import path from 'node:path'import ms from 'ms' const VALID_SOURCES = ['simplesite', 'jsonapi'] as constconst DEFAULT_CACHE_DIRECTORY = './cache' /** * Configuration for the application. */export interface Config { cacheDirectory: string server: { host: string port: number } corsAllowOrigin: string | undefined fetch: { interval: number source: typeof VALID_SOURCES[number] } simplesite: { days: number } jsonapi: { auth: { username: string password: string } }} /** * Parse the configuration from environment variables. * * @returns The configuration object. */export function getConfig (): Config { return { cacheDirectory: getCacheDirectory(), server: { host: getEnvOrDefault('SERVER_HOST', '::'), port: validatePositiveInteger(getEnvOrDefault('SERVER_PORT', '8080')) }, corsAllowOrigin: getCorsAllowOrigin(), fetch: { interval: validateDuration(getEnvOrDefault('FETCH_INTERVAL', '6 hours')), source: validateEnum(VALID_SOURCES, getEnvOrDefault('FETCH_SOURCE', 'simplesite')) }, simplesite: { days: validatePositiveInteger(getEnvOrDefault('SIMPLESITE_DAYS', '14')) }, jsonapi: { auth: { username: getEnvOrDefault('JSONAPI_AUTH_USERNAME', ''), password: getEnvOrDefault('JSONAPI_AUTH_PASSWORD', '') } } }} /** * Determine the absolute path to the cache directory from the environment variables. This will fall back to a default * cache path if the env var is not set. * * @returns The absolute cache directory path to use. */function getCacheDirectory (): string { // backwards compatibility const oldDirectory = getEnvOrDefault('MENSA_CACHE_DIRECTORY', DEFAULT_CACHE_DIRECTORY) const directory = getEnvOrDefault('CACHE_DIRECTORY', oldDirectory) return path.resolve(directory)} /** * Determine the CORS origin to allow from the environment variables. * This function will return a string if (and only if) the option is set and is not empty. * * @returns The origin value, if it is valid, and undefined otherwise. */function getCorsAllowOrigin (): string | undefined { const oldAllowOrigin = getEnvOrDefault('MENSA_CORS_ALLOWORIGIN', undefined) return getEnvOrDefault('CORS_ALLOWORIGIN', oldAllowOrigin)} /** * Get an environment variable or a default value if it is not set, or is empty. * * @param key The environment variable key. * @param defaultValue The default value to use. * @returns The value of the environment variable, or the default value. */function getEnvOrDefault<D = string> (key: string, defaultValue: D): string | D { const value = process.env[key] return value != null && value !== '' ? value : defaultValue} /** * Convert a string to a positive integer. * * @param str The string to convert. * @returns The parsed integer. */function validatePositiveInteger (str: string): number { const value = Number.parseInt(str, 10) if (!Number.isSafeInteger(value) || value <= 0) { throw new Error(`invalid positive integer: "${str}"`) } return value} /** * Validate that a string is one of the given values. * * @param allowed The allowed values. * @param str The string to validate. * @returns The string if it is valid. */function validateEnum<T extends readonly string[]> (allowed: T, str: string): T[number] { if (!allowed.includes(str)) { throw new Error(`invalid value: "${str}", allowed: ${allowed.join(', ')}`) } return str} /** * Validate a duration string. * * @param str The duration string. * @returns The parsed duration in milliseconds. */function validateDuration (str: string): number { const duration = ms(str) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition if (duration == null || Number.isNaN(duration) || duration <= 0) { throw new Error(`invalid duration: "${str}"`) } return duration}