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Test Coverage

var _ = require('underscore');
var buildmessage = require('../../utils/buildmessage.js');
var files = require('../../fs/files');
var watch = require('../../fs/watch');

var PackageSource = require('../../isobuild/package-source.js');
import { sync as glob } from "glob";
import { Profile } from "../../tool-env/profile";
import {
} from "../../fs/optimistic";

// This variable was duplicated due to an issue on importing it.
// The issue only happens on node 14, and is most surely related to this:
// !!! When changing this, also change on tools/project-context.js !!!
  // This package directly calls Plugin.registerCompiler. Package authors
  // must explicitly depend on this feature package to use the API.
  'isobuild:compiler-plugin': ['1.0.0'],

  // This package directly calls Plugin.registerMinifier. Package authors
  // must explicitly depend on this feature package to use the API.
  'isobuild:minifier-plugin': ['1.0.0'],

  // This package directly calls Plugin.registerLinter. Package authors
  // must explicitly depend on this feature package to use the API.
  'isobuild:linter-plugin': ['1.0.0'],

  // This package is only published in the isopack-2 format, not isopack-1 or
  // older. ie, it contains "source" files for compiler plugins, not just
  // JS/CSS/static assets/head/body.
  // This is implicitly added at publish time to any such package; package
  // authors don't have to add it explicitly. It isn't relevant for local
  // packages, which can be rebuilt if possible by the older tool.
  // Specifically, this is to avoid the case where a package is published with a
  // dependency like `api.use('less@1.0.0 || 2.0.0')` and the publication
  // selects the newer compiler plugin version to generate the isopack. The
  // published package (if this feature package wasn't implicitly included)
  // could still be selected by the Version Solver to be used with an old
  // Isobuild... just because less@2.0.0 depends on isobuild:compiler-plugin
  // doesn't mean it couldn't choose less@1.0.0, which is not actually
  // compatible with this published package.  (Constraints of the form described
  // above are not very helpful, but at least we can prevent old Isobuilds from
  // choking on confusing packages.)
  // (Why not isobuild:isopack@2.0.0? Well, that would imply that Version Solver
  // would have to choose only one isobuild:isopack feature version, which
  // doesn't make sense here.)
  'isobuild:isopack-2': ['1.0.0'],

  // This package uses the `prodOnly` metadata flag, which causes it to
  // automatically depend on the `isobuild:prod-only` feature package.
  'isobuild:prod-only': ['1.0.0'],

  // This package depends on a specific version of Cordova. Package authors must
  // explicitly depend on this feature package to indicate that they are not
  // compatible with earlier Cordova versions, which is most likely a result of
  // the Cordova plugins they depend on.
  // One scenario is a package depending on a Cordova plugin or version
  // that is only available on npm, which means downloading the plugin is not
  // supported on versions of Cordova below 5.0.0.
  'isobuild:cordova': ['5.4.0'],

  // This package requires functionality introduced in meteor-tool@1.5.0
  // to enable dynamic module fetching via import(...).
  'isobuild:dynamic-import': ['1.5.0'],

  // This package ensures that processFilesFor{Bundle,Target,Package} are
  // allowed to return a Promise instead of having to await async
  // compilation using fibers and/or futures.
  'isobuild:async-plugins': ['1.6.1'],

// LocalCatalog represents packages located in the application's
// package directory, other package directories specified via an
// environment variable, and core packages in the repo if meteor is
// being run from a git checkout.
var LocalCatalog = function (options) {
  var self = this;
  options = options || {};

  // Package server data.  Maps package name to a {packageSource, packageRecord,
  // versionRecord} object.
  self.packages = {};

  self.initialized = false;

    // Local directories to search for package source trees
  self.localPackageSearchDirs = null;

  // Package source trees added explicitly through a directory (not through a
  // parent search directory). We mainly use this to allow the user to run
  // test-packages against a package in a specific directory.
  self.explicitlyAddedLocalPackageDirs = [];

  // All packages found either by localPackageSearchDirs or
  // explicitlyAddedLocalPackageDirs. There is a hierarchy of packages, as
  // detailed below and there can only be one local version of a package at a
  // time. This refers to the package by the specific package directory that we
  // need to process.
  self.effectiveLocalPackageDirs = [];

  // A WatchSet that detects when the set of packages and their locations
  // changes. ie, the listings of 'packages' directories, and the contents of
  // package.js files underneath.  It does NOT track the rest of the source of
  // the packages: that wouldn't be helpful to the runner since it would be too
  // coarse to tell if a change is client-only or not.  (But any change to the
  // layout of where packages live counts as a non-client-only change.)
  self.packageLocationWatchSet = new watch.WatchSet;

  self._nextId = 1;

Object.assign(LocalCatalog.prototype, {
  toString: function () {
    var self = this;
    return "LocalCatalog [localPackageSearchDirs=" +
      JSON.stringify(self.localPackageSearchDirs) + "]";

  // Initialize the Catalog. This must be called before any other
  // Catalog function.

  // options:
  //  - localPackageSearchDirs: an array of paths on local disk, that contain
  //    subdirectories, that each contain a source tree for a package that
  //    should override the packages on the package server. For example, if
  //    there is a package 'foo' that we find through localPackageSearchDirs,
  //    then we will ignore all versions of 'foo' that we find through the
  //    package server. Directories that don't exist (or paths that aren't
  //    directories) will be silently ignored.
  //  - explicitlyAddedLocalPackageDirs: an array of paths which THEMSELVES
  //    are package source trees.  Takes precedence over packages found
  //    via localPackageSearchDirs.
  //  - buildingIsopackets: true if we are building isopackets
  initialize(options) {
    var self = this;

    options = options || {};

    const addPatternsToList =
      Profile("addPatternsToList", (patterns, list) => {
        if (! patterns) {

        patterns.forEach(pattern => {
          if (process.platform === "win32") {
            pattern = files.convertToOSPath(pattern);

            p => list.push(files.pathResolve(p))

      self.localPackageSearchDirs = [],

      self.explicitlyAddedLocalPackageDirs = [],

    self.initialized = true;

  // Throw if the catalog's self.initialized value has not been set to true.
  _requireInitialized: function () {
    var self = this;

    if (! self.initialized)
      throw new Error("catalog not initialized yet?");

  // Return an array with the names of all of the packages that we know about,
  // in no particular order.
  getAllPackageNames: function (options) {
    var self = this;

    return Object.keys(self.packages);

  // Return an array with the names of all of the non-test packages that we know
  // about, in no particular order.
  getAllNonTestPackageNames: function ({
    // Iff options.includeNonCore is truthy, packages in
    // meteor/packages/non-core/*/packages will be returned.
    includeNonCore = true,
  } = {}) {
    var self = this;

    var ret = [];

    const nonCoreDir = files.pathJoin(
    ) + files.pathSep;

    _.each(self.packages, function ({
      packageSource: { sourceRoot },
      versionRecord: { isTest },
    }, name) {
      if (isTest) {

      if (! includeNonCore &&
          sourceRoot.startsWith(nonCoreDir)) {


    return ret;

  // Returns general (non-version-specific) information about a
  // package, or null if there is no such package.
  getPackage: function (name, options) {
    var self = this;
    options = options || {};

    if (!_.has(self.packages, name))
      return null;
    return self.packages[name].packageRecord;

  // Given a package, returns an array of the versions available (ie, the one
  // version we have, or an empty array).
  getSortedVersions: function (name) {
    var self = this;

    if (!_.has(self.packages, name))
      return [];
    return [self.packages[name].versionRecord.version];

  // Given a package, returns an array of the version records available (ie, the
  // one version we have, or an empty array). This method is intended for use by
  // Version Solver's CatalogLoader.
  // As a special case, if name is an isobuild:* pseudo-package, returns
  // (minimal) information about it as well.
  getSortedVersionRecords: function (name) {
    var self = this;

        version => ({version, packageName: name, dependencies: {}})

    if (!_.has(self.packages, name))
      return [];
    return [self.packages[name].versionRecord];

  // Return information about a particular version of a package, or
  // null if there is no such package or version.
  getVersion: function (name, version) {
    var self = this;

    if (!_.has(self.packages, name))
      return null;
    var versionRecord = self.packages[name].versionRecord;
    if (versionRecord.version !== version)
      return null;
    return versionRecord;

  // As getVersion, but returns info on the latest version of the
  // package, or null if the package doesn't exist or has no versions.
  getLatestVersion: function (name) {
    var self = this;

    if (!_.has(self.packages, name))
      return null;
    return self.packages[name].versionRecord;

  getVersionBySourceRoot: function (sourceRoot) {
    var self = this;
    var packageObj = _.find(self.packages, function (p) {
      return p.packageSource.sourceRoot === sourceRoot;
    if (! packageObj)
      return null;
    return packageObj.versionRecord;

  // Compute self.effectiveLocalPackageDirs from self.localPackageSearchDirs and
  // self.explicitlyAddedLocalPackageDirs.
  _computeEffectiveLocalPackages() {
    var self = this;

    self.effectiveLocalPackageDirs = [];

    buildmessage.enterJob("looking for packages", function () {
      _.each(self.explicitlyAddedLocalPackageDirs, (explicitDir) => {
        const packageJsPath = files.pathJoin(explicitDir, "package.js");
        const packageJsHash = optimisticHashOrNull(packageJsPath);

        if (packageJsHash) {


        } else {
          // We asked specifically for this directory, but it has no package!
          buildmessage.error("package has no package.js file", {
            file: explicitDir

      _.each(self.localPackageSearchDirs, function (searchDir) {
        var possiblePackageDirs = watch.readAndWatchDirectory(
          self.packageLocationWatchSet, {
            absPath: searchDir,
            include: [/\/$/]
        // Not a directory? Ignore.
        if (possiblePackageDirs === null)

        _.each(possiblePackageDirs, function (subdir) {
          // readAndWatchDirectory adds a slash to the end of directory names to
          // differentiate them from filenames. Remove it.
          subdir = subdir.substr(0, subdir.length - 1);
          var absPackageDir = files.pathJoin(searchDir, subdir);

          // Consider a directory to be a package source tree if it contains
          // 'package.js'. (We used to support isopacks in
          // localPackageSearchDirs, but no longer.)

          const packageJsPath = files.pathJoin(absPackageDir, "package.js");
          const packageJsHash = optimisticHashOrNull(packageJsPath);

          if (packageJsHash) {
            // Let earlier package directories override later package
            // directories.

            // We don't know the name of the package, so we can't deal with
            // duplicates yet. We are going to have to rely on the fact that we
            // are putting these in in order, to be processed in order.

  _loadLocalPackages(buildingIsopackets) {
    var self = this;

    // Load the package source from a directory. We don't know the names of our
    // local packages until we do this.
    // THIS MUST BE RUN IN LOAD ORDER. Let's say that we have two directories
    // for mongo-livedata. The first one processed by this function will be
    // canonical.  The second one will be ignored.
    // (note: this is the behavior that we want for overriding things in
    //  checkout.  It is not clear that you get good UX if you have two packages
    //  with the same name in your app. We don't check that.)
    var initSourceFromDir = function (packageDir, definiteName) {
      var packageSource = new PackageSource;
        title: "reading package from `" + packageDir + "`",
        rootPath: packageDir
      }, function () {
        var initFromPackageDirOptions = {
          buildingIsopackets: !! buildingIsopackets
        // If we specified a name, then we know what we want to get and should
        // pass that into the options. Otherwise, we will use the 'name'
        // attribute from package-source.js.
        if (definiteName) {
 = definiteName;
        packageSource.initFromPackageDir(packageDir, initFromPackageDirOptions);
        if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages())
          return;  // recover by ignoring

        // Now that we have initialized the package from package.js, we know its
        // name.
        var name =;

        // We should only have one package dir for each name; in this case, we
        // are going to take the first one we get (since we preserved the order
        // in which we loaded local package dirs when running this function.)
        if (_.has(self.packages, name))

        self.packages[name] = {
          packageSource: packageSource,
          packageRecord: {
            _id: "PID" + self._nextId++,
            name: name,
            maintainers: null,
            lastUpdated: null
          versionRecord: {
            _id: "VID" + self._nextId++,
            packageName: name,
            testName: packageSource.testName,
            version: packageSource.version,
            publishedBy: null,
            description: packageSource.metadata.summary,
            git: packageSource.metadata.git,
            dependencies: packageSource.getDependencyMetadata(),
            source: null,
            lastUpdated: null,
            published: null,
            isTest: packageSource.isTest,
            debugOnly: packageSource.debugOnly,
            prodOnly: packageSource.prodOnly,
            testOnly: packageSource.testOnly,

            deprecated: packageSource.deprecated,
            deprecatedMessage: packageSource.deprecatedMessage,

            containsPlugins: packageSource.containsPlugins()

        // If this is NOT a test package AND it has tests (tests will be
        // marked as test packages by package source, so we will not recurse
        // infinitely), then process that too.
        if (!packageSource.isTest && packageSource.testName) {
          initSourceFromDir(packageSource.sourceRoot, packageSource.testName);

    // Load the package sources for packages and their tests into
    // self.packages.
    buildmessage.enterJob('initializing packages', function() {
      _.each(self.effectiveLocalPackageDirs, function (dir) {

  getPackageSource: function (name) {
    var self = this;
    if (! _.has(self.packages, name))
      return null;
    return self.packages[name].packageSource;

].forEach(function (method) {
  this[method] = Profile("LocalCatalog#" + method, this[method]);
}, LocalCatalog.prototype);

exports.LocalCatalog = LocalCatalog;