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import {
} from '@angular/core';
import { scaleLinear, scaleTime, scalePoint } from 'd3-scale';
import { curveLinear } from 'd3-shape';

import { calculateViewDimensions, ViewDimensions, BaseChartComponent, ColorHelper } from '../../src';
import { getUniqueXDomainValues } from '../../src/common/domain.helper';
import { ScaleType } from '../../src/utils/scale-type.enum';

  selector: 'ngx-charts-sparkline',
  template: `
      [view]="[width, height]"
      <svg:g [attr.transform]="transform" class="line-chart chart">
          <svg:g *ngFor="let series of results; trackBy:trackBy">
            <svg:g ngx-charts-line-series
  styleUrls: ['../../src/common/base-chart.component.scss'],
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class SparklineComponent extends BaseChartComponent {

  @Input() autoScale = false;
  @Input() curve: any = curveLinear;
  @Input() schemeType = ScaleType.linear;
  @Input() valueDomain: number[];
  @Input() animations: boolean = true;

  dims: ViewDimensions;
  xSet: any;
  xDomain: any;
  yDomain: any;
  seriesDomain: any;
  yScale: any;
  xScale: any;
  colors: ColorHelper;
  scaleType: string;
  transform: string;
  margin = [0, 0, 0, 0];

  update(): void {

    this.dims = calculateViewDimensions({
      width: this.width,
      height: this.height,
      margins: this.margin,
      showXAxis: false,
      showYAxis: false,
      xAxisHeight: 0,
      yAxisWidth: 0,
      showXLabel: false,
      showYLabel: false,
      showLegend: false,
      legendType: this.schemeType

    this.xDomain = this.getXDomain();

    this.yDomain = this.getYDomain();
    this.seriesDomain = this.getSeriesDomain();

    this.xScale = this.getXScale(this.xDomain, this.dims.width);
    this.yScale = this.getYScale(this.yDomain, this.dims.height);

    this.transform = `translate(${this.dims.xOffset} , ${this.margin[0]})`;

  getXDomain(): any[] {
    let values = getUniqueXDomainValues(this.results);

    this.scaleType = this.getScaleType(values);
    let domain = [];

    if (this.scaleType === 'time') {
      const min = Math.min(...values);
      const max = Math.max(...values);
      domain = [min, max];
    } else if (this.scaleType === 'linear') {
      values = values.map(v => Number(v));
      const min = Math.min(...values);
      const max = Math.max(...values);
      domain = [min, max];
    } else {
      domain = values;

    this.xSet = values;
    return domain;

  getYDomain(): any[] {
    if (this.valueDomain) {
      return this.valueDomain;

    const domain = [];

    for (const results of this.results) {
      for (const d of results.series) {
        if (domain.indexOf(d.value) < 0) {
        if (d.min !== undefined) {
          if (domain.indexOf(d.min) < 0) {
        if (d.max !== undefined) {
          if (domain.indexOf(d.max) < 0) {

    let min = Math.min(...domain);
    const max = Math.max(...domain);
    if (!this.autoScale) {
      min = Math.min(0, min);

    return [min, max];

  getSeriesDomain(): any[] {
    return this.results.map(d => d.name);

  getXScale(domain, width): any {
    let scale;

    if (this.scaleType === 'time') {
      scale = scaleTime()
        .range([0, width])
    } else if (this.scaleType === 'linear') {
      scale = scaleLinear()
        .range([0, width])
    } else if (this.scaleType === 'ordinal') {
      scale = scalePoint()
        .range([0, width])

    return scale;

  getYScale(domain, height): any {
    const scale = scaleLinear()
      .range([height, 0])

    return scale;

  getScaleType(values): string {
    let date = true;
    let num = true;

    for (const value of values) {
      if (!this.isDate(value)) {
        date = false;

      if (typeof value !== 'number') {
        num = false;

    if (date) return 'time';
    if (num) return 'linear';
    return 'ordinal';

  isDate(value): boolean {
    if (value instanceof Date) {
      return true;

    return false;

  trackBy(index, item): string {
    return item.name;

  setColors(): void {
    let domain;
    if (this.schemeType === 'ordinal') {
      domain = this.seriesDomain;
    } else {
      domain = this.yDomain;

    this.colors = new ColorHelper(this.scheme, this.schemeType, domain, this.customColors);