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var _ = require('underscore');
var sourcemap = require('source-map');
var buildmessage = require('../utils/buildmessage.js');
var watch = require('../fs/watch');
var Profile = require('../tool-env/profile').Profile;
import assert from 'assert';
import LRU from 'lru-cache';
import { sourceMapLength } from '../utils/utils.js';
import files from '../fs/files';
import { findAssignedGlobals } from './js-analyze.js';
import { convert as convertColons } from '../utils/colon-converter.js';

// A rather small cache size, assuming only one module is being linked
// most of the time.
const CACHE_SIZE = process.env.METEOR_APP_PRELINK_CACHE_SIZE || 1024*1024*20;

// Cache individual files prelinked
  max: CACHE_SIZE,
  length: function (prelinked) {
    return prelinked.source.length + sourceMapLength(prelinked.sourceMap);
// Caches code with source map for dynamic files
  max: Math.pow(2, 11)

var packageDot = function (name) {
  if (/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$/.exec(name)) {
    return "Package." + name;
  } else {
    return "Package['" + name + "']";

// Module

// options include name, imports, exports, useGlobalNamespace,
// combinedServePath, all of which have the same meaning as they do when passed
// to import().
var Module = function (options) {
  var self = this;

  // module name or null = || null;

  // The architecture for which this bundle is being linked.
  self.bundleArch = options.bundleArch;

  // files in the module. array of File
  self.files = [];

  // options
  self.useGlobalNamespace = options.useGlobalNamespace;
  self.combinedServePath = options.combinedServePath;

Object.assign(Module.prototype, {
  // source: the source code
  // servePath: the path where it would prefer to be served if possible
  addFile: function (inputFile) {
    var self = this;
    self.files.push(new File(inputFile, self.bundleArch));

  maxLineLength: function (ignoreOver) {
    var self = this;

    var maxInFile = [];
    _.each(self.files, function (file) {
      var m = 0;
      _.each(file.source.split('\n'), function (line) {
        if (line.length <= ignoreOver && line.length > m) {
          m = line.length;

    return _.max(maxInFile);

  // Figure out which vars need to be specifically put in the module
  // scope.
  computeAssignedVariables: Profile("linker Module#computeAssignedVariables", function () {
    var self = this;

    // The assigned variables in the app aren't actually used for anything:
    // we're using the global namespace, so there's no header where we declare
    // all of the assigned variables as vars.  So there's no use wasting time
    // running static analysis on app code.
    if (self.useGlobalNamespace) {
      return [];

    // Find all global references in any files
    var assignedVariables = [];
    _.each(self.files, function (file) {
      assignedVariables = assignedVariables.concat(
    assignedVariables = _.uniq(assignedVariables);

    return assignedVariables;

  // Output is a list of objects with keys 'source', 'servePath', 'sourceMap',
  // 'sourcePath'
  getPrelinkedFiles: Profile("linker Module#getPrelinkedFiles", function () {
    var self = this;

    const haveMeteorInstallOptions =
      self.files.some(file => file.meteorInstallOptions);

    // If we don't want to create a separate scope for this module,
    // then our job is much simpler. And we can get away with
    // preserving the line numbers.
    if (self.useGlobalNamespace &&
        ! haveMeteorInstallOptions) {
      // Ignore lazy files unless we have a module system.
      const eagerFiles = _.filter(self.files, file => ! file.lazy);

      return, function (file) {
        const cacheKey = JSON.stringify([

        if (APP_PRELINK_CACHE.has(cacheKey)) {
          return APP_PRELINK_CACHE.get(cacheKey);

        const node = file.getPrelinkedOutput({ preserveLineNumbers: true });
        const results = Profile.time(
          "toStringWithSourceMap (app)", () => {
            return node.toStringWithSourceMap({
              file: file.servePath
            }); // results has 'code' and 'map' attributes

        let sourceMap =;
        if (! sourceMap.mappings) {
          sourceMap = null;

        const prelinked = {
          source: results.code,
          sourcePath: file.sourcePath,
          servePath: file.servePath,
          sourceMap: sourceMap,
          hash: file._inputHash,

        APP_PRELINK_CACHE.set(cacheKey, prelinked);
        return prelinked;

    // Otherwise..

    // Find the maximum line length.
    var sourceWidth = _.max([68, self.maxLineLength(120 - 2)]);

    const result = {
      // This object will be populated with .source, .servePath,
      // .sourceMap, and (optionally) .exportsName properties before being
      // returned from this method in a singleton array.
      servePath: self.combinedServePath,
      hash: watch.sha1(
        JSON.stringify( => file._inputHash))

    const results = [result];

    // An array of strings and SourceNode objects.
    let chunks = [];
    let fileCount = 0;

    // Emit each file
    if (haveMeteorInstallOptions) {
      const trees = self._buildModuleTrees(results, sourceWidth);
      fileCount = self._chunkifyModuleTrees(trees, chunks, sourceWidth);
      result.exportsName =
        self._chunkifyEagerRequires(chunks, fileCount, sourceWidth);

    } else {
      _.each(self.files, function (file) {
        if (file.lazy) {
          // Ignore lazy files unless we have a module system.

        if (!_.isEmpty(chunks)) {

          sourceWidth: sourceWidth,


    var node = new sourcemap.SourceNode(null, null, null, chunks);

      'getPrelinkedFiles toStringWithSourceMap',
      function () {
        if (fileCount > 0) {
          var swsm = node.toStringWithSourceMap({
            file: self.combinedServePath
          result.source = swsm.code;
          result.sourceMap =;
          if (! result.sourceMap.mappings) {
            result.sourceMap = null;
        } else {
          // If there were no files in this bundle, we do not need to
          // generate a source map.
          result.source = node.toString();
          result.sourceMap = null;

    return results;

  // Builds a tree of nested objects where the properties are names of
  // files or directories, and the values are either nested objects
  // (representing directories) or File objects (representing modules).
  // Bare files and lazy files that are never imported are ignored.
  _buildModuleTrees(results, sourceWidth) {
    // Map from meteorInstallOptions objects to trees of File objects for
    // all non-dynamic modules.
    const trees = new Map;

    function getTree({ meteorInstallOptions }) {
      if (! trees.has(meteorInstallOptions)) {
        trees.set(meteorInstallOptions, {});
      return trees.get(meteorInstallOptions);

    _.each(this.files, file => {
      if (file.bare) {
        // Bare files will be added before the synchronous require calls
        // in _chunkifyEagerRequires.

      if (file.lazy && ! file.imported) {
        // If the file is not eagerly evaluated, and no other files
        // import or require it, then it need not be included in the
        // bundle.

      const tree = getTree(file);

      if (file.aliasId) {
        addToTree(file.aliasId, file.absModuleId, tree);

      if (file.isDynamic()) {
        const servePath = files.pathJoin("dynamic", file.absModuleId);
        const { code: source, map } =
          getOutputWithSourceMapCached(file, servePath, { sourceWidth })

          sourceMap: map && map.toJSON(),
          dynamic: true,

        const stubArray = file.deps.slice(0);

        if (file.absModuleId.endsWith("/package.json") &&
            file.jsonData) {
          const stub = {};

          function tryMain(name) {
            const value = file.jsonData[name];
            if (_.isString(value) ||
                _.isObject(value)) {
              stub[name] = value;



        addToTree(stubArray, file.absModuleId, tree);

      } else {
        // If the file is not dynamic, then it should be included in the
        // initial bundle, so we add it to the static tree.
        addToTree(file, file.absModuleId, tree);

    return trees;

  // Take the tree generated in getPrelinkedFiles and populate the chunks
  // array with strings and SourceNode objects that can be combined into a
  // single SourceNode object. Return the count of modules in the tree.
  _chunkifyModuleTrees(trees, chunks, sourceWidth) {
    const self = this;


    let moduleCount = 0;

    function walk(t) {
      if (Array.isArray(t)) {
        chunks.push(JSON.stringify(t, null, 2));

      } else if (typeof t === "string") {
        // This case can happen if a package.json file has an
        // object-valued "browser" field that aliases this module to a
        // different module identifier string. Note that the runtime
        // module system resolves string aliases relative to the original
        // module identifier, so it's probably a good idea to make sure
        // these identifiers are absolute (start with a '/') to avoid
        // ambiguity, since identifiers in package.json "browser" fields
        // are meant to be resolved relative to the package.json file.

      } else if (t === false) {
        // This case can happen if a package.json file has an
        // object-valued "browser" field that maps this module to `false`,
        // indicating it should be replaced by an empty stub.

      } else if (t instanceof File) {


      } else if (_.isObject(t)) {
        const keys = Object.keys(t);
        _.each(keys, (key, i) => {
          chunks.push(JSON.stringify(key), ":");
          if (i < keys.length - 1) {

    const chunksLengthBeforeWalk = chunks.length;

    if (trees.size > 0) {
      chunks.push("var require = ");

    // Emit one meteorInstall call per distinct meteorInstallOptions
    // object, since the options apply to all modules installed by a given
    // call to meteorInstall.
    trees.forEach((tree, options) => {
      chunks.push(",", self._stringifyInstallOptions(options), ");\n");

    if (moduleCount === 0) {
      // If no files were actually added to the chunks array, roll back
      // to before the `var require = meteorInstall(` chunk.
      chunks.length = chunksLengthBeforeWalk;

    return moduleCount;

  _stringifyInstallOptions(options) {
    const optionsString = JSON.stringify(options, null, 2);

    if (this.useGlobalNamespace) {
      return optionsString;

    if (! this.files.some(file => file.isDynamic())) {
      // If the package contains no files that can be imported
      // dynamically, then we don't need to provide an options.eval
      // function for evaluating dynamic modules.
      return optionsString;


    // If this package is not using the global namespace, pass an
    // options.eval method to meteorInstall, so that code added later can
    // have access to the same shared package variables as other code in
    // the package.
    return optionsString.slice(0, optionsString.length - 2) + [
      "  eval: function () {",
      "    return eval(arguments[0]);",
      "  }",

  _hasDynamicModules() {
    return this.files.some(file => file.isDynamic());

  // Adds require calls to the chunks array for all modules that should be
  // eagerly evaluated, and also includes any bare files before the
  // require calls. Returns the name of the variable that holds the main
  // exports object, if api.mainModule was used to define a main module.
  _chunkifyEagerRequires(chunks, moduleCount, sourceWidth) {

    let exportsName;

    // Now that we have installed everything in this package or
    // application, first evaluate the bare files, then require the
    // non-lazy (eager) modules.

    const eagerModuleFiles = [];

    _.each(this.files, file => {
      if (file.bare) {
        chunks.push("\n", file.getPrelinkedOutput({
      } else if (moduleCount > 0 && ! file.lazy) {

    if (eagerModuleFiles.length > 0) {
      _.each(eagerModuleFiles, file => {
        if (file.mainModule) {
          exportsName = "exports";

          file.mainModule ? "\nvar " + exportsName + " = " : "\n",

    return exportsName;

// Insert the given value into the tree by splitting the path and
// creating/following nested objects properties named by each component of
// the split path.
export function addToTree(value, path, tree) {
  const parts = path.split("/");
  const lastIndex = parts.length - 1;
  parts.forEach((part, i) => {
    if (part === "") {

    tree = _.has(tree, part)
      ? tree[part]
      : tree[part] = i < lastIndex ? {} : value;

// Given 'symbolMap' like {Foo: 's1', 'Bar.Baz': 's2', 'Bar.Quux.A': 's3', 'Bar.Quux.B': 's4'}
// return something like
// {Foo: 's1', Bar: {Baz: 's2', Quux: {A: 's3', B: 's4'}}}
// If the value of a symbol in symbolMap is set null, then we just
// ensure that its parents exist. For example, {'A.B.C': null} means
// to make sure that symbol tree contains at least {A: {B: {}}}.
var buildSymbolTree = function (symbolMap) {
  var ret = {};

  _.each(symbolMap, function (value, symbol) {
    var parts = symbol.split('.');
    var lastPart = parts.pop();

    var walk = ret;
    _.each(parts, function (part) {
      if (! (part in walk)) {
        walk[part] = {};
      walk = walk[part];

    if (value) {
      walk[lastPart] = value;

  return ret;

// Given something like {Foo: 's1', Bar: {Baz: 's2', Quux: {A: 's3', B: 's4'}}}
// construct a string like {Foo: s1, Bar: {Baz: s2, Quux: {A: s3, B: s4}}}
// except with pretty indentation.
var writeSymbolTree = function (symbolTree, indent) {
  var put = function (node, indent) {
    if (typeof node === "string") {
      return node;
    if (Object.keys(node).length === 0) {
      return '{}';
    var spacing = new Array(indent + 1).join(' ');
    // XXX prettyprint!
    return "{\n" +, function (value, key) {
        return spacing + "  " + key + ": " + put(value, indent + 2);
      }).join(',\n') + "\n" + spacing + "}";

  return put(symbolTree, indent || 0);

// File

export function File(inputFile, arch) {
  var self = this;

  // source code for this file (a string)
  self.source ='utf8');

  // hash of source (precalculated for *.js files, calculated here for files
  // produced by plugins)
  self._inputHash = inputFile.hash || watch.sha1(self.source);

  // The path of the source file, relative to the root directory of the
  // package or application.
  self.sourcePath = inputFile.sourcePath;

  // Absolute module identifier to use when installing this file via
  // meteorInstall. If the inputFile has no .absModuleId, then this file
  // cannot be installed as a module.
  self.absModuleId = inputFile.absModuleId || null;

  // the path where this file would prefer to be served if possible
  self.servePath = inputFile.servePath;

  if (inputFile.alias) {
    self.aliasId = inputFile.alias.absModuleId;

  // Module identifiers imported or required by this module, if any.
  // Excludes dynamically imported dependencies, and may exclude
  // dependencies already included in the non-dynamic initial bundle.
  self.deps = getNonDynamicDeps(inputFile.deps);

  // True if the input file should not be evaluated eagerly.
  self.lazy = inputFile.lazy; // could be `true`, `false` or `undefined` <sigh>

  // False if the file is not imported at all, "static" if it is eagerly
  // imported, and "dynamic" if the file is dynamically imported.
  self.imported = inputFile.imported;

  // Boolean indicating whether this file is the main entry point module
  // for its package.
  self.mainModule = !!inputFile.mainModule;

  // If true, don't wrap this individual file in a closure.
  self.bare = !!inputFile.bare;

  // A source map (generated by something like CoffeeScript) for the input file.
  // Is an Object, not a string.
  self.sourceMap = inputFile.sourceMap;

  // If inputFile is a JSON file, its parsed data will be exposed via the
  // .jsonData property.
  self.jsonData = inputFile.jsonData || null;

  // The arch this file will run in
  self.bundleArch = arch;

  // Options to pass to meteorInstall when this file is installed.
  // Defined only when the modules package is in use by this module.
  self.meteorInstallOptions = inputFile.meteorInstallOptions;

function getNonDynamicDeps(inputFileDeps) {
  const nonDynamicDeps = Object.create(null);

  if (! _.isEmpty(inputFileDeps)) {
    _.each(inputFileDeps, (info, id) => {
      if (! info.dynamic) {
        nonDynamicDeps[id] = info;

  return Object.keys(nonDynamicDeps);

Object.assign(File.prototype, {
  // Return the globals in this file as an array of symbol names.  For
  // example: if the code references '' and 'Quux', and
  // neither are declared in a scope enclosing the point where they're
  // referenced, then globalReferences would include ["Foo", "Quux"].
  computeAssignedVariables: Profile("linker File#computeAssignedVariables", function () {
    var self = this;

    if (self.absModuleId) {
      const parts = self.absModuleId.split("/");
      const nmi = parts.indexOf("node_modules");
      if (nmi >= 0 && parts[nmi + 1] !== "meteor") {
        // If this file is in a node_modules directory and is not part of
        // a Meteor package, then we don't care about capturing its global
        // variable assignments.
        return [];

    try {
      return Object.keys(findAssignedGlobals(self.source, self._inputHash));
    } catch (e) {
      if (!e.$ParseError) {
        throw e;

      var errorOptions = {
        file: self.servePath,
        line: e.lineNumber,
        column: e.column
      if (self.sourceMap) {
        var parsed = Promise.await(new sourcemap.SourceMapConsumer(self.sourceMap));
        var original = parsed.originalPositionFor(
          {line: e.lineNumber, column: e.column - 1});
        if (original.source) {
          errorOptions.file = original.source;
          errorOptions.line = original.line;
          errorOptions.column = original.column + 1;

      buildmessage.error(e.message, errorOptions);

      // Recover by pretending that this file is empty (which
      // includes replacing its source code with '' in the output)
      self.source = "";
      self._inputHash = watch.sha1(self.source);
      self.sourceMap = null;
      return [];

  isDynamic() {
    return this.lazy && this.imported === "dynamic";

  _getClosureHeader() {
    if (this.meteorInstallOptions) {
      const headerParts = ["function module("];

      if (this.source.match(/\b__dirname\b/)) {
      } else if (this.source.match(/\b__filename\b/)) {
      } else if (this.source.match(/\bmodule\b/)) {
      } else if (this.source.match(/\bexports\b/)) {
      } else if (this.source.match(/\brequire\b/)) {


      return headerParts.join("");

    return "(function(){";

  _getClosureFooter() {
    return this.meteorInstallOptions
      ? "}"
      : "}).call(this);\n";

  // Options:
  // - preserveLineNumbers: if true, decorate minimally so that line
  //   numbers don't change between input and output. In this case,
  //   sourceWidth is ignored.
  // - sourceWidth: width in columns to use for the source code
  // Returns a SourceNode.
  getPrelinkedOutput: Profile("linker File#getPrelinkedOutput", function (options) {
    return getPrelinkedOutputCached(this, options);

const getPrelinkedOutputCached = require("optimism").wrap(
  function (file, options) {
    var width = options.sourceWidth || 70;
    var bannerWidth = width + 3;
    var preserveLineNumbers = options.preserveLineNumbers;

    if (file.sourceMap) {
      // Honoring options.preserveLineNumbers is likely impossible if we
      // have a source map, since file.source has probably already been
      // transformed in a way that does not preserve line numbers. That's
      // ok, though, because we have a source map, and we also annotate
      // line numbers using comments (see above), just in case source maps
      // are not supported.
      preserveLineNumbers = false;

    const result = {
      code: file.source,
      map: file.sourceMap || null,

    var chunks = [];
    var pathNoSlash = convertColons(file.servePath.replace(/^\//, ""));

    if (! file.bare) {
      var closureHeader = file._getClosureHeader();
        preserveLineNumbers ? "" : "\n\n"

    if (! preserveLineNumbers) {
      // Banner
      var bannerLines = [pathNoSlash];

      if (file.bare) {
          "This file is in bare mode and is not in its own closure.");

      chunks.push(banner(bannerLines, bannerWidth));

      var blankLine = new Array(width + 1).join(' ') + " //\n";

    if (result.code) {
      // If we have a source map for result.code, push a SourceNode onto
      // the chunks array that encapsulates that source map. If we don't
      // have a source map, just push result.code.

      let chunk = result.code;

      if ( {
        const sourcemapConsumer = Promise.await(new sourcemap.SourceMapConsumer(;
        chunk = sourcemap.SourceNode.fromStringWithSourceMap(


      // It's important for the code to end with a newline, so that a
      // trailing // comment can't snarf code appended after it.
      if (result.code[result.code - 1] !== "\n") {

    // Footer
    if (file.bare) {
      if (! preserveLineNumbers) {
        chunks.push(dividerLine(bannerWidth), "\n");
    } else {
      const closureFooter = file._getClosureFooter();
      if (preserveLineNumbers) {
      } else {

    return new sourcemap.SourceNode(null, null, null, chunks);
  }, {
    // Store at most 4096 Files worth of prelinked output in this cache.
    max: Math.pow(2, 12),

    makeCacheKey(file, options) {
      if (options.disableCache) {

      return JSON.stringify({
        hash: file._inputHash,
        arch: file.bundleArch,
        bare: file.bare,
        servePath: file.servePath,

function getOutputWithSourceMapCached(file, servePath, options) {
  const key = JSON.stringify({
    hash: file._inputHash,
    arch: file.bundleArch,
    bare: file.bare,
    servePath: file.servePath,
    dynamic: file.isDynamic(),


  const result = file.getPrelinkedOutput({
    disableCache: true
    file: servePath,


  return result;

// Given a list of lines (not newline-terminated), returns a string placing them
// in a pretty banner of width bannerWidth. All lines must have length at most
// (bannerWidth - 6); if bannerWidth is not provided, the smallest width that
// fits is used.
var banner = function (lines, bannerWidth) {
  if (!bannerWidth) {
    bannerWidth = 6 + _.max(lines, function (x) { return x.length; }).length;

  var divider = dividerLine(bannerWidth);
  var spacer = "// " + new Array(bannerWidth - 6 + 1).join(' ') + " //\n";
  var padding = bannerPadding(bannerWidth);

  var buf = divider + spacer;
  _.each(lines, function (line) {
    buf += "// " + (line + padding).slice(0, bannerWidth - 6) + " //\n";
  buf += spacer + divider;
  return buf;
var dividerLine = function (bannerWidth) {
  return new Array(bannerWidth + 1).join('/') + "\n";
var bannerPadding = function (bannerWidth) {
  return new Array(bannerWidth + 1).join(' ');

// Top-level entry points

// Prior to the "batch-plugins" project, linker.prelink was the first phase of
// linking. It got performed at package compile time, to be followed up with a
// function that used to exist called at app bundle time. We now do
// far less processing at package compile time and simply run linker.fullLink at
// app bundle time, which is effectively the old prelink+link combined. However,
// we keep linker.prelink around now in order to allow new published packages
// that don't use the new build plugin APIs to be used by older Isobuilds.
// It only gets called on packages, not on apps.
// This does about half of the of the linking process. It does not require
// knowledge of your imports. It returns the module's exports, plus a set of
// partially linked files which you must pass to link() along with your import
// list to get your final linked files.
// options include:
// name: the name of this module (for stashing exports to be later
// read by the imports of other modules); null if the module has no
// name (in that case exports will not work properly)
// inputFiles: an array of objects representing input files.
//  - source: the source code
//  - servePath: the path where it would prefer to be served if
//    possible. still allowed on non-browser targets, where it
//    represent as hint as to what the file should be named on disk in
//    the bundle (this will only be seen by someone looking at the
//    bundle, not in error messages, but it's still nice to make it
//    look good)
//  - sourceMap: an optional source map (as string) for the input file
// combinedServePath: if we end up combining all of the files into
// one, use this as the servePath.
// Output is an object with keys:
// - files: is an array of output files in the same format as inputFiles
//   - EXCEPT THAT, for now, sourcePath is omitted and is replaced with
//     sourceMap (a string) (XXX)
// - assignedPackageVariables: an array of variables assigned to without
//   being declared
export var prelink = Profile("linker.prelink", function (options) {
  var module = new Module({
    combinedServePath: options.combinedServePath,

  _.each(options.inputFiles, function (inputFile) {

  // Do static analysis to compute module-scoped variables. Error recovery from
  // the static analysis mutates the sources, so this has to be done before
  // concatenation.
  var assignedVariables = module.computeAssignedVariables();
  var files = module.getPrelinkedFiles();

  return {
    files: files,
    assignedVariables: assignedVariables

  "This is a generated file. You can view the original",
  "source in your browser if your browser supports source maps.",
  "Source maps are supported by all recent versions of Chrome, Safari, ",
  "and Firefox, and by Internet Explorer 11."

var getHeader = function (options) {
  var chunks = [];

    "(function () {\n\n",
    getImportCode(options.imports, "/* Imports */\n", false),

  const packageVariables = _.filter(
    name => ! _.has(options.imports, name),

  if (!_.isEmpty(packageVariables)) {
      "/* Package-scope variables */\n",
      "var ",
      packageVariables.join(', '),

  return chunks.join('');

function getImportCode(imports, header, omitVar) {
  var self = this;

  if (_.isEmpty(imports)) {
    return "";

  // Imports
  var scratch = {};
  _.each(imports, function (name, symbol) {
    scratch[symbol] = packageDot(name) + "." + symbol;
  var tree = buildSymbolTree(scratch);

  // Generate output
  var buf = header;
  _.each(tree, function (node, key) {
    buf += (omitVar ? "" : "var " ) +
      key + " = " + writeSymbolTree(node) + ";\n";
  buf += "\n";

  return buf;

var getFooter = function ({
}) {
  var chunks = [];

  if (name && exported) {
    chunks.push("\n\n/* Exports */\n");

    // Even if there are no exports, we need to define,
    // because the existence of is how another package
    // (e.g., one that weakly depends on foo) can tell if foo is loaded.
    chunks.push("Package._define(" + JSON.stringify(name));

    if (exportsName) {
      // If we have an exports object, use it as Package[name].
      chunks.push(", ", exportsName);

    if (! _.isEmpty(exported)) {
      const scratch = {};
      _.each(exported, symbol => scratch[symbol] = symbol);
      const symbolTree = writeSymbolTree(buildSymbolTree(scratch));
      chunks.push(", ", symbolTree);


  return chunks.join('');

// This is the real entry point that's still used to produce Meteor apps.  It
// takes in information about the files in the package including imports and
// exports, and returns an array of linked source files.
// inputFiles: an array of objects representing input files.
//  - source: the source code
//  - hash: the hash of the source code (optional, will be calculated
//    if not given)
//  - servePath: the path where it would prefer to be served if
//    possible. still allowed on non-browser targets, where it
//    represent as hint as to what the file should be named on disk in
//    the bundle (this will only be seen by someone looking at the
//    bundle, not in error messages, but it's still nice to make it
//    look good)
//  - bare: if true, don't wrap this file in a closure
//  - sourceMap: an optional source map (as object) for the input file
// Output is an array of output files: objects with keys source, servePath,
// sourceMap.
export var fullLink = Profile("linker.fullLink", function (inputFiles, {
  // True if we're linking the application (as opposed to a
  // package). Among other consequences, this makes the top level
  // namespace be the same as the global namespace, so that symbols are
  // accessible from the console, and avoids actually combining files into
  // a single file.
  // The architecture for which this bundle is being linked.
  // If we end up combining all of the files into one, use this as the
  // servePath.
  // The name of this module (for stashing exports to be later read by the
  // imports of other modules); null if the module has no name (in that
  // case exports will not work properly)
  // An array of symbols that the module exports. Symbols are
  // {name,testOnly} pairs.
  // a map from imported symbol to the name of the package that it is
  // imported from
  // True if JS files with source maps should have a comment explaining
  // how to use them in a browser.
}) {

  var module = new Module({
    useGlobalNamespace: isApp,

  _.each(inputFiles, file => module.addFile(file));

  var prelinkedFiles = module.getPrelinkedFiles();

  // If we're in the app, then we just add the import code as its own file in
  // the front.
  if (isApp) {
    if (! _.isEmpty(imports)) {
        source: getImportCode(
          "/* Imports for global scope */\n\n",
          true, // Omit the var keyword.
        servePath: "/global-imports.js"
    return prelinkedFiles;

  // Do static analysis to compute module-scoped variables. Error recovery from
  // the static analysis mutates the sources, so this has to be done before
  // concatenation.
  let assignedVariables;
  const failed = buildmessage.enterJob('computing assigned variables', () => {
    assignedVariables = module.computeAssignedVariables();
    return buildmessage.jobHasMessages();
  if (failed) {
    // recover by pretending there are no files
    return [];

  // If none of the prelinkedFiles contain any code, then the only
  // possible purpose of this package is to re-export imported symbols, so
  // we filter the set of imported symbols according to declaredExports.
  // When there are no declaredExports, this effectively slims the package
  // bundle down to just Package[name] = {}.
  if (prelinkedFiles.every(file => ! file.source)) {
    const newImports = {};
    declaredExports.forEach(name => {
      if (_.has(imports, name)) {
        newImports[name] = imports[name]
    imports = newImports;

  // Otherwise we're making a package and we have to actually combine the files
  // into a single scope.
  var header = getHeader({
    packageVariables: _.union(assignedVariables, declaredExports)

  let exportsName;
  _.each(prelinkedFiles, file => {
    if (file.exportsName) {
      exportsName = file.exportsName;

  var footer = getFooter({
    exported: declaredExports,

  if (includeSourceMapInstructions) {
    header = SOURCE_MAP_INSTRUCTIONS_COMMENT + "\n\n" + header;

  // Bias the source map by the length of the header without
  // (fully) parsing and re-serializing it. (We used to do this
  // with the source-map library, but it was incredibly slow,
  // accounting for over half of bundling time.) It would be nice
  // if we could use "index maps" for this (the 'sections' key),
  // as that would let us avoid even JSON-parsing the source map,
  // but that doesn't seem to be supported by Firefox yet.
  if (header.charAt(header.length - 1) !== "\n") {
    // make sure it's a whole number of lines
    header += "\n";
  var headerLines = header.split('\n').length - 1;
  var headerContent = (new Array(headerLines + 1).join(';'));

  return, function (file) {
    if (file.dynamic) {
      return file;

    if (file.sourceMap) {
      var sourceMap = file.sourceMap;
      sourceMap.mappings = headerContent + sourceMap.mappings;
      return {
        source: header + file.source + footer,
        sourcePath: file.sourcePath,
        servePath: file.servePath,
        sourceMap: sourceMap
    } else {
      return {
        source: header + file.source + footer,
        sourcePath: file.sourcePath,
        servePath: file.servePath