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class App.Setup
  constructor: (@opts, meta_data) ->

    @opts ||= {}

    if meta_data?
      @meta = meta_data["meta"]

    @attributes = {}

    # Allows for templates to either be passed in through the constructor or
    # to be set using the class level template
    # Example:
    # li = new App.LineItem({template: "<div>bunch of html></div>"})
    # Or
    # App.LineItem.template = "<div>bunch of html></div>"
    template = @opts.template || App[].template



    @uuid = @opts.uuid || @attributes.uuid || App.UUID.generate()
    @id = ||
    @target_uuid = @opts.target_uuid || @attributes.target_uuid

    @attributes["uuid"] = @uuid

    if template?
      @template = template.replace(/\b(data-k-uuid)\.?[^\s|>]+/g, "data-k-uuid=" + @uuid)
      @template = @template.replace(/\b(data-id)\.?[^\s|>]+/g, "data-id=" + @id)

  # Setus up the the different name strings
  # ClassName
  # class-name
  # class_name
  @set_class_name: (class_name) ->
    @class_name = class_name
    @dash_name =  @_get_dash_name(class_name)
    @snake_name = @_get_snake_name(class_name)

  @_get_class_name: ->

  @_get_dash_name: (name) ->
    dash_str = name.replace /([A-Z])/g, ($1) ->
      "-" + $1.toLowerCase()
    dash_str[1 .. dash_str.length - 1]

  @_get_snake_name: (name) ->
    under_str = name.replace /([A-Z])/g, ($1) ->
      "_" + $1.toLowerCase()
    under_str[1 .. under_str.length - 1]

  _set_self: ->
    @_self = @

  _set_name_properties: =>
    @class_name ||= App[].class_name
    @dash_name =  App[]._get_dash_name(@class_name)
    @snake_name = App[].snake_name

  # Sets up a template string with initial values
  _build_attrs_template: ->
    $.each @attributes, (attr, val) =>
      j_attr = $(@template).find("[data-k-uuid='" + @uuid + "'][data-attr='" + attr + "']")
      clone = j_attr.clone()

      replace_string = clone.wrap('<span/>').parent().html()

      cloned_template = $(@template).clone()
      updated_template = $("<div />").append($(@template).clone()).html()

      if replace_string? && replace_string.length
        replace_regex = new RegExp(replace_string)

        new_attr_string = replace_string.replace(/\b(data-val)\.?[^\s]+/g, "data-val='" + val + "'")

        @template = updated_template.replace(replace_regex, new_attr_string)

  # Finds '{{}}' in the string template and replaces it with the attribute that
  # is that is declared
  # Example:
  # template = "<div>{{}}</div>"
  # li = new App.LineItem({foo: "bar"})
  # li.template # => "<div>bar</div>"
  _setup_interpolated_vars: =>
    template_match = new RegExp(/{{([^{}]+)}}/g)

    new_template = @template.replace(template_match, (match, p1) =>
      class_name = match.split(".")[0].substr(2)
      attribute = match.split(".")[1].slice(0, - 2)

      if class_name == @snake_name && (typeof @get(attribute) != 'undefined')

    @template = new_template

  _set_opts_to_attributes: ->
    if @opts?
      $.each @opts, (key, val) =>
        @set key, val

  # Sets up the route with the ability to interpolate attributes into the route
  # Example:
  # class App.Box extends App.Base
  #   @route = "invoices/{{invoice_id}}/line_items"
  #   @set_class_name("LineItem")
  _setup_route: =>
    url_match = new RegExp(/{{([^{}]+)}}/g)
    @route ||= App[].route
    @route ||= "/" + @snake_name + "s"
    @route = @route.replace(url_match, (match, p1) =>
      attribute = match.slice(2, - 2)