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2 days
Test Coverage
Tinytest.add('minimongo - modifier affects selector', test => {
  function testSelectorPaths(sel, paths, desc) {
    const matcher = new Minimongo.Matcher(sel);
    test.equal(matcher._getPaths(), paths, desc);

    foo: {
      bar: 3,
      baz: 42,
  }, ['foo'], 'literal');

    foo: 42,
    bar: 33,
  }, ['foo', 'bar'], 'literal');

    foo: [ 'something' ],
    bar: 'asdf',
  }, ['foo', 'bar'], 'literal');

    a: { $lt: 3 },
    b: 'you know, literal',
    '': { $not: { $regex: 'acme.*corp' } },
  }, ['a', 'b', ''], 'literal + operators');

    $or: [{ 'a.b': 1 }, { 'a.b.c': { $lt: 22 } },
      {$and: [{ 'x.d': { $ne: 5, $gte: 433 } }, { 'a.b': 234 }]}],
  }, ['a.b', 'a.b.c', 'x.d'], 'group operators + duplicates');

  // When top-level value is an object, it is treated as a literal,
  // so when you query col.find({ a: { foo: 1, bar: 2 } })
  // it doesn't mean you are looking for anything that has '' to be 1 and
  // '' to be 2, instead you are looking for 'a' to be exactly that object
  // with exactly that order of keys. { a: { foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3 } } wouldn't
  // match it. That's why in this selector 'a' would be important key, not
  // and
    a: {
      foo: 1,
      bar: 2,
    'b.c': {
      literal: 'object',
      but: "we still observe any changes in 'b.c'",
  }, ['a', 'b.c'], 'literal object');

  // Note that a and b do NOT end up in the path list, but x and y both do.
    $or: [
      {x: {$elemMatch: {a: 5}}},
      {y: {$elemMatch: {b: 7}}},
  }, ['x', 'y'], '$or and elemMatch');

  function testSelectorAffectedByModifier(sel, mod, yes, desc) {
    const matcher = new Minimongo.Matcher(sel);
    test.equal(matcher.affectedByModifier(mod), yes, desc);

  function affected(sel, mod, desc) {
    testSelectorAffectedByModifier(sel, mod, true, desc);
  function notAffected(sel, mod, desc) {
    testSelectorAffectedByModifier(sel, mod, false, desc);

  notAffected({ foo: 0 }, { $set: { bar: 1 } }, 'simplest');
  affected({ foo: 0 }, { $set: { foo: 1 } }, 'simplest');
  affected({ foo: 0 }, { $set: { '': 1 } }, 'simplest');
  notAffected({ '': 0 }, { $set: { 'foo.baz': 1 } }, 'simplest');
  affected({ '': 0 }, { $set: { 'foo.1': 1 } }, 'simplest');
  affected({ '': 0 }, { $set: { '': 1 } }, 'simplest');

  notAffected({ foo: 0 }, { $set: { foobaz: 1 } }, 'correct prefix check');
  notAffected({ foobar: 0 }, { $unset: { foo: 1 } }, 'correct prefix check');
  notAffected({ '': 0 }, { $unset: { foob: 1 } }, 'correct prefix check');

  notAffected({ 'foo.Infinity.x': 0 }, { $unset: { 'foo.x': 1 } }, 'we convert integer fields correctly');
  notAffected({ 'foo.1e3.x': 0 }, { $unset: { 'foo.x': 1 } }, 'we convert integer fields correctly');

  affected({ '': 0 }, { $set: { '': 1 } }, 'observe for an array element');

  notAffected({ '': 0 }, { $unset: { '': 1 } }, 'delicate work with numeric fields in selector');
  notAffected({ '': 0 }, { $unset: { '': 1 } }, 'delicate work with numeric fields in selector');
  affected({ '': 0 }, { $unset: { '': 1 } }, 'delicate work with numeric fields in selector');
  affected({ '': 0 }, { $unset: { '': 1 } }, 'delicate work with numeric fields in selector');

  affected({ '': 0 }, { $set: { '': 1 } }, 'delicate work with nested arrays and selectors by indecies');

  affected({foo: {$elemMatch: {bar: 5}}}, {$set: {'': 5}}, '$elemMatch');

Tinytest.add('minimongo - selector and projection combination', test => {
  function testSelProjectionComb(sel, proj, expected, desc) {
    const matcher = new Minimongo.Matcher(sel);
    test.equal(matcher.combineIntoProjection(proj), expected, desc);

  // Test with inclusive projection
  testSelProjectionComb({ a: 1, b: 2 }, { b: 1, c: 1, d: 1 }, { a: true, b: true, c: true, d: true }, 'simplest incl');
  testSelProjectionComb({ $or: [{ a: 1234, e: {$lt: 5} }], b: 2 }, { b: 1, c: 1, d: 1 }, { a: true, b: true, c: true, d: true, e: true }, 'simplest incl, branching');
    'a.b': { $lt: 3 },
    'y.0': -1,
    'a.c': 15,
  }, {
    d: 1,
    z: 1,
  }, {
    'a.b': true,
    y: true,
    'a.c': true,
    d: true,
    z: true,
  }, 'multikey paths in selector - incl');

    foo: 1234,
    $and: [{ k: -1 }, { $or: [{ b: 15 }] }],
  }, {
    '': 1,
    'foo.zzz': 1,
    'b.asdf': 1,
  }, {
    foo: true,
    b: true,
    k: true,
  }, 'multikey paths in fields - incl');

    'a.b.c': 123,
    'a.b.d': 321,
    'b.c.0': 111,
    'a.e': 12345,
  }, {
    'a.b.z': 1,
    'a.b.d.g': 1,
    'c.c.c': 1,
  }, {
    'a.b.c': true,
    'a.b.d': true,
    'a.b.z': true,
    'b.c': true,
    'a.e': true,
    'c.c.c': true,
  }, 'multikey both paths - incl');

    'a.b.c.d': 123,
    'a.b1.c.d': 421,
    'a.b.c.e': 111,
  }, {
    'a.b': 1,
  }, {
    'a.b': true,
    'a.b1.c.d': true,
  }, 'shadowing one another - incl');

    'a.b': 123,
    '': false,
  }, {
    'a.b.c.d': 1,
    foo: 1,
  }, {
    'a.b': true,
    foo: true,
  }, 'shadowing one another - incl');

    'a.b.c': 1,
  }, {
    'a.b.c': 1,
  }, {
    'a.b.c': true,
  }, 'same paths - incl');

    'x.4.y': 42,
    'z.0.1': 33,
  }, {
    'x.x': 1,
  }, {
    'x.x': true,
    'x.y': true,
    z: true,
  }, 'numbered keys in selector - incl');

    'a.b.c': 42,
    $where() { return true; },
  }, {
    'a.b': 1,
    'z.z': 1,
  }, {}, '$where in the selector - incl');

    $or: [
      {'a.b.c': 42},
      {$where() { return true; } },
  }, {
    'a.b': 1,
    'z.z': 1,
  }, {}, '$where in the selector - incl');

  // Test with exclusive projection
  testSelProjectionComb({ a: 1, b: 2 }, { b: 0, c: 0, d: 0 }, { c: false, d: false }, 'simplest excl');
  testSelProjectionComb({ $or: [{ a: 1234, e: {$lt: 5} }], b: 2 }, { b: 0, c: 0, d: 0 }, { c: false, d: false }, 'simplest excl, branching');
    'a.b': { $lt: 3 },
    'y.0': -1,
    'a.c': 15,
  }, {
    d: 0,
    z: 0,
  }, {
    d: false,
    z: false,
  }, 'multikey paths in selector - excl');

    foo: 1234,
    $and: [{ k: -1 }, { $or: [{ b: 15 }] }],
  }, {
    '': 0,
    'foo.zzz': 0,
    'b.asdf': 0,
  }, {
  }, 'multikey paths in fields - excl');

    'a.b.c': 123,
    'a.b.d': 321,
    'b.c.0': 111,
    'a.e': 12345,
  }, {
    'a.b.z': 0,
    'a.b.d.g': 0,
    'c.c.c': 0,
  }, {
    'a.b.z': false,
    'c.c.c': false,
  }, 'multikey both paths - excl');

    'a.b.c.d': 123,
    'a.b1.c.d': 421,
    'a.b.c.e': 111,
  }, {
    'a.b': 0,
  }, {
  }, 'shadowing one another - excl');

    'a.b': 123,
    '': false,
  }, {
    'a.b.c.d': 0,
    foo: 0,
  }, {
  }, 'shadowing one another - excl');

    'a.b.c': 1,
  }, {
    'a.b.c': 0,
  }, {
  }, 'same paths - excl');

    'a.b': 123,
    'a.c.d': 222,
    ddd: 123,
  }, {
    'a.b': 0,
    'a.c.e': 0,
    asdf: 0,
  }, {
    'a.c.e': false,
    asdf: false,
  }, 'intercept the selector path - excl');

    'a.b.c': 14,
  }, {
    'a.b.d': 0,
  }, {
    'a.b.d': false,
  }, 'different branches - excl');

    'a.b.c.d': '124',
    '': 'some value',
  }, {
    'a.b.c.d.e': 0,
    '': 0,
  }, {
  }, 'excl on incl paths - excl');

    'x.4.y': 42,
    'z.0.1': 33,
  }, {
    'x.x': 0,
    'x.y': 0,
  }, {
    'x.x': false,
  }, 'numbered keys in selector - excl');

    'a.b.c': 42,
    $where() { return true; },
  }, {
    'a.b': 0,
    'z.z': 0,
  }, {}, '$where in the selector - excl');

    $or: [
      {'a.b.c': 42},
      {$where() { return true; } },
  }, {
    'a.b': 0,
    'z.z': 0,
  }, {}, '$where in the selector - excl');

Tinytest.add('minimongo - sorter and projection combination', test => {
  function testSorterProjectionComb(sortSpec, proj, expected, desc) {
    const sorter = new Minimongo.Sorter(sortSpec);
    test.equal(sorter.combineIntoProjection(proj), expected, desc);

  // Test with inclusive projection
  testSorterProjectionComb({ a: 1, b: 1 }, { b: 1, c: 1, d: 1 }, { a: true, b: true, c: true, d: true }, 'simplest incl');
  testSorterProjectionComb({ a: 1, b: -1 }, { b: 1, c: 1, d: 1 }, { a: true, b: true, c: true, d: true }, 'simplest incl');
  testSorterProjectionComb({ 'a.c': 1 }, { b: 1 }, { 'a.c': true, b: true }, 'dot path incl');
  testSorterProjectionComb({ 'a.1.c': 1 }, { b: 1 }, { 'a.c': true, b: true }, 'dot num path incl');
  testSorterProjectionComb({ 'a.1.c': 1 }, { b: 1, a: 1 }, { a: true, b: true }, 'dot num path incl overlap');
  testSorterProjectionComb({ 'a.1.c': 1, 'a.2.b': -1 }, { b: 1 }, { 'a.c': true, 'a.b': true, b: true }, 'dot num path incl');
  testSorterProjectionComb({ 'a.1.c': 1, 'a.2.b': -1 }, {}, {}, 'dot num path with empty incl');

  // Test with exclusive projection
  testSorterProjectionComb({ a: 1, b: 1 }, { b: 0, c: 0, d: 0 }, { c: false, d: false }, 'simplest excl');
  testSorterProjectionComb({ a: 1, b: -1 }, { b: 0, c: 0, d: 0 }, { c: false, d: false }, 'simplest excl');
  testSorterProjectionComb({ 'a.c': 1 }, { b: 0 }, { b: false }, 'dot path excl');
  testSorterProjectionComb({ 'a.1.c': 1 }, { b: 0 }, { b: false }, 'dot num path excl');
  testSorterProjectionComb({ 'a.1.c': 1 }, { b: 0, a: 0 }, { b: false }, 'dot num path excl overlap');
  testSorterProjectionComb({ 'a.1.c': 1, 'a.2.b': -1 }, { b: 0 }, { b: false }, 'dot num path excl');

((() => {
  // TODO: Tests for "can selector become true by modifier" are incomplete,
  // absent or test the functionality of "not ideal" implementation (test checks
  // that certain case always returns true as implementation is incomplete)
  // - tests with $and/$or/$nor/$not branches (are absent)
  // - more tests with arrays fields and numeric keys (incomplete and test "not
  // ideal" implementation)
  // - tests when numeric keys actually mean numeric keys, not array indexes
  // (are absent)
  // - tests with $-operators in the selector (are incomplete and test "not
  // ideal" implementation)
  //  * gives up on $-operators with non-scalar values ({$ne: {x: 1}})
  //  * analyses $in
  //  * analyses $nin/$ne
  //  * analyses $gt, $gte, $lt, $lte
  //  * gives up on a combination of $gt/$gte/$lt/$lte and $ne/$nin
  //  * doesn't support $eq properly

  let test = null; // set this global in the beginning of every test
  // T - should return true
  // F - should return false
  const oneTest = (sel, mod, expected, desc) => {
    const matcher = new Minimongo.Matcher(sel);
    test.equal(matcher.canBecomeTrueByModifier(mod), expected, desc);
  function T(sel, mod, desc) {
    oneTest(sel, mod, true, desc);
  function F(sel, mod, desc) {
    oneTest(sel, mod, false, desc);

  Tinytest.add('minimongo - can selector become true by modifier - literals (structured tests)', t => {
    test = t;

    const selector = {
      'a.b.c': 2,
      '': {
        z: { y: 1 },
      'foo.baz': [ {ans: 42}, 'string', false, undefined ],
      'empty.field': null,

    T(selector, {$set: { 'a.b.c': 2 }});
    F(selector, {$unset: { a: 1 }});
    F(selector, {$unset: { 'a.b': 1 }});
    F(selector, {$unset: { 'a.b.c': 1 }});
    T(selector, {$set: { 'a.b': { c: 2 } }});
    F(selector, {$set: { 'a.b': {} }});
    T(selector, {$set: { 'a.b': { c: 2, x: 5 } }});
    F(selector, {$set: { 'a.b.c.k': 3 }});
    F(selector, {$set: { 'a.b.c.k': {} }});

    F(selector, {$unset: { foo: 1 }});
    F(selector, {$unset: { '': 1 }});
    F(selector, {$unset: { '': 1 }});
    F(selector, {$unset: { '': 1 }});
    F(selector, {$set: { '': 1 }});
    F(selector, {$set: { '': {} }});
    F(selector, {$set: { '': 3 }});
    T(selector, {$set: { '': { z: { y: 1 } } }});
    T(selector, {$set: { '': { y: 1 } }});
    T(selector, {$set: { '': 1 }});

    F(selector, {$set: { 'empty.field': {} }});
    T(selector, {$set: { empty: {} }});
    T(selector, {$set: { 'empty.field': null }});
    T(selector, {$set: { 'empty.field': undefined }});
    F(selector, {$set: { 'empty.field.a': 3 }});

  Tinytest.add('minimongo - can selector become true by modifier - literals (adhoc tests)', t => {
    test = t;
    T({x: 1}, {$set: {x: 1}}, 'simple set scalar');
    T({x: 'a'}, {$set: {x: 'a'}}, 'simple set scalar');
    T({x: false}, {$set: {x: false}}, 'simple set scalar');
    F({x: true}, {$set: {x: false}}, 'simple set scalar');
    F({x: 2}, {$set: {x: 3}}, 'simple set scalar');

    F({'': 1, x: 1}, {$unset: {'': 1}, $set: {x: 1}}, 'simple unset of the interesting path');
    F({'': 1, x: 1}, {$unset: {'': 1}, $set: {x: 1}}, 'simple unset of the interesting path prefix');
    F({'': 1, x: 1}, {$unset: {foo: 1}, $set: {x: 1}}, 'simple unset of the interesting path prefix');
    F({'': 1}, {$unset: {'foo.baz': 1}}, 'simple unset of the interesting path prefix');
    F({'': 1}, {$unset: {'': 1}}, 'simple unset of the interesting path prefix');

  Tinytest.add('minimongo - can selector become true by modifier - regexps', t => {
    test = t;

    // Regexp
    T({ '': /^[0-9]+$/i }, { $set: {'': '01233'} }, 'set of regexp');
    // XXX this test should be False, should be fixed within improved implementation
    T({ '': /^[0-9]+$/i, x: 1 }, { $set: {'': '0a1233', x: 1} }, 'set of regexp');
    // XXX this test should be False, should be fixed within improved implementation
    T({ '': /^[0-9]+$/i, x: 1 }, { $unset: {'': 1}, $set: { x: 1 } }, 'unset of regexp');
    T({ '': /^[0-9]+$/i, x: 1 }, { $set: { x: 1 } }, "don't touch regexp");

  Tinytest.add('minimongo - can selector become true by modifier - undefined/null', t => {
    test = t;
    // Nulls / Undefined
    T({ '': null }, {$set: {'': null}}, 'set of null looking for null');
    T({ '': null }, {$set: {'': undefined}}, 'set of undefined looking for null');
    T({ '': undefined }, {$set: {'': null}}, 'set of null looking for undefined');
    T({ '': undefined }, {$set: {'': undefined}}, 'set of undefined looking for undefined');
    T({ '': null }, {$set: {foo: null}}, 'set of null of parent path looking for null');
    F({ '': null }, {$set: {'': null}}, 'set of null of different path looking for null');
    T({ '': null }, { $unset: { foo: 1 } }, 'unset the parent');
    T({ '': null }, { $unset: { '': 1 } }, 'unset tracked path');
    T({ '': null }, { $set: { foo: 3 } }, 'set the parent');
    T({ '': null }, { $set: { foo: {baz: 1} } }, 'set the parent');

  Tinytest.add('minimongo - can selector become true by modifier - literals with arrays', t => {
    test = t;
    // These tests are incomplete and in theory they all should return true as we
    // don't support any case with numeric fields yet.
    T({'a.1.b': 1, x: 1}, {$unset: {'a.1.b': 1}, $set: {x: 1}}, "unset of array element's field with exactly the same index as selector");
    F({'a.2.b': 1}, {$unset: {'a.1.b': 1}}, "unset of array element's field with different index as selector");
    // This is false, because if you are looking for array but in reality it is an
    // object, it just can't get to true.
    F({'a.2.b': 1}, {$unset: {'a.b': 1}}, 'unset of field while selector is looking for index');
    T({ '': null }, {$set: {'': null}}, "set array's element's field to null looking for null");
    T({ '': null }, {$set: {'': 1, '': null}}, "set array's element's field to null looking for null");
    // This is false, because there may remain other array elements that match
    // but we modified this test as we don't support this case yet
    T({'a.b': 1}, {$unset: {'a.1.b': 1}}, "unset of array element's field");

  Tinytest.add('minimongo - can selector become true by modifier - set an object literal whose fields are selected', t => {
    test = t;
    T({ 'a.b.c': 1 }, { $set: { 'a.b': { c: 1 } } }, 'a simple scalar selector and simple set');
    F({ 'a.b.c': 1 }, { $set: { 'a.b': { c: 2 } } }, 'a simple scalar selector and simple set to false');
    F({ 'a.b.c': 1 }, { $set: { 'a.b': { d: 1 } } }, 'a simple scalar selector and simple set a wrong literal');
    F({ 'a.b.c': 1 }, { $set: { 'a.b': 222 } }, 'a simple scalar selector and simple set a wrong type');

  Tinytest.add('minimongo - can selector become true by modifier - $-scalar selectors and simple tests', t => {
    test = t;
    T({ 'a.b.c': { $lt: 5 } }, { $set: { 'a.b': { c: 4 } } }, 'nested $lt');
    F({ 'a.b.c': { $lt: 5 } }, { $set: { 'a.b': { c: 5 } } }, 'nested $lt');
    F({ 'a.b.c': { $lt: 5 } }, { $set: { 'a.b': { c: 6 } } }, 'nested $lt');
    F({ 'a.b.c': { $lt: 5 } }, { $set: { 'a.b.d': 7 } }, "nested $lt, the change doesn't matter");
    F({ 'a.b.c': { $lt: 5 } }, { $set: { 'a.b': { d: 7 } } }, 'nested $lt, the key disappears');
    T({ 'a.b.c': { $lt: 5 } }, { $set: { 'a.b': { d: 7, c: -1 } } }, 'nested $lt');
    F({ a: { $lt: 10, $gt: 3 } }, { $unset: { a: 1 } }, 'unset $lt');
    T({ a: { $lt: 10, $gt: 3 } }, { $set: { a: 4 } }, 'set between x and y');
    F({ a: { $lt: 10, $gt: 3 } }, { $set: { a: 3 } }, 'set between x and y');
    F({ a: { $lt: 10, $gt: 3 } }, { $set: { a: 10 } }, 'set between x and y');
    F({ a: { $gt: 10, $lt: 3 } }, { $set: { a: 9 } }, 'impossible statement');
    T({ a: { $lte: 10, $gte: 3 } }, { $set: { a: 3 } }, 'set between x and y');
    T({ a: { $lte: 10, $gte: 3 } }, { $set: { a: 10 } }, 'set between x and y');
    F({ a: { $lte: 10, $gte: 3 } }, { $set: { a: -10 } }, 'set between x and y');
    T({ a: { $lte: 10, $gte: 3, $gt: 3, $lt: 10 } }, { $set: { a: 4 } }, 'set between x and y');
    F({ a: { $lte: 10, $gte: 3, $gt: 3, $lt: 10 } }, { $set: { a: 3 } }, 'set between x and y');
    F({ a: { $lte: 10, $gte: 3, $gt: 3, $lt: 10 } }, { $set: { a: 10 } }, 'set between x and y');
    F({ a: { $lte: 10, $gte: 3, $gt: 3, $lt: 10 } }, { $set: { a: Infinity } }, 'set between x and y');
    T({ a: { $lte: 10, $gte: 3, $gt: 3, $lt: 10 }, x: 1 }, { $set: { x: 1 } }, 'set between x and y - dummy');
    F({ a: { $lte: 10, $gte: 13, $gt: 3, $lt: 9 }, x: 1 }, { $set: { x: 1 } }, 'set between x and y - dummy - impossible');
    F({ a: { $lte: 10 } }, { $set: { a: Infinity } }, 'Infinity <= 10?');
    T({ a: { $lte: 10 } }, { $set: { a: -Infinity } }, '-Infinity <= 10?');
    // XXX is this sufficient?
    T({ a: { $gt: 9.99999999999999, $lt: 10 }, x: 1 }, { $set: { x: 1 } }, 'very close $gt and $lt');
    // XXX this test should be F, but since it is so hard to be precise in
    // floating point math, the current implementation falls back to T
    T({ a: { $gt: 9.999999999999999, $lt: 10 }, x: 1 }, { $set: { x: 1 } }, 'very close $gt and $lt');
    T({ a: { $eq: 5 } }, { $set: { a: 5 } }, 'set of $eq');
    T({ a: { $eq: 5 }, b: { $eq: 7 } }, { $set: { a: 5 } }, 'set of $eq with other $eq');
    F({ a: { $eq: 5 } }, { $set: { a: 4 } }, 'set below of $eq');
    F({ a: { $eq: 5 } }, { $set: { a: 6 } }, 'set above of $eq');
    T({ a: { $ne: 5 } }, { $unset: { a: 1 } }, 'unset of $ne');
    T({ a: { $ne: 5 } }, { $set: { a: 1 } }, 'set of $ne');
    T({ a: { $ne: 'some string' }, x: 1 }, { $set: { x: 1 } }, '$ne dummy');
    T({ a: { $ne: true }, x: 1 }, { $set: { x: 1 } }, '$ne dummy');
    T({ a: { $ne: false }, x: 1 }, { $set: { x: 1 } }, '$ne dummy');
    T({ a: { $ne: null }, x: 1 }, { $set: { x: 1 } }, '$ne dummy');
    T({ a: { $ne: Infinity }, x: 1 }, { $set: { x: 1 } }, '$ne dummy');
    T({ a: { $ne: 5 } }, { $set: { a: -10 } }, 'set of $ne');
    T({ a: { $in: [1, 3, 5, 7] } }, { $set: { a: 5 } }, '$in checks');
    F({ a: { $in: [1, 3, 5, 7] } }, { $set: { a: -5 } }, '$in checks');
    T({ a: { $in: [1, 3, 5, 7], $gt: 6 }, x: 1 }, { $set: { x: 1 } }, '$in combination with $gt');
    F({ a: { $lte: 10, $gte: 3 } }, { $set: { 'a.b': -10 } }, 'sel between x and y, set its subfield');
    F({ b: { $in: [1, 3, 5, 7] } }, { $set: { 'b.c': 2 } }, 'sel $in, set subfield');
    T({ b: { $in: [1, 3, 5, 7] } }, { $set: { 'bd.c': 2, b: 3 } }, 'sel $in, set similar subfield');
    F({ 'b.c': { $in: [1, 3, 5, 7] } }, { $set: { b: 2 } }, 'sel subfield of set scalar');
    // If modifier tries to set a sub-field of a path expected to be a scalar.
    F({ 'a.b': { $gt: 5, $lt: 7}, x: 1 }, { $set: { 'a.b.c': 3, x: 1 } }, 'set sub-field of $gt,$lt operator (scalar expected)');
    F({ 'a.b': { $gt: 5, $lt: 7}, x: 1 }, { $set: { x: 1 }, $unset: { 'a.b.c': 1 } }, 'unset sub-field of $gt,$lt operator (scalar expected)');

  Tinytest.add('minimongo - can selector become true by modifier - $-nonscalar selectors and simple tests', t => {
    test = t;
    T({ a: { $eq: { x: 5 } } }, { $set: { 'a.x': 5 } }, 'set of $eq');
    // XXX this test should be F, but it is not implemented yet
    T({ a: { $eq: { x: 5 } } }, { $set: { 'a.x': 4 } }, 'set of $eq');
    // XXX this test should be F, but it is not implemented yet
    T({ a: { $eq: { x: 5 } } }, { $set: { 'a.y': 4 } }, 'set of $eq');
    T({ a: { $ne: { x: 5 } } }, { $set: { 'a.x': 3 } }, 'set of $ne');
    // XXX this test should be F, but it is not implemented yet
    T({ a: { $ne: { x: 5 } } }, { $set: { 'a.x': 5 } }, 'set of $ne');
    T({ a: { $in: [{ b: 1 }, { b: 3 }] } }, { $set: { a: { b: 3 } } }, '$in checks');
    // XXX this test should be F, but it is not implemented yet
    T({ a: { $in: [{ b: 1 }, { b: 3 }] } }, { $set: { a: { v: 3 } } }, '$in checks');
    T({ a: { $ne: { a: 2 } }, x: 1 }, { $set: { x: 1 } }, '$ne dummy');
    // XXX this test should be F, but it is not implemented yet
    T({ a: { $ne: { a: 2 } } }, { $set: { a: { a: 2 } } }, '$ne object');