import requests
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
import subprocess
import os
from dateutil import parser
# GitHub repository information
GITHUB_REPO_OWNER = "microting"
GITHUB_REPO_NAME = "eform-sdk-dotnet"
PROJECT_NAME = "eFormCore/Microting.eForm.csproj"
# List of packages to check
PACKAGES = ['AWSSDK.Core', 'AWSSDK.S3', 'AWSSDK.SQS', 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore', 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational', 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design']
def get_installed_version(package_name):
# Execute 'dotnet list' command to get the installed packages
# Run 'dotnet list package' command
dotnet_list_output = subprocess.check_output(["dotnet", "list", "package"]).decode("utf-8")
# Find lines containing the package name
package_lines = [line for line in dotnet_list_output.splitlines() if package_name in line]
# Extract the version numbers
for line in package_lines:
#print(f"Looking af "+line)
parts = line.split()
version_index = parts.index(package_name) + 1
version = parts[version_index]
if "-preview" not in version:
return version
def create_github_issue(package_name, old_version, new_version):
# GitHub API URLs for creating an issue and adding labels
create_issue_url = f"{GITHUB_REPO_OWNER}/{GITHUB_REPO_NAME}/issues"
add_labels_url = f"{GITHUB_REPO_OWNER}/{GITHUB_REPO_NAME}/issues/{{issue_number}}/labels"
# Create the issue title and body
issue_title = f"Bump {package_name} from {old_version} to {new_version}"
issue_body = f"Please update the package {package_name} from version {old_version} to version {new_version}."
# Create the request headers with the GitHub access token
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}",
"Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json"
# Create the request payload with the issue title and body
data = {
"title": issue_title,
"body": issue_body
# Send the POST request to create the GitHub issue
response =, headers=headers, json=data)
if response.status_code == 201:
issue_data = response.json()
issue_number = issue_data["number"]
print(f"GitHub issue '{issue_title}' created successfully. Issue Number: {issue_number}")
# Add labels to the created issue
labels = ['.Net', 'backend', 'enhancement']
add_labels_url = add_labels_url.replace("{issue_number}", str(issue_number))
for label in labels:
label_data = {"labels": [label]}
response =, headers=headers, json=label_data)
if response.status_code == 200:
print(f"Label '{label}' added to the issue.")
print(f"Failed to add label '{label}' to the issue.")
# Commit the changes with a message referencing the issue number
commit_message = f"closes #{issue_number}"
os.system("git add .")
os.system(f'git commit -a -m "{commit_message}"')
print(f"Failed to create GitHub issue. Response: {response.text}")
def check_new_nuget_version(package_name):
# Construct the NuGet package URL
package_url = f"{package_name.lower()}/index.json"
# Get the package metadata
response = requests.get(package_url)
if response.status_code == 200:
package_data = response.json()
# Get the latest version and publication time
versions = package_data["versions"]
latest_version = versions[-1]
# Check if the latest version is alread installed
installed_version = get_installed_version(package_name)
if installed_version:
if installed_version != latest_version:
if "-preview" not in latest_version:
print(f"The installed version of {package_name} has a change from: "+installed_version+" to: "+latest_version)['dotnet','add',PROJECT_NAME,'package',package_name])
create_github_issue(package_name, installed_version, latest_version)
print(f"The installed version of {package_name} is already up to date.")
print(f"{package_name} is not installed in the project.")
print(f"Failed to retrieve package information for {package_name}.")
# Execute 'git log' command to get the commit log
output = subprocess.check_output(["git", "log", "--oneline"])
output = output.decode("utf-8")
# Count the number of lines in the commit log
current_number_of_commits = len(output.splitlines())
print("Current number of commits:", current_number_of_commits)
# Iterate over the packages
for package in PACKAGES:
# Execute 'git log' command to get the commit log
output = subprocess.check_output(["git", "log", "--oneline"])
output = output.decode("utf-8")
# Count the number of lines in the commit log
new_number_of_commits = len(output.splitlines())
print("New number of commits:", new_number_of_commits)
if new_number_of_commits > current_number_of_commits:
# Obtain the current git version
output = subprocess.check_output(["git", "tag", "--sort=-creatordate"]).strip().decode("utf-8")
tags = output.split("\n")
if tags:
# Extract the first tag
latest_tag = tags[0]
# Remove the leading 'v' from the tag
current_git_version = latest_tag.lstrip("v")
print("Current Git Version:", current_git_version)
print("No tags found in the repository.")
# Extract major, minor, and build versions from the current git version
major_version, minor_version, build_version = map(int, current_git_version.split("."))
build_version += 1
# Create the new git version
new_git_version = f"v{major_version}.{minor_version}.{build_version}"
# Create the new git tag["git", "tag", new_git_version])
# Push the new git tag and commit["git", "push", "--tags"])["git", "push"])
print("Nothing to do, everything is up to date.")