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Test Coverage
# RorR

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RorR(Ruby or Rails) is a test designed to evaluate the Ruby or Rails proficiency and artificial intelligence in a fun, interactive way.


## Installation

$ gem install rorr

## Getting Started

Then run the `rorr` command to start

$ rorr
$ gem install rorr --no-ri #without doc

Have three topics

Welcom to RorR!

Choose the topic you want to start
1. Don't ask me Ruby or Rails
2. What's the return value?
3. Make all test pass
0. exit


### Topic1: Don't ask me Ruby or Rails

This is to check whether you remember where Ruby ends and Rails.

Welcome to "Don't ask me Ruby or Rails"
Let's check whether you remember where Ruby ends and Rails

Question 1 :

Array(foo: :bar)      # => [[:foo, :bar]]

ruby or rails? (Type the ruby or rails to answer, skip to next question, exit to exit)


### Topic2: What's the return value?

This will show you the several pieces of code. You should type the code returned values to answer.

Welcome to "What's the return value?"
Let's check how much do you proficiency in ruby or rails

Question 1 :

1 == 1.0

What's the return value? (Type the Exception or SyntaxError if you expect it will return, skip to next question, exit to exit)


You can type `Exception` & `SyntaxError` to answer if you expect it will return.

### Topic3: Make all test pass

This will create a rorr directory in your current location where you find a `player.rb` and `README` file.

You can see `README` for instructions and write you answer to `player.rb`.

Type rorr to check if you've finished.

Welcome to "Make all tests pass"
Let's check how much do you proficiency in ruby or rails

Question 001 has been generated.
See the ./rorr/normal/001/README for instructions.

When you're done editing player.rb, type the rorr to check, skip to next question, exit to exit

### Test Report

In finish it will show you test report.

 Test Report

 Q.  | Corr | Skip | Retry
  1. |   ✓  |      |   0
  2. |   ✓  |      |   0
  3. |   ✓  |      |   0
  4. |      |   ✓  |   0
  5. |      |   ✓  |   0
  6. |   ✗  |      |   0
  7. |   ✗  |      |   0
  8. |   ✗  |      |   0
  9. |   ✓  |      |   0
 10. |   ✓  |      |   0
  10 |   5  |   2  |   0

 Correct Rate:    50.0%
    Skip Rate:    20.0%

   Spend Time: 00:00:33

## Run Options
You can run `rorr -h` for help

Usage: rorr [options]
-t, --time SECONDS    Delay each turn by seconds (default: 0.6)
-n, --number NUMBER   Number of questions (default: 10, all = -1)
-s, --solution        Show the solution (default: false)
-h, --help            Show this message

## Questions Reference

If you have good questions welcome to pull requests or comments
on GitHub at [``](

* [Rails Hurts quiz](
* [11 Essential Ruby Interview Questions*](
* [15 Questions to Ask During a Ruby Interview](
* [CoderByte](

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at [``](

## Copyright & License

* Copyright (c) 2016 Leon Ji. See [LICENSE.txt]( for further details.
* The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](