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Test Coverage
The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2007 - 2020 Microting A/S

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microting.eForm;
using Microting.eForm.Dto;
using Microting.eForm.Infrastructure;
using Microting.eForm.Infrastructure.Helpers;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace eFormSDK.Integration.Case.SqlControllerTests
    public class SqlControllerTest : DbTestFixture
        // private SqlController sut;
        // private TestHelpers testHelpers;
        string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).Replace(@"file:", "");
        //path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path).Replace(@"file:", "");

        public override async Task DoSetup()
            DbContextHelper dbContextHelper = new DbContextHelper(ConnectionString);
            SqlController sut = new SqlController(dbContextHelper);
            sut.StartLog(new CoreBase());
            // testHelpers = new TestHelpers(ConnectionString);
            //await testHelpers.GenerateDefaultLanguages();
            await sut.SettingUpdate(Settings.fileLocationPicture,
                Path.Combine(path, "output", "dataFolder", "picture"));
            await sut.SettingUpdate(Settings.fileLocationPdf, Path.Combine(path, "output", "dataFolder", "pdf"));
            await sut.SettingUpdate(Settings.fileLocationJasper, Path.Combine(path, "output", "dataFolder", "reports"));

        #region public "reply"

        #region check

//        [Test]
//        public async Task SQL_Check_ChecksCreate_IsCreated()
//        {
//            // Arrance
//            #region Template1
//            /* check_lists cl1 = new check_lists();
//             cl1.created_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//             cl1.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//             cl1.label = "A";
//             cl1.description = "D";
//             cl1.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//             cl1.case_type = "CheckList";
//             cl1.folder_name = "Template1FolderName";
//             cl1.display_index = 1;
//             cl1.repeated = 1;
//             DbContext.check_lists.Add(cl1);
//             await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//             */
//            #endregion
//            #region SubTemplate1
//            /*check_lists cl2 = new check_lists();
//            cl2.created_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            cl2.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            cl2.label = "A.1";
//            cl2.description = "D.1";
//            cl2.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            cl2.case_type = "CheckList";
//            cl2.display_index = 1;
//            cl2.repeated = 1;
//            cl2.parent_id = cl1.Id;
//            DbContext.check_lists.Add(cl2);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            */
//            #endregion
//            #region Fields
//            /*
//            field_types ft = DbContext.field_types.Where(x => x.Id == 9).First();
//            fields f1 = new fields();
//            f1.field_type = ft;
//            f1.label = "Comment field";
//            f1.description = "";
//            f1.check_list_id = cl2.Id;
//            DbContext.fields.Add(f1);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            */
//            #endregion
//            #region Worker
//            /*
//            workers worker = new workers();
//            worker.first_name = "Arne";
//            worker.last_name = "Jensen";
//            worker.email = "aa@tak.dk";
//            worker.created_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            worker.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            worker.microting_uid = 21;
//            worker.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            worker.version = 69;
//            DbContext.workers.Add(worker);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            */
//            #endregion
//            #region site
//            /*
//            sites site = new sites();
//            site.name = "SiteName";
//            site.microting_uid = 88;
//            site.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            site.created_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            site.version = 64;
//            site.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            DbContext.sites.Add(site);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            */
//            #endregion
//            #region units
//            /*units unit = new units();
//            unit.microting_uid = 48;
//            unit.otp_code = 49;
//            unit.site = site;
//            unit.site_id = site.Id;
//            unit.created_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            unit.customer_no = 348;
//            unit.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            unit.version = 9;
//            unit.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            DbContext.units.Add(unit);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            */
//            #endregion
//            #region site_workers
//            /* site_workers site_workers = new site_workers();
//             site_workers.created_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//             site_workers.microting_uid = 55;
//             site_workers.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//             site_workers.version = 63;
//             site_workers.site = site;
//             site_workers.site_id = site.Id;
//             site_workers.worker = worker;
//             site_workers.worker_id = worker.Id;
//             site_workers.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//             DbContext.site_workers.Add(site_workers);
//             await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//             */
//            #endregion
//            #region Case1
//            /*
//            sites site = new sites();
//            site.name = "SiteName";
//            DbContext.sites.Add(site);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            check_lists cl = new check_lists();
//            cl.label = "label";
//            DbContext.check_lists.Add(cl);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            string caseType = "AAKKAA";
//            DateTime createdAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            int checkListId = 1;
//            string microtingUId = "microting_UId";
//            string microtingCheckId = "microting_Check_Id";
//            string caseUId = "caseUId";
//            string custom = "custom";
//            cases aCase = new cases();
//            aCase.status = 66;
//            aCase.type = caseType;
//            aCase.created_at = createdAt;
//            aCase.updated_at = createdAt;
//            aCase.check_list_id = checkListId;
//            aCase.microting_uid = microtingUId;
//            aCase.microting_check_uid = microtingCheckId;
//            aCase.case_uid = caseUId;
//            aCase.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            aCase.version = 1;
//            aCase.site_id = site.Id;
//            aCase.custom = custom;
//            DbContext.cases.Add(aCase);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            */
//            #endregion
//            #region Check List Values
//            /*
//            check_list_values check_List_Values = new check_list_values();
//            check_List_Values.case_id = aCase.Id;
//            check_List_Values.check_list_id = cl2.Id;
//            check_List_Values.created_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            check_List_Values.status = "completed";
//            check_List_Values.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            check_List_Values.user_id = null;
//            check_List_Values.version = 865;
//            check_List_Values.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            DbContext.check_list_values.Add(check_List_Values);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            */
//            #endregion
//            #region Field Values
//            /*
//            field_values field_Values1 = new field_values();
//            field_Values1.case_id = aCase.Id;
//            field_Values1.check_list = cl2;
//            field_Values1.check_list_id = cl2.Id;
//            field_Values1.created_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values1.date = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values1.done_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values1.field = f1;
//            field_Values1.field_id = f1.Id;
//            field_Values1.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values1.user_id = null;
//            field_Values1.value = "tomt1";
//            field_Values1.version = 61234;
//            field_Values1.worker = worker;
//            field_Values1.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            DbContext.field_values.Add(field_Values1);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            field_values field_Values2 = new field_values();
//            field_Values2.case_id = aCase.Id;
//            field_Values2.check_list = cl2;
//            field_Values2.check_list_id = cl2.Id;
//            field_Values2.created_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values2.date = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values2.done_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values2.field = f2;
//            field_Values2.field_id = f2.Id;
//            field_Values2.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values2.user_id = null;
//            field_Values2.value = "tomt2";
//            field_Values2.version = 61234;
//            field_Values2.worker = worker;
//            field_Values2.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            DbContext.field_values.Add(field_Values2);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            field_values field_Values3 = new field_values();
//            field_Values3.case_id = aCase.Id;
//            field_Values3.check_list = cl2;
//            field_Values3.check_list_id = cl2.Id;
//            field_Values3.created_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values3.date = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values3.done_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values3.field = f3;
//            field_Values3.field_id = f3.Id;
//            field_Values3.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values3.user_id = null;
//            field_Values3.value = "tomt3";
//            field_Values3.version = 61234;
//            field_Values3.worker = worker;
//            field_Values3.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            DbContext.field_values.Add(field_Values3);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            field_values field_Values4 = new field_values();
//            field_Values4.case_id = aCase.Id;
//            field_Values4.check_list = cl2;
//            field_Values4.check_list_id = cl2.Id;
//            field_Values4.created_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values4.date = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values4.done_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values4.field = f4;
//            field_Values4.field_id = f4.Id;
//            field_Values4.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values4.user_id = null;
//            field_Values4.value = "tomt4";
//            field_Values4.version = 61234;
//            field_Values4.worker = worker;
//            field_Values4.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            DbContext.field_values.Add(field_Values4);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            field_values field_Values5 = new field_values();
//            field_Values5.case_id = aCase.Id;
//            field_Values5.check_list = cl2;
//            field_Values5.check_list_id = cl2.Id;
//            field_Values5.created_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values5.date = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values5.done_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values5.field = f5;
//            field_Values5.field_id = f5.Id;
//            field_Values5.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            field_Values5.user_id = null;
//            field_Values5.value = "tomt5";
//            field_Values5.version = 61234;
//            field_Values5.worker = worker;
//            field_Values5.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            DbContext.field_values.Add(field_Values5);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            */
//            #endregion
//            // Act
//            // Assert
//        }


        //public async Task SQL_Check_SubChecks_ReturnsCheckListValue()
        //    // Arrance
        //    #region Template1
        //    check_lists cl1 = new check_lists();
        //    cl1.created_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //    cl1.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //    cl1.label = "A";
        //    cl1.description = "D";
        //    cl1.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
        //    cl1.case_type = "CheckList";
        //    cl1.folder_name = "Template1FolderName";
        //    cl1.display_index = 1;
        //    cl1.repeated = 1;

        //    DbContext.check_lists.Add(cl1);
        //    await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
        //    #endregion

        //    #region SubTemplate1
        //    check_lists cl2 = new check_lists();
        //    cl2.created_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //    cl2.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //    cl2.label = "A.1";
        //    cl2.description = "D.1";
        //    cl2.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
        //    cl2.case_type = "CheckList";
        //    cl2.display_index = 1;
        //    cl2.repeated = 1;
        //    cl2.parent_id = cl1.Id;

        //    DbContext.check_lists.Add(cl2);
        //    await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

        //    #endregion

        //    #region Fields
        //    #region field1

        //    fields f1 = CreateField(1, "barcode", cl2, "e2f4fb", "custom", null, "", "Comment field description",
        //        5, 1, DbContext.field_types.Where(x => x.field_type == "comment").First(), 0, 0, 1, 0, "Comment field", 1, 55, "55", "0", 0, 0, null, 1, 0,
        //        0, 0, "", 49);
        //    //    new fields();
        //    //field_types ft1 = DbContext.field_types.Where(x => x.field_type == "comment").First();
        //    //f1.field_type = ft1;

        //    //f1.barcode_enabled = 1;
        //    //f1.barcode_type = "barcode";
        //    //f1.check_list_id = cl2.Id;
        //    //f1.color = "e2f4fb";
        //    //f1.created_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //    //f1.custom = "custom";
        //    //f1.decimal_count = null;
        //    //f1.default_value = "";
        //    //f1.description = "Comment field Description";
        //    //f1.display_index = 5;
        //    //f1.dummy = 1;
        //    //f1.geolocation_enabled = 0;
        //    //f1.geolocation_forced = 0;
        //    //f1.geolocation_hidden = 1;
        //    //f1.is_num = 0;
        //    //f1.label = "Comment field";
        //    //f1.mandatory = 1;
        //    //f1.max_length = 55;
        //    //f1.max_value = "55";
        //    //f1.min_value = "0";
        //    //f1.multi = 0;
        //    //f1.optional = 0;
        //    //f1.query_type = null;
        //    //f1.read_only = 1;
        //    //f1.selected = 0;
        //    //f1.split_screen = 0;
        //    //f1.stop_on_save = 0;
        //    //f1.unit_name = "";
        //    //f1.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //    //f1.version = 49;
        //    //f1.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;

        //    //DbContext.fields.Add(f1);
        //    //await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
        //    //Thread.Sleep(2000);
        //    #endregion

        //    #region field2

        //    fields f2 = CreateField(1, "barcode", cl2, "f5eafa", "custom", null, "", "showPDf Description",
        //        45, 1, DbContext.field_types.Where(x => x.field_type == "comment").First(), 0, 1, 0, 0,
        //        "ShowPdf", 0, 5, "5", "0", 0, 0, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 9);
        //    //    new fields();
        //    //field_types ft2 = DbContext.field_types.Where(x => x.field_type == "comment").First();
        //    //f2.field_type = ft2;

        //    //f2.barcode_enabled = 1;
        //    //f2.barcode_type = "barcode";
        //    //f2.check_list_id = cl2.Id;
        //    //f2.color = "f5eafa";
        //    //f2.default_value = "";
        //    //f2.description = "showPDf Description";
        //    //f2.display_index = 45;
        //    //f2.dummy = 1;
        //    //f2.geolocation_enabled = 0;
        //    //f2.geolocation_forced = 1;
        //    //f2.geolocation_hidden = 0;
        //    //f2.is_num = 0;
        //    //f2.label = "ShowPdf";
        //    //f2.mandatory = 0;
        //    //f2.max_length = 5;
        //    //f2.max_value = "5";
        //    //f2.min_value = "0";
        //    //f2.multi = 0;
        //    //f2.optional = 0;
        //    //f2.query_type = null;
        //    //f2.read_only = 0;
        //    //f2.selected = 0;
        //    //f2.split_screen = 0;
        //    //f2.stop_on_save = 0;
        //    //f2.unit_name = "";
        //    //f2.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //    //f2.version = 9;
        //    //f2.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;

        //    //DbContext.fields.Add(f2);
        //    //await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
        //    //Thread.Sleep(2000);

        //    #endregion

        //    #region field3

        //    fields f3 = CreateField(0, "barcode", cl2, "f0f8db", "custom", 3, "", "Number Field Description",
        //        83, 0, DbContext.field_types.Where(x => x.field_type == "number").First(), 0, 0, 1, 0,
        //        "Numberfield", 1, 8, "4865", "0", 0, 1, null, 1, 0, 0, 0, "", 1);
        //    //    new fields();
        //    //field_types ft3 = DbContext.field_types.Where(x => x.field_type == "number").First();

        //    //f3.field_type = ft3;

        //    //f3.barcode_enabled = 0;
        //    //f3.barcode_type = "barcode";
        //    //f3.check_list_id = cl2.Id;
        //    //f3.color = "f0f8db";
        //    //f3.created_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //    //f3.custom = "custom";
        //    //f3.decimal_count = 3;
        //    //f3.default_value = "";
        //    //f3.description = "Number Field Description";
        //    //f3.display_index = 83;
        //    //f3.dummy = 0;
        //    //f3.geolocation_enabled = 0;
        //    //f3.geolocation_forced = 0;
        //    //f3.geolocation_hidden = 1;
        //    //f3.is_num = 0;
        //    //f3.label = "Numberfield";
        //    //f3.mandatory = 1;
        //    //f3.max_length = 8;
        //    //f3.max_value = "4865";
        //    //f3.min_value = "0";
        //    //f3.multi = 0;
        //    //f3.optional = 1;
        //    //f3.query_type = null;
        //    //f3.read_only = 1;
        //    //f3.selected = 0;
        //    //f3.split_screen = 0;
        //    //f3.stop_on_save = 0;
        //    //f3.unit_name = "";
        //    //f3.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //    //f3.version = 1;
        //    //f3.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;

        //    //DbContext.fields.Add(f3);
        //    //await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
        //    //Thread.Sleep(2000);

        //    #endregion

        //    #region field4

        //    fields f4 = CreateField(1, "barcode", cl2, "fff6df", "custom", null, "", "date Description",
        //        84, 0, DbContext.field_types.Where(x => x.field_type == "comment").First(), 0, 0, 1, 0,
        //        "Date", 1, 666, "41153", "0", 0, 1, null, 0, 1, 0, 0, "", 1);
        //    //    new fields();
        //    //field_types ft4 = DbContext.field_types.Where(x => x.field_type == "comment").First();
        //    //f4.field_type = ft4;

        //    //f4.barcode_enabled = 1;
        //    //f4.barcode_type = "barcode";
        //    //f4.check_list_id = cl2.Id;
        //    //f4.color = "fff6df";
        //    //f4.created_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //    //f4.custom = "custom";
        //    //f4.decimal_count = null;
        //    //f4.default_value = "";
        //    //f4.description = "date Description";
        //    //f4.display_index = 84;
        //    //f4.dummy = 0;
        //    //f4.geolocation_enabled = 0;
        //    //f4.geolocation_forced = 0;
        //    //f4.geolocation_hidden = 1;
        //    //f4.is_num = 0;
        //    //f4.label = "Date";
        //    //f4.mandatory = 1;
        //    //f4.max_length = 666;
        //    //f4.max_value = "41153";
        //    //f4.min_value = "0";
        //    //f4.multi = 0;
        //    //f4.optional = 1;
        //    //f4.query_type = null;
        //    //f4.read_only = 0;
        //    //f4.selected = 1;
        //    //f4.split_screen = 0;
        //    //f4.stop_on_save = 0;
        //    //f4.unit_name = "";
        //    //f4.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //    //f4.version = 1;
        //    //f4.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;

        //    //DbContext.fields.Add(f4);
        //    //await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
        //    //Thread.Sleep(2000);

        //    #endregion

        //    #region field5

        //    fields f5 = CreateField(0, "barcode", cl2, "ffe4e4", "custom", null, "", "picture Description",
        //        85, 0, DbContext.field_types.Where(x => x.field_type == "comment").First(), 1, 0, 1, 0,
        //        "Picture", 1, 69, "69", "1", 0, 1, null, 0, 1, 0, 0, "", 1);
        //    //    new fields();
        //    //field_types ft5 = DbContext.field_types.Where(x => x.field_type == "comment").First();

        //    //f5.field_type = ft5;
        //    //f5.barcode_enabled = 0;
        //    //f5.barcode_type = "barcode";
        //    //f5.check_list_id = cl2.Id;
        //    //f5.color = "ffe4e4";
        //    //f5.created_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //    //f5.custom = "custom";
        //    //f5.decimal_count = null;
        //    //f5.default_value = "";
        //    //f5.description = "picture Description";
        //    //f5.display_index = 85;
        //    //f5.dummy = 0;
        //    //f5.geolocation_enabled = 1;
        //    //f5.geolocation_forced = 0;
        //    //f5.geolocation_hidden = 1;
        //    //f5.is_num = 0;
        //    //f5.label = "Picture";
        //    //f5.mandatory = 1;
        //    //f5.max_length = 69;
        //    //f5.max_value = "69";
        //    //f5.min_value = "1";
        //    //f5.multi = 0;
        //    //f5.optional = 1;
        //    //f5.query_type = null;
        //    //f5.read_only = 0;
        //    //f5.selected = 1;
        //    //f5.split_screen = 0;
        //    //f5.stop_on_save = 0;
        //    //f5.unit_name = "";
        //    //f5.updated_at = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //    //f5.version = 1;
        //    //f5.workflow_state = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;

        //    //DbContext.fields.Add(f5);
        //    //await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
        //    //Thread.Sleep(2000);

        //    #endregion

        //    #endregion

        //    // Act

        //    // Assert
        //} //private method


        #region (post) case


        //TODO in here, Migration required

        #region Public WriteLog TODO

#pragma warning disable 1998
        public async Task SQL_WriteLog_StartLog_ReturnsLog()
            // Arrance

            // Act

            // Assert
#pragma warning restore 1998

#pragma warning disable 1998
        public async Task SQL_WriteLog_WriteLogEntry()
            // Arrance

            // Act

            // Assert
#pragma warning restore 1998

#pragma warning disable 1998
        public async Task SQL_WriteLog_WriteLogExceptionEntry()
            // Arrance

            // Act

            // Assert
#pragma warning restore 1998

#pragma warning disable 1998
        public async Task SQL_WriteLog_WriteIfFailed()
            // Arrance

            // Act

            // Assert
#pragma warning restore 1998


        // Arrance

        // Act

        // Assert

        #region helperMethods

//        public async Task<workers> CreateWorker(string email, string firstName, string lastName, int microtingUId)
//        {
//            workers worker = new workers();
//            worker.FirstName = firstName;
//            worker.LastName = lastName;
//            worker.Email = email;
//            worker.CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            worker.UpdatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            worker.MicrotingUid = microtingUId;
//            worker.WorkflowState = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            worker.Version = 69;
//            dbContext.workers.Add(worker);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            return worker;
//        }
//        public async Task<sites> CreateSite(string name, int microtingUId)
//        {
//            sites site = new sites();
//            site.Name = name;
//            site.MicrotingUid = microtingUId;
//            site.UpdatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            site.CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            site.Version = 64;
//            site.WorkflowState = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            dbContext.sites.Add(site);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            return site;
//        }
//        public async Task<units> CreateUnit(int microtingUId, int otpCode, sites site, int customerNo)
//        {
//            units unit = new units();
//            unit.MicrotingUid = microtingUId;
//            unit.OtpCode = otpCode;
//            unit.Site = site;
//            unit.SiteId = site.Id;
//            unit.CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            unit.CustomerNo = customerNo;
//            unit.UpdatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            unit.Version = 9;
//            unit.WorkflowState = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            dbContext.units.Add(unit);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            return unit;
//        }
//        public async Task<site_workers> CreateSiteWorker(int microtingUId, sites site, workers worker)
//        {
//            site_workers site_workers = new site_workers();
//            site_workers.CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            site_workers.MicrotingUid = microtingUId;
//            site_workers.UpdatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            site_workers.Version = 63;
//            site_workers.Site = site;
//            site_workers.SiteId = site.Id;
//            site_workers.Worker = worker;
//            site_workers.WorkerId = worker.Id;
//            site_workers.WorkflowState = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            dbContext.site_workers.Add(site_workers);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            return site_workers;
//        }
//        public check_lists CreateTemplate(string label, string description, string caseType, string folderName, int displayIndex, int repeated)
//        {
//            check_lists cl1 = new check_lists();
//            cl1.CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            cl1.UpdatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            cl1.Label = label;
//            cl1.Description = description;
//            cl1.WorkflowState = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            cl1.CaseType = caseType;
//            cl1.FolderName = folderName;
//            cl1.DisplayIndex = displayIndex;
//            cl1.Repeated = repeated;
//            dbContext.check_lists.Add(cl1);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            return cl1;
//        }
//        public check_lists CreateSubTemplate(string label, string description, string caseType, int displayIndex, int repeated, check_lists parentId)
//        {
//            check_lists cl2 = new check_lists();
//            cl2.CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            cl2.UpdatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            cl2.Label = label;
//            cl2.Description = description;
//            cl2.WorkflowState = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            cl2.CaseType = caseType;
//            cl2.DisplayIndex = displayIndex;
//            cl2.Repeated = repeated;
//            cl2.ParentId = parentId.Id;
//            dbContext.check_lists.Add(cl2);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            return cl2;
//        }
//        public fields CreateField(short? barcodeEnabled, string barcodeType, check_lists checkList, string color, string custom, int? decimalCount, string defaultValue, string description, int? displayIndex, short? dummy, field_types ft, short? geolocationEnabled, short? geolocationForced, short? geolocationHidden, short? isNum, string label, short? mandatory, int maxLength, string maxValue, string minValue, short? multi, short? optional, string queryType, short? readOnly, short? selected, short? splitScreen, short? stopOnSave, string unitName, int version)
//        {
//            fields f = new fields();
//            f.FieldType = ft;
//            f.BarcodeEnabled = barcodeEnabled;
//            f.BarcodeType = barcodeType;
//            f.CheckListId = checkList.Id;
//            f.Color = color;
//            f.CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            f.Custom = custom;
//            f.DecimalCount = decimalCount;
//            f.DefaultValue = defaultValue;
//            f.Description = description;
//            f.DisplayIndex = displayIndex;
//            f.Dummy = dummy;
//            f.GeolocationEnabled = geolocationEnabled;
//            f.GeolocationForced = geolocationForced;
//            f.GeolocationHidden = geolocationHidden;
//            f.IsNum = isNum;
//            f.Label = label;
//            f.Mandatory = mandatory;
//            f.MaxLength = maxLength;
//            f.MaxValue = maxValue;
//            f.MinValue = minValue;
//            f.Multi = multi;
//            f.Optional = optional;
//            f.QueryType = queryType;
//            f.ReadOnly = readOnly;
//            f.Selected = selected;
//            f.SplitScreen = splitScreen;
//            f.StopOnSave = stopOnSave;
//            f.UnitName = unitName;
//            f.UpdatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            f.Version = version;
//            f.WorkflowState = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            dbContext.fields.Add(f);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            Thread.Sleep(2000);
//            return f;
//        }
//        public cases CreateCase(string caseUId, check_lists checkList, DateTime created_at, string custom, DateTime? done_at, workers doneByUserId, int microtingCheckId, int microtingUId, sites site, int? status, string caseType, units unit, DateTime updated_at, int version, workers worker, string WorkFlowState)
//        {
//            cases aCase = new cases();
//            aCase.CaseUid = caseUId;
//            aCase.CheckList = checkList;
//            aCase.CheckListId = checkList.Id;
//            aCase.CreatedAt = created_at;
//            aCase.Custom = custom;
//            if (done_at != null)
//            {
//                aCase.DoneAt = done_at;
//            }
//            aCase.WorkerId = worker.Id;
//            aCase.MicrotingCheckUid = microtingCheckId;
//            aCase.MicrotingUid = microtingUId;
//            aCase.Site = site;
//            aCase.SiteId = site.Id;
//            aCase.Status = status;
//            aCase.Type = caseType;
//            aCase.UnitId = unit.Id;
//            aCase.UpdatedAt = updated_at;
//            aCase.Version = version;
//            aCase.Worker = worker;
//            aCase.WorkflowState = WorkFlowState;
//            dbContext.cases.Add(aCase);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            return aCase;
//        }
//        public field_values CreateFieldValue(cases aCase, check_lists checkList, fields f, int? ud_id, int? userId, string value, int? version, workers worker)
//        {
//            field_values fv = new field_values();
//            fv.CaseId = aCase.Id;
//            fv.CheckList = checkList;
//            fv.CheckListId = checkList.Id;
//            fv.CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            fv.Date = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            fv.DoneAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            fv.Field = f;
//            fv.FieldId = f.Id;
//            fv.UpdatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            if (ud_id != null)
//            {
//                fv.UploadedDataId = ud_id;
//            }
//            fv.WorkerId = userId;
//            fv.Value = value;
//            fv.Version = version;
//            fv.Worker = worker;
//            fv.WorkflowState = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            dbContext.field_values.Add(fv);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            return fv;
//        }
//        public check_list_values CreateCheckListValue(cases aCase, check_lists checkList, string status, int? userId, int? version)
//        {
//            check_list_values CLV = new check_list_values();
//            CLV.CaseId = aCase.Id;
//            CLV.CheckListId = checkList.Id;
//            CLV.CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            CLV.Status = status;
//            CLV.UpdatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            CLV.UserId = userId;
//            CLV.Version = version;
//            CLV.WorkflowState = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            dbContext.check_list_values.Add(CLV);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            return CLV;
//        }
//        public uploaded_data CreateUploadedData(string checkSum, string currentFile, string extension, string fileLocation, string fileName, short? local, workers worker, string uploaderType, int version)
//        {
//            uploaded_data UD = new uploaded_data();
//            UD.Checksum = checkSum;
//            UD.CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            UD.CurrentFile = currentFile;
//            UD.ExpirationDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1);
//            UD.Extension = extension;
//            UD.FileLocation = fileLocation;
//            UD.FileName = fileName;
//            UD.Local = local;
//            UD.UpdatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            UD.UploaderId = worker.Id;
//            UD.UploaderType = uploaderType;
//            UD.Version = version;
//            UD.WorkflowState = Constants.WorkflowStates.Created;
//            dbContext.uploaded_data.Add(UD);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            return UD;
//        }
//        public check_list_sites CreateCheckListSite(int checkListId, int siteId, int microtingUId, string workflowState, int lastCheckUid)
//        {
//            check_list_sites cls = new check_list_sites();
//            cls.SiteId = siteId;
//            cls.CheckListId = checkListId;
//            cls.MicrotingUid = microtingUId;
//            cls.LastCheckId = lastCheckUid;
//            cls.CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            cls.UpdatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
//            cls.WorkflowState = workflowState;
//            dbContext.check_list_sites.Add(cls);
//            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//            return cls;
//        }
