App.VirtualClass = (classes...)->
classes.reduceRight (Parent, Child)->
class Child_Projection extends Parent
constructor: ->
# Temporary replace Child.__super__ and call original `constructor`
child_super = Child.__super__
Child.__super__ = Child_Projection.__super__
Child.apply @, arguments
Child.__super__ = child_super
# If Child.__super__ not exists, manually call parent `constructor`
unless child_super?
# Mixin prototype properties, except `constructor`
for own key of Child::
if Child::[key] isnt Child
Child_Projection::[key] = Child::[key]
# Mixin static properties, except `__super__`
for own key of Child
if Child[key] isnt Object.getPrototypeOf(Child::)
Child_Projection[key] = Child[key]