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Test Coverage
import { MongoExitCodes } from '../utils/mongo-exit-codes';
var files = require('../fs/files');
var utils = require('../utils/utils.js');
var fiberHelpers = require('../utils/fiber-helpers.js');
var runLog = require('./run-log.js');
var child_process = require('child_process');
var _ = require('underscore');
import { loadIsopackage } from '../tool-env/isopackets.js';
var Console = require('../console/console.js').Console;

// Given a Mongo URL, open an interactive Mongo shell on this terminal
// on that database.
var runMongoShell = function (url, err) {
  // XXX mongo URLs are not real URLs (notably, the comma-separation for
  // multiple hosts). We've had a little better luck using the mongodb-uri npm
  // package.
  var mongoUrl = require('url').parse(url);
  const ls = child_process.spawn('mongosh', [mongoUrl.href], {
    stdio: 'inherit',
  ls.on('error', err);

// Start mongod with a dummy replSet and wait for it to listen.
function spawnMongod(mongodPath, port, dbPath, replSetName) {
  const child_process = require('child_process');

  mongodPath = files.convertToOSPath(mongodPath);
  dbPath = files.convertToOSPath(dbPath);

  let args = [
    // nb: and findMongoPids make strong assumptions about the
    // order of the arguments! Check them before changing any arguments.
    process.env.METEOR_MONGO_BIND_IP || '',
    // Use an 8MB oplog rather than 256MB. Uses less space on disk and
    // initializes faster. (Not recommended for production!)

  // Use mmapv1 on 32bit platforms, as our binary doesn't support WT
  if (process.arch === 'ia32') {
    args.push('--storageEngine', 'mmapv1', '--smallfiles');

  // run with rosetta on mac m1
  if (process.platform === 'darwin' && process.arch === 'arm64') {
    args = ['-x86_64', mongodPath, ...args];
    mongodPath = 'arch';
  return child_process.spawn(mongodPath, args, {
    // Apparently in some contexts, Mongo crashes if your locale isn't set up
    // right. I wasn't able to reproduce it, but many people on #4019
    // were. Let's default a couple environment variables to English UTF-8 if
    // they aren't set already. If these few aren't good enough, we'll at least
    // detect the locale error and print a link to #4019 (look for
    // `detectedErrors.badLocale` below).
    env: Object.assign(
        LANG: 'en_US.UTF-8',
        LC_ALL: 'en_US.UTF-8',

// Find all running Mongo processes that were started by this program
// (even by other simultaneous runs of this program). If passed,
// dbDir and port act as filters on the list of running mongos.
// Yields. Returns an array of objects with keys pid, port, dbDir.
var findMongoPids;
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
  // Windows doesn't have a ps equivalent that (reliably) includes the command
  // line, so approximate using the combined output of tasklist and netstat.
  findMongoPids = function(dbDir_unused, port) {
    var promise = fiberHelpers.makeFulfillablePromise();

    child_process.exec('tasklist /fi "IMAGENAME eq mongod.exe"', function(
    ) {
      if (error) {
        var additionalInfo = JSON.stringify(error);
        if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
          additionalInfo =
            "tasklist wasn't found on your system, it usually can be found at C:\\Windows\\System32\\.";
          new Error("Couldn't run tasklist.exe: " + additionalInfo)
      } else {
        // Find the pids of all mongod processes
        var mongo_pids = [];
        stdout.split('\n').forEach(function(line) {
          var m = line.match(/^mongod.exe\s+(\d+) /);
          if (m) {
            mongo_pids[m[1]] = true;

        // Now get the corresponding port numbers
          'netstat -ano',
          { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 * 10 },
          function(error, stdout, stderr) {
            if (error) {
                new Error("Couldn't run netstat -ano: " + JSON.stringify(error))
            } else {
              var pids = [];
              stdout.split('\n').forEach(function(line) {
                var m = line.match(
                if (m) {
                  var found_pid = parseInt(m[2], 10);
                  var found_port = parseInt(m[1], 10);

                  // We can't check the path app_dir so assume it always matches
                  if (mongo_pids[found_pid] && (!port || port === found_port)) {
                    // Note that if the mongo rest interface is enabled the
                    // initial port + 1000 is also likely to be open.
                    // So remove the pid so we only match it once.
                    delete mongo_pids[found_pid];
                      pid: found_pid,
                      port: found_port,
                      app_dir: null,


    return promise.await();
} else {
  findMongoPids = function(dbDir, port) {
    var promise = fiberHelpers.makeFulfillablePromise();

    // 'ps ax' should be standard across all MacOS and Linux.
    // However, ps on OS X corrupts some non-ASCII characters in arguments,
    // such as т (CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TE), leading to this function
    // failing to properly match pathnames with those characters.  #3999
    // pgrep appears to do a better job (and has output that is roughly
    // similar; it lacks a few fields that we don't care about).  Plus,
    // it can do some of the grepping for us.
    // However, 'pgrep' only started shipping with OS X 10.8 (and may be less
    // common on Linux too), so we check to see if it exists and fall back to
    // 'ps' if we can't find it.
    // We avoid using pgrep on Linux, because some versions of Linux pgrep
    // require you to pass -a/--list-full to include the arguments in the
    // output, and other versions fail if you pass that option. We have not
    // observed the Unicode corruption on Linux, so using ps ax there is fine.
    var psScript = 'ps ax';
    if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
      psScript =
        'if type pgrep >/dev/null 2>&1; then ' +
        // -lf means to display and match against full argument lists.
        // pgrep exits 1 if no processes match the argument; we're OK
        // considering this as a success, but we don't want other errors
        // to be ignored.  Note that this is sh not bash, so we can't use
        // [[.
        'pgrep -lf mongod; test "$?" -eq 0 -o "$?" -eq 1;' +
        'else ps ax; fi';

    // If the child process output includes unicode, make sure it's
    // handled properly.
    const {
      LANG = 'en_US.UTF-8',
      LC_ALL = LANG,
      // Remainder of process.env without above properties.
    } = process.env;

    // Make sure all three properties are set to the same value, which
    // defaults to "en_US.UTF-8" or whatever LANG was already set to.
    Object.assign(env, { LANG, LC_ALL, LANGUAGE });

        // we don't want this to randomly fail just because you're running
        // lots of processes. 10MB should be more than ps ax will ever
        // spit out; the default is 200K, which at least one person hit
        // (#2158).
        maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 * 10,
      function(error, stdout, stderr) {
        if (error) {
            new Error(
              "Couldn't run ps ax: " +
                JSON.stringify(error) +
                '; ' +

        var ret = [];
        stdout.split('\n').forEach(function(line) {
          // Matches mongos we start. Note that this matches
          // 'fake-mongod' (our mongod stub for automated tests) as well
          // as 'mongod'.
          var m = line.match(
            /^\s*(\d+).+mongod .+--port (\d+) --dbpath (.+(?:\/|\\)db)/
          if (m && m.length === 4) {
            var foundPid = parseInt(m[1], 10);
            var foundPort = parseInt(m[2], 10);
            var foundPath = m[3];

            if (
              (!port || port === foundPort) &&
              (!dbDir || dbDir === foundPath)
            ) {
                pid: foundPid,
                port: foundPort,
                dbDir: foundPath,


    return promise.await();

// See if mongo is running already. Yields. Returns the port that
// mongo is running on or null if mongo is not running.
var findMongoPort = function(dbDir) {
  var pids = findMongoPids(dbDir);

  if (pids.length !== 1) {
    return null;

  var pid = pids[0].pid;
  try {
    process.kill(pid, 0); // make sure it is still alive
  } catch (e) {
    return null;

  return pids[0].port;

// XXX actually -- the code below is probably more correct than the code we
// have above for non-Windows platforms (since that code relies on
// `findMongoPids`). But changing this a few days before the 1.1 release
// seemed too bold. But if you're changing code around here, consider using
// the implementation below on non-Windows platforms as well.
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
  // On Windows, finding the Mongo pid, checking it and extracting the port
  // is often unreliable (XXX reliable in what specific way?). There is an
  // easier way to find the port of running Mongo: look it up in a METEOR-
  // PORT file that we generate when running. This may result into problems
  // where we try to connect to a mongod that is not running, or a wrong
  // mongod if our current app is not running but there is a left-over file
  // lying around. This still can be better than always failing to connect.
  findMongoPort = function(dbPath) {
    var mongoPort = null;

    var portFile = files.pathJoin(dbPath, 'METEOR-PORT');
    if (files.exists(portFile)) {
      mongoPort = files.readFile(portFile, 'utf8').replace(/\s/g, '');

    // Now, check if there really is a Mongo server running on this port.
    // (The METEOR-PORT file may point to an old Mongo server that's now
    // stopped)
    var net = require('net');

    return new Promise(resolve => {
      var client = net.connect(
          port: mongoPort,
        () => {
          // The server is running.
      client.on('error', () => resolve(null));
      .catch(() => null)

// Kill any mongos running on 'port'. Yields, and returns once they
// are all dead. Throws an exception on failure.
// This is a big hammer for dealing with still running mongos, but
// smaller hammers have failed before and it is getting tiresome.
var findMongoAndKillItDead = function(port, dbPath) {
  var pids = findMongoPids(null, port);

  // Go through the list serially. There really should only ever be
  // at most one but we're not taking any chances.
  _.each(pids, function(processInfo) {
    var pid =;

    // Send kill attempts and wait. First a SIGINT, then if it isn't
    // dead within 2 sec, SIGKILL. Check every 100ms to see if it's
    // dead.
    for (var attempts = 1; attempts <= 40; attempts++) {
      var signal = 0;
      if (attempts === 1) {
        signal = 'SIGINT';
      } else if (attempts === 20 || attempts === 30) {
        signal = 'SIGKILL';

      try {
        process.kill(pid, signal);
      } catch (e) {
        // it's dead. on to the next one


    // give up after 4 seconds.
    // XXX should actually catch this higher up and print a nice
    // error. foreseeable conditions should never result in exceptions
    // for the user.
    throw new Error("Can't kill running mongo (pid " + pid + ').');

  // If we had to kill mongod with SIGKILL, or on Windows where all calls to
  // `process.kill` work like SIGKILL, mongod will not have the opportunity to
  // close gracefully. Delete a lock file that may have been left over.
  var mongodLockFile = files.pathJoin(dbPath, 'mongod.lock');
  if (files.exists(mongodLockFile)) {

var StoppedDuringLaunch = function() {};

// Starts a single instance of mongod, and configures it properly as a singleton
// replica set. Yields.  Returns once the mongod is successfully listening (or
// the process exited).
// Takes an onExit handler, which will be invoked when the process exits (which
// may be before or after this function returns depending on whether or not it
// ever successfully started).
// If the 'multiple' option is set, it actually sets up three mongod instances
// (launching the second and third on the next two ports after the specified
// port). In this case, if any of the three instances exit for any reason, all
// are killed (and onExit is then invoked). Also, the entirety of all three
// databases is deleted before starting up.  This is mode intended for testing
// mongo failover, not for normal development or production use.
var launchMongo = function(options) {
  var onExit = options.onExit || function() {};

  var noOplog = false;
  var mongod_path = files.pathJoin(
  var replSetName = 'meteor';

  // Automated testing: If this is set, instead of starting mongod, we
  // start our stub (fake-mongod) which can then be remote-controlled
  // by the test.
    if (options.multiple) {
      throw Error("Can't specify multiple with fake mongod");

    var fakeMongodCommand =
      process.platform === 'win32' ? 'fake-mongod.bat' : 'fake-mongod';
    mongod_path = files.pathJoin(

    // oplog support requires sending admin commands to mongod, so
    // it'd be hard to make fake-mongod support it.
    noOplog = true;

  var subHandles = [];
  var stopped = false;
  var handle = {};
  var stopPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    handle.stop = function() {
      if (stopped) {
      stopped = true;
      _.each(subHandles, function(handle) {

      if (options.onStopped) {

      reject(new StoppedDuringLaunch());

  var yieldingMethod = function(object, methodName, ...args) {
    return Promise.race([
      new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        object[methodName](...args, (err, res) => {
          err ? reject(err) : resolve(res);

  var launchOneMongoAndWaitForReadyForInitiate = function(
  ) {
    files.mkdir_p(dbPath, 0o755);

    var proc = null;

    if (options.allowKilling) {
      findMongoAndKillItDead(port, dbPath);

    if (options.multiple) {
      // This is only for testing, so we're OK with incurring the replset
      // setup on each startup.
      files.mkdir_p(dbPath, 0o755);
    } else if (portFile) {
      var portFileExists = false;
      var matchingPortFileExists = false;
      try {
        matchingPortFileExists = +files.readFile(portFile) === port;
        portFileExists = true;
      } catch (e) {
        if (!e || e.code !== 'ENOENT') {
          throw e;

      // If this is the first time we're using this DB, or we changed port since
      // the last time, then we want to destroy any existing replSet
      // configuration and create a new one. First we delete the "local"
      // database if it exists. (It's a pain and slow to change the port in an
      // existing replSet configuration. It's also a little slow to initiate a
      // new replSet, thus the attempt to not do it unless the port changes.)
      // In the "multiple" case, we just wipe out the entire database and incur
      // the cost, because this won't affect normal users running meteor.
      if (!matchingPortFileExists) {
        // Delete the port file if it exists, so we don't mistakenly believe
        // that the DB is still configured.
        if (portFileExists) {

        try {
          var dbFiles = files.readdir(dbPath);
        } catch (e) {
          if (!e || e.code !== 'ENOENT') {
            throw e;
        _.each(dbFiles, function(dbFile) {
          if (/^local\./.test(dbFile)) {
            files.unlink(files.pathJoin(dbPath, dbFile));

    // Let's not actually start a process if we yielded (eg during
    // findMongoAndKillItDead) and we decided to stop in the middle (eg, because
    // we're in multiple mode and another process exited).
    if (stopped) {

    proc = spawnMongod(mongod_path, port, dbPath, replSetName);

    function stop() {
      if (proc) {
        proc.removeListener('exit', procExitHandler);
        proc = null;
    subHandles.push({ stop });

    var procExitHandler = fiberHelpers.bindEnvironment(function(code, signal) {
      // Defang subHandle.stop().
      proc = null;

      // Kill any other processes too. This will also remove
      // procExitHandler from the other processes, so onExit will only be called
      // once.

      // Invoke the outer onExit callback.
      onExit(code, signal, stderrOutput, detectedErrors);
    proc.on('exit', procExitHandler);

    var listening = false;
    var replSetReadyToBeInitiated = false;
    var replSetReady = false;

    var maybeReadyToTalk;
    var readyToTalkPromise = new Promise(function(resolve) {
      maybeReadyToTalk = function() {
        if (
          resolve &&
          listening &&
          (noOplog || replSetReadyToBeInitiated || replSetReady)
        ) {
          proc.stdout.removeListener('data', stdoutOnData);
          resolve = null;

    var stopOrReadyPromise = Promise.race([stopPromise, readyToTalkPromise]);

    var detectedErrors = {};
    var stdoutOnData = fiberHelpers.bindEnvironment(function(data) {
      // note: don't use "else ifs" in this, because 'data' can have multiple
      // lines
      if (
        /replica set config in use/.test(data) ||
        /Did not find local replica set configuration document at startup/.test(
        ) ||
        /\[.*\] Locally stored replica set configuration does not have a valid entry for the current node/.test(
      ) {
        replSetReadyToBeInitiated = true;

      if (
        /Waiting for connections/.test(data) ||
        / \[.*\] waiting for connections on port/.test(data)
      ) {
        listening = true;

      if (/ \[rsSync-0\] transition to primary complete/.test(data)) {
        replSetReady = true;

      if (/Insufficient free space/.test(data)) {
        detectedErrors.freeSpace = true;

      // Running against a old mmapv1 engine, probably from pre-mongo-3.2 Meteor
      if (
        /created by the 'mmapv1' storage engine, so setting the active storage engine to 'mmapv1'/.test(
      ) {
          'Your development database is using mmapv1, ' +
            'the old, pre-MongoDB 3.0 database engine. ' +
            'You should consider upgrading to Wired Tiger, the new engine. ' +
            'The easiest way to do so in development is to run ' +
            Console.command('meteor reset') +
            '. ' +
            "If you'd like to migrate your database, please consult " +

      if (/Invalid or no user locale set/.test(data)) {
        detectedErrors.badLocale = true;
    proc.stdout.on('data', stdoutOnData);

    var stderrOutput = '';
    proc.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
      stderrOutput += data;


  var initiateReplSetAndWaitForReady = function () {
    try {
      // Load mongo so we'll be able to talk to it.
      const {MongoClient} = loadIsopackage(

      // Connect to the intended primary and start a replset.
      const client = new MongoClient(
          `mongodb://${options.port}`, {
            minPoolSize: 1,
            maxPoolSize: 1,
            socketTimeoutMS: 60000,
            directConnection: true

      const db = client.db('meteor');

      if (stopped) {

      var configuration = {
        _id: replSetName,
        version: 1,
        protocolVersion: 1,
        members: [{_id: 0, host: '' + options.port, priority: 100}],

      try {
        const config = yieldingMethod(db.admin(), 'command', {
          replSetGetConfig: 1,

        // If a replication set configuration already exists, it's
        // important that the new version number is greater than the old.
        if (config && _.has(config, 'version')) {
          configuration.version = config.version + 1;
      } catch (e) {}

      if (options.multiple) {
        // Add two more members: one of which should start as secondary but
        // could in theory become primary, and one of which can never be
        // primary.
          _id: 1,
          host: '' + (options.port + 1),
          priority: 5,
          _id: 2,
          host: '' + (options.port + 2),
          priority: 0,

      try {
        yieldingMethod(db.admin(), 'command', {
          replSetInitiate: configuration,
      } catch (e) {
        if (e.message === 'already initialized') {
          yieldingMethod(db.admin(), 'command', {
            replSetReconfig: configuration,
            force: true,
        } else {
          throw Error('rs.initiate error: ' + e.message);

      if (stopped) {

      let writableTimestamp =;

      // Wait until the primary is writable. If it isn't writable after one
      // minute, throw an error and report the replica set status.
      while (!stopped) {
        const {ismaster} = yieldingMethod(db.admin(), 'command', {
          isMaster: 1,

        if (ismaster) {
          // From mongoDB 5.0, w: majority is the default write concern for most MongoDB configurations
          // this causes writes to be acknowledged after the timeout on M1 macs
          // We are explicitly setting it to 1 when there is only 1 node, as we do simulate replica sets with only 1 node
          // when running locally or in test environments.
          // ref:
          yieldingMethod(db.admin(), 'command', {
            setDefaultRWConcern: 1,
            ...( options.multiple ? {} : {defaultWriteConcern: {w: 1}})
        } else if ( - writableTimestamp > 60000) {
          const status = yieldingMethod(db.admin(), 'command', {
            replSetGetStatus: 1,

          throw new Error(
              'Primary not writable after one minute. Last replica set status: ' +


      client.close(true /* means "the app is closing the connection" */);
    } catch (e) {
      // If the process has exited, we're doing another form of error
      // handling. No need to throw random low-level errors farther.
      if (!stopped || e instanceof StoppedDuringLaunch) {
        throw e;

  try {
    if (options.multiple) {
      var dbBasePath = files.pathJoin(options.projectLocalDir, 'dbs');
      _.each(_.range(3), function(i) {
        // Did we get stopped (eg, by one of the processes exiting) by now? Then
        // don't start anything new.
        if (stopped) {
        var dbPath = files.pathJoin(options.projectLocalDir, 'dbs', '' + i);
        launchOneMongoAndWaitForReadyForInitiate(dbPath, options.port + i);
      if (!stopped) {
    } else {
      var dbPath = files.pathJoin(options.projectLocalDir, 'db');
      var portFile = !noOplog && files.pathJoin(dbPath, 'METEOR-PORT');
      launchOneMongoAndWaitForReadyForInitiate(dbPath, options.port, portFile);
      if (!stopped && !noOplog) {
        if (!stopped) {
          // Write down that we configured the database properly.
          files.writeFile(portFile, '' + options.port);
  } catch (e) {
    if (!(e instanceof StoppedDuringLaunch)) {
      throw e;

  if (stopped) {
    return null;

  return handle;

// This runs a Mongo process and restarts it whenever it fails. If it
// restarts too often, we give up on restarting it, diagnostics are
// logged, and onFailure is called.
// options: projectLocalDir, port, onFailure, multiple
var MongoRunner = function(options) {
  var self = this;
  self.projectLocalDir = options.projectLocalDir;
  self.port = options.port;
  self.onFailure = options.onFailure;
  self.multiple = options.multiple;

  self.handle = null;
  self.shuttingDown = false;
  self.resolveStartupPromise = null;

  self.errorCount = 0;
  self.errorTimer = null;
  self.restartTimer = null;
  self.firstStart = true;
  self.suppressExitMessage = false;

var MRp = MongoRunner.prototype;

Object.assign(MRp, {
  // Blocks (yields) until the server has started for the first time and
  // is accepting connections. (It might subsequently die and be
  // restarted; we won't tell you about that.)
  // If the server fails to start for the first time (after a few
  // restarts), we'll print a message and give up.
  start: function() {
    var self = this;

    if (self.handle) {
      throw new Error('already running?');


    // Did we properly start up? Great!
    if (self.handle) {

    // Are we shutting down? OK.
    if (self.shuttingDown) {

    // Otherwise, wait for a successful _startOrRestart, or a failure.
    if (!self.resolveStartupPromise) {
      new Promise(function(resolve) {
        self.resolveStartupPromise = resolve;

  // Tries to launch Mongo once.  It returns when either (a) Mongo is listening
  // or (b) mongod exited before it got to the point of listening.
  // (To be specific: in non-multiple mode, this means that the single mongod is
  // listening and the primary, or that the single mongod died. In multiple
  // mode, it means that the first mongod is listening and is primary and the
  // other mongods are listening and are secondary, or that any mongod died (and
  // it tried to kill the others).)
  // In case (a), self.handle will be the handle returned from launchMongo; in
  // case (b) self.handle will be null.
  _startOrRestart: function() {
    var self = this;

    if (self.handle) {
      throw new Error('already running?');

    var allowKilling = self.multiple || self.firstStart;
    self.firstStart = false;
    if (!allowKilling) {
      // If we're not going to try to kill an existing mongod first, then we
      // shouldn't annoy the user by telling it that we couldn't start up.
      self.suppressExitMessage = true;
    self.handle = launchMongo({
      projectLocalDir: self.projectLocalDir,
      port: self.port,
      multiple: self.multiple,
      allowKilling: allowKilling,
      onExit: _.bind(self._exited, self),
      onStopped() {
        self.suppressExitMessage = false;
    // It has successfully started up, so if it exits after this point, that
    // actually is an interesting fact and we shouldn't suppress it.
    self.suppressExitMessage = false;

    if (self.handle) {

  _exited: function(code, signal, stderr, detectedErrors) {
    var self = this;

    self.handle = null;

    // If Mongo exited because (or rather, anytime after) we told it
    // to exit, great, nothing to do. Otherwise, we'll print an error
    // and try to restart.
    if (self.shuttingDown) {

    // Only print an error if we tried to kill Mongo and something went
    // wrong. If we didn't try to kill Mongo, we'll do that on the next
    // restart. Not killing it on the first try is important for speed,
    // since findMongoAndKillItDead is a very slow operation.
    if (!self.suppressExitMessage) {
      // Print the last 20 lines of stderr.
          .join('\n') +
          'Unexpected mongo exit code ' +
          code +
          (self.multiple ? '.' : '. Restarting.')

    // If we're in multiple mode, we never try to restart. That's to keep the
    // test-only multiple code simple.
    if (self.multiple) {

    // We'll restart it up to 3 times in a row. The counter is reset
    // when 5 seconds goes without a restart. (Note that by using a
    // timer instead of looking at the current date, we avoid getting
    // confused by time changes.)
    if (self.errorTimer) {
    self.errorTimer = setTimeout(function() {
      self.errorTimer = null;
      self.errorCount = 0;
    }, 5000);

    if (self.errorCount < 3) {
      // Wait a second, then restart.
      self.restartTimer = setTimeout(
        fiberHelpers.bindEnvironment(function() {
          self.restartTimer = null;

    // Too many restarts, too quicky. It's dead. Print friendly
    // diagnostics and give up.
    var explanation = MongoExitCodes[code];
    var message = "Can't start Mongo server.";

    if (
      explanation &&
      explanation.symbol === 'EXIT_UNCAUGHT' &&
    ) {
      message +=
        '\n\n' +
        'Looks like you are out of free disk space under .meteor/local.';
    } else if (explanation) {
      message += '\n' + explanation.longText;
    } else if (process.platform === 'win32') {
      message +=
        '\n\n' +
        'Check how to troubleshoot here ' +

    if (explanation && explanation.symbol === 'EXIT_NET_ERROR') {
      message +=
        '\n\n' +
        'Check for other processes listening on port ' +
        self.port +
        '\n' +
        'or other Meteor instances running in the same project.';

    if (!explanation && /GLIBC/i.test(stderr)) {
      message +=
        '\n\n' +
        'Looks like you are trying to run Meteor on an old Linux distribution.\n' +
        'Meteor on Linux requires glibc version 2.9 or above. Try upgrading your\n' +
        'distribution to the latest version.';

    if (detectedErrors.badLocale) {
      message +=
        '\n\n' +
        "Looks like MongoDB doesn't understand your locale settings. See\n" +
        ' for more details.';


  // Idempotent
  stop: function() {
    var self = this;

    if (self.shuttingDown) {

    self.shuttingDown = true;

    self.errorTimer && clearTimeout(self.errorTimer);
    self.restartTimer && clearTimeout(self.restartTimer);

    if (self.handle) {
      self.handle = null;

  _allowStartupToReturn: function() {
    var self = this;
    if (self.resolveStartupPromise) {
      var resolve = self.resolveStartupPromise;
      self.resolveStartupPromise = null;

  _fail: function() {
    var self = this;
    self.onFailure && self.onFailure();

  _mongoHosts: function() {
    var self = this;
    var ports = [self.port];
    if (self.multiple) {
      ports.push(self.port + 1, self.port + 2);
    return, function(port) {
      return '' + port;

  mongoUrl: function() {
    var self = this;
    return 'mongodb://' + self._mongoHosts() + '/meteor';

  oplogUrl: function() {
    var self = this;
    return 'mongodb://' + self._mongoHosts() + '/local';

exports.runMongoShell = runMongoShell;
exports.findMongoPort = findMongoPort;
exports.MongoRunner = MongoRunner;
exports.findMongoAndKillItDead = findMongoAndKillItDead;