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# terraform-cloud

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[Terraform Cloud REST API](https://www.terraform.io/docs/cloud/api/index.html) client for javascript.

> NOTE: This is a work in progress, please review the current implementation.

## Instalation

yarn add terraform-cloud # With Yarn
npm install terraform-cloud # With NPM

## Usage

import { TerraformCloud } from 'terraform-cloud'

// Set a your terraform cloud API token
const { Account, Plans, Runs } = new TerraformCloud('terraform-api-token')

// Make an API call

// Get Account Information
Account.getDetails().then(account => {
  // handle account data

// Update Account Password
const updatePasswordRequest = {
  data: {
    type: 'user',
    attributes: {
      current_password: 'current-password',
      password: 'new-password',
      password_confirmation: 'new-password',

Account.updatePassword(updatePasswordRequest).then(user => {
  // handle account password update

Plans.show('plan-id').then(plan => {
  // handle plan data

// Runs

Runs.show('run-id').then(run => {
  // handle run data

// Perform an action over a run ex: (apply, cancel, discard, force-cancel, force-execute)
Runs.action('cancel', 'run-id', { data: { comment: 'cancel run by id' } }).then(() => {
  // handle run action

## Current implementation

- [x] [Account](https://www.terraform.io/docs/cloud/api/account.html) (100%)
- [x] [Runs](https://www.terraform.io/docs/cloud/api/plans.html) (100%)
- [x] [Plans](https://www.terraform.io/docs/cloud/api/plans.html) (90%) - **TODO:** [Handle Terraform Plans JsonOutput #17](https://github.com/mijailr/terraform-cloud/issues/17)


- [ ] Workspaces
- [ ] ...

## Contributing

We would love you to contribute to `terraform-cloud`, pull requests are very welcome! Please see [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for more information.