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# Feature

Feature is a battle-tested [feature toggle]( library for ruby.

The feature toggle functionality has to be configured by feature repositories. A feature repository simply provides lists of active features (symbols!). Unknown features are assumed inactive.

With this approach Feature is highly configurable and not bound to a specific kind of configuration.

**NOTE:** The current gem version works with Ruby 2+ and supports Ruby on Rails 4+.

**NOTE:** Ruby 1.9 is supported until version 1.2.0, Ruby 1.8 is supported until version 0.7.0.

**NOTE:** ActiveRecord / Rails 3 is supported until version 1.1.0.

## Installation

        gem install feature

## How to use

* Setup Feature
    * Create a repository (for more infos about configuration backends, see section below)
        require 'feature'
        repo =

    * Set repository to Feature

* Use Feature in your production code
    ```ruby # => true/false

    Feature.inactive?(:feature_name) # => true/false

    Feature.active_features # => [:list, :of, :features]

    Feature.with(:feature_name) do
      # code

    Feature.without(:feature_name) do
      # code

    # this returns value_true if :feature_name is active, otherwise value_false
    Feature.switch(:feature_name, value_true, value_false) 

    # switch may also take Procs that will be evaluated and it's result returned.
    Feature.switch(:feature_name, -> { code... }, -> { code... })

* Use Feature in your test code (for reliable testing of feature depending code)
    require 'feature/testing'

    Feature.run_with_activated(:feature) do
      # your test code

    # you also can give a list of features
    Feature.run_with_deactivated(:feature, :another_feature) do
      # your test code

* Feature-toggle caching

    * By default, Feature will lazy-load the active features from the
      underlying repository the first time you try to check whether a
      feature is set or not. 

    * Subsequent calls to Feature will access the cached in-memory
      representation of the list of features. So changes to toggles in the 
      underlying repository would not be reflected in the application
      until you restart the application or manually call

    * You can optionally pass in true as a second argument on
      set_repository, to force Feature to auto-refresh the feature list
      on every feature-toggle check you make.
        Feature.set_repository(your_repository, true)

    * You can also optionally pass in a number as second argument on
      set_repository, to force Feature to refresh the feature list
      after X seconds. This will be done only on demand by a request.
        Feature.set_repository(your_repository, 60)

## How to setup different backends

### SimpleRepository (in-memory)
# File: Gemfile
gem 'feature'

# setup code
require 'feature'

repo =
repo.add_active_feature :be_nice

Feature.set_repository repo

### RedisRepository (features configured in redis server)
# See here to learn how to configure redis:

# File: Gemfile
gem 'feature'
gem 'redis'

# setup code (or Rails initializer: config/initializers/feature.rb)
require 'feature'

# "feature_toggles" will be the key name in redis
repo ="feature_toggles")
Feature.set_repository repo

# add/toggle features in Redis
Redis.current.hset("feature_toggles", "ActiveFeature", true)
Redis.current.hset("feature_toggles", "InActiveFeature", false)

### YamlRepository (features configured in static yml file)
# File: Gemfile
gem 'feature'

# File: config/feature.yml
    an_active_feature: true
    an_inactive_feature: false

# setup code (or Rails initializer: config/initializers/feature.rb)
repo ="#{Rails.root}/config/feature.yml")
Feature.set_repository repo

You may also specify a Rails environment to use a new feature in development and test, but not production:
# File: config/feature.yml
        a_new_feature: true
        a_new_feature: false

# File: config/initializers/feature.rb
repo ="#{Rails.root}/config/feature.yml", Rails.env)
Feature.set_repository repo

### ActiveRecordRepository (features configured in a database) using Rails

# File: Gemfile
gem 'feature'

# Run generator and migrations
$ rails g feature:install
$ rake db:migrate

# Add Features to table FeaturesToggle for example in
# File: db/schema.rb
FeatureToggle.create!(name: "ActiveFeature", active: true)
FeatureToggle.create!(name: "InActiveFeature", active: false)

# or in initializer
# File: config/initializers/feature.rb