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Change Log
## 2.1.7
* Handle null values from PackageManager. Thanks @alinnert for bringing this issue to my attention. https://github.com/michaelcarrano/detective-droid/pull/57
* Update various libraries used in the app - https://github.com/michaelcarrano/detective-droid/pull/56

## 2.1.0
* Implement search functionality. https://github.com/michaelcarrano/detective-droid/pull/26
* Add additional test coverage and other minor refactoring

## 2.0.0
* Complete re-write of detective droid app with modern approach to Android development.
* See [PR #18](https://github.com/michaelcarrano/detective-droid/pull/18) for the code changes involved in this release.
* See branch [release/1.x](https://github.com/michaelcarrano/detective-droid/tree/release/1.x) for version prior to this release.

* Add intent to launch browser to view library source Url.
* Update launcher icon and Play Store assets.

* Add ProgressDialog to better inform users what is going on.
* Add SettingsActivity to allow users to choose whether the system apps should be scanned. (By default they are not)
* Add new libraries to investigate.

## 1.0
- Initial release