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Test Coverage
    head: GithubCommits (FE)
    followers: Followers
    following: Following
    gists: Public Gists
    head: GithubUser (FE)
    repos: Public Repos
    nothingSaved: "<em>Note</em>: new messages will not be saved (...yet)!"
    placeholder: Type message here and hit enter
    description: "<p><strong>RemEmber Stuff</strong> is a web application I built to learn about EmberJS.</p>

    <p>It started as a fake chat application, like <a href=https://guides.emberjs.com/v5.8.0/components/introducing-components/>this</a>. However, it's grown into more of a personal homepage incorporating what I've learned about EmberJS so far. Using my own interests, and applying them through the concepts in the EmberJS documentation, I've grown to understand this framework better.</p>

    <p>The homepage will be updated as I go through each concept and apply it to this site.</p>"
    noLinksFound: No links found.
    addNew: Add one below!
    description: The author of this web app is also a musician! Here are a few random songs they've done.
    noSongsFound: No songs found.
    description: Want to say hello? Have a suggestion for this app? Drop me a line.
    description: List of users that exist on RemEmber Stuff
  actions: Actions
  add: Add
  addNew: Add New
  author: Author
  back: Back
  bad: Bad
  by: by
  cancel: Cancel
  chooseFile: Choose File
  clearErrors: Clear Errors and Return to Ilios
  close: Close
  collapse: collapse
  complete: Complete
  connectionLost: Connection Lost.
  currentlySearchingPrompt: searching...
  date: Date
  dateTime: Date/Time
  day: Day
  description: Description
  disabled: disabled
  displayName: Display Name
  done: Done
  download: Download
  duration: Duration
  durationHours: "{count, plural, =1 {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
  durationMinutes: "{count, plural, =1 {1 minute} other {# minutes}}"
  edit: Edit
  email: Email
  end: End
  endDate: End Date
  ends: Ends
  endTime: End Time
  errorDisplayMessage: Sorry! Something went wrong with your request. Please try refreshing or check back later.
  error: Error
  errors: Errors
  expand: expand
  expandDetail: Show Details
  file: File
  file-audio: Audio file
  file-pdf: PDF file
  file-powerpoint: PowerPoint file
  file-video: Video file
  fileSizeError: "This file is too large.  Maximum size is {maxSize}."
  first: First
  forward: Forward
  from: from
  fullName: Full Name
  go: Go
  good: Good
  greeting: "Hello, I'm {name}"
  gt: ">"
  helloWorld: Hello World!
  hour: Hour
  hours: Hours
  id: ID
  inactive: inactive
  include: Include
  info: Info
    en-us: English (en)
    es: Español (es)
    fr: Français (fr)
  last: Last
  lastUpdate: Last Update
  level: Level
  link: Web Link
  listen: Listen
  localTime: Local time
  loading: Loading...
  location: Location
  login: Login
  lt: "<"
  message: Message
  minute: Minute
  minutes: Minutes
  monday: Monday
  month: Month
  name: Name
  navigation: Navigation
  navigationCompleteText: RemEmber Stuff page navigation is complete. You may now navigate the page content as you wish.
  next: Next
  no: No
  noneFound: "No {items} found."
  notes: Notes
  notFoundMessage: "Alack! The resource could not be found. Please check your page address, and try again."
  overview: Overview
  owner: Owner
  password: Password
  perPage: Per Page
  previous: Previous
  reconnectNow: Reconnect Now
  remove: Remove
  removeAll: Remove All
  required: Required
  reset: Reset
  saturday: Saturday
  save: Save
  savedSuccessfully: Saved Successfully
  search: Search
  send: Send
  sendMessage: Send Message
  siteTitle: RemEmber Stuff
  skipToMainContent: Skip to main content
  start: Start
  startDate: Start Date
  starts: Starts
  startTime: Start Time
  status: Status
  strong: Strong
  summary: Summary
  sunday: Sunday
  teachingTomster: Teaching Tomster
  thursday: Thursday
  time: Time
  timezone: Timezone
  title: Title
  to: to
  today: Today
  token: Token
  total: Total
  totalErrors: "{count, plural, =1 {There is an error} other {There are # errors}}"
  tryHarder: Try Harder
  tuesday: Tuesday
  type: Type
  url: URL
  user: User
  users: Users
  userRole: User Role
  view: View
  weak: Weak
  wednesday: Wednesday
  week: Week
  weekOf: "Week of {date}"
  weeks: Weeks
  when: When
  x: x
  year: Year
  yes: Yes
  navAbout: About
  navContact: Contact
  navLinks: Links
  navMessages: Messages
  navMusic: Music
  navUsers: Users
  headAbout: About the Site
  headContact: Contact
  headError: Error
  headLinks: Related Links
  headMessages: Chat Messages
  headMusic: Music
  headUsers: Users
  headDebuggery: Debuggery
  footAuthor: Author
  footSource: Source
  footDocs: Docs
  footDebuggery: Debuggery
  footTests: Tests
  footProd: Prod
  checkConsole: Check the development console for errors.
  email: "{description} must be a valid email address"
  empty: "{description} can not be empty"
  equalTo: "{description} must be equal to {is}"
  generic: "You tried to reach something that doesn't exist, or a server error prevented it from being accessed. Either way, please check the URL or try again later."
  invalid: "{description} is invalid"
  notSupported: "{description} is not supported"
  present: "{description} must be blank"
  required: "{description} is required"
  tooLong: "{description} is too long (maximum is {max} characters)"
  tooShort: "{description} is too short (minimum is {min} characters)"
  url: "{description} must be a valid url"
  unknown: An unknown error occurred!