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namespace SVG\Fonts;

 * A font file using the TTF format (TrueType).
class TrueTypeFontFile extends FontFile
    // OpenType fonts that contain TrueType outlines should use the value of 0x00010000 for the sfntVersion.
    // OpenType fonts containing CFF data (version 1 or 2) should use 0x4F54544F ('OTTO', when re-interpreted as a Tag)
    // for sfntVersion.
    private const SFNT_VERSION_TTF = 0x00010000;
    private const SFNT_VERSION_OTF = 0x4F54544F;

    private const TABLE_TAG_NAME = 'name';
    private const NAME_ID_FONT_FAMILY = 1;
    private const NAME_ID_FONT_SUBFAMILY = 2;

    private const TABLE_TAG_OS2 = 'OS/2';

    private const PLATFORM_ID_UNICODE = 0;
    private const PLATFORM_ID_MACINTOSH = 1;
    private const PLATFORM_ID_WINDOWS = 3;

    private string $family;
    private string $subfamily;
    private ?int $weightClass;

    public function __construct(string $path, string $family, string $subfamily, ?int $weightClass)

        $this->family      = $family;
        $this->subfamily   = $subfamily;
        $this->weightClass = $weightClass;

    public function getFamily(): string
        return $this->family;

    public function getWeight(): float
        return $this->weightClass ?? ($this->subfamily === 'Bold' || $this->subfamily === 'Bold Italic' ? 700 : 400);

    public function isItalic(): bool
        return $this->subfamily === 'Italic' || $this->subfamily === 'Bold Italic';

    public function isMonospace(): bool
        // TODO implement detection for monospace fonts
        return false;

    public static function read(string $path): ?TrueTypeFontFile
        $file = fopen($path, 'rb');
        if ($file === false) {
            return null;

        $tableDirectory = self::readTableDirectory($file);
        if ($tableDirectory['sfntVersion'] !== self::SFNT_VERSION_TTF) {
            return null;

        // 'name' should always exist:
        if (!self::locateTableRecord($file, $tableDirectory, self::TABLE_TAG_NAME)) {
            return null;

        $nameTableRecord = self::readTableRecord($file);
        $nameTable = self::readNamingTable($file, $nameTableRecord);

        $family = $nameTable[self::NAME_ID_FONT_FAMILY] ?? '';
        $subfamily = $nameTable[self::NAME_ID_FONT_SUBFAMILY] ?? '';

        $weightClass = null;
        if (self::locateTableRecord($file, $tableDirectory, self::TABLE_TAG_OS2)) {
            $os2TableRecord = self::readTableRecord($file);
            $os2Table = self::readOS2Table($file, $os2TableRecord);
            $weightClass = $os2Table['usWeightClass'] ?? null;


        return new self($path, $family, $subfamily, $weightClass);

    // //
    // TableDirectory
    private static function readTableDirectory($file): array
        return [
            // 0x00010000 or 0x4F54544F ('OTTO')
            'sfntVersion'   => self::uint32($file),
            // Number of tables.
            'numTables'     => self::uint16($file),
            // Maximum power of 2 less than or equal to numTables, times 16.
            'searchRange'   => self::uint16($file),
            // Log2 of the maximum power of 2 less than or equal to numTables.
            'entrySelector' => self::uint16($file),
            // numTables times 16, minus searchRange
            'rangeShift'    => self::uint16($file),

     * Perform a linear search over the table directory to locate the table record for the given table tag.
     * At the end, the file pointer will be positioned at the beginning of the table record, if found; otherwise,
     * the position will be unchanged.
     * @param $file resource The file.
     * @param $tableDirectory array The table directory.
     * @param $tag string The tag to locate.
     * @return bool True if the table record was found and the file pointer changed; otherwise, false.
    private static function locateTableRecord($file, array $tableDirectory, string $tag): bool
        for ($i = 0; $i < $tableDirectory['numTables']; ++$i) {
            $pos = 12 + $i * 16;
            if (self::stringAt($file, $pos, 4) === $tag) {
                fseek($file, $pos);
                return true;
        return false;

    // TableRecord
    private static function readTableRecord($file): array
        return [
            // Table identifier.
            'tag'       => self::string($file, 4),
            // Checksum for this table.
            'checkSum'  => self::uint32($file),
            // Offset from beginning of font file.
            'offset'    => self::uint32($file),
            // Length of this table.
            'length'    => self::uint32($file),

    private static function readNamingTable($file, array $record): array
        fseek($file, $record['offset']);

        // Table version number (0 or 1).
        $version = self::uint16($file);
        // Number of name records.
        $count = self::uint16($file);
        // Offset to start of string storage (from start of table).
        $storageOffset = self::uint16($file);

        $names = [];
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
            $nameRecord = self::readNameRecord($file);
            $string = self::stringAt(
                $record['offset'] + $storageOffset + $nameRecord['stringOffset'],
            $id = $nameRecord['nameID'];
            $names[$id] = self::decodeString($string, $nameRecord['platformID'], $nameRecord['encodingID']);

        // Note: Table version 1 has additional fields after the name records, but we don't need those.
        // See:

        return $names;

    // NameRecord
    private static function readNameRecord($file): array
        return [
            // Platform ID.
            'platformID'    => self::uint16($file),
            // Platform-specific encoding ID.
            'encodingID'    => self::uint16($file),
            // Language ID.
            'languageID'    => self::uint16($file),
            // Name ID.
            'nameID'        => self::uint16($file),
            // String length (in bytes).
            'stringLength'  => self::uint16($file),
            // String offset from start of storage area (in bytes).
            'stringOffset'  => self::uint16($file),

    private static function readOS2Table($file, array $record): array
        fseek($file, $record['offset']);

        // Note: There are many fields in the OS/2 table, even in version 0, but we only need a few.

        return [
            // OS/2 table version number.
            'version' => self::uint16($file),
            // Average weighted escapement.
            'xAvgCharWidth' => self::int16($file),
            // Weight class.
            'usWeightClass' => self::uint16($file),
            // Width class.
            'usWidthClass' => self::uint16($file),

    private static function uint16($file): int
        $bytes = fread($file, 2);
        return (ord($bytes[0]) << 8) + ord($bytes[1]);

    private static function int16($file): int
        $bytes = fread($file, 2);
        $value = (ord($bytes[0]) << 8) + ord($bytes[1]);
        return $value < 0x8000 ? $value : $value - 0x10000;

    private static function uint32($file): int
        $bytes = fread($file, 4);
        return (ord($bytes[0]) << 24) + (ord($bytes[1]) << 16) + (ord($bytes[2]) << 8) + ord($bytes[3]);

    private static function string($file, int $length): string
        return fread($file, $length);

    private static function stringAt($file, int $offset, int $length): string
        $pos = ftell($file);
        fseek($file, $offset);
        $string = self::string($file, $length);
        fseek($file, $pos);
        return $string;

    private static function decodeString(string $string, int $platformID, int $encodingID): string
        switch ($platformID) {
            case self::PLATFORM_ID_UNICODE:
                // Strings for the Unicode platform must be encoded in UTF-16BE.
                return mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE');
            case self::PLATFORM_ID_MACINTOSH:
                // Strings for the Macintosh platform (platform ID 1) use platform-specific single- or double-byte
                // encodings according to the specified encoding ID for a given name record.
                // TODO: implement
                return $string;
            case self::PLATFORM_ID_WINDOWS:
                // All string data for platform 3 must be encoded in UTF-16BE.
                return mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE');
                return $string;