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import LocalCollection from './local_collection.js';
import {
} from './common.js';

const Decimal = Package['mongo-decimal']?.Decimal || class DecimalStub {}

// The minimongo selector compiler!

// Terminology:
//  - a 'selector' is the EJSON object representing a selector
//  - a 'matcher' is its compiled form (whether a full Minimongo.Matcher
//    object or one of the component lambdas that matches parts of it)
//  - a 'result object' is an object with a 'result' field and maybe
//    distance and arrayIndices.
//  - a 'branched value' is an object with a 'value' field and maybe
//    'dontIterate' and 'arrayIndices'.
//  - a 'document' is a top-level object that can be stored in a collection.
//  - a 'lookup function' is a function that takes in a document and returns
//    an array of 'branched values'.
//  - a 'branched matcher' maps from an array of branched values to a result
//    object.
//  - an 'element matcher' maps from a single value to a bool.

// Main entry point.
//   var matcher = new Minimongo.Matcher({a: {$gt: 5}});
//   if (matcher.documentMatches({a: 7})) ...
export default class Matcher {
  constructor(selector, isUpdate) {
    // A set (object mapping string -> *) of all of the document paths looked
    // at by the selector. Also includes the empty string if it may look at any
    // path (eg, $where).
    this._paths = {};
    // Set to true if compilation finds a $near.
    this._hasGeoQuery = false;
    // Set to true if compilation finds a $where.
    this._hasWhere = false;
    // Set to false if compilation finds anything other than a simple equality
    // or one or more of '$gt', '$gte', '$lt', '$lte', '$ne', '$in', '$nin' used
    // with scalars as operands.
    this._isSimple = true;
    // Set to a dummy document which always matches this Matcher. Or set to null
    // if such document is too hard to find.
    this._matchingDocument = undefined;
    // A clone of the original selector. It may just be a function if the user
    // passed in a function; otherwise is definitely an object (eg, IDs are
    // translated into {_id: ID} first. Used by canBecomeTrueByModifier and
    // Sorter._useWithMatcher.
    this._selector = null;
    this._docMatcher = this._compileSelector(selector);
    // Set to true if selection is done for an update operation
    // Default is false
    // Used for $near array update (issue #3599)
    this._isUpdate = isUpdate;

  documentMatches(doc) {
    if (doc !== Object(doc)) {
      throw Error('documentMatches needs a document');

    return this._docMatcher(doc);

  hasGeoQuery() {
    return this._hasGeoQuery;

  hasWhere() {
    return this._hasWhere;

  isSimple() {
    return this._isSimple;

  // Given a selector, return a function that takes one argument, a
  // document. It returns a result object.
  _compileSelector(selector) {
    // you can pass a literal function instead of a selector
    if (selector instanceof Function) {
      this._isSimple = false;
      this._selector = selector;

      return doc => ({result: !!});

    // shorthand -- scalar _id
    if (LocalCollection._selectorIsId(selector)) {
      this._selector = {_id: selector};

      return doc => ({result: EJSON.equals(doc._id, selector)});

    // protect against dangerous selectors.  falsey and {_id: falsey} are both
    // likely programmer error, and not what you want, particularly for
    // destructive operations.
    if (!selector ||, '_id') && !selector._id) {
      this._isSimple = false;
      return nothingMatcher;

    // Top level can't be an array or true or binary.
    if (Array.isArray(selector) ||
        EJSON.isBinary(selector) ||
        typeof selector === 'boolean') {
      throw new Error(`Invalid selector: ${selector}`);

    this._selector = EJSON.clone(selector);

    return compileDocumentSelector(selector, this, {isRoot: true});

  // Returns a list of key paths the given selector is looking for. It includes
  // the empty string if there is a $where.
  _getPaths() {
    return Object.keys(this._paths);

  _recordPathUsed(path) {
    this._paths[path] = true;

// helpers used by compiled selector code
LocalCollection._f = {
  // XXX for _all and _in, consider building 'inquery' at compile time..
  _type(v) {
    if (typeof v === 'number') {
      return 1;

    if (typeof v === 'string') {
      return 2;

    if (typeof v === 'boolean') {
      return 8;

    if (Array.isArray(v)) {
      return 4;

    if (v === null) {
      return 10;

    // note that typeof(/x/) === "object"
    if (v instanceof RegExp) {
      return 11;

    if (typeof v === 'function') {
      return 13;

    if (v instanceof Date) {
      return 9;

    if (EJSON.isBinary(v)) {
      return 5;

    if (v instanceof MongoID.ObjectID) {
      return 7;

    if (v instanceof Decimal) {
      return 1;

    // object
    return 3;

    // XXX support some/all of these:
    // 14, symbol
    // 15, javascript code with scope
    // 16, 18: 32-bit/64-bit integer
    // 17, timestamp
    // 255, minkey
    // 127, maxkey

  // deep equality test: use for literal document and array matches
  _equal(a, b) {
    return EJSON.equals(a, b, {keyOrderSensitive: true});

  // maps a type code to a value that can be used to sort values of different
  // types
  _typeorder(t) {
    // XXX what is the correct sort position for Javascript code?
    // ('100' in the matrix below)
    // XXX minkey/maxkey
    return [
      -1,  // (not a type)
      1,   // number
      2,   // string
      3,   // object
      4,   // array
      5,   // binary
      -1,  // deprecated
      6,   // ObjectID
      7,   // bool
      8,   // Date
      0,   // null
      9,   // RegExp
      -1,  // deprecated
      100, // JS code
      2,   // deprecated (symbol)
      100, // JS code
      1,   // 32-bit int
      8,   // Mongo timestamp
      1    // 64-bit int

  // compare two values of unknown type according to BSON ordering
  // semantics. (as an extension, consider 'undefined' to be less than
  // any other value.) return negative if a is less, positive if b is
  // less, or 0 if equal
  _cmp(a, b) {
    if (a === undefined) {
      return b === undefined ? 0 : -1;

    if (b === undefined) {
      return 1;

    let ta = LocalCollection._f._type(a);
    let tb = LocalCollection._f._type(b);

    const oa = LocalCollection._f._typeorder(ta);
    const ob = LocalCollection._f._typeorder(tb);

    if (oa !== ob) {
      return oa < ob ? -1 : 1;

    // XXX need to implement this if we implement Symbol or integers, or
    // Timestamp
    if (ta !== tb) {
      throw Error('Missing type coercion logic in _cmp');

    if (ta === 7) { // ObjectID
      // Convert to string.
      ta = tb = 2;
      a = a.toHexString();
      b = b.toHexString();

    if (ta === 9) { // Date
      // Convert to millis.
      ta = tb = 1;
      a = isNaN(a) ? 0 : a.getTime();
      b = isNaN(b) ? 0 : b.getTime();

    if (ta === 1) { // double
      if (a instanceof Decimal) {
        return a.minus(b).toNumber();
      } else {
        return a - b;

    if (tb === 2) // string
      return a < b ? -1 : a === b ? 0 : 1;

    if (ta === 3) { // Object
      // this could be much more efficient in the expected case ...
      const toArray = object => {
        const result = [];

        Object.keys(object).forEach(key => {
          result.push(key, object[key]);

        return result;

      return LocalCollection._f._cmp(toArray(a), toArray(b));

    if (ta === 4) { // Array
      for (let i = 0; ; i++) {
        if (i === a.length) {
          return i === b.length ? 0 : -1;

        if (i === b.length) {
          return 1;

        const s = LocalCollection._f._cmp(a[i], b[i]);
        if (s !== 0) {
          return s;

    if (ta === 5) { // binary
      // Surprisingly, a small binary blob is always less than a large one in
      // Mongo.
      if (a.length !== b.length) {
        return a.length - b.length;

      for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        if (a[i] < b[i]) {
          return -1;

        if (a[i] > b[i]) {
          return 1;

      return 0;

    if (ta === 8) { // boolean
      if (a) {
        return b ? 0 : 1;

      return b ? -1 : 0;

    if (ta === 10) // null
      return 0;

    if (ta === 11) // regexp
      throw Error('Sorting not supported on regular expression'); // XXX

    // 13: javascript code
    // 14: symbol
    // 15: javascript code with scope
    // 16: 32-bit integer
    // 17: timestamp
    // 18: 64-bit integer
    // 255: minkey
    // 127: maxkey
    if (ta === 13) // javascript code
      throw Error('Sorting not supported on Javascript code'); // XXX

    throw Error('Unknown type to sort');