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6 days
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var _ = require('underscore');

var config = require('../meteor-services/config.js');
var httpHelpers = require('../utils/http-helpers.js');
var release = require('./release.js');
var files = require('../fs/files');
var utils = require('../utils/utils.js');
var buildmessage = require('../utils/buildmessage.js');
var compiler = require('../isobuild/compiler.js');
var authClient = require('../meteor-services/auth-client.js');
var catalog = require('./catalog/catalog.js');
var projectContextModule = require('../project-context.js');
var colonConverter = require('../utils/colon-converter.js');
var Profile = require('../tool-env/profile').Profile;

import { requestGarbageCollection } from "../utils/gc.js";

// Opens a DDP connection to a package server. Loads the packages needed for a
// DDP connection, then calls DDP connect to the package server URL in config,
// using a current user-agent header composed by http-helpers.js.
var openPackageServerConnection = function (packageServerUrl) {
  var serverUrl = packageServerUrl || config.getPackageServerUrl();
  return authClient.openServiceConnection(serverUrl);

// We don't let the user upload a blank README for UX reasons, but we would
// prefer that the server move to a world with 'readme' files for everything in
// the future. As a way to breach these interfaces, for now, we are going to
// upload blank documentation files when null docs are requested.
// This function generates a Readme object for a blank readme file, as well as
// the file itself.
var generateBlankReadme = function () {
  return {
    contents: "",
    excerpt: "",
    hash: files.blankHash

// Save a readme file to a temporary path.
var saveReadmeToTmp = function (readmeInfo) {
  var tempReadmeDir = files.mkdtemp('readme');
  var readmePath = files.pathJoin(tempReadmeDir, "");
  files.writeFileAtomically(readmePath, readmeInfo.contents);
  return readmePath;

// Given a connection, makes a call to the package server.  (Checks to see if
// the connection is connected, and reconnects if needed -- a workaround for
// the fact that connections in the tool do not reconnect)
exports.callPackageServer = function (conn, ...args) {
  // XXX This is broken since it doesn't actually replace the conn in the
  // caller, so it'll happen on every subsequent call
  if (!conn.connected) {
    conn = exports.loggedInPackagesConnection();

var callPackageServerBM = exports.callPackageServerBM = function (...args) {
  try {
    return exports.callPackageServer.apply(null, args);
  } catch (e) {
    buildmessage.error(e.reason || e.message);
    return null;

// Requests and returns one page of new package data that we haven't cached on
// disk. We assume that data is cached chronologically, so essentially, we are
// asking for a diff from the last time that we did this.
// Takes in:
// - conn: the connection to use (does not have to be logged in)
// - syncToken: a syncToken object to be sent to the server that
//   represents the last time that we talked to the server.
// - options:
//    - useShortPages (Boolean). Ask the server for pages of ~3 records
//      instead of ~100, for testing pagination.
// Returns an object, containing the following fields:
//  - syncToken: a new syncToken object, that we can pass to the server in the future.
//  - collections: an object keyed by the name of server collections, with the
//    records as an array of javascript objects.
var loadRemotePackageData = function (conn, syncToken, options) {
  options = options || {};

  // Did we get disconnected between retries somehow? Then we should open a new
  // connection. We shouldn't use the callPackageServer method here though,
  // since we don't need to authenticate.
  if (!conn.connected) {
    conn =  openPackageServerConnection();

  var syncOpts = {};
  if (options && options.useShortPages) {
    syncOpts.shortPagesForTest = options.useShortPages;
  if (options && options.compressCollections) {
    syncOpts.compressCollections = options.compressCollections;
  return'syncNewPackageData', syncToken, syncOpts);

// Contacts the package server to get the latest diff and writes changes to
// disk.
// Takes in the dataStore, which is an example of the remote catalog. Contacts
// the package server and updates the sql database with the most recent
// information.
// Returns null if contacting the server times out, or an object with the
// following keys:
//     resetData : true if we should reset the database, otherwise false.
//     connectionFailed: true if we failed to connect to the server.
// options can include:
//  - packageStorageFile: String. The file to write the data to (overrides
//    `config.getPackageStorage()`)
//  - packageServerUrl: String. The package server (overrides
//    `config.getPackageServerUrl()`)
//  - useShortPages: Boolean. Request short pages of ~3 records from the
//    server, instead of ~100 that it would send otherwise
exports.updateServerPackageData = function (dataStore, options) {
  return buildmessage.enterJob('updating package catalog', function () {
    return _updateServerPackageData(dataStore, options);

var _updateServerPackageData = function (dataStore, options) {
  var self = this;
  options = options || {};
  if (dataStore === null) {
    throw Error("Data store expected");

  var done = false;
  var ret = {resetData: false};

  // For now, we don't have a great progress metric, so just use a spinner
  var useProgressbar = false;

  var start = undefined;
  // Guess that we're about an hour behind, as an opening guess
  var state = { current: 0, end: 60 * 60 * 1000, done: false};
  useProgressbar && buildmessage.reportProgress(state);

  var conn = openPackageServerConnection(options.packageServerUrl);

  // Provide some progress indication for connection
  // XXX though it is just a hack
  state.current = 1;
  useProgressbar && buildmessage.reportProgress(state);

  var getSomeData = function () {
    var syncToken = dataStore.getSyncToken() || {format: "1.1"};

    if (!start) {
      start = {};
      start.builds = syncToken.builds;
      start.versions = syncToken.versions;
      state.end = ( - start.builds) + ( - start.versions);
    // XXX: This is a hack... syncToken should have a % done
    state.current =
      (syncToken.builds - start.builds) +
      (syncToken.versions - start.versions);
    useProgressbar && buildmessage.reportProgress(state);

    var compress = !!process.env.METEOR_CATALOG_COMPRESS_RPCS;

    // (loadRemotePackageData may throw)
    var remoteData = loadRemotePackageData(conn, syncToken, {
      useShortPages: options.useShortPages,
      compressCollections: compress

    // Is the remote server telling us to ignore everything we've heard before?
    // OK, we can do that.
    if (remoteData.resetData) {
      // The caller may want to take this as a cue to delete packages from the
      // tropohouse.
      ret.resetData = true;

    if (remoteData.collectionsCompressed) {
      var zlib = require('zlib');
      var colsGzippedBuffer = Buffer.from(
        remoteData.collectionsCompressed, 'base64');
      var colsJSON = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        zlib.gunzip(colsGzippedBuffer, (err, res) => {
          err ? reject(err) : resolve(res);
      remoteData.collections = JSON.parse(colsJSON);
      delete remoteData.collectionsCompressed;

    // We always write to the data store; the fact there is no data is itself
    // data!  e.g. the last-refresh timestamp
    var syncComplete =
          _.isEqual(remoteData.collections, {}) || remoteData.upToDate;
    dataStore.insertData(remoteData, syncComplete);

    // If there is no new data from the server, don't bother writing things to
    // disk (unless we were just told to reset everything).
    if (!remoteData.resetData && _.isEqual(remoteData.collections, {})) {
      done = true;

    if (remoteData.upToDate) {
      done = true;

  try {
    while (!done) {
  } finally {

  return ret;

_updateServerPackageData = Profile('package-client _updateServerPackageData',

// Returns a logged-in DDP connection to the package server, or null if
// we cannot log in. If an error unrelated to login occurs
// (e.g. connection to package server times out), then it will be
// thrown.
exports.loggedInPackagesConnection = function () {
  return authClient.loggedInConnection(

// XXX this is missing a few things. In retrospect a better approach here might
//     be to actually make "save source somewhere else" or perhaps "add source
//     to tarball" be part of the package build itself...
var bundleSource = function (isopack, includeSources, packageDir) {

  var name =;

  var tempDir = files.mkdtemp('build-source-package-');
  var packageTarName = name + '-' + isopack.version + '-source';
  var dirToTar = files.pathJoin(tempDir, 'source',
  // XXX name probably needs to be escaped for windows?
  // XXX note that publish-for-arch thinks it knows how this tarball is laid
  //     out, which is a bit of a shame
  var sourcePackageDir = files.pathJoin(dirToTar, colonConverter.convert(name));
  if (! files.mkdir_p(sourcePackageDir)) {
    buildmessage.error('Failed to create temporary source directory: ' +
    return null;

  // We copy source files into a temp directory and then tar up the temp
  // directory. It would be great if we could avoid the copy, but as far
  // as we can tell, this is the only way to get a tarball with the
  // directory structure that we want (<package name>-<version-source/
  // at the top level).
  _.each(includeSources, function (f) {
    const from = files.pathJoin(packageDir, f);
    const to = files.pathJoin(sourcePackageDir, f);
    if (files.exists(from)) {
      files.copyFile(from, to);

  // Write a package map to `.versions` inside the source tarball.  Note that
  // this differs in two ways from the `.versions` file that is maintained
  // inside standalone packages by 'meteor publish':
  //  (a) It only contains the direct, directly implied, and linked-into-plugin
  //      dependencies of the package, not all transitive dependencies.
  //  (b) It is ALWAYS put into the source tarball, even if the package came
  //      from inside an app, whereas the package-source-tree .versions file
  //      is only used for standalone packages
  var packageMapFilename = files.pathJoin(sourcePackageDir, '.versions');
  if (files.exists(packageMapFilename)) {
    throw Error(".versions file already exists? " + packageMapFilename);
  var pluginProviderPackageMap = isopack.pluginProviderPackageMap;
  if (! pluginProviderPackageMap) {
    throw Error("no pluginProviderPackageMap on isopack?");
  var packageMapFile = new projectContextModule.PackageMapFile({
    filename: packageMapFilename

  // We put this inside the temp dir because mkdtemp makes sure that the
  // temp dir gets cleaned up on process exit, so we don't have to worry
  // about cleaning up our tarball (or our copied source files)
  // ourselves.
  var sourceTarball = files.pathJoin(tempDir, packageTarName + '.tgz');
  files.createTarball(dirToTar, sourceTarball);

  var tarballHash = files.fileHash(sourceTarball);
  var treeHash = files.treeHash(dirToTar);

  return {
    sourceTarball: sourceTarball,
    tarballHash: tarballHash,
    treeHash: treeHash

// Uploads a file at a filepath to the HTTP put URL.
// Returns true on success and false on failure.
var uploadFile = function (putUrl, filepath) {
  var size = files.stat(filepath).size;
  var rs = files.createReadStream(filepath);
  try {
    // Use getUrl instead of request, to throw on 4xx/5xx.
      method: 'PUT',
      url: putUrl,
      headers: {
        'content-length': size,
        'content-type': 'application/octet-stream',
        'x-amz-acl': 'public-read'
      bodyStream: rs,
      bodyStreamLength: size
  } catch (err) {
    // XXX: getUrl's error handling is terrible and we should fix it there.
    buildmessage.error(typeof err === "string" ? err : err.toString());
    return false;
  } finally {
  return true;

exports.uploadFile = uploadFile;

export function bundleBuild(isopack, isopackCache) {

  var tempDir = files.mkdtemp('bp-');
  var packageTarName = isopack.tarballName();
  var tarInputDir = files.pathJoin(tempDir, packageTarName);

  // Note that we do need to do this even though we already have the isopack on
  // disk in an IsopackCache, because we don't want to include
  // isopack-buildinfo.json. (We don't include it because we're not passing
  // includeIsopackBuildInfo to saveToPath here.)
  isopack.saveToPath(tarInputDir, {
    // When publishing packages that don't use new registerCompiler plugins,
    // make sure that old Meteors can use it too
    includePreCompilerPluginIsopackVersions: true,

  var buildTarball = files.pathJoin(tempDir, packageTarName + '.tgz');

  files.createTarball(tarInputDir, buildTarball);

  var tarballHash = files.fileHash(buildTarball);
  var treeHash = files.treeHash(tarInputDir, {
    // We don't include any package.json from an npm module in the tree hash,
    // because npm isn't super consistent about what it puts in there (eg, does
    // it include the "readme" field)? This ends up leading to spurious
    // differences. The tree hash will still notice any actual CODE changes in
    // the npm packages.
    ignore: function (relativePath) {
      var pieces = relativePath.split(files.pathSep);
      return pieces.length && _.last(pieces) === 'package.json'
        && pieces.includes('npm');

  return {
    buildTarball: buildTarball,
    tarballHash: tarballHash,
    treeHash: treeHash

function createBuiltPackage(isopack, isopackCache) {
  var name =;

  // Note: we really want to do this before createPackageBuild, because the URL
  // we get from createPackageBuild will expire!
  var bundleResult;
  buildmessage.enterJob("bundling build for " + name, function () {
    bundleResult = bundleBuild(isopack, isopackCache);
  if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) {

  return bundleResult;

var publishBuiltPackage = function (conn, isopack, bundleResult) {
  var name =;

  var uploadInfo;
  buildmessage.enterJob('creating package build for ' + name, function () {
    uploadInfo = callPackageServerBM(conn, 'createPackageBuild', {
      version: isopack.version,
      buildArchitectures: isopack.buildArchitectures()
  if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) {

  buildmessage.enterJob("uploading build", function () {
  if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) {

  buildmessage.enterJob('publishing package build for ' + name, function () {
    callPackageServerBM(conn, 'publishPackageBuild',
  if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) {

export function createAndPublishBuiltPackage(conn, isopack, isopackCache) {
    createBuiltPackage(isopack, isopackCache),

// Handle an error thrown on trying to connect to the package server.
exports.handlePackageServerConnectionError = function (error) {
  authClient.handleConnectionError(error, "package server");

// Update the package metdata in the server catalog. Chane the docs,
// descriptions and the Git URL to new values.
// options:
// - packageSource: the packageSource for this package.
// - readmeInfo: null, or an object containing docs information for this package.
// - connection: the open, logged-in connection over which we should talk to the
//   package server. DO NOT CLOSE this connection here.
// Return true on success and an error code otherwise.
exports.updatePackageMetadata = function (options) {

  var packageSource = options.packageSource;
  var conn = options.connection;
  var readmeInfo = options.readmeInfo;

  var name =;
  var version = packageSource.version;

  if (! version) {
      "Package cannot be updated because it doesn't have a version");

  // For now, documentation is optional on the client, so we have to give people
  // a way to remove it with 'documentation: null'.
  if (! readmeInfo) {
    readmeInfo = generateBlankReadme();

  var dataToUpdate = {
    git: packageSource.metadata.git || "",
    description: packageSource.metadata.summary,
    longDescription: readmeInfo.excerpt

  // Check that the metadata fits under the established limits, and give helpful
  // feedback.
  if (! dataToUpdate["description"]) {
    buildmessage.error("Please provide a short description to use in 'meteor search'");

  if (dataToUpdate["description"] &&
      dataToUpdate["description"].length > 100) {
    buildmessage.error("Summary must be under 100 chars.");

  if (dataToUpdate["longDescription"].length > 1500) {
      "Longform package description is too long. Meteor uses the section of " +
      "the Markdown documentation file between the first and second " +
      "headings. That section must be less than 1500 characters long.");

  // Update the general metadata.
  var versionIdentifier = { packageName: name, version: version };
  buildmessage.enterJob('updating metadata', function () {
      conn, "changeVersionMetadata", versionIdentifier, dataToUpdate);
  if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) {

  // Upload the new Readme.
  buildmessage.enterJob('uploading documentation', function () {
    var readmePath = saveReadmeToTmp(readmeInfo);
    var uploadInfo =
          callPackageServerBM(conn, "createReadme", versionIdentifier);
    if (! uploadInfo) {
    if (! uploadFile(uploadInfo.url, readmePath)) {
      conn, "publishReadme", uploadInfo.uploadToken, { hash: readmeInfo.hash });
  if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) {


// Publish the package information into the server catalog. Create new records
// for the package (if needed), the version and the build; upload source and
// isopack.
// options:
// - packageSource: the packageSource for this package.
// - connection: the open, logged-in connection over which we should talk to the
//   package server. DO NOT CLOSE this connection here.
// - projectContext: the (probably temporary) ProjectContext to use. Must have\
//   already built local packages
// - new: this package is new, we should call createPackage to create a new
//   package record.
// - existingVersion: we expect the version to exist already, and for us
//   to merely be providing a new build of the same source
// - doNotPublishBuild: do not publish the build of this package.
// Return true on success and an error code otherwise.
exports.publishPackage = function (options) {
  var packageSource = options.packageSource;
  var conn = options.connection;
  var projectContext = options.projectContext;

  var name =;
  var version = packageSource.version;

  if ( && options.existingVersion) {
    throw Error("is it new or does it exist?!?");

  // Check that the package name is valid.
  utils.validatePackageName(name, { useBuildmessage: true });
  if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) {

  // Check that we have a version.
  if (! version) {
      "Package cannot be published because it doesn't have a version");

  // Check that the version description is under the character limit. (We check
  // all string limits on the server, but this is the one that is mostly likely
  // to be wrong)
  if (! packageSource.metadata.summary) {
      "Please describe what your package does. Set a summary " +
        "in Package.describe in package.js.");

  if (packageSource.metadata.summary.length > 100) {
    buildmessage.error("Summary must be under 100 chars.");

  // Check that we are an authorized maintainer of this package.
  if (!options['new']) {
    var packRecord = catalog.official.getPackage(name);
    if (! packRecord) {
        'There is no package named ' + name +
          '. If you are creating a new package, use the --create flag.');

    if (!exports.amIAuthorized(name, conn, false)) {
        'You are not an authorized maintainer of ' + name + '.  Only ' +
          'authorized maintainers may publish new versions.');

  // Check that our documentation exists (or we know that it doesn't) and has
  // been filled out.
  var readmeInfo = buildmessage.enterJob(
    "processing documentation",
    function () {
      return packageSource.processReadme();
  if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) {
  if (readmeInfo && (readmeInfo.hash === files.blankHash)) {
      "Your documentation file is blank, so users may have trouble figuring " +
      "out how to use your package. Please fill it out, or " +
      "set 'documentation: null' in your Package.describe");

  if (readmeInfo && readmeInfo.excerpt.length > 1500) {
      "Longform package description is too long. Meteor uses the section of " +
      "the Markdown documentation file between the first and second " +
      "headings. That section must be less than 1500 characters long.");

  // We don't let the user upload a blank README for UX reasons, but we would
  // prefer that the server move to a world with 'readme' files for everything
  // in the future. This helps unite these interfaces, and makes our code easier
  // to reason about in the future.
  if (! readmeInfo) {
    readmeInfo = generateBlankReadme();
  var readmePath = saveReadmeToTmp(readmeInfo);

  var packageDeps = packageSource.getDependencyMetadata();

  // Check that the package does not have any unconstrained references.
  _.each(packageDeps, function(refs, label) {
    if (refs.constraint == null) {
      if (packageSource.isCore && files.inCheckout() &&
          projectContext.localCatalog.getPackage(label)) {
        // Core package is using or implying another core package,
        // without a version number.  We fill in the version number.
        // (Well, we're assuming that the other package is core and
        // not some other sort of local package.)
        var versionString =
        // modify the constraint on this dep that will be sent to troposphere
        refs.constraint = versionString;
      } else if (label === "meteor") {
        // HACK: We are willing to publish a package with a "null"
        // constraint on the "meteor" package to troposphere.  This
        // happens for non-core packages when not running from a
        // checkout, because all packages implicitly depend on the
        // "meteor" package, but do not necessarily specify an
        // explicit version for it, and we don't have a great way to
        // choose one here.
        // XXX come back to this, especially if we are incrementing the
        // major version of "meteor".  hopefully we will have more data
        // about the package system by then.
      } else {
          "You must specify a version constraint for package " + label);
  if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) {

  var isopack = projectContext.isopackCache.getIsopack(name);
  if (! isopack) {
    throw Error("no isopack " + name);

  // If we aren't able to include legacy builds in this version, make sure that
  // it has a fake dependency on isobuild:isopack-2 so that old versions of
  // Isobuild won't accidentally use it.
  if (!isopack.canWriteLegacyBuilds()
      && !_.has(packageDeps, 'isobuild:isopack-2')) {
    packageDeps['isobuild:isopack-2'] = {
      constraint: '1.0.0',
      // Arbitrary arch here; nothing other than meteor show really pays
      // attention to reference arch anymore, because we no longer pay attention
      // to the arch with the constraint in Version Solver.
      references: [{arch: 'os'}],

  var sourceFiles = isopack.getSourceFilesUnderSourceRoot(
  if (! sourceFiles) {
    throw Error("isopack doesn't know what its source files are?");

  // We need to have built the test package to get all of its sources, even
  // though we're not publishing a BUILD for the test package.
  if (packageSource.testName) {
    var testIsopack = projectContext.isopackCache.getIsopack(
    if (! testIsopack) {
      throw Error("no testIsopack " + packageSource.testName);
    var testSourceFiles = testIsopack.getSourceFilesUnderSourceRoot(
    if (! testSourceFiles) {
      throw Error("test isopack doesn't know what its source files are?");
    sourceFiles = _.union(sourceFiles, testSourceFiles);

  var sourceBundleResult;
  buildmessage.enterJob("bundling source for " + name, function () {
    sourceBundleResult = bundleSource(
      isopack, sourceFiles, packageSource.sourceRoot);
  if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) {

  // Create the package. Check that the metadata exists.
  if ( {
    buildmessage.enterJob("creating package " + name, function () {
      callPackageServerBM(conn, 'createPackage', {
    if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) {

  if (options.existingVersion) {
    var existingRecord = catalog.official.getVersion(name, version);
    if (! existingRecord) {
      buildmessage.error("Version does not exist.");
    if (existingRecord.source.treeHash !== sourceBundleResult.treeHash) {
      buildmessage.error("Package source differs from the existing version.");

    if (! options.doNotPublishBuild) {
        conn, isopack, projectContext.isopackCache);

      if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) {

    // XXX check that we're actually providing something new?
  } else {
    var uploadInfo;
    buildmessage.enterJob("pre-publishing package " + name, function () {
      var uploadRec = {
        version: version,
        description: packageSource.metadata.summary,
        longDescription: readmeInfo.excerpt,
        git: packageSource.metadata.git,
        compilerVersion: compiler.BUILT_BY,
        containsPlugins: packageSource.containsPlugins(),
        debugOnly: packageSource.debugOnly,
        prodOnly: packageSource.prodOnly,
        testOnly: packageSource.testOnly,

        deprecated: packageSource.deprecated,
        deprecatedMessage: packageSource.deprecatedMessage,

        exports: packageSource.getExports(),
        dependencies: packageDeps
      uploadInfo = callPackageServerBM(conn, 'createPackageVersion', uploadRec);
    if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) {

    // XXX If package version already exists, print a nice error message
    // telling them to try 'meteor publish-for-arch' if they want to
    // publish a new build.
    // Documentation is smaller than the source. Upload it first, to minimize
    // the chances of PUT URLs expiring. (XXX: in the far future, parallelize this)
    buildmessage.enterJob("uploading documentation", function () {
      uploadFile(uploadInfo.readmeUrl, readmePath);
    if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) {

    buildmessage.enterJob("uploading source", function () {
      uploadFile(uploadInfo.uploadUrl, sourceBundleResult.sourceTarball);
    if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) {

    if (! options.doNotPublishBuild) {
      var bundleResult = createBuiltPackage(

      if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) {

    var hashes = {
      tarballHash: sourceBundleResult.tarballHash,
      treeHash: sourceBundleResult.treeHash,
      readmeHash: readmeInfo.hash
    buildmessage.enterJob("publishing package version", function () {
        conn, 'publishPackageVersion', uploadInfo.uploadToken, hashes);
    if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) {

    if (! options.doNotPublishBuild) {
      publishBuiltPackage(conn, isopack, bundleResult);
      if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) {


  // Call the server to ask if we are authorized to update this release or
// package. This is a way to save time before sending data to the server. It
// will mostly ignore most errors (just in case we have a flaky network connection or
// something) and let the method deal with those.
// If this returns FALSE, then we are NOT authorized.
// Otherwise, return true.
exports.amIAuthorized = function (name, conn, isRelease) {
  var methodName = "amIAuthorized" +
    (isRelease ? "Release" : "Package");

  try {
    exports.callPackageServer(conn, methodName, name);
  } catch (err) {
    if (err.error === 401) {
      return false;

    // We don't know what this error is. Probably we can't contact the server,
    // or the like. It would be a pity to fail all operations with the server
    // just because a preliminary check fails, so return true for now.
    return true;
  return true;