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Test Coverage
<header class="row">
  <div class="col-sm-5">
    <%= t('Lock information') %> <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" href="<%= root_path %>locks"><%= t('GoBack') %></a>
  <div class="col-sm-7 table-responsive">
    <% if %>
    <h3>No Lock Information Available</h3>
    <% unless SidekiqUniqueJobs.config.lock_info %>
      <p>To use it turn the following setting on:
        <code>SidekiqUniqueJobs.config.lock_info = true</code>
    <% end %>
    <% else %>
    <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-white table-hover">
      <caption>Information about lock</caption>
          <th scope=row><%= t('Worker') %></td>
          <td><%=["worker"] %></td>
          <th scope=row><%= t('Queue') %></td>
          <td><%=["queue"] %></td>
          <th scope=row><%= t('Limit') %></td>
          <td><%=["limit"] %></td>
          <th scope=row><%= t('TTL') %></td>
          <td><%=["ttl"] %></td>
          <th scope=row><%= t('Timeout') %></td>
          <td><%=["timeout"] %></td>
          <th scope=row><%= t('Args') %></td>
            <code class="code-wrap">
              <!-- We don't want to truncate any job arguments when viewing a single job's status page -->
              <div class="args-extended"><%= display_lock_args(["lock_args"], nil) %></div>
    <% end %>
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-sm-6 table-responsive">
    <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover">
      <caption>Digest: <strong class="text-muted"><%= @lock.key %></strong></caption>
          <th scope="col"><%= t('Locked JIDs') %></th>
          <th scope="col"><%= t('Since') %></th>
          <th scope="col"></th>
        <% @lock.locked_jids(with_values: true).each do |job_id, time| %>
          <td><%= job_id %></td>
          <td><%= _safe_relative_time(time.to_f) %></td>
            <form action="<%= root_path %>locks/<%= @lock.key %>/jobs/<%= job_id %>/delete" method="get">
              <%= csrf_tag %>
              <input class="btn btn-danger btn-xs flip" type="submit" name="delete" value="<%= t('Unlock') %>" data-confirm="<%= t('AreYouSure') %>" />
        <% end %>
  <div class="col-sm-6 table-responsive">
    <% if @lock.changelog.count.positive? %>
    <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover">
          <th scope="col"><%= t('At') %></th>
          <th scope="col"><%= t('JID') %></th>
          <th scope="col"><%= t('Message') %></th>
          <th scope="col"><%= t('Script') %></th>
        <% @lock.changelogs.each do |entry| %>
          <td scope="row"><%= _safe_relative_time(entry["time"].to_f) %></td>
          <td><%= entry["job_id"] %></td>
          <td><%= entry["message"] %></td>
          <td><%= entry["script"] %></td>
        <% end %>
    <% end %>
<form action="<%= root_path %>locks/<%= @lock.key %>/delete" method="get">
  <%= csrf_tag %>
  <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" href="<%= root_path %>locks"><%= t('GoBack') %></a>
  <input class="btn btn-danger btn-xs flip" type="submit" name="delete" value="<%= t('Delete') %>" data-confirm="<%= t('AreYouSure') %>" />