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1 wk
Test Coverage
var _ = require('underscore');
var files = require('../fs/files');
var utils = require('../utils/utils.js');
var watch = require('../fs/watch');
var buildmessage = require('../utils/buildmessage.js');
var archinfo = require('../utils/archinfo');
var compiler = require('./compiler.js');
var Profile = require('../tool-env/profile').Profile;

import SourceArch from './source-arch.js';
import { PackageNamespace } from "./package-namespace.js";
import { PackageNpm } from "./package-npm.js";
import { PackageCordova } from "./package-cordova.js";
import { PackageAPI } from "./package-api.js";

import {
} from './test-files';

import {
  convert as convertColonsInPath
} from '../utils/colon-converter.js';

import {
} from "../fs/optimistic";

// resolve package includes malformed package.json intentionally
const EXPECTED_INVALID_PACKAGE_JSON_PATHS_TO_IGNORE = ['resolve/test/resolver/malformed_package_json']

// XXX: This is a medium-term hack, to avoid having the user set a package name
// & test-name in package.describe. We will change this in the new control file
// world in some way.
var AUTO_TEST_PREFIX = "local-test:";
var isTestName = function (name) {
  var nameStart = name.slice(0, AUTO_TEST_PREFIX.length);
  return nameStart === AUTO_TEST_PREFIX;
var genTestName = function (name) {
  return AUTO_TEST_PREFIX + name;

// Returns a sort comparator to order files into load order.
var loadOrderSort = function (sourceProcessorSet, arch) {
  const isTemplate = _.memoize((filename) => {
    const classification = sourceProcessorSet.classifyFilename(filename, arch);
    switch (classification.type) {
    case 'extension':
    case 'filename':
      if (! classification.sourceProcessors) {
        // This is *.js, not a template. #HardcodeJs
        return false;
      if (classification.sourceProcessors.length > 1) {
        throw Error("conflicts in compiler?");
      return classification.sourceProcessors[0].isTemplate;

    case 'legacy-handler':
      return classification.legacyIsTemplate;

    case 'wrong-arch':
    case 'unmatched':
    case 'meteor-ignore':
      return false;

      throw Error(`Surprising type ${classification.type} for ${filename}`);

  return function (a, b) {
    const aBasename = files.pathBasename(a);
    const bBasename = files.pathBasename(b);

    // push template files ahead of everything else. this is
    // important because the user wants to be able to say
    // = { ... }
    // in a JS file and not have to worry about ordering it
    // before the corresponding .html file.
    // maybe all of the templates should go in one file?
    var isTemplate_a = isTemplate(aBasename);
    var isTemplate_b = isTemplate(bBasename);
    if (isTemplate_a !== isTemplate_b) {
      return (isTemplate_a ? -1 : 1);

    // main.* loaded last
    var ismain_a = (aBasename.indexOf('main.') === 0);
    var ismain_b = (bBasename.indexOf('main.') === 0);
    if (ismain_a !== ismain_b) {
      return (ismain_a ? 1 : -1);

    // /lib/ loaded first
    var islib_a = (a.indexOf(files.pathSep + 'lib' + files.pathSep) !== -1 ||
                   a.indexOf('lib' + files.pathSep) === 0);
    var islib_b = (b.indexOf(files.pathSep + 'lib' + files.pathSep) !== -1 ||
                   b.indexOf('lib' + files.pathSep) === 0);
    if (islib_a !== islib_b) {
      return (islib_a ? -1 : 1);

    var a_parts = a.split(files.pathSep);
    var b_parts = b.split(files.pathSep);

    // deeper paths loaded first.
    var len_a = a_parts.length;
    var len_b = b_parts.length;
    if (len_a < len_b) {
      return 1;
    if (len_b < len_a) {
      return -1;

    // Otherwise compare path components lexicographically.
    for (var i = 0; i < len_a; ++i) {
      var a_part = a_parts[i];
      var b_part = b_parts[i];
      if (a_part < b_part) {
        return -1;
      if (b_part < a_part) {
        return 1;

    // Never reached unless there are somehow duplicate paths.
    return 0;

var splitConstraint = function (c) {
  // XXX print error better (w/ buildmessage?)?
  var parsed = utils.parsePackageConstraint(c);
  return { package: parsed.package,
           constraint: parsed.constraintString || null };

// Given the text of a file, excerpts the text between the first and
// second heading.
// Specifically - if there is text between the document name, and the first
// subheading, it will take that text. If there is no text there, and only text
// after the first subheading, it will take that text. It won't look any deeper
// than that (in case the user intentionally wants to leave the section blank
// for some reason). Skips lines that start with an exclamation point.
var getExcerptFromReadme = function (text) {
  // Don't waste time parsing if the document is empty.
  if (! text) {
    return "";

  // Split into lines with Commonmark.
  var commonmark = require('commonmark');
  var reader = new commonmark.DocParser();
  var parsed = reader.parse(text);

  // Commonmark will parse the Markdown into an array of nodes. These are the
  // nodes that represent the text between the first and second heading.
  var relevantNodes = [];

  // Go through the document until we get the nodes that we are looking for,
  // then stop.
  _.any(parsed.children, function (child) {
    var isHeader = (child.t === "Header");
    // Don't excerpt anything before the first header.
    if (! isHeader) {
      // If we are currently in the middle of excerpting, continue doing that
      // until we hit hit a header (and this is not a header). Otherwise, if
      // this is text, we should begin to excerpt it.
    } else if (! _.isEmpty(relevantNodes) && isHeader) {
      // We have been excerpting, and came across a header. That means
      // that we are done.
      return true;
    return false;

  // If we have not found anything, we are done.
  if (_.isEmpty(relevantNodes)) {
    return "";

  // For now, we will do the simple thing of just taking the raw markdown from
  // the start of the excerpt to the end.
  var textLines = text.split("\n");
  var start = relevantNodes[0].start_line - 1;
  var stop = _.last(relevantNodes).end_line;
  // XXX: There is a bug in commonmark that happens when processing the last
  // node in the document. Here is the github issue:
  // Remove this workaround when the issue is fixed.
  if (stop === _.last(parsed.children).end_line) {
  var excerpt = textLines.slice(start, stop).join("\n");

  // Strip the preceding and trailing new lines.
  return excerpt.replace(/^\n+|\n+$/g, "");

class SymlinkLoopChecker {
  constructor(sourceRoot) {
    this.sourceRoot = sourceRoot;
    this._realSourceRoot = files.realpath(sourceRoot);
    this._seenPaths = {};
    this._cache = new Map();

  // Avoids running realpath unless necessary
  // since it is relatively slow on windows
  _realpath = Profile('_realpath', function (relDir) {
    const absPath = files.pathJoin(this._realSourceRoot, relDir);

    if (files.lstat(absPath).isSymbolicLink()) {
      const result = files.realpath(absPath);
      this._cache.set(relDir, result);

      return result;

    let result;
    const parentDir = files.pathDirname(relDir);
    const parentEntry = this._cache.get(parentDir);
    if (parentDir === '.') {
      result = absPath;
    } else if (parentEntry) {
      result = files.pathJoin(parentEntry, files.pathBasename(relDir));
    } else {
      // The parent dir was never checked, which prevents us from
      // skipping realpath
      result = files.realpath(absPath);

    this._cache.set(relDir, result);
    return result;

  check(relDir, quietly = true) {

    try {
      var realPath = this._realpath(relDir);
    } catch (e) {
      if (!e || e.code !== 'ELOOP') {
        throw e;
      // else leave realPath undefined

    if (! realPath || _.has(this._seenPaths, realPath)) {
      if (! quietly) {
        buildmessage.error("Symlink cycle detected at " + relDir);

      return true;

    this._seenPaths[realPath] = true;

    return false;

// PackageSource

var PackageSource = function () {
  var self = this;

  // The name of the package, or null for an app pseudo-package or
  // collection. The package's exports will reside in Package.<name>.
  // When it is null it is linked like an application instead of like
  // a package. = null;

  // The path relative to which all source file paths are interpreted
  // in this package. Also used to compute the location of the
  // package's .npm directory (npm shrinkwrap state).
  self.sourceRoot = null;

  // Path that will be prepended to the URLs of all resources emitted
  // by this package (assuming they don't end up getting
  // concatenated). For non-web targets, the only effect this will
  // have is to change the actual on-disk paths of the files in the
  // bundle, for those that care to open up the bundle and look (but
  // it's still nice to get it right).
  self.serveRoot = null;

  // Package metadata. Keys are 'summary', 'git' and 'documentation'. Currently
  // all of these are optional.
  self.metadata = {};
  self.docsExplicitlyProvided = false;

  // Package version as a meteor-version string. Optional; not all packages
  // (for example, the app) have versions.
  // XXX when we have names, maybe we want to say that all packages
  // with names have versions? certainly the reverse is true
  self.version = null;
  self.versionExplicitlyProvided = false;

  // Available architectures of this package. Array of SourceArch.
  self.architectures = [];

  // The information necessary to build the plugins in this
  // package. Map from plugin name to object with keys 'name', 'use',
  // 'sources', and 'npmDependencies'.
  self.pluginInfo = {};

  // Analogous to watchSet in SourceArch but for plugins. At this
  // stage will typically contain just 'package.js'.
  self.pluginWatchSet = new watch.WatchSet;

  // npm packages used by this package (on os.* architectures only).
  // Map from npm package name to the required version of the package
  // as a string.
  self.npmDependencies = {};

  // Files to be stripped from the installed NPM dependency tree. See the
  // Npm.strip comment below for further usage information.
  self.npmDiscards = null;

  // Absolute path to a directory on disk that serves as a cache for
  // the npm dependencies, so we don't have to fetch them on every
  // build. Required not just if we have npmDependencies, but if we
  // ever could have had them in the past.
  self.npmCacheDirectory = null;

  // cordova plugins used by this package (on os.* architectures only).
  // Map from cordova plugin name to the required version of the package
  // as a string.
  self.cordovaDependencies = {};

  // If this package has a corresponding test package (for example,
  // underscore-test), defined in the same package.js file, store its value
  // here.
  self.testName = null;

  // Test packages are dealt with differently in the linker (and not published
  // to the catalog), so we need to keep track of them.
  self.isTest = false;

  // Some packages belong to a test framework and should never be bundled into
  // production. A package with this flag should not be picked up by the bundler
  // for production builds.
  self.debugOnly = false;

  // A package marked prodOnly is ONLY picked up by the bundler for production
  // builds.
  self.prodOnly = false;

  // A package marked testOnly is ONLY picked up by the bundler as
  // part of the `meteor test` command.
  self.testOnly = false;

  // If this is set, we will take the currently running git checkout and bundle
  // the meteor tool from it inside this package as a tool. We will include
  // built copies of all known isopackets.
  self.includeTool = false;

  // Is this a core package? Core packages don't record version files, because
  // core packages are only ever run from checkout. For the preview release,
  // core packages do not need to specify their versions at publication (since
  // there isn't likely to be any exciting version skew yet), but we will
  // specify the correct restrictions at 0.90.
  // XXX: 0.90 package versions.
  self.isCore = false;

  // Flags for Atmosphere and developers to mark if deprecated packages
  // and provide additional info.
  self.deprecated = false;
  self.deprecatedMessage = undefined;

Object.assign(PackageSource.prototype, {
  // Make a dummy (empty) packageSource that contains nothing of interest.
  // XXX: Do we need this
  initEmpty: function (name) {
    var self = this; = name;

  // Programmatically initialize a PackageSource from scratch.
  // Unlike user-facing methods of creating a package
  // (initFromPackageDir, initFromAppDir) this does not implicitly add
  // a dependency on the 'meteor' package. If you want such a
  // dependency then you must add it yourself.
  // If called inside a buildmessage job, it will keep going if things
  // go wrong. Be sure to call jobHasMessages to see if it actually
  // succeeded.
  // The architecture is hardcoded to be "os".
  // Note that this does not set a version on the package!
  // Options:
  // - sourceRoot (required if sources present)
  // - serveRoot (required if sources present)
  // - use
  // - sources (array of paths or relPath/fileOptions objects), note that this
  // doesn't support assets at this time. If you want to pass assets here, you
  // should add a new option to this function called `assets`.
  // - npmDependencies
  // - cordovaDependencies
  // - npmDir
  // - localNodeModulesDirs
  initFromOptions: function (name, options) {
    var self = this; = name;

    if (options.sources && ! _.isEmpty(options.sources) &&
        (! options.sourceRoot || ! options.serveRoot)) {
      throw new Error("When source files are given, sourceRoot and " +
                      "serveRoot must be specified");

    // sourceRoot is a relative file system path, one slash identifies a root
    // relative to some starting location
    self.sourceRoot = options.sourceRoot || files.pathSep;
    // serveRoot is actually a part of a url path, root here is a forward slash
    self.serveRoot = options.serveRoot || '/';

    utils.ensureOnlyValidVersions(options.npmDependencies, {forCordova: false});
    self.npmDependencies = options.npmDependencies;

    // If options.npmDir is a string, make sure it contains no colons.
    self.npmCacheDirectory = _.isString(options.npmDir)
      ? convertColonsInPath(options.npmDir)
      : options.npmDir;

    utils.ensureOnlyValidVersions(options.cordovaDependencies, {forCordova: true});
    self.cordovaDependencies = options.cordovaDependencies;

    const sources = => {
      if (typeof source === "string") {
        return {
          relPath: source

      return source;

    const sourceArch = new SourceArch(self, {
      kind: options.kind,
      arch: "os",
      sourceRoot: self.sourceRoot,
      uses:, splitConstraint),
      getFiles() {
        // TODO We might want to call _findSources here, if we want plugins to
        // be able to import compiled files that were not explicitly included in
        // the sources array passed to Package.registerBuildPlugin.
        return {
          sources: sources

    if (options.localNodeModulesDirs) {


    if (! self._checkCrossUnibuildVersionConstraints()) {
      throw new Error("only one unibuild, so how can consistency check fail?");

  // Initialize a PackageSource from a package.js-style package directory. Uses
  // the name field provided and the name/test fields in the package.js file to
  // figre out if this is a test package (load from onTest) or a use package
  // (load from onUse).
  // name: name of the package.
  // dir: location of directory on disk.
  // options:
  // - name: override the name of this package with a different name.
  // - buildingIsopackets: true if this is being scanned in the process
  //   of building isopackets
  initFromPackageDir: Profile((dir, options) => {
    return `PackageSource#initFromPackageDir for ${
      options?.name || dir.split(files.pathSep).pop()
  }, function (dir, options) {
    var self = this;
    var isPortable = true;
    options = options || {};
    var initFromPackageDirOptions = options;

    // If we know what package we are initializing, we pass in a
    // name. Otherwise, we are initializing the base package specified by 'name:'
    // field in Package.Describe. In that case, it is clearly not a test
    // package. (Though we could be initializing a specific package without it
    // being a test, for a variety of reasons).
    if ( {
      self.isTest = isTestName(; =;

    // Give the package a default version. We do not set
    // versionExplicitlyProvided unless the package configuration file actually
    // sets a version.
    self.version = "0.0.0";

    // To make the transition to using files in Isobuild easier, we
    // initialize the documentation directory to by default.
    self.metadata.documentation = "";

    self.sourceRoot = dir;

    // If we are running from checkout we may be looking at a core package. If
    // we are, let's remember this for things like not recording version files.
    if (files.inCheckout()) {
      var packDir = files.pathJoin(files.getCurrentToolsDir(), 'packages');
      if (files.pathDirname(self.sourceRoot) === packDir) {
        self.isCore = true;
    if (! files.exists(self.sourceRoot)) {
      throw new Error("putative package directory " + dir + " doesn't exist?");

    const packageFileHashes = Object.create(null);
    const packageJsPath = files.pathJoin(self.sourceRoot, 'package.js');
    const packageJsCode = optimisticReadFile(packageJsPath);
    packageFileHashes[packageJsPath] =

    const pkgJsonPath = files.pathJoin(self.sourceRoot, 'package.json');
    const pkgJsonStat = optimisticStatOrNull(pkgJsonPath);
    if (pkgJsonStat &&
        pkgJsonStat.isFile()) {
      packageFileHashes[pkgJsonPath] =

    function watchPackageFiles(watchSet) {
      _.each(packageFileHashes, (hash, path) => {
        watchSet.addFile(path, hash);

    // Any package that depends on us needs to be rebuilt if our package.js file
    // changes, because a change to package.js might add or remove a plugin,
    // which could change a file from being handled by plugin vs treated as
    // an asset.

     * @global
     * @name  Package
     * @summary The Package object in package.js
     * @namespace
     * @locus package.js
    const Package = new PackageNamespace(this);

     * @namespace Npm
     * @global
     * @summary The Npm object in package.js and package source files.
    const Npm = new PackageNpm();

     * @namespace Cordova
     * @global
     * @summary The Cordova object in package.js.
    const Cordova = new PackageCordova();

    try {
      files.runJavaScript(packageJsCode.toString('utf8'), {
        filename: 'package.js',
        symbols: { Package, Npm, Cordova }
    } catch (e) {

      // Could be a syntax error or an exception. Recover by
      // continuing as if package.js is empty. (Pressing on with
      // whatever handlers were registered before the exception turns
      // out to feel pretty disconcerting -- definitely violates the
      // principle of least surprise.) Leave the metadata if we have
      // it, though.
      Package._fileAndDepLoader = null;
      self.pluginInfo = {};
      Npm._dependencies = null;
      Cordova._dependencies = null;

    // In the past, we did not require a field. So, it is
    // possible that we are initializing a package that doesn't use it and
    // expects us to be implicit about it.
    if (! {
      // For backwards-compatibility, we will take the package name from the
      // directory of the package. That was what we used to do: in fact, we used
      // to only do that. = files.pathBasename(dir);

    // Check to see if our name is valid.

    try {
    } catch (e) {
      if (!e.versionParserError) {
        throw e;
      // recover by ignoring

    // We want the "debug mode" to be a property of the *bundle* operation
    // (turning a set of packages, including the app, into a star), not the
    // *compile* operation (turning a package source into an isopack). This is
    // so we don't have to publish two versions of each package. But we have no
    // way to mark a file in an isopack as being the result of running a plugin
    // from a debugOnly dependency, and so there is no way to tell which files
    // to exclude in production mode from a published package. Eventually, we'll
    // add such a flag to the isopack format, but until then we'll sidestep the
    // issue by disallowing build plugins in debugOnly packages.
    if ((self.debugOnly || self.prodOnly || self.testOnly) && !_.isEmpty(self.pluginInfo)) {
        "can't register build plugins in debugOnly, prodOnly or testOnly packages");
      // recover by ignoring

    // For this old-style, onUse/onTest/where-based package, figure
    // out its dependencies by calling its on_xxx functions and seeing
    // what it does.
    // We have a simple strategy. Call its on_xxx handler with no
    // 'where', which is what happens when the package is added
    // directly to an app, and see what files it adds to the client
    // and the server. When a package is used, include it in both the client
    // and the server by default. This simple strategy doesn't capture even
    // 10% of the complexity possible with onUse, onTest, and where, but
    // probably is sufficient for virtually all packages that actually
    // exist in the field, if not every single one. #OldStylePackageSupport

    var api = new PackageAPI({
      buildingIsopackets: !! initFromPackageDirOptions.buildingIsopackets

    if (Package._fileAndDepLoader) {
      try {
      } catch (e) {
        console.log(e.stack); // XXX should we keep this here -- or do we want broken
                              // packages to fail silently?

        // Recover by ignoring all of the source files in the
        // packages and any remaining handlers. It violates the
        // principle of least surprise to half-run a handler
        // and then continue.
        api.files = {};
        _.each(compiler.ALL_ARCHES, function (arch) {
          api.files[arch] = {
            sources: [],
            assets: []

        Package._fileAndDepLoader = null;
        self.pluginInfo = {};
        Npm._dependencies = null;
        Cordova._dependencies = null;

    // By the way, you can't depend on yourself.
    var doNotDepOnSelf = function (dep) {
      if (dep.package === {
        buildmessage.error("Circular dependency found: "
                           + +
                           " depends on itself.\n");
    _.each(compiler.ALL_ARCHES, function (label) {
      _.each(api.uses[label], doNotDepOnSelf);
      _.each(api.implies[label], doNotDepOnSelf);

    // Cause packages that use `prodOnly` to automatically depend on the
    // `isobuild:prod-only` feature package, which will cause an error
    // when a package using `prodOnly` is run by a version of the tool
    // that doesn't support the feature.  The choice of 'os' architecture
    // is arbitrary, as the version solver combines the dependencies of all
    // arches.
    if (self.prodOnly) {
        package: 'isobuild:prod-only', constraint: '1.0.0'

    // If we have specified some release, then we should go through the
    // dependencies and fill in the unspecified constraints with the versions in
    // the releases (if possible).
    if (!_.isEmpty(api.releaseRecords)) {

      // Given a dependency object with keys package (the name of the package)
      // and constraint (the version constraint), if the constraint is null,
      // look in the packages field in the release record and fill in from
      // there.
      var setFromRel = function (dep) {
        if (dep.constraint) {
          return dep;
        var newConstraint = [];
        _.each(api.releaseRecords, function (releaseRecord) {
          var packages = releaseRecord.packages;
          if(_.has(packages, dep.package)) {
        if (_.isEmpty(newConstraint)) {
          return dep;
        dep.constraint = _.reduce(newConstraint,
          function(x, y) {
            return x + " || " + y;
        return dep;

      // For all api.implies and api.uses, fill in the unspecified dependencies from the
      // release.
      _.each(compiler.ALL_ARCHES, function (label) {
        api.uses[label] =[label], setFromRel);
        api.implies[label] =[label], setFromRel);

    // Make sure that if a dependency was specified in multiple
    // unibuilds, the constraint is exactly the same.
    if (! self._checkCrossUnibuildVersionConstraints()) {
      // A build error was written. Recover by ignoring the
      // fact that we have differing constraints.

    // Save information about npm dependencies. To keep metadata
    // loading inexpensive, we won't actually fetch them until build
    // time.

    // We used to put the cache directly in .npm, but in linker-land,
    // the package's own NPM dependencies go in .npm/package and build
    // plugin X's goes in .npm/plugin/X. Notably, the former is NOT an
    // ancestor of the latter, so that a build plugin does NOT see the
    // package's node_modules.  XXX maybe there should be separate NPM
    // dirs for use vs test?
    self.npmCacheDirectory =
      files.pathResolve(files.pathJoin(self.sourceRoot, '.npm', 'package'));
    self.npmDependencies = Npm._dependencies;
    self.npmDiscards = Npm._discards;

    self.cordovaDependencies = Cordova._dependencies;

    // Create source architectures, one for the server and one for each web
    // arch.
    _.each(compiler.ALL_ARCHES, function (arch) {
      // Everything depends on the package 'meteor', which sets up
      // the basic environment) (except 'meteor' itself).
      if ( !== "meteor" && !process.env.NO_METEOR_PACKAGE) {
        // Don't add the dependency if one already exists. This allows the
        // package to create an unordered dependency and override the one that
        // we'd add here. This is necessary to resolve the circular dependency
        // between meteor and underscore (underscore has an unordered
        // dependency on meteor dating from when the .js extension handler was
        // in the "meteor" package).
        var alreadyDependsOnMeteor =
              !! _.find(api.uses[arch], function (u) {
                return u.package === "meteor";
        if (! alreadyDependsOnMeteor) {
          api.uses[arch].unshift({ package: "meteor" });

      // Each unibuild has its own separate WatchSet. This is so that, eg, a test
      // unibuild's dependencies doesn't end up getting merged into the
      // pluginWatchSet of a package that uses it: only the use unibuild's
      // dependencies need to go there!
      var watchSet = new watch.WatchSet();

      self.architectures.push(new SourceArch(self, {
        kind: "main",
        arch: arch,
        sourceRoot: self.sourceRoot,
        uses: api.uses[arch],
        implies: api.implies[arch],
        getFiles(sourceProcessorSet, watchSet) {
          const result = api.files[arch];
          const relPathToSourceObj = Object.create(null);
          const sources = result.sources;

          // Files explicitly passed to api.addFiles remain at the
          // beginning of api.files[arch].sources in their given order.
          sources.forEach(source => {
            relPathToSourceObj[source.relPath] = source;

            sourceArch: this,
            isApp: false
          }).forEach(relPath => {
            const source = relPathToSourceObj[relPath];

            if (source) {
              const fileOptions = source.fileOptions ||
                (source.fileOptions = Object.create(null));

              // Since this file was explicitly added with api.addFiles or
              // api.mainModule, it should be loaded eagerly unless the
              // caller specified a boolean fileOptions.lazy value.
              if (typeof fileOptions.lazy !== "boolean") {
                fileOptions.lazy = false;

            } else {
              const fileOptions = Object.create(null);

              // Since this file was not explicitly added with
              // api.addFiles, it should not be evaluated eagerly.
              fileOptions.lazy = true;

              sources.push(relPathToSourceObj[relPath] = {

          return result;
        declaredExports: api.exports[arch],
        watchSet: watchSet

    // Serve root of the package.
    self.serveRoot = files.pathJoin('/packages/',;

    // Name of the test.
    if (Package._hasTests) {
      self.testName = genTestName(;

  _readAndWatchDirectory(relDir, watchSet, {include, exclude, names}) {
    const options = {
      absPath: files.pathJoin(this.sourceRoot, relDir),
      include, exclude, names

    const contents = watch.readDirectory(options);

    if (watchSet) {

    return => files.pathJoin(relDir, name));

  // Initialize a package from an application directory (has .meteor/packages).
  initFromAppDir: Profile("initFromAppDir", function (projectContext, ignoreFiles) {
    var self = this;
    var appDir = projectContext.projectDir; = null;
    self.sourceRoot = appDir;
    self.serveRoot = '/';

    // Determine used packages. Note that these are the same for all arches,
    // because there's no way to specify otherwise in .meteor/packages.
    var uses = [];
    projectContext.projectConstraintsFile.eachConstraint(function (constraint) {
      uses.push({ package: constraint.package,
                  constraint: constraint.constraintString });

    const projectWatchSet = projectContext.getProjectWatchSet();

    const mainModulesByArch =

    const testModulesByArch =

    const nodeModulesToRecompileByArch =


    _.each(compiler.ALL_ARCHES, function (arch) {
      // We don't need to build a Cordova SourceArch if there are no Cordova
      // platforms.
      if (arch === 'web.cordova' &&
          _.isEmpty(projectContext.platformList.getCordovaPlatforms())) {

      const mainModule = projectContext.meteorConfig
        .getMainModule(arch, mainModulesByArch);

      const testModule = projectContext.meteorConfig
        .getTestModule(arch, testModulesByArch);

      const nodeModulesToRecompile = projectContext.meteorConfig
        .getNodeModulesToRecompile(arch, nodeModulesToRecompileByArch);

      // XXX what about /web.browser/* etc, these directories could also
      // be for specific client targets.

      // Create unibuild
      var sourceArch = new SourceArch(self, {
        kind: 'app',
        arch: arch,
        sourceRoot: self.sourceRoot,
        uses: uses,
        getFiles(sourceProcessorSet, watchSet) {
          sourceProcessorSet.watchSet = watchSet;

          const findOptions = {
            sourceArch: this,
            isApp: true,

          // If this architecture has a mainModule defined in
          // package.json, it's an error if _findSources doesn't find that
          // module. If no mainModule is defined, anything goes.
          // If the source processor set allows conflicts (such as when linting)
          // then sources will not be the same files used to bundle the app.
          let missingMainModule = !! mainModule &&
          // Similar to the main module, when conflicts are allowed
          // these sources won't be used to build the app so the order
          // isn't important, and is difficult to accurately create when
          // there are conflicts
          let sorter = sourceProcessorSet.isConflictsAllowed() ?
            () => 0 :
            loadOrderSort(sourceProcessorSet, arch);

          const sources = self._findSources(findOptions).sort(
          ).map(relPath => {
            if (relPath === mainModule) {
              missingMainModule = false;

            const fileOptions = self._inferAppFileOptions(relPath, {

            return {

          if (missingMainModule) {
              "Could not find mainModule for '" + arch + "' architecture: " + mainModule,
              'Check the "meteor" section of your package.json file?'

          const assets = self._findAssets(findOptions);

          return {

      const origAppDir = projectContext.getOriginalAppDirForTestPackages();

      const origNodeModulesDir = origAppDir &&
        files.pathJoin(origAppDir, "node_modules");

      const origNodeModulesStat = origNodeModulesDir &&

      if (origNodeModulesStat &&
          origNodeModulesStat.isDirectory()) {
        sourceArch.localNodeModulesDirs["node_modules"] = {
          // Override these properties when calling
          // addNodeModulesDirectory in compileUnibuild.
          sourceRoot: origAppDir,
          sourcePath: origNodeModulesDir,
          local: false,


      // sourceArch's WatchSet should include all the project metadata files
      // read by the ProjectContext.

    if (! self._checkCrossUnibuildVersionConstraints()) {
      // should never happen since we created the unibuilds from
      // .meteor/packages, which doesn't have a way to express
      // different constraints for different unibuilds
      throw new Error("conflicting constraints in a package?");

  _inferAppFileOptions(relPath, {
  }) {
    const fileOptions = Object.create(null);
    const {
      isTest = false,
      isAppTest = false,
    } = global.testCommandMetadata || {};

    let isTestFile = false;
    if (isTest || isAppTest) {
      if (typeof testModule === "undefined") {
        // If a testModule was not configured in the "meteor" section of
        // package.json for this architecture, then isTestFilePath should
        // determine whether this file loads eagerly.
        isTestFile = isTestFilePath(relPath);
      } else if (relPath === testModule) {
        // If testModule is a string === relPath, then it is the entry
        // point for tests, and should be loaded eagerly.
        isTestFile = true;
        fileOptions.lazy = false;
        fileOptions.testModule = true;
      } else {
        // If testModule was defined but !== relPath, this file should not
        // be loaded eagerly during tests. Setting fileOptions.testModule
        // to false indicates that a testModule was configured, but this
        // was not it. ResourceSlot#_isLazy (in compiler-plugin.js) will
        // use this information (together with fileOptions.mainModule) to
        // make the final call as to whether this file should be loaded
        // eagerly or lazily.
        isTestFile = false;
        fileOptions.testModule = false;

    // If running in test mode (`meteor test`), all files other than
    // test files should be loaded lazily.
    if (isTest && ! isTestFile) {
      fileOptions.lazy = true;
      // Ignore any meteor.mainModule that was specified, since we're
      // running `meteor test` without the --full-app option.
      mainModule = void 0;

    const dirs = files.pathDirname(relPath).split(files.pathSep);

    for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; ++i) {
      let dir = dirs[i];

      if (dir === "node_modules") {
        fileOptions.lazy = true;

        // We used to disable transpilation for modules within node_modules,
        // mostly for build performance reasons, but now that we have a lazy
        // compilation system, we no longer need to worry about build times
        // for unused modules, which unlocks opportunities such as compiling
        // ECMAScript import/export syntax in npm packages.
        // fileOptions.transpile = false;

        // Return immediately so that we don't apply special meanings to
        // client or server directories inside node_modules directories.
        return fileOptions;

      // Files in `imports/` and `tests/` directories should be lazily
      // loaded *apart* from tests.
      if ((dir === "imports" || dir === "tests") && ! isTestFile) {
        fileOptions.lazy = true;

      // If the file is restricted to the opposite architecture, make sure
      // it is not evaluated eagerly.
      if (archinfo.matches(arch, "os")) {
        if (dir === "client") {
          fileOptions.lazy = true;
      } else if (dir === "server") {
        fileOptions.lazy = true;

      // Special case: in app code on the client, JavaScript files in a
      // `client/compatibility` directory don't get wrapped in a closure.
      if (i > 0 &&
          dirs[i - 1] === "client" &&
          dir === "compatibility" &&
          archinfo.matches(arch, "web") &&
          relPath.endsWith(".js")) {
        fileOptions.bare = true;

    if (typeof mainModule !== "undefined") {
      // Note: if mainModule === false, no JavaScript modules will be
      // loaded eagerly unless explicitly added with !fileOptions.lazy by
      // a compiler plugin. This can be useful for building an app that
      // does not run any application JS on the client (or the server). Of
      // course, Meteor packages may still run JS on startup, but they
      // have their own rules for lazy/eager loading of modules.
      if (relPath === mainModule) {
        fileOptions.lazy = false;
        fileOptions.mainModule = true;
      } else {
        // Used in ResourceSlot#_isLazy (in compiler-plugin.js) to make a
        // final determination of whether the file should be lazy.
        fileOptions.mainModule = false;

    return fileOptions;

  // This cache survives for the duration of the process, and stores the
  // complete list of source files for directories within node_modules.
  _findSourcesCache: Object.create(null),

  _findSources: Profile(({ sourceArch }) => `PackageSource#_findSources for ${sourceArch.arch}`, function ({
    nodeModulesToRecompile = new Set,
    loopChecker = new SymlinkLoopChecker(this.sourceRoot),
    ignoreFiles = []
  }) {
    const self = this;
    const arch = sourceArch.arch;
    const isWeb = archinfo.matches(arch, "web");
    const sourceReadOptions =

    // Adding, removing, or modifying a .meteorignore file should trigger
    // a rebuild with the new rules applied.

    // Ignore files starting with dot (unless they are explicitly in
    // sourceReadOptions.names, e.g. .meteorignore, added above).

    // Ignore the usual ignorable files.

    // Read top-level source files, excluding control files that were not
    // explicitly included.
    const controlFiles = ['mobile-config.js'];

    if (! isApp) {

    const anyLevelExcludes = [];

    if (testModule || !isApp) {
      // If we have a meteor.testModule from package.json, then we don't
      // need to exclude tests/ directories or *.tests.js files from the
      // search, because we trust meteor.testModule to identify a single
      // test entry point. Likewise, in packages (!isApp), test files are
      // added explicitly, and thus do not need to be excluded here.
    } else {

      const {
        isTest = false,
        isAppTest = false,
      } = global.testCommandMetadata || {};

      if (isTest || isAppTest) {
        // If we're running `meteor test` without the --full-app option,
        // ignore app-test-only files like *.app-tests.js.
        if (! isAppTest) {

        // If we're running `meteor test` with the --full-app option,
        // ignore non-app-test files like *.tests.js. The wisdom of this
        // behavior is debatable, since you might want to run non-app
        // tests even when you're using the --full-app option, but it's
        // legacy behavior at this point, and it doesn't matter if you're
        // using meteor.testModule anyway (recommended).
        if (! isTest) {

      } else {
        // If we're not running `meteor test` (and meteor.testModule is
        // not defined in package.json), ignore all test files.

    if (isApp) {
      // In the app, server/ directories are ignored by client builds, and
      // client/ directories are ignored by server builds. In packages,
      // these directories should not matter (#10393).
        archinfo.matches(arch, "os")
          ? /^client\/$/
          : /^server\/$/


    const topLevelExcludes = isApp ? [
      /^public\/$/, /^private\/$/,
    ] : anyLevelExcludes;

    const nodeModulesReadOptions = {
      // When we're in a node_modules directory, we can avoid collecting
      // .js and .json files, because (unlike .less or .coffee files) they
      // are allowed to be imported later by the ImportScanner, as they do
      // not require custom processing by compiler plugins.
      exclude: sourceReadOptions.exclude.concat(/\.js(on)?$/i),

    const baseCacheKey = JSON.stringify({
      sourceRoot: self.sourceRoot,
      excludes: anyLevelExcludes,
      names: sourceReadOptions.names,
      include: sourceReadOptions.include,
      // stringify does not work on Set
      nodeModulesToRecompile: [...nodeModulesToRecompile],
    }, (key, value) => {
      if (_.isRegExp(value)) {
        return [value.source, value.flags];
      return value;

    function makeCacheKey(dir) {
      return baseCacheKey + "\0" + dir;

    const dotMeteorIgnoreFiles = Object.create(null);

    function removeIgnoredFilesFrom(array) {
      Object.keys(dotMeteorIgnoreFiles).forEach(ignoreDir => {
        const ignore = dotMeteorIgnoreFiles[ignoreDir];
        let target = 0;

        array.forEach(item => {
          let relPath = files.pathRelative(ignoreDir, item);

          if (! relPath.startsWith("..")) {
            if (item.endsWith("/")) {
              // The trailing slash is discarded by files.pathRelative.
              relPath += "/";

            if (ignore.ignores(relPath)) {

          array[target++] = item;

        array.length = target;

      return array;

    function find(dir, depth, { inNodeModules = false, cache = false } = {}) {
      // Remove trailing slash.
      dir = dir.replace(/\/$/, "");

      // If we're in a node_modules directory, cache the results of the
      // find function for the duration of the process.
      let cacheKey = inNodeModules && cache && makeCacheKey(dir);
      if (cacheKey &&
          cacheKey in self._findSourcesCache) {
        return self._findSourcesCache[cacheKey];

      if (loopChecker.check(dir)) {
        // Pretend we found no files.
        return [];

      const absDir = files.pathJoin(self.sourceRoot, dir);
      if (! inNodeModules) {
        const ignore = optimisticReadMeteorIgnore(absDir);
        if (ignore) {
          dotMeteorIgnoreFiles[dir] = ignore;

      let readOptions = sourceReadOptions;
      if (inNodeModules) {
        // This is an array because (in some rare cases) an npm package
        // may have nested package.json files with additional properties.
        let pkgJsonArray = [];
        try {
          pkgJsonArray = optimisticLookupPackageJsonArray(self.sourceRoot, dir);
        } catch (e) {
          const message = `Error reading package.json from dir "${dir}", this may cause important errors in your project like modules not being found. You should fix this dependency or find an alternative`;
          if (
          ) {
              console.warn(message, e);
            // Pretend we found no files but in reality this package.json was ignored
            return [];
            // Pretend we found no files but in reality an error happened reading this package.json
            return [];
            console.warn(message, e);
            // Pretend we found no files but in reality an error happened reading this package.json
            return [];
          // This is going to break the run but at least with a clear error indicating what is the problematic package.json
          console.error(message, e);
          throw e;

        // If a package.json file with a "name" property is found, it will
        // always be the first in the array.
        const pkgJson = pkgJsonArray[0];

        if (pkgJson && &&
            nodeModulesToRecompile.has( {
          // Avoid caching node_modules code recompiled by Meteor.
          cacheKey = false;
        } else {
          readOptions = nodeModulesReadOptions;

      const sources = _.difference(
        self._readAndWatchDirectory(dir, inNodeModules ? null : watchSet, readOptions),
        depth > 0 ? [] : controlFiles

      const subdirectories = self._readAndWatchDirectory(
        inNodeModules ? null : watchSet,
          include: [/\/$/],
          exclude: depth > 0
          ? anyLevelExcludes
          : topLevelExcludes


      let nodeModulesDir;

      subdirectories.forEach(subdir => {
        if (/(^|\/)node_modules\/$/.test(subdir)) {
          // Defer handling node_modules until after we handle all other
          // subdirectories, so that we know whether we need to descend
          // further. If sources is still empty after we handle everything
          // else in dir, then nothing in this node_modules subdir can be
          // imported by anything outside of it, so we can ignore it.
          nodeModulesDir = subdir;

          // A "local" node_modules directory is one that's managed by the
          // application developer using npm, rather than by Meteor using
          // Npm.depends, which is available only in Meteor packages, and
          // installs its dependencies into .npm/*/node_modules. Local
          // node_modules directories may contain other nested node_modules
          // directories, but we care about recording only the top-level
          // node_modules directories here (hence !inNodeModules).
          if (!inNodeModules && (isApp || !subdir.startsWith(".npm/"))) {
            sourceArch.localNodeModulesDirs[subdir] = true;

        } else {
          sources.push(...find(subdir, depth + 1, { inNodeModules, cache: !inNodeModules }));

      if (nodeModulesDir && (!inNodeModules || sources.length > 0)) {
        // If we found a node_modules subdirectory above, and either we
        // are not already inside another node_modules directory or we
        // found source files elsewhere in this directory or its other
        // subdirectories, continue searching this node_modules directory,
        // so that any non-.js(on) files it contains can be imported by
        // the app (#6037).
        sources.push(...find(nodeModulesDir, depth + 1, { inNodeModules: true, cache: !inNodeModules}));

      delete dotMeteorIgnoreFiles[dir];

      if (cacheKey) {
        self._findSourcesCache[cacheKey] = sources;

      return sources;

    return files.withCache(() => find("", 0, false));

    loopChecker = new SymlinkLoopChecker(this.sourceRoot),
    ignoreFiles = [],
  }) {
    // Now look for assets for this unibuild.
    const arch = sourceArch.arch;
    const assetDir = archinfo.matches(arch, "web") ? "public/" : "private/";
    var assetDirs = this._readAndWatchDirectory('', watchSet, {
      names: [assetDir]

    const assets = [];

    if (!_.isEmpty(assetDirs)) {
      if (!_.isEqual(assetDirs, [assetDir])) {
        throw new Error("Surprising assetDirs: " + JSON.stringify(assetDirs));

      while (!_.isEmpty(assetDirs)) {
        var dir = assetDirs.shift();
        // remove trailing slash
        dir = dir.substr(0, dir.length - 1);

        if (loopChecker.check(dir)) {
          // pretend we found no files
          return [];

        // Find asset files in this directory.
        var assetsAndSubdirs = this._readAndWatchDirectory(dir, watchSet, {
          include: [/.?/],
          // we DO look under dot directories here
          exclude: ignoreFiles

        _.each(assetsAndSubdirs, function (item) {
          if (item[item.length - 1] === '/') {
            // Recurse on this directory.
          } else {
            // This file is an asset. Make sure filenames are Unicode
            // normalized.
              relPath: item.normalize('NFC')

    return assets;

  // True if the package defines any plugins.
  containsPlugins: function () {
    var self = this;
    return ! _.isEmpty(self.pluginInfo);

  // Return dependency metadata for all unibuilds, in the format needed
  // by the package catalog.
  // This *DOES* include isobuild:* pseudo-packages!
  // Options:
  // - logError: if true, if something goes wrong, log a buildmessage
  //   and return null rather than throwing an exception.
  // - skipWeak: omit weak dependencies
  // - skipUnordered: omit unordered dependencies
  getDependencyMetadata: function (options) {
    var self = this;
    options = options || {};
    var ret = self._computeDependencyMetadata(options);
    if (! ret) {
      if (options.logError) {
        return null;
      } else {
        throw new Error("inconsistent dependency constraint across unibuilds?");
    return ret;

  // Returns a list of package names which should be loaded before building this
  // package. This is all the packages that we directly depend on in a unibuild
  // or from a plugin.
  // (It's possible that we could do something slightly fancier where we only
  // need to load those dependencies (including implied dependencies) which we
  // know contain plugins first, plus the transitive closure of all the packages
  // we depend on which contain a plugin. This seems good enough, though.)
  // Note that this method filters out isobuild:* pseudo-packages, so it is NOT
  // to be used to create input to Version Solver (see
  // _computeDependencyMetadata for that).
  // Note also that "load" here specifically means "load into the IsopackCache
  // at build time", not "load into a running Meteor app at run
  // time". Specifically, weak constraints do create a run-time load order
  // dependency (if the package is in the app at all) but they do not create a
  // build-time IsopackCache load order dependency (because weak dependencies do
  // not provide plugins).
  getPackagesToLoadFirst: function (packageMap) {
    var self = this;
    var packages = {};
    var processUse = function (use) {
      // We don't have to build weak or unordered deps first (eg they can't
      // contribute to a plugin).
      if (use.weak || use.unordered) {
      // Only include real packages, not isobuild:* pseudo-packages.
      if (compiler.isIsobuildFeaturePackage(use.package)) {

      var packageInfo = packageMap.getInfo(use.package);
      if (! packageInfo) {
        throw Error("Depending on unknown package " + use.package);
      packages[use.package] = true;

    _.each(self.architectures, function (arch) {
      // We need to iterate over both uses and implies, since implied packages
      // also constitute dependencies. We don't have to include the dependencies
      // of implied packages directly here, since their own
      // getPackagesToLoadFirst will include those.
      _.each(arch.uses, processUse);
      _.each(arch.implies, processUse);

    _.each(self.pluginInfo, function (info) {
      // info.use is currently just an array of strings, and there's
      // no way to specify weak/unordered. Much like an app.
      _.each(info.use, function (spec) {
        var parsedSpec = splitConstraint(spec);
        if (! compiler.isIsobuildFeaturePackage(parsedSpec.package)) {
          packages[parsedSpec.package] = true;
    return Object.keys(packages);

  // Returns an array of objects, representing this package's public
  // exports. Each object has the following keys:
  //  - name: export name (ex: "Accounts")
  //  - arch: an array of strings representing architectures for which this
  //    export is declared.
  // This ignores testOnly exports.
  getExports: function () {
    var self = this;
    var ret = {};
    // Go over all of the architectures, and aggregate the exports together.
    _.each(self.architectures, function (arch) {
      _.each(arch.declaredExports, function (exp) {
        // Skip testOnly exports -- the flag is intended for use in testing
        // only, so it is not of any interest outside this package.
        if (exp.testOnly) {
        // Add the export to the export map.
        if (! _.has(ret, {
          ret[] = [arch.arch];
        } else {
    return, function (arches, name) {
      return { name: name, architectures: arches };

  // Processes the documentation provided in Package.describe. Returns an object
  // with the following keys:
  //   - path: full filepath to the Readme file
  //   - excerpt: the subsection between the first and second heading of the
  //     Readme, to be used as a longform package description.
  //   - hash: hash of the full text of this Readme, or "" if the Readme is
  //     blank.
  // Returns null if the documentation is marked as null, or throws a
  // buildmessage error if the documentation could not be read.
  // This function reads and performs string operations on a (potentially) long
  // file. We do not call it unless we actually need this information.
  processReadme: function () {
    var self = this;
    if (! self.metadata.documentation) {
      return null;

    // To ensure atomicity, we want to copy the README to a temporary file.
    var ret = {};
    ret.path =
      files.pathJoin(self.sourceRoot, self.metadata.documentation);
    // Read in the text of the Readme.
    try {
      var fullReadme = files.readFile(ret.path);
    } catch (err) {
      var errorMessage = "";
      if (err.code === "ENOENT") {
        // This is the most likely and common case, especially when we are
        // inferring the docs as a default value.
        errorMessage = "Documentation not found: " + self.metadata.documentation;
      } else {
        // This is weird, and we don't usually protect the user from errors like
        // this, but maybe we should.
        errorMessage =
          "Documentation couldn't be read: " + self.metadata.documentation + " ";
        errorMessage += "(Error: " + err.message + ")";

      // The user might not understand that we are automatically inferring
      // as the docs! If they want to avoid pushing anything, explain
      // how to do that.
      if (! self.docsExplicitlyProvided) {
        errorMessage += "\n" +
          "If you don't want to publish any documentation, " +
          "please set 'documentation: null' in Package.describe";
      // Recover by returning null
      return null;

    var text = fullReadme.toString();
    return {
      contents: text,
      hash: utils.sha256(text),
      excerpt: getExcerptFromReadme(text)

  // If dependencies aren't consistent across unibuilds, return false and
  // also log a buildmessage error if inside a buildmessage job. Else
  // return true.
  // XXX: Check that this is used when refactoring is done.
  _checkCrossUnibuildVersionConstraints: function () {
    var self = this;
    return !! self._computeDependencyMetadata({ logError: true });

  // Compute the return value for getDependencyMetadata, or return
  // null if there is a dependency that doesn't have the same
  // constraint across all unibuilds (and, if logError is true, log a
  // buildmessage error).
  // This *DOES* include isobuild:* pseudo-packages!
  // For options, see getDependencyMetadata.
  _computeDependencyMetadata: function (options) {
    var self = this;
    options = options || {};

    var dependencies = {};
    var allConstraints = {}; // for error reporting. package name to array
    var failed = false;

    _.each(self.architectures, function (arch) {
      // We need to iterate over both uses and implies, since implied packages
      // also constitute dependencies.
      var processUse = function (implied, use) {
        // We can't really have a weak implies (what does that even mean?) but
        // we check for that elsewhere.
        if ((use.weak && options.skipWeak) ||
            (use.unordered && options.skipUnordered)) {

        if (!_.has(dependencies, use.package)) {
          dependencies[use.package] = {
            constraint: null,
            references: []
          allConstraints[use.package] = [];
        var d = dependencies[use.package];

        if (use.constraint) {

          if (d.constraint === null) {
            d.constraint = use.constraint;
          } else if (d.constraint !== use.constraint) {
            failed = true;

        var reference = {
          arch: archinfo.withoutSpecificOs(arch.arch)
        if (use.weak) {
          reference.weak = true;
        if (use.unordered) {
          reference.unordered = true;
        if (implied) {
          reference.implied = true;
      _.each(arch.uses, _.partial(processUse, false));
      _.each(arch.implies, _.partial(processUse, true));

    _.each(self.pluginInfo, function (info) {
      _.each(info.use, function (spec) {
        var parsedSpec = splitConstraint(spec);
        if (!_.has(dependencies, parsedSpec.package)) {
          dependencies[parsedSpec.package] = {
            constraint: null,
            references: []
          allConstraints[parsedSpec.package] = [];
        var d = dependencies[parsedSpec.package];

        if (parsedSpec.constraint) {
          if (d.constraint === null) {
            d.constraint = parsedSpec.constraint;
          } else if (d.constraint !== parsedSpec.constraint) {
            failed = true;
        d.references.push({arch: 'plugin'});

    if (failed && options.logError) {
      _.each(allConstraints, function (constraints, name) {
        constraints = _.uniq(constraints);
        if (constraints.length > 1) {
            "The version constraint for a dependency must be the same " +
              "at every place it is mentioned in a package. " +
              "'" + name + "' is constrained both as "  +
              constraints.join(' and ') + ". Change them to match.");
          // recover by returning false (the caller had better detect
          // this and use its own recovery logic)

    return failed ? null : dependencies;

  displayName() {
    return === null ? 'the app' :;

module.exports = PackageSource;