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3 hrs
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import logging
import os
import torch
import tarfile
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence

charge_dict = {'H': 1, 'C': 6, 'N': 7, 'O': 8, 'F': 9}

def split_dataset(data, split_idxs):
    Splits a dataset according to the indices given.

    data : dict
        Dictionary to split.
    split_idxs :  dict
        Dictionary defining the split.  Keys are the name of the split, and
        values are the keys for the items in data that go into the split.

    split_dataset : dict
        The split dataset.
    split_data = {}
    for set, split in split_idxs.items():
        split_data[set] = {key: val[split] for key, val in data.items()}

    return split_data

# def save_database()

def process_xyz_files(data, process_file_fn, file_ext=None, file_idx_list=None, stack=True):
    Take a set of datafiles and apply a predefined data processing script to each
    one. Data can be stored in a directory, tarfile, or zipfile. An optional
    file extension can be added.

    data : str
        Complete path to datafiles. Files must be in a directory, tarball, or zip archive.
    process_file_fn : callable
        Function to process files. Can be defined externally.
        Must input a file, and output a dictionary of properties, each of which
        is a torch.tensor. Dictionary must contain at least three properties:
        {'num_elements', 'charges', 'positions'}
    file_ext : str, optional
        Optionally add a file extension if multiple types of files exist.
    file_idx_list : ?????, optional
        Optionally add a file filter to check a file index is in a
        predefined list, for example, when constructing a train/valid/test split.
    stack : bool, optional
    """'Processing data file: {}'.format(data))
    if tarfile.is_tarfile(data):
        tardata =, 'r')
        files = tardata.getmembers()

        readfile = lambda data_pt: tardata.extractfile(data_pt)

    elif os.is_dir(data):
        files = os.listdir(data)
        files = [os.path.join(data, file) for file in files]

        readfile = lambda data_pt: open(data_pt, 'r')

        raise ValueError('Can only read from directory or tarball archive!')

    # Use only files that end with specified extension.
    if file_ext is not None:
        files = [file for file in files if file.endswith(file_ext)]

    # Use only files that match desired filter.
    if file_idx_list is not None:
        files = [file for idx, file in enumerate(files) if idx in file_idx_list]

    # Now loop over files using readfile function defined above
    # Process each file accordingly using process_file_fn

    molecules = []

    for file in files:
        with readfile(file) as openfile:

    # Check that all molecules have the same set of items in their dictionary:
    props = molecules[0].keys()
    assert all(props == mol.keys() for mol in molecules), 'All molecules must have same set of properties/keys!'

    # Convert list-of-dicts to dict-of-lists
    molecules = {prop: [mol[prop] for mol in molecules] for prop in props}

    # If stacking is desireable, pad and then stack.
    if stack:
        molecules = {key: pad_sequence(val, batch_first=True) if val[0].dim() > 0 else torch.stack(val) for key, val in molecules.items()}

    return molecules

def process_xyz_md17(datafile):
    Read xyz file and return a molecular dict with number of atoms, energy, forces, coordinates and atom-type for the MD-17 dataset.

    datafile : python file object
        File object containing the molecular data in the MD17 dataset.

    molecule : dict
        Dictionary containing the molecular properties of the associated file object.
    xyz_lines = [line.decode('UTF-8') for line in datafile.readlines()]

    line_counter = 0
    atom_positions = []
    atom_types = []
    for line in xyz_lines:
        if line[0] is '#':
        if line_counter is 0:
            num_atoms = int(line)
        elif line_counter is 1:
            split = line.split(';')
            assert (len(split) == 1 or len(split) == 2), 'Improperly formatted energy/force line.'
            if (len(split) == 1):
                e = split[0]
                f = None
            elif (len(split) == 2):
                e, f = split
                f = f.split('],[')
                atom_energy = float(e)
                atom_forces = [[float(x.strip('[]\n')) for x in force.split(',')] for force in f]
            split = line.split()
            if len(split) is 4:
                type, x, y, z = split
                atom_positions.append([float(x) for x in split[1:]])
        line_counter += 1

    atom_charges = [charge_dict[type] for type in atom_types]

    molecule = {'num_atoms': num_atoms, 'energy': atom_energy, 'charges': atom_charges,
                'forces': atom_forces, 'positions': atom_positions}

    molecule = {key: torch.tensor(val) for key, val in molecule.items()}

    return molecule

def process_xyz_gdb9(datafile):
    Read xyz file and return a molecular dict with number of atoms, energy, forces, coordinates and atom-type for the gdb9 dataset.

    datafile : python file object
        File object containing the molecular data in the MD17 dataset.

    molecule : dict
        Dictionary containing the molecular properties of the associated file object.

    TODO : Replace breakpoint with a more informative failure?
    xyz_lines = [line.decode('UTF-8') for line in datafile.readlines()]

    num_atoms = int(xyz_lines[0])
    mol_props = xyz_lines[1].split()
    mol_xyz = xyz_lines[2:num_atoms+2]
    mol_freq = xyz_lines[num_atoms+2]

    atom_charges, atom_positions = [], []
    for line in mol_xyz:
        atom, posx, posy, posz, _ = line.replace('*^', 'e').split()
        atom_positions.append([float(posx), float(posy), float(posz)])

    prop_strings = ['tag', 'index', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'mu', 'alpha', 'homo', 'lumo', 'gap', 'r2', 'zpve', 'U0', 'U', 'H', 'G', 'Cv']
    prop_strings = prop_strings[1:]
    mol_props = [int(mol_props[1])] + [float(x) for x in mol_props[2:]]
    mol_props = dict(zip(prop_strings, mol_props))
    mol_props['omega1'] = max(float(omega) for omega in mol_freq.split())

    molecule = {'num_atoms': num_atoms, 'charges': atom_charges, 'positions': atom_positions}
    molecule = {key: torch.tensor(val) for key, val in molecule.items()}

    return molecule