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# atom-screenshot

**Atom editor plugin for creating code screenshots**


| :warning: | Atom has been discontinued by GitHub[^1]. Since this project no longer serves a purpose, it won't be developed further, and has been archived. |

[^1]: [Sunsetting Atom | The GitHub Blog (2022-06-08)](

With this package, you can take a screenshot of your code as it is shown in
Atom. With syntax highlighting and line numbers, but without any menus or

It captures every line from first to last into a single image by scrolling
through the file.

## Usage

You can invoke the package through the "screenshot:take" command, through the
"Packages" menu in the menu bar, or via the context menu. Note that a text
editor needs to be active so that this package knows which code to capture.

## Example

![Atom window with opened context menu showing the screenshot option](

This is the output image:

![Resulting screenshot image](