class App.Base extends App.VirtualClass App.ActivePage, App.Setup
@set_template: (template) ->
@template = template
# This method is a template of how a save all would work. If your implementation
# is basic then this logic might pass but most apps will have complex batch
# persistence logic. In that case you should overwrite this method in your model
# or create a javascript service that handles batch persistence
@save_all: (opts) ->
data = {}
# TODO fix the naive inflection
collection = @collection_from_page(@snake_name)
added_attrs = []
$.each collection, (i, attrs) ->
added_attrs.push($.extend attrs, opts.add_data_to_each)
data[@snake_name + "s"] = added_attrs
url_match = new RegExp(/{{([^{}]+)}}/g)
@route = @route.replace(url_match, (match, p1) =>
attribute = match.slice(2, - 2)
path = @route + "/save_all.json"
method = 'PUT'
type: method
url: App.BaseUrl + "/" + path
data: data
success: (data, textStatus, xhr) =>
@after_save_all(data, textStatus, xhr)
error: (xhr) =>
# Example:
# li = new App.LineItem()
# li.set("foo", "bar")
# li.attributes # => {"foo": "bar"}
set: (attr_name, val) ->
@attributes[attr_name] = val
# Example:
# li = new App.LineItem({foo: "bar"})
# li.get("foo") # => "bar"
get: (attr_name) ->
# Example:
# li = new App.LineItem({foo: "bar"})
# li.remove("foo")
# li.attributes # => {}
remove: (attr_name) ->
delete @attributes[attr_name]
# Example:
# li = new App.LineItem()
# li.set_meta("foo", "bar")
# li.meta # => {foo: "bar"}
set_meta: (attr_name, val) ->
@meta[attr_name] = val
# Example:
# li = new App.LineItem()
# li.set_meta("foo", "bar")
# li.remove_meta("foo")
# li.meta # => {}
remove_meta: (attr_name) ->
delete @meta[attr_name]
# POST or PUT will be used for the ajax request depending on the value of id.
# TODO: meta data is not submitted with this request
save: ->
if !isNaN(parseFloat(@id)) && isFinite(@id)
path = @route + "/" + @id + ".json"
method = 'PUT'
path = @route + ".json"
method = "POST"
params = {}
params[@snake_name] = @attributes
response = $.ajax
type: method
url: App.BaseUrl + "/" + path
dataType: "json"
data: params
global: false
async: false
success: (data, textStatus, xhr) =>
@after_save(data, textStatus, xhr)
error: (xhr) =>
# This method will send an ajax request if id is a number. Other wise it will
# just call the after destroy callback.
destroy: ->
@route ||= @snake_name + "s"
path = @route + "/" + @id + ".json"
method = "DELETE"
if !isNaN(parseFloat(@id)) && isFinite(@id)
type: method
url: App.BaseUrl + "/" + path
dataType: "json"
global: false
async: false
success: (data, textStatus, xhr) =>
@after_destroy(data, textStatus, xhr)
error: (xhr) =>
# accepts an object and assigns the key value pairs to the attributes hash
assign_attributes: (attrs) ->
$.each attrs, (attr, val) =>
if attr == "id" && !isNaN(parseFloat(val)) && isFinite(val)
@id = val
@set(attr, val)
#overridable hook
after_save: (data, textStatus, xhr) ->
#overridable hook
after_save_error: (xhr) ->
errors = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)
#overridable hook
after_destroy: (data, textStatus, xhr) ->
#overridable hook
after_destroy_error: (xhr) ->
#overridable hook
@after_save_all: (data, textStatus, xhr) ->
$(data).each (i, response_object) =>
attrs = response_object[@snake_name]
model = new App[@class_name]({uuid: attrs["uuid"]})
#overridable hook
@after_save_all_error: (xhr) ->
data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)
$(data).each (i, response_object) =>
unless $.isEmptyObject(response_object["errors"])
uuid = response_object[@snake_name].uuid
model = new App[@class_name](response_object[@snake_name])
# Finds the attributes from a json response that do not have attached errors and
# will hide the errors that have been resolved.
# Then this method will iterate over the error responses and add the proper messaging
# and show the error tags
_handle_errors: (errors_obj, uuid) ->
hideable_error_inputs = $(Object.keys(@attributes)).not(Object.keys(errors_obj)).get()
$.each hideable_error_inputs, (i, attr) =>
$("[data-error][data-attr='" + attr + "'][data-k-uuid='" + @uuid + "']").hide()
$.each errors_obj, (attr, messages) =>
error_tag = $("[data-error][data-attr='" + attr + "'][data-k-uuid='" + @uuid + "']")
$.each messages, (i, message) ->
error_tag.append("<span>" + message + "</span><br>")
# hides all the errors
_clear_errors: () ->
$.each @attributes, (attr, val) =>
$("[data-error][data-attr='" + attr + "'][data-k-uuid='" + @uuid + "']").hide()