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import pandas as pd
from .core import _trim, _ltrim, _rtrim
from .checks import _check_data_types

default_kwargs = {
    "start_date": None,
    "end_date": None,
    "underlying_symbol": 0,
    "underlying_price": 1,
    "option_type": 2,
    "expiration": 3,
    "quote_date": 4,
    "strike": 5,
    "bid": 6,
    "ask": 7,

def _trim_dates(data, start_date, end_date):
    if start_date is not None and end_date is not None:
        return _trim(data, "expiration", start_date, end_date)
    elif start_date is None and end_date is not None:
        return _rtrim(data, "expiration", end_date)
    elif start_date is not None and end_date is None:
        return _ltrim(data, "expiration", start_date)
        return data

def _trim_cols(data, column_mapping):
    cols = [c for c, _ in column_mapping if c is not None]
    return data.iloc[:, cols]

def _standardize_cols(data, column_mapping):
    col_names = list(data.columns)
    cols = {col_names[idx]: label for idx, label in column_mapping if idx is not None}
    return data.rename(columns=cols)

def _infer_date_cols(data):
    data["expiration"] = pd.to_datetime(data.expiration, infer_datetime_format=True)
    data["quote_date"] = pd.to_datetime(data.quote_date, infer_datetime_format=True)
    return data

# noinspection PyIncorrectDocstring
def csv_data(file_path, **kwargs):
    Uses pandas DataFrame.read_csv function to import data from CSV files.
    It will automatically generate standardized headers for this library to use.

        file_path: str, path to csv file
        start_date: datetime, start date of data set to consider, date is inclusive
        end_date: datetime, end date of data set to consider, date is inclusive
        underlying_symbol: int, index of column containing underlying symbol of option chain
        underlying_price: int, index of column containing underlying stock price
        quote_date: int, index of column containing quote date of option chain
        expiration: int, index of column containing expiration of option chain
        strike: int, index of column containing strike price of option chain
        option_type: int, index of column containing option type of option chain
        bid: int, index of column containing bid price of option chain
        ask: int, index of column containing ask price of option chain

        DataFrame: A dataframe of option chains with standardized columns

    params = {**default_kwargs, **kwargs}

    column_mapping = [
        (params["underlying_symbol"], "underlying_symbol"),
        (params["underlying_price"], "underlying_price"),
        (params["option_type"], "option_type"),
        (params["expiration"], "expiration"),
        (params["quote_date"], "quote_date"),
        (params["strike"], "strike"),
        (params["bid"], "bid"),
        (params["ask"], "ask"),

    return (
        .pipe(_standardize_cols, column_mapping)
        .pipe(_trim_cols, column_mapping)
        .pipe(_trim_dates, params["start_date"], params["end_date"])