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Throttler for asyncio Python

## Installation

pip install aiothrottler

## Usage

Create a shared `Throttler`, passing a minimum interval, e.g. `0.5` seconds

from aiothrottler import Throttler

throttler = Throttler(min_interval=0.5)

and then just before the piece(s) of code to be throttled, _call_ this and `await` its result.

await throttler()
# There will be a gap of at least 0.5 seconds
# between executions reaching this line

## Example: multiple tasks throttled

import asyncio
import time

from aiothrottler import Throttler

async def main():
    throttler = Throttler(min_interval=0.5)
    await asyncio.gather(*[
        worker(throttler) for _ in range(10)

async def worker(throttler):
    await throttler()
    # Interval of at least 0.5 seconds between prints
    # even though all workers started together

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

## Example: single task throttled/smoothed

import asyncio
import random
import time

from aiothrottler import Throttler

async def main():
    throttler = Throttler(min_interval=0.5)
    for _ in range(10):
        await throttler()
        # Interval of at least 0.5 seconds between prints
        # even though each sleep is random
        await asyncio.sleep(random.random())

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

## Differences to alternatives

- The API features a function to call to `await` its result [some use a context manager]

- The API is imperative [some use a functional approach/higher-order function]

- No polling is used [some use polling internally]

- A _minimum interval between resolutions_ is used to throttle [rather that a _max resolutions per time interval_, which can cause an irregular pattern of resolutions]

- The tests cover edge cases, such as asserting on throttling after tasks being throttled have been cancelled [some alternatives do not]