import { type CanteenPlan, type DateSpec, fetchMensa } from 'ka-mensa-fetch'import { group } from 'group-items'import moment from 'moment'import ms from 'ms'import type { Config } from './config.js'import { getSessionCookie } from './get-session-cookie.js'import type { Cache } from './cache.js'import { formatDate } from './util/date-format.js'import type { Logger } from 'winston' /** * Maximum age of a plan that is still considered valid for caching. If a plan * is older than this, there likely was an error during retrieval or date * parsing. */// use a relaxed duration of 10 days, to catch wrongly detected months/years// while still allowing for some uncertaintiesconst PLAN_AGE_MAXIMUM = ms('10d') /** * Determine the dates for which plans should be fetched, based on the current * date and an offset. * * If the offset is 0 (dayCount = 0), only today is included; * if dayCount = 1, today and tomorrow are included; etc. * * @param dayCount The number of dates after today to also include. * @returns The array of date objects. */function getFetchDates (dayCount: number): DateSpec[] { const dates: DateSpec[] = [] for (let i = 0, date = moment(); i <= dayCount; ++i) { dates.push({ year: date.year(), month: date.month(), day: }) date.add(1, 'd') } return dates} /** * Use the simplesite source to fetch plans for all canteens, for a few days into * the future as defined in the config. * * @param config The application config. * @returns Resolves to the fetched plan set. */async function fetchFromSimpleSite (config: Config): Promise<CanteenPlan[]> { const dayCount = Math.max(config.simplesite.days, 0) const dates = getFetchDates(dayCount) const sessionCookie = await getSessionCookie() return await fetchMensa('simplesite', { dates, sessionCookie })} /** * Use the jsonapi source to fetch the currently available plans. * * @param config The application config. * @returns Resolves to the fetched plan set. */async function fetchFromJsonApi (config: Config): Promise<CanteenPlan[]> { return await fetchMensa('jsonapi', { auth: { user: config.jsonapi.auth.username, password: config.jsonapi.auth.password } })} /** * Use the specified string to determine from which source plans should be * fetched, and fetch them. * * @param config The application config. * @param source The source to use ('simplesite' / 'jsonapi'). * @returns Resolves to the fetched plan set. */async function fetchFromSource (config: Config, source: string): Promise<CanteenPlan[]> { switch (source) { case 'jsonapi': return await fetchFromJsonApi(config) case 'simplesite': return await fetchFromSimpleSite(config) } throw new Error('invalid source setting')} /** * Run the fetcher job, updating the available plans. * * This does not necessarily result in a complete set of plans. All it does is * fetch a sufficient amount of plans, so that when this is called regularly * there will be no gaps. * * @param config The application config. * @param logger The logger instance. * @param cache The cache instance. */export async function runFetchJob (config: Config, logger: Logger, cache: Cache): Promise<void> { const source = config.fetch.source`fetching plans (source=${source})`) let plans try { plans = await fetchFromSource(config, source) } catch (e) { logger.error(e) return } const now = moment() // for each date: add respective plans array to cache for (const [date, plansForDate] of group(plans).by((plan) => { const formattedDate = formatDate(date) // check for invalid date if (now.diff(date) > PLAN_AGE_MAXIMUM) { logger.warn(`data for ${formattedDate} will not be stored due to its age`) continue } const canteensList = =>',')`caching ${formattedDate} with ${plansForDate.length} canteens: [${canteensList}]`) await cache.put(date, plansForDate) }}