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var _ = require('lodash')
var zmq = require('zeromq')
var address = require('./address')
var Logger = require('../logger')
var log = Logger.getLogger('micro.bus')
var eventFactory = require('./event')
var eventStorefactory = require('micro-toolkit-event-storage-mongo')
var commands = require('./command')

var defaults = {
  snapshot: 'tcp://',
  publisher: 'tcp://',
  collector: 'tcp://',
  store: {
    dbUrl: 'mongodb://localhost/event_bus'

function getConfig(conf) {
  var config = _.defaults({}, conf, defaults)

  // if publisher specified and not snapshot
  // override with address - 1
  if (conf && conf.publisher && !conf.snapshot) {
    config.snapshot = address.get(conf.publisher, -1)

  // if publisher specified and not collector
  // override with address + 1
  if (conf && conf.publisher && !conf.collector) {
    config.collector = address.get(conf.publisher, 1)

  return config

function collectorHandler(publisher, state, store) {
  // remove 3 function parameters + 0MQ identity frame
  var frames = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 4)
  var evt = eventFactory.getInstance(frames)
  evt.sequence = ++state.sequence
  log.debug('Publish event with sequence=%s and topic=%s',
    evt.sequence, evt.topic)
  return store.eventInstance.insert(evt.sequence, evt)

function isValidSnapshotMessage(frames) {
  if (frames.length != 3) {
    log.warn('Received a message format on snapshot socket!')
    return false

  var cmd = frames[0].toString()
  if (cmd !==  commands.syncStart) {
    log.warn('Received a invalid command: \'%s\' on snapshot socket!', cmd)
    return false

  return true

function sendCommand(snapshot, identity, frames) {
  // include client 0MQ identity
  log.trace('Sending command %s', frames)

function createEventModel(eventData) {
  return eventFactory.getInstance(
    eventData.producer, eventData.topic, eventData.data,
    eventData.sequence, eventData.uuid, eventData.timestamp)

function snapshotHandler(snapshot, state, store) {
  // remove 3 function parameters
  var frames = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3)
  // remove client 0MQ identity
  var identity = frames.shift().toString()

  if (!isValidSnapshotMessage(frames)) { return }

  var command = commands.get(frames)
  log.info('Sending snapshot=%d for subtrees=%s', command.sequence, command.topics.join(', '))

  return store.eventInstance.get(command.sequence)
    .then(function (events) {
      // console.log('Events %j', events)
      return _.chain(events)
            return _.some(command.topics, function(topic){
              return evt.topic.startsWith(topic)
            log.debug('Sending a SYNC message for sequence=%s and topic=%s',
              evt.sequence, evt.topic)
            var syncFrames = evt.toFrames()
            sendCommand(snapshot, identity, syncFrames)
    .then(function () {
      // send sync end message
      log.info('Sent snapshot=%d for subtrees=%s', state.sequence, command.topics.join(', '))
      command.sequence = state.sequence
      command.cmd = commands.syncEnd
      frames = command.toFrames()
      return sendCommand(snapshot, identity, frames)

function connect(publisher, collector, snapshot, config, state) {

  return config.store.eventInstance.lastSequence().then(function (sequence) {
    state.sequence = sequence || 0

    log.info('Loaded state sequence=%s', state.sequence)
    log.info('BUS opened the folowing streams\n\tsnapshot: %s\n\tpublisher: %s\n\tcollector: %s',
      config.snapshot, config.publisher, config.collector)

function close(publisher, collector) {
  log.info('Closing BUS streams')

function getInstance(conf) {
  var config = getConfig(conf)

  var publisher = zmq.socket('pub')
  var collector = zmq.socket('router')
  var snapshot = zmq.socket('router')

  var state = { sequence: null, events: [] }

  if (!config.store.eventInstance) {
    config.store.eventInstance = eventStorefactory.getInstance(config.store.dbUrl)

  collector.on('message', _.partial(collectorHandler, publisher, state, config.store))
  snapshot.on('message', _.partial(snapshotHandler, snapshot, state, config.store))

  return {
    connect: _.partial(connect, publisher, collector, snapshot, config, state),
    close: _.partial(close, publisher, collector)

module.exports = {
  getInstance: getInstance