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var uuidGen = require('uuid')
var zmq = require('zeromq')
var _ = require('lodash')
var util = require('util')
var Logger = require('../logger')
var log = Logger.getLogger('micro.bus.subscriber')
var command = require('./command')
var eventStorefactory = require('micro-toolkit-event-storage-mongo')
var eventFactory = require('./event')

var defaults = {
  snapshot: 'tcp://',
  address: 'tcp://',
  store: {
    dbUrl: 'mongodb://localhost/event_bus_subscriber'

function getConfig(conf) {
  var config = _.defaults({}, conf, defaults)

  // if address specified and not snapshot
  // override with address - 1
  if (conf && conf.address && !conf.snapshot) {
    var addressParts = conf.address.split(':')
    var protocol = addressParts[0]
    var addr = addressParts[1]
    var port = addressParts[2]
    var snapshotPort = parseInt(port, 10) - 1
    config.snapshot = util.format('%s:%s:%s', protocol, addr, snapshotPort)

  return config

function connect(snapshot, subscriber, config, handlers) {
  var topics = _.keys(handlers)
  topics.forEach(function(topic) {

  log.info('Subscriber opened the folowing streams\n\tsnapshot: %s\n\tsubscriber: %s',
    config.snapshot, config.address)

  return config.store.instance.lastSequence().then(function (sequence) {
    sequence = sequence || 0
    var topicsFrame = topics.join(',')
    var syncStartFrames = [command.syncStart, topicsFrame, sequence]
    log.info(syncStartFrames, 'Started subscriber sync for snapshot=%s of topics %s',
      sequence, topicsFrame)

function on(handlers, topic, handler) {
  if (!handlers[topic]) {
    handlers[topic] = []

  log.info('Subscriber listens to the folowing topic: \'%s\'', topic)

function triggerEvent(handlers, evt) {
    if (!evt.topic.startsWith(key)) {
      log.warn('Received a event without topic match for topic: %s', evt.topic)

    log.trace('Trigger event for topic %s', evt.topic)


function handleEvent(store, handlers, evt) {
  return store.instance.insert(evt.sequence, evt)
    .then(_.partial(triggerEvent, handlers, evt))

function snapshotHandler(handlers, subscriber, state, store) {
  var frames = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 4)

  var cmd = frames.shift()
  log.debug(frames, 'Received snapshot command: %s - %s',
    cmd, frames[1])

  if (cmd == command.syncEnd) {
    var topics = frames.shift().toString()
    var sequence = parseInt(frames.shift().toString(), 10)
    log.info('Finished subscriber sync snapshot=%s for topics %s',
      sequence, topics)

    // save last sequence received
    state.sequence = sequence

    // Now apply pending updates, discard out-of-sequence messages


  var evt = eventFactory.getInstance(frames)
  return handleEvent(store, handlers, evt)

function subscriberHandler(handlers, state, store) {
  var frames = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3)

  var evt = eventFactory.getInstance(frames)

  // should discard all events previous to last snapshot sequence
  var isNewEvent = state.sequence === 0 || evt.sequence > state.sequence
  if (isNewEvent) {
    return handleEvent(store, handlers, evt)
      .then(function () {
        state.sequence = evt.sequence

function close(snapshot, subscriber) {
  log.info('Closed subscriber streams')

function getInstance(conf) {
  // dictionary to store the handlers
  var handlers = {}

  var snapshot = zmq.socket('dealer')
  snapshot.identity = uuidGen.v4()

  var subscriber = zmq.socket('sub')
  var config = getConfig(conf)

  if (!config.store.instance) {
    config.store.instance = eventStorefactory.getInstance(config.store.dbUrl)

  // This so that the socket won't become idle for long time, and whatever is
  // between won't break the connection for being idle. Also it helps the
  // operating systems if the connection is still working or not and break and
  // reconnect when necessary
  subscriber.setsockopt(zmq.ZMQ_TCP_KEEPALIVE, 1)

  // Detach the socket from the main event loop of the node.js runtime.
  // This will temporarily disable pooling on a specific ZMQ socket and
  // all messages will queue on the ZMQ internal queue

  var state = { sequence: 0 }
  snapshot.on('message', _.partial(snapshotHandler, handlers, subscriber, state, config.store))
  subscriber.on('message', _.partial(subscriberHandler, handlers, state, config.store))

  return {
    on: _.partial(on, handlers),
    connect: _.partial(connect, snapshot, subscriber, config, handlers),
    close: _.partial(close, snapshot, subscriber)

module.exports = {
  getInstance: getInstance