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5 days
Test Coverage
var showRequireProfile = ('METEOR_PROFILE_REQUIRE' in process.env);
if (showRequireProfile) {

var assert = require("assert");
var _ = require('underscore');
var Fiber = require('fibers');
var Console = require('../console/console.js').Console;
var files = require('../fs/files');
var warehouse = require('../packaging/warehouse.js');
var tropohouse = require('../packaging/tropohouse.js');
var release = require('../packaging/release.js');
var projectContextModule = require('../project-context.js');
var catalog = require('../packaging/catalog/catalog.js');
var buildmessage = require('../utils/buildmessage.js');
var httpHelpers = require('../utils/http-helpers.js');
const archinfo = require('../utils/archinfo');
import { isEmacs } from "../utils/utils.js";

var main = exports;

if (process.platform === 'darwin' && process.arch === 'arm64') {
  // pool size needs to be bigger on m1 because arm64 builds are using
  // fibers with CORO_PTHREAD set. - default on fibers is 120
  Fiber.poolSize = 250;


// node (v8) defaults to only recording 10 lines of stack trace. This
// is especially insufficient when using fibers, because you get
// proper call stacks instead of only seeing the stack up to the most
// recent callback invocation. Increase the limit (for the `meteor` tool
// itself, not for apps).
Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity;

// Command registration

function Command(options) {
  assert.ok(this instanceof Command);

  options = Object.assign({
    minArgs: 0,
    options: {},
    allowUnrecognizedOptions: false,
    requiresApp: false,
    requiresPackage: false,
    requiresAppOrPackage: false,
    requiresRelease: true,
    hidden: false,
    pretty: true,
    notOnWindows: false
  }, options);

  if (! _.has(options, 'maxArgs')) {
    options.maxArgs = options.minArgs;

  _.each(["name", "func"], function (key) {
    if (! _.has(options, key)) {
      throw new Error("command missing '" + key + "'?");

  Object.assign(this, options);

  _.each(this.options, function (value, key) {
    if (key === "args" || key === "appDir") {
      throw new Error( + ": bad option name " + key);
    if (! _.has(value, 'type')) {
      value.type = String;
    if (_.has(value, 'default') && _.has(value, 'required')) {
      throw new Error( + ": " + key + " can't be both optional " +
                      "and required");
    if (_.has(value, 'short') && value.short.length !== 1) {
      throw new Error( + ": " + key + " has a bad short option");

// Various registerCommand options such as requiresApp can be specified to
// either as a constant value or as a function dependent on the parsed
// command-line options object.
Command.prototype.evaluateOption = function (optionName, options) {
  var self = this;
  if (typeof self[optionName] === 'function') {
    return self[optionName](options);
  return self[optionName];

// map from command name to a Command, or to a subcommand map (a map
// of subcommand names to either Commands or further submaps).
// Options that function as commands (eg, "meteor --arch") are treated
// as subcommands of "--".
var commands = {};

// Exception to throw from a command to bail out and show command
// usage information.
main.ShowUsage = function ShowUsage() {
  assert.ok(this instanceof ShowUsage);

// Exception to throw from a helper function inside a command which is identical
// to returning the given exit code from the command.  ONLY USE THIS IN HELPERS
main.ExitWithCode = function ExitWithCode(code) {
  assert.ok(this instanceof ExitWithCode);
  this.code = code;

Object.assign(main.ExitWithCode.prototype, {
  toString: function () {
    var self = this;
    return "ExitWithCode:" + self.code;

// Exception to throw to skip the process.exit call.
main.WaitForExit = function WaitForExit() {
  assert.ok(this instanceof WaitForExit);

// Exception to throw from a command to exit, restart, and reinvoke
// the command with the latest available (downloaded) Meteor release.
// If track is specified, it uses the latest available in the given
// track instead of the default track.
main.SpringboardToLatestRelease =
function SpringboardToLatestRelease(track) {
  assert.ok(this instanceof SpringboardToLatestRelease);
  this.track = track;

// Exception to throw from a command to exit, restart, and reinvoke
// the command with the given Meteor release.
main.SpringboardToSpecificRelease =
function SpringboardToSpecificRelease(fullReleaseName, msg) {
  assert.ok(this instanceof SpringboardToSpecificRelease);
  this.fullReleaseName = fullReleaseName;
  this.msg = msg;

// Register a command-line command.
// options:
// - name
//   - can be a basic command, like "deploy"
//   - can be a subcommand, like "admin grant"
//     (distinguished by presence of ' ')
//   - can be an option that functions as a command, like "--arch"
//     (distinguished by starting with '--')
// - minArgs: minimum non-option arguments that can be present (default 0)
// - maxArgs: maximum non-option arguments that can be present (defaults to
//   whatever value you passed for minArgs; use Infinity for unlimited)
// - catalogRefresh: strategy object specifying when to refresh the catalog.
// - options: map from long option name to:
//   - type: String, Number, or Boolean. default is String. a future
//     version could support [String] and [Number] to allow the option to
//     be passed more than once, but we don't do that yet.
//   - short: single character short alias (eg, 'p' for 'port', to do -p 3000)
//   - default: value to use if none supplied
//   - required: true if required (incompatible with 'default')
// - requiresApp: does this command work with an app? possible values
//   (defaults to false):
//   - true if an app is required, and command must be run inside an
//     app. The command will be run using the app's Meteor release
//     (unless overridden by --release or a checkout). An 'appDir'
//     option will be passed with the absolute path to the app's
//     top-level directory, and an error will be printed if the
//     command isn't run from inside an app.
//   - false if an app is not required. But if the command does happen
//     to have been run from an app, 'appDir' will be
//     provided. Moreover, in that case, we will still use the version
//     of this program that goes with the Meteor release of the
//     app. This is not ideal but is necessary for 'meteor help' to
//     behave in a sane way in our current system. (XXX In the future
//     we should separate the build system out into a package that is
//     versioned with the release, and then take the CLI tool out of
//     the release and always use the latest available version.)
//   - function: some apps determine whether they use an app based on
//     their arguments (eg, 'deploy' versus 'deploy --delete'). for
//     these, set requiresApp to a function that takes 'options' (same as
//     would be received by the actual command function) and returns
//     true or false.
// - requiresPackage: defaults to false.
// - requiresAppOrPackage: a combination of two options above, true/false.
// - requiresRelease: defaults to true. Set to false if this command
//   doesn't need a functioning Meteor release to be available (that
//   is, if the command does not need the ability to resolve
//   packages). There is only one case where this comes up: if you
//   create an app with a checkout (so that it has no release), and
//   then run that app with released Meteor. Normally this just prints
//   an error saying that you have to pick a release, but you can
//   disable that by setting this flag to false. Even if you set this
//   flag, we will still *attempt* to run the correct Meteor release
//   just like we always do; it's just that in that one case, instead
//   of bailing out with an error we will run your command with
//   release.current === null.
// - hidden: do not show in command list in help
// An error will be printed if an unrecognized option is passed on the
// command line (eg, '--foo' when you don't have a 'foo' key in
// options.options), or a required option is missing, or the number of
// other arguments isn't as required by minArgs / maxArgs.
// func: function to call when the command is chosen. receives one
// argument, an options dictionary that contains:
// - the values of any 'options' that were provided
// - args: an array of the other command-line arguments
// - appDir: if run from inside an app tree, the absolute path to the
//   app's top-level directory
// func should do one of the following:
// - On success, return undefined (or 0). This indicates successful
//   completion, and the program will exit with status 0.
// - On failure, return a positive number. The program will exit with that
//   status.
// - If the command-line arguments aren't valid, 'throw new
//   main.ShowUsage'. This will print usage info for the command and
//   exit with status 1.
// - If you have started (for example) a subprocess or worker fiber
//   and want to wait until it's finished to exit, 'throw new
//   main.WaitForExit'. This will skip the call to process.exit and the
//   program will keep running until node thinks that everything is
//   done.
// - To quit, restart, and rerun the command with a latest available
//   (downloaded) Meteor release, 'throw new main.SpringboardToLatestRelease'.
// Commands should never call process.exit()! They should instead
// return an appropriate value.

main.registerCommand = function (options, func) {
  options = _.clone(options);
  options.func = func;

  var nameParts =\s+/); = nameParts.join(' ');

  if (nameParts[0].indexOf('--') === 0) {
    // "--foo" -> "--" "foo"
    nameParts[0] = nameParts[0].substr(2);

  var target = commands;
  while (nameParts.length > 1) {
    var part = nameParts.shift();
    if (! _.has(target, part)) {
      target[part] = {};
    target = target[part];

  if (_.has(target, nameParts[0])) {
    throw Error("Duplicate command: " +;

  if (!options.catalogRefresh) {
    throw Error("Command does not select a catalogRefresh strategy: " +

  target[nameParts[0]] = new Command(options);

main.captureAndExit = function (header, title, f) {
  var messages;
  if (f) {
    messages = buildmessage.capture({ title: title }, f);
  } else {
    messages = buildmessage.capture(title);  // title is really f
  if (messages.hasMessages()) {
    throw new main.ExitWithCode(1);

// Load all the commands

// NB: files required up to this point may not define commands


// Record all the top-level commands as JSON

export const meteorCommandsJsonPath = files.pathJoin(
  files.getDevBundle(), "bin", ".meteor-commands.json"

export function dumpMeteorCommands() {
  const all = Object.create(null);
  Object.keys(commands).forEach(name => all[name] = true);
  const json = JSON.stringify(all, null, 2);
  files.writeFile(meteorCommandsJsonPath, json + "\n");
  return all;

if (files.inCheckout()) {
  // If we're running Meteor from a checkout, dump the commands every
  // time, so that the file remains up to date.

// Long-form help

// Returns an array of entries with keys:
// - name (entry name, typically a command name)
// - body (contents of body, trimmed to end with a newline but no blank lines)
var loadHelp = function () {
  var dirname = files.convertToStandardPath(__dirname);
  var raw = files.readFile(files.pathJoin(dirname, 'help.txt'), 'utf8');
  return^>>>/m).slice(1), function (r) {
    var lines = r.split('\n');
    var name = lines.shift().trim();
    return {
      name: name,
      body: lines.join('\n').replace(/\s*$/, '') + '\n'

var longHelp = exports.longHelp = function (commandName) {
  commandName = commandName.trim();
  var parts = commandName.length ? commandName.split(' ') : [];
  var node = commands;
  _.each(parts, function (part) {
    if (! _.has(node, part)) {
      throw new Error("walked off edge of command tree?");
    node = node[part];

  var help = loadHelp();

  // can use to see if there is help text for a particular command
  var helpDict = {};
  _.each(help, function (helpEntry) {
    helpDict[] = helpEntry;

  var commandList = null;
  if (! (node instanceof Command)) {
    commandList = '';
    var commandsWanted = {};

    _.each(node, function (n, shortName) {
      var fullName = commandName + (commandName.length > 0 ? " " : "") +

      // Use helpDict to only include commands that have help text, otherwise
      // there is nothing to display.
      // For now, there's no way to mark commands with subcommands (eg 'admin')
      // as hidden.
      if (! n.hidden && helpDict[fullName]) {
        commandsWanted[fullName] = { name: shortName };

    var maxNameLength = _.max(, function (c) {

    // Assemble help text for subcommands.. in the order they appear
    // in the help file
    _.each(help, function (helpEntry) {
      if (_.has(commandsWanted, {
        var shortName = commandsWanted[].name;
        commandList += "   " + shortName +
          new Array(maxNameLength + 1).join(' ').substr(shortName.length) +
          "   " + helpEntry.body.split('\n')[0] + "\n";

    // Remove trailing newline so that you can write "{{commands}}" on
    // a line by itself and it does what you think it would
    commandList = commandList.substr(0, commandList.length - 1);

  var entry = _.find(help, function (c) {
    return === commandName;
  if (! entry) {
    throw new Error("help missing for " + commandName + "?");
  var ret = entry.body.split('\n').slice(1).join('\n');
  if (commandList !== null) {
    ret = ret.replace('{{commands}}', commandList);

  return ret;

// Springboarding

// Exit and restart the program, with the same arguments, but using a
// different version of the tool and/or forcing a particular release.
// - release: required. the version of the tool to run.
// options:
// - releaseOverride: optional. if provided, a release name to force
//   us to use when restarting (this functions exactly like --release
//   and will cause release.forced to be true).
// - fromApp: this release was suggested because it is the app's
//   release.  affects error messages.
var springboard = function (rel, options) {
  options = options || {};
  if (process.env.METEOR_DEBUG_SPRINGBOARD) {
    console.log("WILL SPRINGBOARD TO", rel.getToolsPackageAtVersion());

  const toolsPkg = rel.getToolsPackage();
  const toolsVersion = rel.getToolsVersion();
  const serverArchitectures = catalog.official.filterArchesWithBuilds(

  if (serverArchitectures.length === 0) {
    var release = catalog.official.getDefaultReleaseVersion();
    var releaseName = release.track + "@" + release.version;

      "This project uses " + rel.getDisplayName() + ", which isn't",
      "available on this platform. To work with this app on all supported",
      "platforms, use", Console.command("meteor update --release " + releaseName),
      "to pin this app to the newest compatible release."


  const packageMapModule = require('../packaging/package-map.js');
  const packageMap = new packageMapModule.PackageMap({
    [toolsPkg]: toolsVersion,

  // XXX split better
  Console.withProgressDisplayVisible(function () {
    var messages = buildmessage.capture({
      title: "downloading the command-line tool"
    }, function () {
      catalog.runAndRetryWithRefreshIfHelpful(function () {
        tropohouse.default.downloadPackagesMissingFromMap(packageMap, {

    if (messages.hasMessages()) {
      // We have failed to download the tool that we are supposed to springboard
      // to! That's bad. Let's exit.
      if (options.fromApp) {
          "Sorry, this project uses " + rel.getDisplayName() + ", which is",
          "not installed and could not be downloaded. Please check to make",
          "sure that you are online.");
      } else {
          "Sorry, " + rel.getDisplayName() + " is not installed and could not",
          "be downloaded. Please check to make sure that you are online.");


  const isopack = require('../isobuild/isopack.js');
  const packagePath = tropohouse.default.packagePath(toolsPkg, toolsVersion);
  const toolIsopack = new isopack.Isopack;
  toolIsopack.initFromPath(toolsPkg, packagePath);

  let toolRecord = null;
  serverArchitectures.some(arch => {
    return toolRecord = _.findWhere(toolIsopack.toolsOnDisk, { arch });

  if (!toolRecord) {
    throw Error("missing tool for " + + " in " +
                toolsPkg + "@" + toolsVersion);

  const newToolsDir = files.pathJoin(packagePath, toolRecord.path);
  if (files.realpath(newToolsDir) ===
      files.realpath(files.getCurrentToolsDir())) {
    if (options.mayReturn) {
      // Return instead of springboarding, if we are allowed to keep using
      // the current tools without restarting the process.

  // Strip off the "node" and "meteor.js" from argv and replace it with the
  // appropriate tools's meteor shell script.
  var newArgv = [];
  const argc = process.argv.length;
  for (var i = 2; i < argc; ++i) {
    const arg = process.argv[i];
    if (arg === "--unsafe-perm" ||
        arg === "--allow-superuser") {
      // Don't pass the --unsafe-perm or --allow-superuser flags to
      // springboarded versions since they may not know how to use them,
      // but set the METEOR_ALLOW_SUPERUSER environment variable in case
      // the springboarded version needs it. See meteor/meteor#7959.
      if (! _.has(process.env, "METEOR_ALLOW_SUPERUSER")) {
        process.env.METEOR_ALLOW_SUPERUSER = "true";

  if (_.has(options, 'releaseOverride')) {
    // We used to just append --release=<releaseOverride> to the arguments, and
    // though that's probably safe in practice, it makes us worry about things
    // like other --release options.  So now we use an environment
    // variable. #SpringboardEnvironmentVar
    process.env['METEOR_SPRINGBOARD_RELEASE'] = options.releaseOverride;

  // Release our connection to the sqlite catalog database for the current
  // process, so that the springboarded process can reestablish it.

  const isWindows = process.platform === "win32";
  const executable = files.pathJoin(
    isWindows ? "meteor.bat" : "meteor",

  if (isWindows) {
    process.exit(new Promise(function (resolve) {
      var execPath = files.convertToOSPath(executable);
      var child = require("child_process").spawn(execPath, newArgv, {
        env: process.env,
        stdio: 'inherit'
      }).on('exit', resolve);

  // Now exec; we're not coming back.
  require('kexec')(executable, newArgv);
  throw Error('exec failed?');

// Springboard to a pre-0.9.0 release.
var oldSpringboard = function (toolsVersion) {
  // Strip off the "node" and "meteor.js" from argv and replace it with the
  // appropriate tools's meteor shell script.
  var newArgv = process.argv.slice(2);
  var cmd =
    files.pathJoin(warehouse.getToolsDir(toolsVersion), 'bin', 'meteor');

  // Release our connection to the sqlite catalog database for the current
  // process, so that the springboarded process can reestablish it.

  // Now exec; we're not coming back.
  require('kexec')(cmd, newArgv);
  throw Error('exec failed?');

// Main entry point

// This is the main function that runs when you type 'meteor'.

// It's mostly concerned with validating command-line arguments,
// finding the requested command in the commands table, and making
// sure that you're using the version of the Meteor tools that match
// your project.

Fiber(function () {
  // If running inside the Emacs shell, set stdin to be blocking,
  // reversing node's normal setting of O_NONBLOCK on the evaluation
  // of process.stdin (because Node unblocks stdio when forking). This
  // fixes execution of Mongo from within Emacs shell.
  if (isEmacs()) {
    var child_process = require('child_process');
    child_process.spawn('true', [], {stdio: 'inherit'});

  // Check required Node version.
  // This code is duplicated in tools/server/boot.js.
  var MIN_NODE_VERSION = 'v14.0.0';
  if (require('semver').lt(process.version, MIN_NODE_VERSION)) {
      'Meteor requires Node ' + MIN_NODE_VERSION + ' or later.');

  // This is a bit of a hack, but: if we don't check this in the tool, then the
  // first time we do a isopack.load, it will fail due to the check in the
  // meteor package, and that'll look a lot uglier.
  if (process.env.ROOT_URL) {
    var parsedUrl = require('url').parse(process.env.ROOT_URL);
    if (! || ['http:', 'https:'].indexOf(parsedUrl.protocol) === -1) {
      Console.error('$ROOT_URL, if specified, must be an URL.');

  // Parse the arguments.
  // We must first identify which options are boolean and which take
  // arguments (which must be consistent across all defined
  // commands). This is necessary to resolve cases like 'meteor --flag
  // stuff thing'. Is the command 'stuff' with a boolean option
  // 'flag', or in the command 'thing' with an option 'flag' that is
  // set to 'stuff'? To resolve this we require that 'flag' be
  // consistently declared as a boolean (or not a boolean) across all
  // commands.
  // XXX The problem with the above is that which commands are boolean
  // may change across releases, and when we springboard, we actually
  // have to parse the options with the *target* version's
  // semantics. All in all, I think we might be better served to
  // require options to come after the command, other than special
  // options (--release, --help, and options that act as
  // commands). Then we don't have to require consistency of boolean
  // status between commands; we instead have to require consistency
  // of boolean status of a particular option, for a command, across
  // releases. Since we always start out by running the latest version
  // of Meteor, which can have knowledge of all past versions
  // (including the boolean status of formerly present but removed
  // options, including options to removed commands), this should let
  // us be 100% correct. (Of course, we could still do this if we
  // required options to be consistent across commands as well, but I
  // think this is a better tradeoff.) In this model, we'd do option
  // parsing in two passes, where the first pass just pulls out the
  // command, and the second parses the arguments with knowledge of
  // the command. I would make this change right now but we're on a
  // tight timetable for 1.0 and there is no advantage to doing it now
  // rather than later. #ImprovingCrossVersionOptionParsing

  const implicitValues = Object.create(null);

  var isBoolean = {
    "--help": true,
    "--unsafe-perm": true,
    "--allow-superuser": true,

  var walkCommands = function (node) {
    _.each(node, function (value, key) {
      if (value instanceof Command) {
        _.each(value.options || {}, function (optionInfo, optionName) {
          var names = ["--" + optionName];
          if (_.has(optionInfo, 'short')) {
            names.push("-" + optionInfo.short);
          _.each(names, function (name) {
            if (_.has(optionInfo, "implicitValue")) {
              implicitValues[name] = optionInfo.implicitValue;
            var optionIsBoolean = (optionInfo.type === Boolean);
            if (_.has(isBoolean, name)) {
              if (isBoolean[name] !== optionIsBoolean)  {
                throw new Error("conflict: option '" + name + "' is used " +
                                "both as a boolean and as another type for " +
                                "command " + key);
            } else {
              isBoolean[name] = optionIsBoolean;
      } else {

  // This is for things like '--arch' and '--version' which look like
  // options, but actually function pretty much like commands. That's
  // a little weird but it feels good and it follows a grand Unix
  // tradition.
  _.each(commands['--'] || {}, function (value, key) {
    if (_.has(isBoolean, "--" + key)) {
      throw new Error("--" + key + " is both an option and a command?");
    isBoolean["--" + key] = true;

  // Now parse!
  var argv = process.argv.slice(2);
  var rawOptions = {}; // map from '--foo' or '-f' to array of values
  var rawArgs = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) {
    var term = argv[i];

    // --: stop-parsing marker
    if (term === "--") {
      // Remainder is unparsed
      rawArgs = rawArgs.concat(argv.slice(i + 1));

    // -: just an argument named '-'
    if (term === "-") {

    if (term.match(/^--?=/)) {
      Console.error("Option names cannot begin with '='.");

    // A single option, like --foo or -f
    if (term.match(/^--/) || term.match(/^-.$/)) {
      var value = undefined;

      // Split the term (once only!) on an equal sign.
      var equals = term.indexOf('=');
      if (equals !== -1) {
        value = term.substr(equals + 1);
        term = term.substr(0, equals);

      if (! _.has(rawOptions, term)) {
        rawOptions[term] = [];

      // Save off the value of the option. true for (known) booleans,
      // null if value is missing, else a string. Don't try to
      // validate or interpret it yet.
      if (isBoolean[term]) {
        // If we got an '=' for a boolean, this is an error, which will be
        // printed prettily later if we push false here.
        rawOptions[term].push(value === undefined);
      } else if (value !== undefined) {
        // Handle '--foo=bar' and '--foo=' (which means "set to empty string").
      } else if (_.has(implicitValues, term)) {
      } else if (i === argv.length - 1) {
      } else {
        rawOptions[term].push(argv[i + 1]);
        i ++;

    // Compound short option ('-abc', '-p45', '-abcp45')? Rewrite it
    // in place into '-a -b -c', '-p 45', '-a -b -c -p 45'. Not that
    // anyone really talks this way anymore.
    if (term.match(/^-/)) {
      if (term.match(/^-[-=]?$/)) {
        throw Error("these cases should be handled above?");

      var replacements = [];
      for (var j = 1; j < term.length; j++) {
        var subterm = "-" + term.charAt(j);
        if (isBoolean[subterm] === false) {
          // If we recognize this short option, and we're sure that it
          // takes a value, and there are remaining characters in the
          // short option, then those remaining characters are the value.
          var remainder = term.substr(j + 1);
          if (remainder.length) {
            // If there's an '=' here, don't include it in the option value. A
            // trailing '=' *should* cause us to set the option value to ''.
            if (remainder.charAt(0) === '=') {
              remainder = remainder.substr(1);
        } else if (isBoolean[subterm] &&
                   j + 1 < term.length && term.charAt(j + 1) === '=') {
          // We know it's a boolean, but we've been given an '='. This will
          // cause a pretty error later.
          if (! _.has(rawOptions, subterm)) {
            rawOptions[subterm] = [];
          // Don't process the '=' on the next pass.
          j ++;
        } else {
          // It's a boolean without an '=', or it's something we've never heard
          // of.  (In the latter case, assume it's boolean for now, and we'll
          // print an error later.)

      _.partial(argv.splice, i, 1).apply(argv, replacements);
      i --;

    // It is a plain old argument!

  if (_.has(rawOptions, "--allow-superuser") ||
      _.has(rawOptions, "--unsafe-perm")) {
    process.env.METEOR_ALLOW_SUPERUSER = "true";
    delete rawOptions["--allow-superuser"];
    delete rawOptions["--unsafe-perm"];

  // Prevent running meteor as root on UNIX platforms.
  if (process.getuid &&
      process.getuid() === 0) {
    const allowSuperuser = !! (
      process.env.METEOR_ALLOW_SUPERUSER &&

    if (! allowSuperuser) {
      // Meteor is running as root without METEOR_ALLOW_SUPERUSER, notice and stop.
        "You are attempting to run Meteor as the 'root' superuser.",
        "If you are developing, this is almost certainly *not* what you want to do and will likely result in incorrect file permissions.",
        "However, if you are running this command in a build process (CI, etc.), or you are absolutely sure you know what you are doing,",
        "set the METEOR_ALLOW_SUPERUSER environment variable or pass --allow-superuser to proceed."
      "Even with METEOR_ALLOW_SUPERUSER or --allow-superuser, permissions in your app directory will be incorrect if you ever attempt to perform any Meteor tasks as a normal user.",
      "If you need to fix your permissions, run the following command from the root of your project:"
    );"");"  sudo chown -Rh <username> .meteor/local"));"");

    if (! allowSuperuser) {

  // Figure out if we're running in a directory that is part of a Meteor
  // application or package. Determine any additional directories to
  // search for packages.

  var appDir = files.findAppDir();
  if (appDir) {
    appDir = files.pathResolve(appDir);


  // Initialize the server catalog. Among other things, this is where we get
  // release information (used by springboarding). We do not at this point talk
  // to the server and refresh it.
    offline: !!process.env.METEOR_OFFLINE_CATALOG

  // Now before we do anything else, figure out the release to use,
  // and if that release goes with a different version of the tools,
  // quit and run those tools instead.
  // Note that doing this correctly requires knowledge of which
  // arguments are boolean (in 'meteor --option --release 1.0', is
  // '--release' a flag or the values of '--option')? We have to use
  // the flag definitions in the current (latest) version of meteor to
  // decide whether to exec the other version of meteor that would
  // interpret the flags. That's not ideal, but it should do fine in
  // practice, and it's better than assuming that all options are or
  // aren't boolean when interpreting --release. See
  // #ImprovingCrossVersionOptionParsing.

  var releaseOverride = null;
  var releaseForced = false;
  var releaseExplicit = false;
  var releaseFromApp = false;
  if (_.has(rawOptions, '--release')) {
    if (rawOptions['--release'].length > 1) {
        "--release should only be passed once. " +
        "Try 'meteor help' for help.");
    releaseOverride = rawOptions['--release'][0];
    releaseForced = true;
    releaseExplicit = true;
    if (! releaseOverride) {
        "The --release option needs a value. " +
        "Try 'meteor help' for help.");
    delete rawOptions['--release'];

  if (_.has(process.env, 'METEOR_SPRINGBOARD_RELEASE')) {
    // See #SpringboardEnvironmentVar
    // Note that this causes release.forced to be true, but not
    // release.explicit.  release.forced means "we're using
    // some sort of externally specified release, not the app
    // release"; release.explicit means "the end-user typed
    // --release".
    releaseOverride = process.env['METEOR_SPRINGBOARD_RELEASE'];
    releaseForced = true;

  var releaseName, appReleaseFile;
  if (appDir) {
    appReleaseFile = new projectContextModule.ReleaseFile({
      projectDir: appDir
    // This is what happens if the file exists and is empty. This really
    // shouldn't happen unless the user did it manually.
    if (appReleaseFile.noReleaseSpecified()) {
        "Problem! This project has a .meteor/release file which is empty.",
        "The file should either contain the release of Meteor that you want",
        "to use, or the word 'none' if you will only use the project with",
        "unreleased checkouts of Meteor. Please edit the .meteor/release",
        "file in the project and change it to a valid Meteor release or",
    } else if (appReleaseFile.fileMissing()) {
        "Problem! This project does not have a .meteor/release file.",
        "The file should either contain the release of Meteor that you",
        "want to use, or the word 'none' if you will only use the project",
        "with unreleased checkouts of Meteor. Please edit the",
        ".meteor/release file in the project and change it to a valid Meteor",
        "release or 'none'.");

  if (! files.usesWarehouse()) {
    // Running from a checkout
    if (releaseOverride) {
        "Can't specify a release when running Meteor from a checkout.");
    releaseName = null;
  } else {
    // Running from an install
    if (releaseOverride) {
      // Use the release explicitly specified on the command line.
      releaseName = releaseOverride;
    } else if (appDir) {
      // Running from an app directory. Use release specified by app.
      if (appReleaseFile.isCheckout()) {
        // Looks like we don't have a release. Leave release.current === null.
      } else {
        // Use the project's desired release
        releaseName = appReleaseFile.unnormalizedReleaseName;
        releaseFromApp = true;
    } else {
      // Run outside an app dir with no --release flag. Use the latest
      // release we know about (in the default track).
      releaseName = release.latestKnown();
      if (!releaseName) {
        // Somehow we have a catalog that doesn't have any releases on the
        // default track. Try syncing, at least.  (This is a pretty unlikely
        // error case, since you should always start with a non-empty catalog.)
        Console.withProgressDisplayVisible(function () {
        releaseName = release.latestKnown();
      if (!releaseName) {
        if (catalog.refreshFailed) {
            "The package catalog has no information about any Meteor",
            "releases, and we had trouble connecting to the package server.");
        } else {
            "The package catalog has no information about",
            "any Meteor releases.");

  if (releaseName !== undefined) {
    // Yay, it's time to load releases!
    // The release could be a modern (0.9.0+) tropohouse release or a legacy
    // (pre-0.9.0) warehouse release.
    // The release could be something we already know about on our local disk,
    // or it could be something we have to ask a server about.
    // We want to check both possibilities on disk before talking to any
    // server. And we want to check for modern releases first in both cases.

    var rel = null;

    if (process.env.METEOR_TEST_FAIL_RELEASE_DOWNLOAD !== 'not-found') {
      // ATTEMPT 1: modern release, on disk.  (For modern releases, "on disk"
      // just means we have the metadata about it in our catalog; it doesn't
      // mean we've downloaded the tool or any packages yet.)  release.load just
      // does a single sqlite query; it doesn't refresh the catalog.
      try {
        rel = release.load(releaseName);
      } catch (e) {
        if (!(e instanceof release.NoSuchReleaseError)) {
          throw e;

      if (!rel) {
        if (releaseName === null) {
          throw Error("huh? couldn't load from-checkout release?");

        // ATTEMPT 2: legacy release, on disk. (And it's a "real" release, not a
        // "red pill" release which has the same name as a modern release!)
        if (warehouse.realReleaseExistsInWarehouse(releaseName)) {
          var manifest = warehouse.ensureReleaseExistsAndReturnManifest(
          oldSpringboard(;  // doesn't return

        // ATTEMPT 3: modern release, troposphere sync needed.
        Console.withProgressDisplayVisible(function () {

        // Try to load the release even if the refresh failed, since it might
        // have failed on a later page than the one we needed.
        try {
          rel = release.load(releaseName);
        } catch (e) {
          if (!(e instanceof release.NoSuchReleaseError)) {
            throw e;

      if (!rel && process.platform !== "win32") {
        // ATTEMPT 4: legacy release, loading from warehouse server.
        manifest = null;
        try {
          manifest = warehouse.ensureReleaseExistsAndReturnManifest(
        } catch (e) {
          // Note: this is WAREHOUSE's NoSuchReleaseError, not RELEASE's
          if (e instanceof warehouse.NoSuchReleaseError) {
            // pass ...
          } else if (e instanceof files.OfflineError) {
            if (!catalog.refreshFailed) {
              // Warn if we didn't already warn.
                "Unable to contact release server (are you offline?)");
                "If you are using Meteor behind a proxy, set HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables or see this page for more details: ",
            // Treat this like a failure to refresh the catalog
            // (map the old world to the new world)
            catalog.refreshFailed = true;
          } else {
            throw e;
        if (manifest) {
          // OK, it was an legacy release. We should old-springboard to it.
          oldSpringboard(;  // doesn't return

    if (!rel) {
      // Nope, still have no idea about this release!

      // Let's do some processing here. If the user/release file specified a
      // track, we need to display that correctly, and if they didn't, we should
      // make it clear that we are talking about the default track.
      var catalogUtils = require('../packaging/catalog/catalog-utils.js');
      var trackAndVersion = catalogUtils.splitReleaseName(releaseName);
      var displayRelease = catalogUtils.displayRelease(
        trackAndVersion[0], trackAndVersion[1]);
      // Now, let's process this.
      if (releaseOverride) {
        if (process.platform === "win32") {
          // Give a good warning if this release exists, but only in the super old
          // warehouse.
          var result = httpHelpers.request(
            "" + releaseName + ".release.json");
          if(result.response.statusCode === 200) {
            Console.error("Meteor on Windows does not support running any releases",
              "before Meteor 1.1. Please use a newer release.");

        Console.error(displayRelease + ": unknown release.");
      } else if (appDir) {
        if (trackAndVersion[0] !== catalog.DEFAULT_TRACK) {
          displayRelease = "Meteor release " + displayRelease;
        if (catalog.refreshFailed) {
            "This project says that it uses " + displayRelease + ", but",
            "you don't have that version of Meteor installed, and we were",
            "unable to contact Meteor's update servers to find out about it.",
            "Please edit the .meteor/release file in the project and change",
            "it to a valid Meteor release, or go online.");
        } else {
            "This project says that it uses " + displayRelease + ", but you",
            "don't have that version of Meteor installed and the Meteor",
            "update servers don't have it either. Please edit the",
            ".meteor/release file in the project and change it to a valid",
            "Meteor release.");
      } else {
        throw new Error("can't load latest release?");

    release.setCurrent(rel, releaseForced, releaseExplicit);

  // If we're not running the correct version of the tools for this
  // release, fetch it and re-run.
  // This will never happen when we're springboarding as part of an
  // update, because the correct tools version will have been chosen
  // the first time around. It will also never happen if the current
  // release is a checkout, because that doesn't make any sense.
  if (release.current &&
      release.current.isProperRelease()) {
    if (files.getToolsVersion() !==
        release.current.getToolsPackageAtVersion()) {
      springboard(release.current, {
        fromApp: releaseFromApp,
        mayReturn: false,
      // Does not return!
    } else if (archinfo.canSwitchTo64Bit()) {
      springboard(release.current, {
        fromApp: releaseFromApp,
        // Switching to a 64-bit meteor-tool build may fail, in which case
        // we should continue on as usual.
        mayReturn: true,

  // Check for the '--help' option.
  var showHelp = false;
  if (_.has(rawOptions, '--help')) {
    showHelp = true;
    delete rawOptions['--help'];

  var commandName = '';
  var command = null;

  // Check for a command like '--arch' or '--version'. Make sure
  // it stands alone. (And this is ignored if you've passed --help.)
  if (! showHelp) {
    _.each(commands['--'] || {}, function (value, key) {
      var fullName = "--" + key;

      if (rawOptions[fullName]) {
        if (rawOptions[fullName].length > 1) {
          Console.error("It doesn't make sense to pass " +
                        fullName + " more than once.");
        if (_.size(rawOptions) > 1 || rawArgs.length !== 0 || command) {
          Console.error("Can't pass anything else along with " +
               + ".");
        command = value;
        commandName =;
        delete rawOptions['--' + key];

  // OK, if not one of those, the first (non-'--') argument(s) should
  // name the command.
  if (! command) {
    if (rawArgs.length === 0) {
      // No arguments means 'run'. Unless it's 'meteor --help'.
      if (! showHelp) {
        command =
        commandName = "run";
        if (! command) {
          throw new Error("no 'run' command?");
    } else {
      // Find the command they specified.
      var walk = commands;
      for (var i = 0; i < rawArgs.length; i++) {
        var word = rawArgs[i];

        // Support "meteor help", "meteor help deploy", "meteor help admin",
        // "meteor admin help", "meteor admin help grant", etc.  (But not
        // "meteor deploy help" or "meteor admin grant help": once we find an
        // actual command, we assume "help" is an argument, eg a site called
        // 'help'!)
        if (word === "help") {
          showHelp = true;

        commandName += (commandName.length > 0 ? " " : "") + word;

        if (! _.has(walk, word)) {
            Console.command("'" + commandName + "'") +
            " is not a Meteor command. See " +
            Console.command("'meteor --help'")+ ".");

        if (walk[word] instanceof Command) {
          command = walk[word];
          rawArgs = rawArgs.slice(i + 1); // consume arguments used

        walk = walk[word];

  if (! command && ! showHelp) {
    // They typed something like 'meteor admin' (when they were
    // supposed to type 'meteor admin grant' or something).
      "Try " + Console.command("'meteor " + commandName + " help'") + " " +
      "for available commands.");

  // At this point we have a command[*]. Did they ask for help, or do
  // they actually want to run the command? If the former, print the
  // help and don't criticize anything else they may have given us.
  // [*] the one exception being 'meteor --help' or 'meteor help', in
  // which case showHelp will be true and command will be null

  if (showHelp) {
    // XXX: Until we rewrite the longHelp function to cope with the new output
    // format, let's go with the static, painstakingly-formatted version.
    Console.rawInfo(longHelp(commandName) + "\n");

  // They want to run the command. Interpret the options and make sure
  // that they're valid.

  var options = { args: rawArgs };

  _.each(command.options, function (optionInfo, optionName) {
    var presentLong = _.has(rawOptions, "--" + optionName);
    var presentShort = _.has(optionInfo, 'short') &&
      _.has(rawOptions, "-" + optionInfo.short);
    var tryHelpMessage =
        "Try " + Console.command("'meteor help " + commandName + "'") + " " +
        "for help.";

    if (presentShort && presentLong) {
      // this would get caught below, but give a clearer error message
        commandName + ": can't pass both -" + optionInfo.short + " and --" +
        optionName + ". " + tryHelpMessage);
    var helpfulOptionName = "--" + optionName +
      (presentShort ? " (-" + optionInfo.short + ")" : "");

    // Collect all values we've received for this option, across the
    // long and short versions, and across possibly multiple
    // occurrences of the option on the command line
    var values = [];
    if (presentLong) {
      values = values.concat(rawOptions["--" + optionName]);
    if (presentShort) {
      values = values.concat(rawOptions["-" + optionInfo.short]);

    if (values.length > 1) {
      // in the future, we could support multiple values, but we don't
      // for now since no command needs it
        Console.command(commandName) + ": can only take one " +
          Console.command(helpfulOptionName) + " option.");

    } else if (values.length === 1) {
      // OK, they provided exactly one value. Check its type and add
      // to the output.
      var value = values[0];
      if (value === null) {
        // This option requires a value and they didn't give it one
        // (it was the last word on the command line).
          Console.command(commandName) + ": the " +
            Console.command(helpfulOptionName) + " option needs a value.");

      } else if (optionInfo.type === Number) {
        if (! value.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) {
            Console.command(commandName) + ": " +
              Console.command(helpfulOptionName) + " must be a number.");
        value = parseInt(value);
      } else if (optionInfo.type === Boolean) {
        if (!value) {
            Console.command(commandName) + ": the " +
              Console.command(helpfulOptionName) + " " +
              "option does not need a value.");
        value = true;
      } else if (optionInfo.type === String) {
        // nothing to do, 'value' needs no parsing or validation
      } else {
        throw new Error("unknown option type?");
      options[optionName] = value;

      // Remove from the list of input arguments so that later we can
      // detect unrecognized arguments.
      if (presentLong) {
        delete rawOptions["--" + optionName];
      if (presentShort) {
        delete rawOptions["-" + optionInfo.short];
    } else {
      // Option not supplied. Throw an error if it was required,
      // supply a default value if one is defined, or just leave it
      // out.
      if (_.has(optionInfo, 'default')) {
        options[optionName] = optionInfo.default;
      } else if (optionInfo.required) {
          Console.command(commandName) + ": the --" +
          Console.command(optionName) + " option is required.");

  // Check for unrecognized options.
  if (Object.keys(rawOptions).length > 0 && !command.allowUnrecognizedOptions) {
      Console.command(Object.keys(rawOptions)[0]) + ": unknown option.");

  // Check argument count.
  if (options.args.length < command.minArgs) {
      Console.command(commandName) + ": not enough arguments.");

  if (options.args.length > command.maxArgs) {
      Console.command(commandName) + ": too many arguments.");

  // We know we have a valid command and options. Now check to see if
  // the command can only be run from an app dir, and add the appDir
  // option if running from an app.
  var requiresApp = command.evaluateOption('requiresApp', options);

  if (appDir) {
    options.appDir = appDir;

  if (requiresApp && ! options.appDir) {
    // This is where you end up if you type 'meteor' with no args,
    // since you'll default to the 'run' command which requires an
    // app. Be welcoming to our new developers!
      Console.command(commandName) +
      ": You're not in a Meteor project directory.");
    Console.error("To create a new Meteor project:");
      Console.command("meteor create <project name>"),
      Console.options({ indent: 2 }));
    Console.error("For example:");
      Console.command("meteor create myapp"),
      Console.options({ indent: 2 }));
      "For more help, see " + Console.command("'meteor --help'") + ".");

  // Same check for commands that can only be run from a package dir.
  // You can't specify this on a Refresh.Never command.
  var requiresPackage = command.evaluateOption('requiresPackage', options);

  var requiresAppOrPackage =
    command.evaluateOption('requiresAppOrPackage', options);

  // Some commands have different results when run from a package dir, but don't
  // strictly require it. These commands should use 'usesPackage' instead of
  // requiresPackage. (We want to avoid searching up the directory tree for
  // package.js when we don’t have to. Hopefully, a unified control file will
  // allow us better control in the future).
  var usesPackage = command.usesPackage;

  if (requiresPackage || usesPackage || requiresAppOrPackage) {
    var packageDir = files.findPackageDir();
    if (packageDir) {
      packageDir = files.pathResolve(packageDir);
    if (packageDir) {
      options.packageDir = packageDir;

  if (requiresPackage && ! options.packageDir) {
      Console.command(commandName) +
        ": You're not in a Meteor package directory.");

  if (requiresAppOrPackage && ! options.packageDir && ! options.appDir) {
      Console.command(commandName) +
        ": You're not in a Meteor app directory or a Meteor package directory.");

  if (command.requiresRelease && ! release.current) {
      "You must specify a Meteor version with --release when you work with",
      "this project. It was created from an unreleased Meteor checkout and",
      "doesn't have a version associated with it.");
      "You can permanently set a release for this project with " +
      Console.command("'meteor update'") + ".");

  if (command.requiresApp && release.current.isCheckout() &&
      appReleaseFile && ! appReleaseFile.isCheckout()) {
    // For commands that work with apps, if we have overridden the
    // app's usual release by using a checkout, print a reminder banner.
      "Running Meteor from a checkout -- overrides project version " +
      Console.noWrap("(" + appReleaseFile.displayReleaseName + ")"));

  // Now that we're ready to start executing the command, if we are in
  // startup time profiling mode, print the profile.
  if (showRequireProfile) {

  Console.setPretty(command.evaluateOption('pretty', options));

  if (command.notOnWindows && process.platform === 'win32') {
    Console.error('This command is not yet available on Windows.');

  // Run the command!
  try {
    // Before run, do a package sync if one is configured
    var catalogRefreshStrategy = command.catalogRefresh;
    if (! catalog.triedToRefreshRecently &&
        catalogRefreshStrategy.beforeCommand) {
      buildmessage.enterJob({title: 'updating package catalog'}, function () {

    var ret = Promise.resolve(
      command.func(options, { rawOptions })

  } catch (e) {

    if (e === main.ShowUsage || e === main.WaitForExit ||
        e === main.SpringboardToLatestRelease ||
        e === main.SpringboardToSpecificRelease ||
        e === main.WaitForExit) {
      throw new Error(
        "you meant 'throw new main.Foo', not 'throw main.Foo'");
    } else if (e instanceof main.ShowUsage) {
      Console.rawError(longHelp(commandName) + "\n");
    } else if (e instanceof main.SpringboardToLatestRelease) {
      // Load the metadata for the latest release (or at least, the latest
      // release we know about locally). We should only do this if we know there
      // is some latest release on this track.
      var latestRelease = release.load(release.latestKnown(e.track));
      springboard(latestRelease, { releaseOverride: });
      // (does not return)
    } else if (e instanceof main.SpringboardToSpecificRelease) {
      // Springboard to a specific release. This is only throw by
      // publish-for-arch, which is catalog.Refresh.OnceAtStart, so we ought to
      // have decent knowledge of the latest release.
      var nextRelease = release.load(e.fullReleaseName);
      springboard(nextRelease, { releaseOverride: e.fullReleaseName });
      // (does not return)
    } else if (e instanceof main.WaitForExit) {
    } else if (e instanceof main.ExitWithCode) {
    } else {
      throw e;


  // Exit. (We will not get here if the command threw an exception
  // such as main.WaitForExit).
  if (ret === undefined) {
    ret = 0;
  if (typeof ret !== "number") {
    throw new Error("command returned non-number?");