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Test Coverage
# Changelog

## [7.0.2]( (2023-09-16)

### Bug Fixes

* Avoid subclassing Error for assignment of `code` property ([#187]( ([bc1f5c7](
* Use 'node:' protocol in imports ([#185]( ([d058ac0](

## [7.0.1]( (2023-07-23)

### Miscellaneous Chores

* Publish with provenance ([#168]( ([377669a](

## [7.0.0]( (2023-06-24)


* Drop support for Node.js older than v18.16.1 ([#156](

### Bug Fixes

* Fix linter warnings ([#155]( ([c48908c](
* Simplify getErrorCode() using TypeScript 4.9's "in" inference ([#113]( ([54bea82](

### Miscellaneous Chores

* Drop support for Node.js older than v18.16.1 ([#156]( ([4c330e6](

## [6.2.0]( (2022-09-02)

### Features

* **types:** Export ReadWriteOptions ([#89]( ([e258a17](

### Bug Fixes

* Use file extensions in imports ([#74]( ([13f3db6](

## [6.1.0]( (2022-06-12)

* fix: Use override keyword for additional inheritance safety ([#39](
* refactor: Move all source code into 'src/' ([#64](
* docs: Remove type annotations from JSDoc comments ([#65](
* chore: Use c8 for coverage instead of nyc ([#63](
* ci: Test on Node.js 18 ([#56](
* chore(deps): pin dependencies ([#19](
* Lots of dev dependency updates

## [6.0.2]( (2021-11-16)

* chore(test): Replace ts-mocha with ts-node ([#15](
* chore(ci): Run 'tsc --noEmit' during linting ([#16](
* refactor: Update lint dependencies and improve catch type safety ([#17](

## [6.0.1]( (2021-07-07)

* fix: TypeScript types were exported incorrectly

## [6.0.0]( (2021-07-06)

**Note: This release is broken, please use a later version.**

### Features

* Completely written in **TypeScript** from now on (definitions are included in the package, of course!) ([#9](, [#12](, [#13](

### Enhancements

* Explicitly forbid sub-directories in DirectoryAdapter ([#11](

### Backend Work

* Set Node engine to 12 or later ([#10](
* Update dependencies ([#4](, [#5](, [#6](, [#7](, [#9](
* Use GitHub Actions ([#8](

## [5.0.0]( (2020-09-28)

### Features

* Allow options to be a string for easier specification of encoding in `read`/`write` ([360e2aa](

### Backend work

* Stop building on Node 13 ([f000564](
* Add introduction text to ([56757b6](

## [4.0.0]( (2020-09-11)

### Features

* Add common `Adapter` parent class ([f0fc48d](
* Add async `read()` and `write()` methods ([2183996](, [b9ee3a6](, [14ef597](, [66116dc](
  - encoding support ([9642bd8](
* Add MemoryAdapter constructor for Map/Array ([ccdec38](

### Enhancements

* Ensure `DirectoryAdapter::init` actually creates the directory ([5f6118b](
* Check file name validity in `MemoryAdapter` ([208f3fd](

### Backend Work

* Set Node engine to 10 or later ([e57a875](
* Overhaul unit tests ([69badda](, [5e8c12d](, [1799155](, [09a83b2](, [1c58994](, [81412f0](, [5ad69b1](, [2b49e38](, [7a85cfc](
* Improve documentation ([8c66c75](
* Update .gitignore to include all of /test/res/ ([08e67dd](
* Update dependencies ([bd81a5b](, [6439f5f](

## [3.0.0]( (2020-03-21)

* Update dependencies, require Node 10 or later ([7c4a934](
* Use JS standard style with ESLint ([1ae2234](
* Remove bluebird dependency ([7f0d2c0](
* Use async instead of explicit promises ([59bfc04](
* Update ([bcaa7e6](
* Fix MemoryAdapter deleting file with same-name rename ([27d4a13](
* Remove .codeclimate.yml, add .npmignore ([4cf832c](

## [2.0.1]( (2020-02-03)

* Fix missing argument in `DirectoryAdapter#delete()` ([96b9f00](
* Update dependencies ([1a620ff](

## [2.0.0]( (2019-11-17)

See commit: [39cd31c](

- Require Node version 8 or higher
- Use ES6 classes
- Update dependencies

## [1.0.0]( (2018-06-03)

- Add `adapter.exists(fileName)` ([#2]( ([d5b9472](, [54a1508](, [61d70fd](
- Setup CodeClimate test coverage ([640d5cb](

## [0.1.1]( (2018-05-27)

Initial release