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package scratchlib.project;

import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Optional;

import scratchlib.objects.ScratchObject;
import scratchlib.objects.ScratchObjectStore;
import scratchlib.objects.fixed.collections.ScratchObjectAbstractDictionary;
import scratchlib.objects.fixed.collections.ScratchObjectDictionary;
import scratchlib.objects.fixed.forms.ScratchObjectColorForm;
import scratchlib.objects.fixed.forms.ScratchObjectForm;
import scratchlib.objects.inline.ScratchObjectBoolean;
import scratchlib.objects.user.morphs.ScratchObjectStageMorph;
import scratchlib.writer.ScratchOutputStream;

 * Represents a Scratch project file that has version information, metadata, a
 * stage with sprites, etc.
public class ScratchProject
     * Specifies the operating system (OS) version the project was created on.
     * The default is "NT". Has no influence on the project.
    public static final String INFO_OS_VERSION = "os-version";
     * Specifies the operating system (OS) platform the project was created on.
     * The default is "Win32". Has no influence on the project.
    public static final String INFO_PLATFORM = "platform";
     * Specifies the language of the project. The default is "en".
    public static final String INFO_LANGUAGE = "language";
     * Specifies the project's save history. The default is "\r" (empty
     * history). Has no influence on the project.
    public static final String INFO_HISTORY = "history";
     * Specifies the program version the project was created with. This can be
     * ANY STRING and has no influence on the project. The default is set
     * according to {@link ScratchVersion#getVersionString()}.
    public static final String INFO_SCRATCH_VERSION = "scratch-version";
     * Specifies the project's thumbnail. This is a
     * {@link ScratchObjectColorForm}. Passing NIL is not recommended, since it
     * crashes the Scratch file browser; the default is to omit it entirely.
    public static final String INFO_THUMBNAIL = "thumbnail";
     * Specifies the project's comment. This is visible in the Scratch file
     * browser, and through "File" -> "Project Notes". The default is the URL to
     * this library's GitHub repository.
    public static final String INFO_COMMENT = "comment";
     * Specifies the project's author. This is visible in the Scratch file
     * browser. The default is "".
    public static final String INFO_AUTHOR = "author";
     * Specifies the {@link ScratchObjectForm} storing the pen trails and stamps
     * drawn by sprites. The default is NIL.
    public static final String INFO_PEN_TRAILS = "penTrails";
     * BYOB 3.1.1 only. Specifies whether sprites have to stay on the stage
     * (true; the default) or are allowed off stage (false). For Scratch, this
     * is always true.
    public static final String INFO_KEEP_ON_STAGE = "keepOnStage";

    private final ScratchVersion version;
    private ScratchObjectStore info = new ScratchObjectStore(ScratchObject.NIL);
    private ScratchObjectStore stage = new ScratchObjectStore(ScratchObject.NIL);

     * @param version This project's version.
    public ScratchProject(ScratchVersion version)
        this.version = version;

        // populate info section

        ScratchObjectDictionary dict = new ScratchObjectDictionary();
        dict.put(new ScratchObjectString(INFO_OS_VERSION), new ScratchObjectString("NT"));
        dict.put(new ScratchObjectString(INFO_PLATFORM), new ScratchObjectString("Win32"));
        dict.put(new ScratchObjectString(INFO_LANGUAGE), new ScratchObjectString("en"));
        dict.put(new ScratchObjectString(INFO_HISTORY), new ScratchObjectUtf8("\r"));
        dict.put(new ScratchObjectString(INFO_SCRATCH_VERSION), new ScratchObjectString(version.getVersionString()));
        // thumbnail omitted (-> ColorForm)
        dict.put(new ScratchObjectString(INFO_COMMENT), new ScratchObjectUtf8(""));
        dict.put(new ScratchObjectString(INFO_AUTHOR), new ScratchObjectUtf8(""));
        dict.put(new ScratchObjectString(INFO_PEN_TRAILS), ScratchObject.NIL);
        dict.put(new ScratchObjectString(INFO_KEEP_ON_STAGE), ScratchObjectBoolean.TRUE);

        // populate stage section

        ScratchObjectStageMorph stageMorph = new ScratchObjectStageMorph();


     * @return This project's version.
    public ScratchVersion getVersion()
        return version;

     * @return The object that is the project's info section.
    public ScratchObjectStore getInfoSection()
        return info;

     * Sets the project's info section.
     * @param info The new info section.
    public void setInfoSection(ScratchObjectStore info)
    { = info;

     * @return The object that is the project's stage / content section.
    public ScratchObjectStore getStageSection()
        return stage;

     * Sets the project's stage / content section.
     * @param stage The new stage section.
    public void setStageSection(ScratchObjectStore stage)
        this.stage = stage;

     * Convenience method for retrieving the actual stage morph stored in the
     * stage section.
     * @return The stage morph.
     * @see #getStageSection()
    public ScratchObjectStageMorph getStage()
        return (ScratchObjectStageMorph) stage.get();

     * Convenience method for changing the stage morph stored in the stage
     * section.
     * @param stage The new stage morph.
     * @see #setStageSection(ScratchObjectStore)
    public void setStage(ScratchObjectStageMorph stage)

     * Finds the given property in this project's info dictionary.
     * @param key The property's key.
     * @return The associated value.
    public ScratchObject getInfoProperty(String key)
        Optional<Entry<ScratchObject, ScratchObject>> e = findInfoEntry(key);

     * Associates the given value with the given property name in this project's
     * info dictionary.
     * @param key The property's key.
     * @param value The value to associate with the key.
    public void setInfoProperty(String key, ScratchObject value)
        Optional<Entry<ScratchObject, ScratchObject>> e = findInfoEntry(key);

        ScratchObject k = -> new ScratchObjectString(key));
        ((ScratchObjectAbstractDictionary) info.get()).put(k, value);

     * Finds the info dictionary entry for the given key string. If no such
     * entry exists, returns {@code null}.
     * @param key The entry's key.
     * @return The entry.
    private Optional<Entry<ScratchObject, ScratchObject>> findInfoEntry(String key)
        ScratchObject i =;
        ScratchObjectAbstractDictionary d = (ScratchObjectAbstractDictionary) i;

        return d.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> {
            return e.getKey() instanceof ScratchObjectAbstractString
                    && ((ScratchObjectAbstractString) e.getKey()).getValue().equals(key);

     * Writes this project to the given output stream.
     * @param out The stream to write to.
     * @throws IOException
    public void writeTo(ScratchOutputStream out) throws IOException
        // write header

        // write info section
        ByteArrayOutputStream infoBytes = getSectionBytes(info);

        // write stage section
        stage.writeTo(out, this);

     * Writes the given object store into a byte array output stream.
     * @param section The section to write.
     * @return A {@code ByteArrayOutputStream} containing the written bytes.
     * @throws IOException
    private ByteArrayOutputStream getSectionBytes(ScratchObjectStore section) throws IOException
        ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        ScratchOutputStream out = new ScratchOutputStream(bout);

        section.writeTo(out, this);

        return bout;