [["a", "asc"], ["b", "desc"]]
  //     ["a", ["b", "desc"]]
  //   (in the first form you're beholden to key enumeration order in
  //   your javascript VM)
  // reactive: if given, and false, don't register with Tracker (default
  // is true)
  // XXX possibly should support retrieving a subset of fields? and
  // have it be a hint (ignored on the client, when not copying the
  // doc?)
  // XXX sort does not yet support subkeys ('a.b') .. fix that!
  // XXX add one more sort form: "key"
  // XXX tests
  find(selector, options) {
    // default syntax for everything is to omit the selector argument.
    // but if selector is explicitly passed in as false or undefined, we
    // want a selector that matches nothing.
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      selector = {};

    return new LocalCollection.Cursor(this, selector, options);

  findOne(selector, options = {}) {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      selector = {};

    // NOTE: by setting limit 1 here, we end up using very inefficient
    // code that recomputes the whole query on each update. The upside is
    // that when you reactively depend on a findOne you only get
    // invalidated when the found object changes, not any object in the
    // collection. Most findOne will be by id, which has a fast path, so
    // this might not be a big deal. In most cases, invalidation causes
    // the called to re-query anyway, so this should be a net performance
    // improvement.
    options.limit = 1;

    return this.find(selector, options).fetch()[0];

  // XXX possibly enforce that 'undefined' does not appear (we assume
  // this in our handling of null and $exists)
  insert(doc, callback) {
    doc = EJSON.clone(doc);


    // if you really want to use ObjectIDs, set this global.
    // Mongo.Collection specifies its own ids and does not use this code.
    if (!, '_id')) {
      doc._id = LocalCollection._useOID ? new MongoID.ObjectID() :;

    const id = doc._id;

    if (this._docs.has(id)) {
      throw MinimongoError(`Duplicate _id '${id}'`);

    this._saveOriginal(id, undefined);
    this._docs.set(id, doc);

    const queriesToRecompute = [];

    // trigger live queries that match
    Object.keys(this.queries).forEach(qid => {
      const query = this.queries[qid];

      if (query.dirty) {

      const matchResult = query.matcher.documentMatches(doc);

      if (matchResult.result) {
        if (query.distances && matchResult.distance !== undefined) {
          query.distances.set(id, matchResult.distance);

        if (query.cursor.skip || query.cursor.limit) {
        } else {
          LocalCollection._insertInResults(query, doc);

    queriesToRecompute.forEach(qid => {
      if (this.queries[qid]) {


    // Defer because the caller likely doesn't expect the callback to be run
    // immediately.
    if (callback) {
      Meteor.defer(() => {
        callback(null, id);

    return id;

  // Pause the observers. No callbacks from observers will fire until
  // 'resumeObservers' is called.
  pauseObservers() {
    // No-op if already paused.
    if (this.paused) {

    // Set the 'paused' flag such that new observer messages don't fire.
    this.paused = true;

    // Take a snapshot of the query results for each query.
    Object.keys(this.queries).forEach(qid => {
      const query = this.queries[qid];
      query.resultsSnapshot = EJSON.clone(query.results);

  remove(selector, callback) {
    // Easy special case: if we're not calling observeChanges callbacks and
    // we're not saving originals and we got asked to remove everything, then
    // just empty everything directly.
    if (this.paused && !this._savedOriginals && EJSON.equals(selector, {})) {
      const result = this._docs.size();


      Object.keys(this.queries).forEach(qid => {
        const query = this.queries[qid];

        if (query.ordered) {
          query.results = [];
        } else {

      if (callback) {
        Meteor.defer(() => {
          callback(null, result);

      return result;

    const matcher = new Minimongo.Matcher(selector);
    const remove = [];

    this._eachPossiblyMatchingDoc(selector, (doc, id) => {
      if (matcher.documentMatches(doc).result) {

    const queriesToRecompute = [];
    const queryRemove = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < remove.length; i++) {
      const removeId = remove[i];
      const removeDoc = this._docs.get(removeId);

      Object.keys(this.queries).forEach(qid => {
        const query = this.queries[qid];

        if (query.dirty) {

        if (query.matcher.documentMatches(removeDoc).result) {
          if (query.cursor.skip || query.cursor.limit) {
          } else {
            queryRemove.push({qid, doc: removeDoc});

      this._saveOriginal(removeId, removeDoc);

    // run live query callbacks _after_ we've removed the documents.
    queryRemove.forEach(remove => {
      const query = this.queries[remove.qid];

      if (query) {
        query.distances && query.distances.remove(remove.doc._id);
        LocalCollection._removeFromResults(query, remove.doc);

    queriesToRecompute.forEach(qid => {
      const query = this.queries[qid];

      if (query) {


    const result = remove.length;

    if (callback) {
      Meteor.defer(() => {
        callback(null, result);

    return result;

  // Resume the observers. Observers immediately receive change
  // notifications to bring them to the current state of the
  // database. Note that this is not just replaying all the changes that
  // happened during the pause, it is a smarter 'coalesced' diff.
  resumeObservers() {
    // No-op if not paused.
    if (!this.paused) {

    // Unset the 'paused' flag. Make sure to do this first, otherwise
    // observer methods won't actually fire when we trigger them.
    this.paused = false;

    Object.keys(this.queries).forEach(qid => {
      const query = this.queries[qid];

      if (query.dirty) {
        query.dirty = false;

        // re-compute results will perform `LocalCollection._diffQueryChanges`
        // automatically.
        this._recomputeResults(query, query.resultsSnapshot);
      } else {
        // Diff the current results against the snapshot and send to observers.
        // pass the query object for its observer callbacks.
          {projectionFn: query.projectionFn}

      query.resultsSnapshot = null;


  retrieveOriginals() {
    if (!this._savedOriginals) {
      throw new Error('Called retrieveOriginals without saveOriginals');

    const originals = this._savedOriginals;

    this._savedOriginals = null;

    return originals;

  // To track what documents are affected by a piece of code, call
  // saveOriginals() before it and retrieveOriginals() after it.
  // retrieveOriginals returns an object whose keys are the ids of the documents
  // that were affected since the call to saveOriginals(), and the values are
  // equal to the document's contents at the time of saveOriginals. (In the case
  // of an inserted document, undefined is the value.) You must alternate
  // between calls to saveOriginals() and retrieveOriginals().
  saveOriginals() {
    if (this._savedOriginals) {
      throw new Error('Called saveOriginals twice without retrieveOriginals');

    this._savedOriginals = new LocalCollection._IdMap;

  // XXX atomicity: if multi is true, and one modification fails, do
  // we rollback the whole operation, or what?
  update(selector, mod, options, callback) {
    if (! callback && options instanceof Function) {
      callback = options;
      options = null;

    if (!options) {
      options = {};

    const matcher = new Minimongo.Matcher(selector, true);

    // Save the original results of any query that we might need to
    // _recomputeResults on, because _modifyAndNotify will mutate the objects in
    // it. (We don't need to save the original results of paused queries because
    // they already have a resultsSnapshot and we won't be diffing in
    // _recomputeResults.)
    const qidToOriginalResults = {};

    // We should only clone each document once, even if it appears in multiple
    // queries
    const docMap = new LocalCollection._IdMap;
    const idsMatched = LocalCollection._idsMatchedBySelector(selector);

    Object.keys(this.queries).forEach(qid => {
      const query = this.queries[qid];

      if ((query.cursor.skip || query.cursor.limit) && ! this.paused) {
        // Catch the case of a reactive `count()` on a cursor with skip
        // or limit, which registers an unordered observe. This is a
        // pretty rare case, so we just clone the entire result set with
        // no optimizations for documents that appear in these result
        // sets and other queries.
        if (query.results instanceof LocalCollection._IdMap) {
          qidToOriginalResults[qid] = query.results.clone();

        if (!(query.results instanceof Array)) {
          throw new Error('Assertion failed: query.results not an array');

        // Clones a document to be stored in `qidToOriginalResults`
        // because it may be modified before the new and old result sets
        // are diffed. But if we know exactly which document IDs we're
        // going to modify, then we only need to clone those.
        const memoizedCloneIfNeeded = doc => {
          if (docMap.has(doc._id)) {
            return docMap.get(doc._id);

          const docToMemoize = (
            idsMatched &&
            !idsMatched.some(id => EJSON.equals(id, doc._id))
          ) ? doc : EJSON.clone(doc);

          docMap.set(doc._id, docToMemoize);

          return docToMemoize;

        qidToOriginalResults[qid] =;

    const recomputeQids = {};

    let updateCount = 0;

    this._eachPossiblyMatchingDoc(selector, (doc, id) => {
      const queryResult = matcher.documentMatches(doc);

      if (queryResult.result) {
        // XXX Should we save the original even if mod ends up being a no-op?
        this._saveOriginal(id, doc);


        if (!options.multi) {
          return false; // break

      return true;

    Object.keys(recomputeQids).forEach(qid => {
      const query = this.queries[qid];

      if (query) {
        this._recomputeResults(query, qidToOriginalResults[qid]);


    // If we are doing an upsert, and we didn't modify any documents yet, then
    // it's time to do an insert. Figure out what document we are inserting, and
    // generate an id for it.
    let insertedId;
    if (updateCount === 0 && options.upsert) {
      const doc = LocalCollection._createUpsertDocument(selector, mod);
      if (! doc._id && options.insertedId) {
        doc._id = options.insertedId;

      insertedId = this.insert(doc);
      updateCount = 1;

    // Return the number of affected documents, or in the upsert case, an object
    // containing the number of affected docs and the id of the doc that was
    // inserted, if any.
    let result;
    if (options._returnObject) {
      result = {numberAffected: updateCount};

      if (insertedId !== undefined) {
        result.insertedId = insertedId;
    } else {
      result = updateCount;

    if (callback) {
      Meteor.defer(() => {
        callback(null, result);

    return result;

  // A convenience wrapper on update. LocalCollection.upsert(sel, mod) is
  // equivalent to LocalCollection.update(sel, mod, {upsert: true,
  // _returnObject: true}).
  upsert(selector, mod, options, callback) {
    if (!callback && typeof options === 'function') {
      callback = options;
      options = {};

    return this.update(
      Object.assign({}, options, {upsert: true, _returnObject: true}),

  // Iterates over a subset of documents that could match selector; calls
  // fn(doc, id) on each of them.  Specifically, if selector specifies
  // specific _id's, it only looks at those.  doc is *not* cloned: it is the
  // same object that is in _docs.
  _eachPossiblyMatchingDoc(selector, fn) {
    const specificIds = LocalCollection._idsMatchedBySelector(selector);

    if (specificIds) {
      specificIds.some(id => {
        const doc = this._docs.get(id);

        if (doc) {
          return fn(doc, id) === false;
    } else {

  _modifyAndNotify(doc, mod, recomputeQids, arrayIndices) {
    const matched_before = {};

    Object.keys(this.queries).forEach(qid => {
      const query = this.queries[qid];

      if (query.dirty) {

      if (query.ordered) {
        matched_before[qid] = query.matcher.documentMatches(doc).result;
      } else {
        // Because we don't support skip or limit (yet) in unordered queries, we
        // can just do a direct lookup.
        matched_before[qid] = query.results.has(doc._id);

    const old_doc = EJSON.clone(doc);

    LocalCollection._modify(doc, mod, {arrayIndices});

    Object.keys(this.queries).forEach(qid => {
      const query = this.queries[qid];

      if (query.dirty) {

      const afterMatch = query.matcher.documentMatches(doc);
      const after = afterMatch.result;
      const before = matched_before[qid];

      if (after && query.distances && afterMatch.distance !== undefined) {
        query.distances.set(doc._id, afterMatch.distance);

      if (query.cursor.skip || query.cursor.limit) {
        // We need to recompute any query where the doc may have been in the
        // cursor's window either before or after the update. (Note that if skip
        // or limit is set, "before" and "after" being true do not necessarily
        // mean that the document is in the cursor's output after skip/limit is
        // applied... but if they are false, then the document definitely is NOT
        // in the output. So it's safe to skip recompute if neither before or
        // after are true.)
        if (before || after) {
          recomputeQids[qid] = true;
      } else if (before && !after) {
        LocalCollection._removeFromResults(query, doc);
      } else if (!before && after) {
        LocalCollection._insertInResults(query, doc);
      } else if (before && after) {
        LocalCollection._updateInResults(query, doc, old_doc);

  // Recomputes the results of a query and runs observe callbacks for the
  // difference between the previous results and the current results (unless
  // paused). Used for skip/limit queries.
  // When this is used by insert or remove, it can just use query.results for
  // the old results (and there's no need to pass in oldResults), because these
  // operations don't mutate the documents in the collection. Update needs to
  // pass in an oldResults which was deep-copied before the modifier was
  // applied.
  // oldResults is guaranteed to be ignored if the query is not paused.
  _recomputeResults(query, oldResults) {
    if (this.paused) {
      // There's no reason to recompute the results now as we're still paused.
      // By flagging the query as "dirty", the recompute will be performed
      // when resumeObservers is called.
      query.dirty = true;

    if (!this.paused && !oldResults) {
      oldResults = query.results;

    if (query.distances) {

    query.results = query.cursor._getRawObjects({
      distances: query.distances,
      ordered: query.ordered

    if (!this.paused) {
        {projectionFn: query.projectionFn}

  _saveOriginal(id, doc) {
    // Are we even trying to save originals?
    if (!this._savedOriginals) {

    // Have we previously mutated the original (and so 'doc' is not actually
    // original)?  (Note the 'has' check rather than truth: we store undefined
    // here for inserted docs!)
    if (this._savedOriginals.has(id)) {

    this._savedOriginals.set(id, EJSON.clone(doc));

LocalCollection.Cursor = Cursor;

LocalCollection.ObserveHandle = ObserveHandle;

// XXX maybe move these into another ObserveHelpers package or something

// _CachingChangeObserver is an object which receives observeChanges callbacks
// and keeps a cache of the current cursor state up to date in Users
// of this class should read the docs field but not modify it. You should pass
// the "applyChange" field as the callbacks to the underlying observeChanges
// call. Optionally, you can specify your own observeChanges callbacks which are
// invoked immediately before the docs field is updated; this object is made
// available as `this` to those callbacks.
LocalCollection._CachingChangeObserver = class _CachingChangeObserver {
  constructor(options = {}) {
    const orderedFromCallbacks = (
      options.callbacks &&

    if (, 'ordered')) {
      this.ordered = options.ordered;

      if (options.callbacks && options.ordered !== orderedFromCallbacks) {
        throw Error('ordered option doesn\'t match callbacks');
    } else if (options.callbacks) {
      this.ordered = orderedFromCallbacks;
    } else {
      throw Error('must provide ordered or callbacks');

    const callbacks = options.callbacks || {};

    if (this.ordered) { = new OrderedDict(MongoID.idStringify);
      this.applyChange = {
        addedBefore: (id, fields, before) => {
          // Take a shallow copy since the top-level properties can be changed
          const doc = { ...fields };

          doc._id = id;

          if (callbacks.addedBefore) {
  , id, EJSON.clone(fields), before);

          // This line triggers if we provide added with movedBefore.
          if (callbacks.added) {
  , id, EJSON.clone(fields));

          // XXX could `before` be a falsy ID?  Technically
          // idStringify seems to allow for them -- though
          // OrderedDict won't call stringify on a falsy arg.
, doc, before || null);
        movedBefore: (id, before) => {
          const doc =;

          if (callbacks.movedBefore) {
  , id, before);

, before || null);
    } else { = new LocalCollection._IdMap;
      this.applyChange = {
        added: (id, fields) => {
          // Take a shallow copy since the top-level properties can be changed
          const doc = { ...fields };

          if (callbacks.added) {
  , id, EJSON.clone(fields));

          doc._id = id;

,  doc);

    // The methods in _IdMap and OrderedDict used by these callbacks are
    // identical.
    this.applyChange.changed = (id, fields) => {
      const doc =;

      if (!doc) {
        throw new Error(`Unknown id for changed: ${id}`);

      if (callbacks.changed) {, id, EJSON.clone(fields));

      DiffSequence.applyChanges(doc, fields);

    this.applyChange.removed = id => {
      if (callbacks.removed) {, id);

LocalCollection._IdMap = class _IdMap extends IdMap {
  constructor() {
    super(MongoID.idStringify, MongoID.idParse);

// Wrap a transform function to return objects that have the _id field
// of the untransformed document. This ensures that subsystems such as
// the observe-sequence package that call `observe` can keep track of
// the documents identities.
// - Require that it returns objects
// - If the return value has an _id field, verify that it matches the
//   original _id field
// - If the return value doesn't have an _id field, add it back.
LocalCollection.wrapTransform = transform => {
  if (!transform) {
    return null;

  // No need to doubly-wrap transforms.
  if (transform.__wrappedTransform__) {
    return transform;

  const wrapped = doc => {
    if (!, '_id')) {
      // XXX do we ever have a transform on the oplog's collection? because that
      // collection has no _id.
      throw new Error('can only transform documents with _id');

    const id = doc._id;

    // XXX consider making tracker a weak dependency and checking
    // Package.tracker here
    const transformed = Tracker.nonreactive(() => transform(doc));

    if (!LocalCollection._isPlainObject(transformed)) {
      throw new Error('transform must return object');

    if (, '_id')) {
      if (!EJSON.equals(transformed._id, id)) {
        throw new Error('transformed document can\'t have different _id');
    } else {
      transformed._id = id;

    return transformed;

  wrapped.__wrappedTransform__ = true;

  return wrapped;

// XXX the sorted-query logic below is laughably inefficient. we'll
// need to come up with a better datastructure for this.
// XXX the logic for observing with a skip or a limit is even more
// laughably inefficient. we recompute the whole results every time!

// This binary search puts a value between any equal values, and the first
// lesser value.
LocalCollection._binarySearch = (cmp, array, value) => {
  let first = 0;
  let range = array.length;

  while (range > 0) {
    const halfRange = Math.floor(range / 2);

    if (cmp(value, array[first + halfRange]) >= 0) {
      first += halfRange + 1;
      range -= halfRange + 1;
    } else {
      range = halfRange;

  return first;

LocalCollection._checkSupportedProjection = fields => {
  if (fields !== Object(fields) || Array.isArray(fields)) {
    throw MinimongoError('fields option must be an object');

  Object.keys(fields).forEach(keyPath => {
    if (keyPath.split('.').includes('$')) {
      throw MinimongoError(
        'Minimongo doesn\'t support $ operator in projections yet.'

    const value = fields[keyPath];

    if (typeof value === 'object' &&
        ['$elemMatch', '$meta', '$slice'].some(key =>
, key)
        )) {
      throw MinimongoError(
        'Minimongo doesn\'t support operators in projections yet.'

    if (![1, 0, true, false].includes(value)) {
      throw MinimongoError(
        'Projection values should be one of 1, 0, true, or false'

// Knows how to compile a fields projection to a predicate function.
// @returns - Function: a closure that filters out an object according to the
//            fields projection rules:
//            @param obj - Object: MongoDB-styled document
//            @returns - Object: a document with the fields filtered out
//                       according to projection rules. Doesn't retain subfields
//                       of passed argument.
LocalCollection._compileProjection = fields => {

  const _idProjection = fields._id === undefined ? true : fields._id;
  const details = projectionDetails(fields);

  // returns transformed doc according to ruleTree
  const transform = (doc, ruleTree) => {
    // Special case for "sets"
    if (Array.isArray(doc)) {
      return => transform(subdoc, ruleTree));

    const result = details.including ? {} : EJSON.clone(doc);

    Object.keys(ruleTree).forEach(key => {
      if (doc == null || !, key)) {

      const rule = ruleTree[key];

      if (rule === Object(rule)) {
        // For sub-objects/subsets we branch
        if (doc[key] === Object(doc[key])) {
          result[key] = transform(doc[key], rule);
      } else if (details.including) {
        // Otherwise we don't even touch this subfield
        result[key] = EJSON.clone(doc[key]);
      } else {
        delete result[key];

    return doc != null ? result : doc;

  return doc => {
    const result = transform(doc, details.tree);

    if (_idProjection &&, '_id')) {
      result._id = doc._id;

    if (!_idProjection &&, '_id')) {
      delete result._id;

    return result;

// Calculates the document to insert in case we're doing an upsert and the
// selector does not match any elements
LocalCollection._createUpsertDocument = (selector, modifier) => {
  const selectorDocument = populateDocumentWithQueryFields(selector);
  const isModify = LocalCollection._isModificationMod(modifier);

  const newDoc = {};

  if (selectorDocument._id) {
    newDoc._id = selectorDocument._id;
    delete selectorDocument._id;

  // This double _modify call is made to help with nested properties (see issue
  // #8631). We do this even if it's a replacement for validation purposes (e.g.
  // ambiguous id's)
  LocalCollection._modify(newDoc, {$set: selectorDocument});
  LocalCollection._modify(newDoc, modifier, {isInsert: true});

  if (isModify) {
    return newDoc;

  // Replacement can take _id from query document
  const replacement = Object.assign({}, modifier);
  if (newDoc._id) {
    replacement._id = newDoc._id;

  return replacement;

LocalCollection._diffObjects = (left, right, callbacks) => {
  return DiffSequence.diffObjects(left, right, callbacks);

// ordered: bool.
// old_results and new_results: collections of documents.
//    if ordered, they are arrays.
//    if unordered, they are IdMaps
LocalCollection._diffQueryChanges = (ordered, oldResults, newResults, observer, options) =>
  DiffSequence.diffQueryChanges(ordered, oldResults, newResults, observer, options)

LocalCollection._diffQueryOrderedChanges = (oldResults, newResults, observer, options) =>
  DiffSequence.diffQueryOrderedChanges(oldResults, newResults, observer, options)

LocalCollection._diffQueryUnorderedChanges = (oldResults, newResults, observer, options) =>
  DiffSequence.diffQueryUnorderedChanges(oldResults, newResults, observer, options)

LocalCollection._findInOrderedResults = (query, doc) => {
  if (!query.ordered) {
    throw new Error('Can\'t call _findInOrderedResults on unordered query');

  for (let i = 0; i < query.results.length; i++) {
    if (query.results[i] === doc) {
      return i;

  throw Error('object missing from query');

// If this is a selector which explicitly constrains the match by ID to a finite
// number of documents, returns a list of their IDs.  Otherwise returns
// null. Note that the selector may have other restrictions so it may not even
// match those document!  We care about $in and $and since those are generated
// access-controlled update and remove.
LocalCollection._idsMatchedBySelector = selector => {
  // Is the selector just an ID?
  if (LocalCollection._selectorIsId(selector)) {
    return [selector];

  if (!selector) {
    return null;

  // Do we have an _id clause?
  if (, '_id')) {
    // Is the _id clause just an ID?
    if (LocalCollection._selectorIsId(selector._id)) {
      return [selector._id];

    // Is the _id clause {_id: {$in: ["x", "y", "z"]}}?
    if (selector._id
        && Array.isArray(selector._id.$in)
        && selector._id.$in.length
        && selector._id.$in.every(LocalCollection._selectorIsId)) {
      return selector._id.$in;

    return null;

  // If this is a top-level $and, and any of the clauses constrain their
  // documents, then the whole selector is constrained by any one clause's
  // constraint. (Well, by their intersection, but that seems unlikely.)
  if (Array.isArray(selector.$and)) {
    for (let i = 0; i < selector.$and.length; ++i) {
      const subIds = LocalCollection._idsMatchedBySelector(selector.$and[i]);

      if (subIds) {
        return subIds;

  return null;

LocalCollection._insertInResults = (query, doc) => {
  const fields = EJSON.clone(doc);

  delete fields._id;

  if (query.ordered) {
    if (!query.sorter) {
      query.addedBefore(doc._id, query.projectionFn(fields), null);
    } else {
      const i = LocalCollection._insertInSortedList(
        query.sorter.getComparator({distances: query.distances}),

      let next = query.results[i + 1];
      if (next) {
        next = next._id;
      } else {
        next = null;

      query.addedBefore(doc._id, query.projectionFn(fields), next);

    query.added(doc._id, query.projectionFn(fields));
  } else {
    query.added(doc._id, query.projectionFn(fields));
    query.results.set(doc._id, doc);

LocalCollection._insertInSortedList = (cmp, array, value) => {
  if (array.length === 0) {
    return 0;

  const i = LocalCollection._binarySearch(cmp, array, value);

  array.splice(i, 0, value);

  return i;

LocalCollection._isModificationMod = mod => {
  let isModify = false;
  let isReplace = false;

  Object.keys(mod).forEach(key => {
    if (key.substr(0, 1) === '$') {
      isModify = true;
    } else {
      isReplace = true;

  if (isModify && isReplace) {
    throw new Error(
      'Update parameter cannot have both modifier and non-modifier fields.'

  return isModify;

// XXX maybe this should be EJSON.isObject, though EJSON doesn't know about
// RegExp
// XXX note that _type(undefined) === 3!!!!
LocalCollection._isPlainObject = x => {
  return x && LocalCollection._f._type(x) === 3;

// XXX need a strategy for passing the binding of $ into this
// function, from the compiled selector
// maybe just { array_index}
// XXX atomicity: if one modification fails, do we roll back the whole
// change?
// options:
//   - isInsert is set when _modify is being called to compute the document to
//     insert as part of an upsert operation. We use this primarily to figure
//     out when to set the fields in $setOnInsert, if present.
LocalCollection._modify = (doc, modifier, options = {}) => {
  if (!LocalCollection._isPlainObject(modifier)) {
    throw MinimongoError('Modifier must be an object');

  // Make sure the caller can't mutate our data structures.
  modifier = EJSON.clone(modifier);

  const isModifier = isOperatorObject(modifier);
  const newDoc = isModifier ? EJSON.clone(doc) : modifier;

  if (isModifier) {
    // apply modifiers to the doc.
    Object.keys(modifier).forEach(operator => {
      // Treat $setOnInsert as $set if this is an insert.
      const setOnInsert = options.isInsert && operator === '$setOnInsert';
      const modFunc = MODIFIERS[setOnInsert ? '$set' : operator];
      const operand = modifier[operator];

      if (!modFunc) {
        throw MinimongoError(`Invalid modifier specified ${operator}`);

      Object.keys(operand).forEach(keypath => {
        const arg = operand[keypath];

        if (keypath === '') {
          throw MinimongoError('An empty update path is not valid.');

        const keyparts = keypath.split('.');

        if (!keyparts.every(Boolean)) {
          throw MinimongoError(
            `The update path '${keypath}' contains an empty field name, ` +
            'which is not allowed.'

        const target = findModTarget(newDoc, keyparts, {
          arrayIndices: options.arrayIndices,
          forbidArray: operator === '$rename',
          noCreate: NO_CREATE_MODIFIERS[operator]

        modFunc(target, keyparts.pop(), arg, keypath, newDoc);

    if (doc._id && !EJSON.equals(doc._id, newDoc._id)) {
      throw MinimongoError(
        `After applying the update to the document {_id: "${doc._id}", ...},` +
        ' the (immutable) field \'_id\' was found to have been altered to ' +
        `_id: "${newDoc._id}"`
  } else {
    if (doc._id && modifier._id && !EJSON.equals(doc._id, modifier._id)) {
      throw MinimongoError(
        `The _id field cannot be changed from {_id: "${doc._id}"} to ` +
        `{_id: "${modifier._id}"}`

    // replace the whole document

  // move new document into place.
  Object.keys(doc).forEach(key => {
    // Note: this used to be for (var key in doc) however, this does not
    // work right in Opera. Deleting from a doc while iterating over it
    // would sometimes cause opera to skip some keys.
    if (key !== '_id') {
      delete doc[key];

  Object.keys(newDoc).forEach(key => {
    doc[key] = newDoc[key];

LocalCollection._observeFromObserveChanges = (cursor, observeCallbacks) => {
  const transform = cursor.getTransform() || (doc => doc);
  let suppressed = !!observeCallbacks._suppress_initial;

  let observeChangesCallbacks;
  if (LocalCollection._observeCallbacksAreOrdered(observeCallbacks)) {
    // The "_no_indices" option sets all index arguments to -1 and skips the
    // linear scans required to generate them.  This lets observers that don't
    // need absolute indices benefit from the other features of this API --
    // relative order, transforms, and applyChanges -- without the speed hit.
    const indices = !observeCallbacks._no_indices;

    observeChangesCallbacks = {
      addedBefore(id, fields, before) {
        if (suppressed || !(observeCallbacks.addedAt || observeCallbacks.added)) {

        const doc = transform(Object.assign(fields, {_id: id}));

        if (observeCallbacks.addedAt) {
              ? before
              : -1,
        } else {
      changed(id, fields) {
        if (!(observeCallbacks.changedAt || observeCallbacks.changed)) {

        let doc = EJSON.clone(;
        if (!doc) {
          throw new Error(`Unknown id for changed: ${id}`);

        const oldDoc = transform(EJSON.clone(doc));

        DiffSequence.applyChanges(doc, fields);

        if (observeCallbacks.changedAt) {
            indices ? : -1
        } else {
          observeCallbacks.changed(transform(doc), oldDoc);
      movedBefore(id, before) {
        if (!observeCallbacks.movedTo) {

        const from = indices ? : -1;
        let to = indices
          ? before
          : -1;

        // When not moving backwards, adjust for the fact that removing the
        // document slides everything back one slot.
        if (to > from) {

          before || null
      removed(id) {
        if (!(observeCallbacks.removedAt || observeCallbacks.removed)) {

        // technically maybe there should be an EJSON.clone here, but it's about
        // to be removed from!
        const doc = transform(;

        if (observeCallbacks.removedAt) {
          observeCallbacks.removedAt(doc, indices ? : -1);
        } else {
  } else {
    observeChangesCallbacks = {
      added(id, fields) {
        if (!suppressed && observeCallbacks.added) {
          observeCallbacks.added(transform(Object.assign(fields, {_id: id})));
      changed(id, fields) {
        if (observeCallbacks.changed) {
          const oldDoc =;
          const doc = EJSON.clone(oldDoc);

          DiffSequence.applyChanges(doc, fields);

      removed(id) {
        if (observeCallbacks.removed) {

  const changeObserver = new LocalCollection._CachingChangeObserver({
    callbacks: observeChangesCallbacks

  // CachingChangeObserver clones all received input on its callbacks
  // So we can mark it as safe to reduce the ejson clones.
  // This is tested by the `mongo-livedata - (extended) scribbling` tests
  changeObserver.applyChange._fromObserve = true;
  const handle = cursor.observeChanges(changeObserver.applyChange,
    { nonMutatingCallbacks: true });

  suppressed = false;

  return handle;

LocalCollection._observeCallbacksAreOrdered = callbacks => {
  if (callbacks.added && callbacks.addedAt) {
    throw new Error('Please specify only one of added() and addedAt()');

  if (callbacks.changed && callbacks.changedAt) {
    throw new Error('Please specify only one of changed() and changedAt()');

  if (callbacks.removed && callbacks.removedAt) {
    throw new Error('Please specify only one of removed() and removedAt()');

  return !!(
    callbacks.addedAt ||
    callbacks.changedAt ||
    callbacks.movedTo ||

LocalCollection._observeChangesCallbacksAreOrdered = callbacks => {
  if (callbacks.added && callbacks.addedBefore) {
    throw new Error('Please specify only one of added() and addedBefore()');

  return !!(callbacks.addedBefore || callbacks.movedBefore);

LocalCollection._removeFromResults = (query, doc) => {
  if (query.ordered) {
    const i = LocalCollection._findInOrderedResults(query, doc);

    query.results.splice(i, 1);
  } else {
    const id = doc._id;  // in case callback mutates doc


// Is this selector just shorthand for lookup by _id?
LocalCollection._selectorIsId = selector =>
  typeof selector === 'number' ||
  typeof selector === 'string' ||
  selector instanceof MongoID.ObjectID

// Is the selector just lookup by _id (shorthand or not)?
LocalCollection._selectorIsIdPerhapsAsObject = selector =>
  LocalCollection._selectorIsId(selector) ||
  LocalCollection._selectorIsId(selector && selector._id) &&
  Object.keys(selector).length === 1

LocalCollection._updateInResults = (query, doc, old_doc) => {
  if (!EJSON.equals(doc._id, old_doc._id)) {
    throw new Error('Can\'t change a doc\'s _id while updating');

  const projectionFn = query.projectionFn;
  const changedFields = DiffSequence.makeChangedFields(

  if (!query.ordered) {
    if (Object.keys(changedFields).length) {
      query.changed(doc._id, changedFields);
      query.results.set(doc._id, doc);


  const old_idx = LocalCollection._findInOrderedResults(query, doc);

  if (Object.keys(changedFields).length) {
    query.changed(doc._id, changedFields);

  if (!query.sorter) {

  // just take it out and put it back in again, and see if the index changes
  query.results.splice(old_idx, 1);

  const new_idx = LocalCollection._insertInSortedList(
    query.sorter.getComparator({distances: query.distances}),

  if (old_idx !== new_idx) {
    let next = query.results[new_idx + 1];
    if (next) {
      next = next._id;
    } else {
      next = null;

    query.movedBefore && query.movedBefore(doc._id, next);

const MODIFIERS = {
  $currentDate(target, field, arg) {
    if (typeof arg === 'object' &&, '$type')) {
      if (arg.$type !== 'date') {
        throw MinimongoError(
          'Minimongo does currently only support the date type in ' +
          '$currentDate modifiers',
    } else if (arg !== true) {
      throw MinimongoError('Invalid $currentDate modifier', {field});

    target[field] = new Date();
  $inc(target, field, arg) {
    if (typeof arg !== 'number') {
      throw MinimongoError('Modifier $inc allowed for numbers only', {field});

    if (field in target) {
      if (typeof target[field] !== 'number') {
        throw MinimongoError(
          'Cannot apply $inc modifier to non-number',

      target[field] += arg;
    } else {
      target[field] = arg;
  $min(target, field, arg) {
    if (typeof arg !== 'number') {
      throw MinimongoError('Modifier $min allowed for numbers only', {field});

    if (field in target) {
      if (typeof target[field] !== 'number') {
        throw MinimongoError(
          'Cannot apply $min modifier to non-number',

      if (target[field] > arg) {
        target[field] = arg;
    } else {
      target[field] = arg;
  $max(target, field, arg) {
    if (typeof arg !== 'number') {
      throw MinimongoError('Modifier $max allowed for numbers only', {field});

    if (field in target) {
      if (typeof target[field] !== 'number') {
        throw MinimongoError(
          'Cannot apply $max modifier to non-number',

      if (target[field] < arg) {
        target[field] = arg;
    } else {
      target[field] = arg;
  $mul(target, field, arg) {
    if (typeof arg !== 'number') {
      throw MinimongoError('Modifier $mul allowed for numbers only', {field});

    if (field in target) {
      if (typeof target[field] !== 'number') {
        throw MinimongoError(
          'Cannot apply $mul modifier to non-number',

      target[field] *= arg;
    } else {
      target[field] = 0;
  $rename(target, field, arg, keypath, doc) {
    // no idea why mongo has this restriction..
    if (keypath === arg) {
      throw MinimongoError('$rename source must differ from target', {field});

    if (target === null) {
      throw MinimongoError('$rename source field invalid', {field});

    if (typeof arg !== 'string') {
      throw MinimongoError('$rename target must be a string', {field});

    if (arg.includes('\0')) {
      // Null bytes are not allowed in Mongo field names
      throw MinimongoError(
        'The \'to\' field for $rename cannot contain an embedded null byte',

    if (target === undefined) {

    const object = target[field];

    delete target[field];

    const keyparts = arg.split('.');
    const target2 = findModTarget(doc, keyparts, {forbidArray: true});

    if (target2 === null) {
      throw MinimongoError('$rename target field invalid', {field});

    target2[keyparts.pop()] = object;
  $set(target, field, arg) {
    if (target !== Object(target)) { // not an array or an object
      const error = MinimongoError(
        'Cannot set property on non-object field',
      error.setPropertyError = true;
      throw error;

    if (target === null) {
      const error = MinimongoError('Cannot set property on null', {field});
      error.setPropertyError = true;
      throw error;


    target[field] = arg;
  $setOnInsert(target, field, arg) {
    // converted to `$set` in `_modify`
  $unset(target, field, arg) {
    if (target !== undefined) {
      if (target instanceof Array) {
        if (field in target) {
          target[field] = null;
      } else {
        delete target[field];
  $push(target, field, arg) {
    if (target[field] === undefined) {
      target[field] = [];

    if (!(target[field] instanceof Array)) {
      throw MinimongoError('Cannot apply $push modifier to non-array', {field});

    if (!(arg && arg.$each)) {
      // Simple mode: not $each



    // Fancy mode: $each (and maybe $slice and $sort and $position)
    const toPush = arg.$each;
    if (!(toPush instanceof Array)) {
      throw MinimongoError('$each must be an array', {field});


    // Parse $position
    let position = undefined;
    if ('$position' in arg) {
      if (typeof arg.$position !== 'number') {
        throw MinimongoError('$position must be a numeric value', {field});

      // XXX should check to make sure integer
      if (arg.$position < 0) {
        throw MinimongoError(
          '$position in $push must be zero or positive',

      position = arg.$position;

    // Parse $slice.
    let slice = undefined;
    if ('$slice' in arg) {
      if (typeof arg.$slice !== 'number') {
        throw MinimongoError('$slice must be a numeric value', {field});

      // XXX should check to make sure integer
      slice = arg.$slice;

    // Parse $sort.
    let sortFunction = undefined;
    if (arg.$sort) {
      if (slice === undefined) {
        throw MinimongoError('$sort requires $slice to be present', {field});

      // XXX this allows us to use a $sort whose value is an array, but that's
      // actually an extension of the Node driver, so it won't work
      // server-side. Could be confusing!
      // XXX is it correct that we don't do geo-stuff here?
      sortFunction = new Minimongo.Sorter(arg.$sort).getComparator();

      toPush.forEach(element => {
        if (LocalCollection._f._type(element) !== 3) {
          throw MinimongoError(
            '$push like modifiers using $sort require all elements to be ' +

    // Actually push.
    if (position === undefined) {
      toPush.forEach(element => {
    } else {
      const spliceArguments = [position, 0];

      toPush.forEach(element => {


    // Actually sort.
    if (sortFunction) {

    // Actually slice.
    if (slice !== undefined) {
      if (slice === 0) {
        target[field] = []; // differs from Array.slice!
      } else if (slice < 0) {
        target[field] = target[field].slice(slice);
      } else {
        target[field] = target[field].slice(0, slice);
  $pushAll(target, field, arg) {
    if (!(typeof arg === 'object' && arg instanceof Array)) {
      throw MinimongoError('Modifier $pushAll/pullAll allowed for arrays only');


    const toPush = target[field];

    if (toPush === undefined) {
      target[field] = arg;
    } else if (!(toPush instanceof Array)) {
      throw MinimongoError(
        'Cannot apply $pushAll modifier to non-array',
    } else {
  $addToSet(target, field, arg) {
    let isEach = false;

    if (typeof arg === 'object') {
      // check if first key is '$each'
      const keys = Object.keys(arg);
      if (keys[0] === '$each') {
        isEach = true;

    const values = isEach ? arg.$each : [arg];


    const toAdd = target[field];
    if (toAdd === undefined) {
      target[field] = values;
    } else if (!(toAdd instanceof Array)) {
      throw MinimongoError(
        'Cannot apply $addToSet modifier to non-array',
    } else {
      values.forEach(value => {
        if (toAdd.some(element => LocalCollection._f._equal(value, element))) {

  $pop(target, field, arg) {
    if (target === undefined) {

    const toPop = target[field];

    if (toPop === undefined) {

    if (!(toPop instanceof Array)) {
      throw MinimongoError('Cannot apply $pop modifier to non-array', {field});

    if (typeof arg === 'number' && arg < 0) {
      toPop.splice(0, 1);
    } else {
  $pull(target, field, arg) {
    if (target === undefined) {

    const toPull = target[field];
    if (toPull === undefined) {

    if (!(toPull instanceof Array)) {
      throw MinimongoError(
        'Cannot apply $pull/pullAll modifier to non-array',

    let out;
    if (arg != null && typeof arg === 'object' && !(arg instanceof Array)) {
      // XXX would be much nicer to compile this once, rather than
      // for each document we modify.. but usually we're not
      // modifying that many documents, so we'll let it slide for
      // now

      // XXX Minimongo.Matcher isn't up for the job, because we need
      // to permit stuff like {$pull: {a: {$gt: 4}}}.. something
      // like {$gt: 4} is not normally a complete selector.
      // same issue as $elemMatch possibly?
      const matcher = new Minimongo.Matcher(arg);

      out = toPull.filter(element => !matcher.documentMatches(element).result);
    } else {
      out = toPull.filter(element => !LocalCollection._f._equal(element, arg));

    target[field] = out;
  $pullAll(target, field, arg) {
    if (!(typeof arg === 'object' && arg instanceof Array)) {
      throw MinimongoError(
        'Modifier $pushAll/pullAll allowed for arrays only',

    if (target === undefined) {

    const toPull = target[field];

    if (toPull === undefined) {

    if (!(toPull instanceof Array)) {
      throw MinimongoError(
        'Cannot apply $pull/pullAll modifier to non-array',

    target[field] = toPull.filter(object =>
      !arg.some(element => LocalCollection._f._equal(object, element))
  $bit(target, field, arg) {
    // XXX mongo only supports $bit on integers, and we only support
    // native javascript numbers (doubles) so far, so we can't support $bit
    throw MinimongoError('$bit is not supported', {field});
  $v() {
    // As discussed in,
    // the `$v` operator is not needed by Meteor, but problems can occur if
    // it's not at least callable (as of Mongo >= 3.6). It's defined here as
    // a no-op to work around these problems.

  $pop: true,
  $pull: true,
  $pullAll: true,
  $rename: true,
  $unset: true

// Make sure field names do not contain Mongo restricted
// characters ('.', '$', '\0').
const invalidCharMsg = {
  $: 'start with \'$\'',
  '.': 'contain \'.\'',
  '\0': 'contain null bytes'

// checks if all field names in an object are valid
function assertHasValidFieldNames(doc) {
  if (doc && typeof doc === 'object') {
    JSON.stringify(doc, (key, value) => {
      return value;

function assertIsValidFieldName(key) {
  let match;
  if (typeof key === 'string' && (match = key.match(/^\$|\.|\0/))) {
    throw MinimongoError(`Key ${key} must not ${invalidCharMsg[match[0]]}`);

// for a.b.c.2.d.e, keyparts should be ['a', 'b', 'c', '2', 'd', 'e'],
// and then you would operate on the 'e' property of the returned
// object.
// if options.noCreate is falsey, creates intermediate levels of
// structure as necessary, like mkdir -p (and raises an exception if
// that would mean giving a non-numeric property to an array.) if
// options.noCreate is true, return undefined instead.
// may modify the last element of keyparts to signal to the caller that it needs
// to use a different value to index into the returned object (for example,
// ['a', '01'] -> ['a', 1]).
// if forbidArray is true, return null if the keypath goes through an array.
// if options.arrayIndices is set, use its first element for the (first) '$' in
// the path.
function findModTarget(doc, keyparts, options = {}) {
  let usedArrayIndex = false;

  for (let i = 0; i < keyparts.length; i++) {
    const last = i === keyparts.length - 1;
    let keypart = keyparts[i];

    if (!isIndexable(doc)) {
      if (options.noCreate) {
        return undefined;

      const error = MinimongoError(
        `cannot use the part '${keypart}' to traverse ${doc}`
      error.setPropertyError = true;
      throw error;

    if (doc instanceof Array) {
      if (options.forbidArray) {
        return null;

      if (keypart === '$') {
        if (usedArrayIndex) {
          throw MinimongoError('Too many positional (i.e. \'$\') elements');

        if (!options.arrayIndices || !options.arrayIndices.length) {
          throw MinimongoError(
            'The positional operator did not find the match needed from the ' +

        keypart = options.arrayIndices[0];
        usedArrayIndex = true;
      } else if (isNumericKey(keypart)) {
        keypart = parseInt(keypart);
      } else {
        if (options.noCreate) {
          return undefined;

        throw MinimongoError(
          `can't append to array using string field name [${keypart}]`

      if (last) {
        keyparts[i] = keypart; // handle 'a.01'

      if (options.noCreate && keypart >= doc.length) {
        return undefined;

      while (doc.length < keypart) {

      if (!last) {
        if (doc.length === keypart) {
        } else if (typeof doc[keypart] !== 'object') {
          throw MinimongoError(
            `can't modify field '${keyparts[i + 1]}' of list value ` +
    } else {

      if (!(keypart in doc)) {
        if (options.noCreate) {
          return undefined;

        if (!last) {
          doc[keypart] = {};

    if (last) {
      return doc;

    doc = doc[keypart];

  // notreached