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import { formatDate, parseDate } from './util/date-format.js'
import type { Adapter } from 'fs-adapters'
import type { CanteenPlan, DateSpec } from 'ka-mensa-fetch'
* ENOENT error code.
* Build the file name from the given date object.
* @param date The date object.
* @returns The file name.
function buildFileName (date: DateSpec): string {
return `${formatDate(date)}.json`
* A cache directory manager, providing retrieval and insertion of canteen plans.
export class Cache {
private readonly fsAdapter: Adapter
* Construct a new Cache with the specified file system adapter.
* @param fsAdapter The I/O interface.
constructor (fsAdapter: Adapter) {
this.fsAdapter = fsAdapter
* Get the cache contents for the given date.
* If the cache does not contain data for the given date, returns undefined.
* @param date The date object.
* @returns Resolves to the cache contents, or undefined if not cached.
async get (date: DateSpec): Promise<CanteenPlan[] | undefined> {
const file = buildFileName(date)
try {
const contents = await, { encoding: 'utf8' }) as string
return JSON.parse(contents)
} catch (e: any) {
if (e?.code === ENOENT) {
// missing file - item not found
return undefined
// some more critical error
throw e
* Insert the contents into the cache for the given date.
* @param date The date object.
* @param contents The cache contents (array of plans for the date).
* @returns Resolves when done.
async put (date: DateSpec, contents: CanteenPlan[]): Promise<void> {
const file = buildFileName(date)
await this.fsAdapter.write(file, JSON.stringify(contents))
* Obtain a list of all cached plans, in unspecified order.
* @returns Resolves to an array of date objects.
async list (): Promise<DateSpec[]> {
return (await this.fsAdapter.listFiles())
.map((file) => file.endsWith('.json') ? parseDate(file.slice(0, file.lastIndexOf('.'))) : undefined)
.filter((date: DateSpec | undefined): date is DateSpec => date != null)