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Test Coverage
# Changelog

## [0.4.2]( (2023-09-16)

### Bug Fixes

* Use 'node:' protocol in imports ([#137]( ([19166a2](

## [0.4.1]( (2023-07-23)

### Miscellaneous Chores

* Publish with provenance ([#121]( ([051a6f1](

## [0.4.0]( (2022-08-29)

### Features

* Implement promisifiedListen(), promisifiedClose() generically ([#50]( ([afaa253](

### Bug Fixes

* Remove Express from peerDependencies but keep as dev ([#52]( ([f748672](

## [0.3.0]( (2022-07-17)

### Features

* Export HttpStatus enum ([#39]( ([eb340bb](

## [0.2.0]( (2022-03-26)

* feat: Implement onTermination() for process exit signal handling ([#12](

## [0.1.0]( (2022-03-25)

* feat: Add utilities for promisified start/stop of Express applications ([#5](
* chore: Setup ESLint with "Standard Style" config ([#6](

## [0.0.0]( (2022-03-25)

Initial release. Contains no functionality.

* feat: Setup project ([#1](
* chore: Add mocha dependency for testing and setup CI workflow ([#3](
* chore: Setup test coverage reporting ([#4](