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# mikrocompare

**MikroCompare simplifies your comparisons in JavaScript.**

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While most comparisons can be fairly simple to set up, it can also quickly become tedious. That's why MikroCompare provides a small package of common comparison utilities for you, ready to use!

Also, it's:

- Tiny (~800 bytes gzipped)
- Has zero dependencies
- Has 100% test coverage

## Usage

### Basic importing and usage

// ES5 format
const { MikroCompare } = require('mikrocompare');
// ES6 format
import { MikroCompare } from 'mikrocompare';

const mikrocompare = new MikroCompare();

const result = mikrocompare.contains(['something here', 'a DarK day was ahead', 'heroic laziness'], 'dark');
console.log('Does the array contain "dark"?', result);

## Features

### Contains

Checks if an array of strings contains a reference string.

Case-sensitivity can be adjusted and defaults to false.

mikrocompare.contains(['something here', 'a DarK day was ahead', 'heroic laziness'], 'dark'); // true (not case-sensitive)
mikrocompare.contains(['something here', 'a DarK day was ahead', 'heroic laziness'], 'dark', true); // false (case-sensitive)

### Ends with

Checks if the provided string ends with the reference string.

Case-sensitivity can be adjusted and defaults to false.

mikrocompare.endsWith('BigMac', 'mac'); // true (not case-sensitive)
mikrocompare.endsWith('BigMac', 'mac', true); // false (case-sensitive)

### Exists

Checks if the value is defined.

mikrocompare.exists('abc', true); // true

### Includes

Checks if a string contains a reference substring.

Case-sensitivity can be adjusted and defaults to false.

mikrocompare.includes('a DarK day was ahead', 'dark'); // true (not case-sensitive)
mikrocompare.includes('a DarK day was ahead', 'dark', true); // false (case-sensitive)

### Is

Checks if the provided value is exactly the same as the reference.

mikrocompare.is('abc', 'abc'); // true

### Less than

Checks if the provided value is less than the reference.

mikrocompare.lessThan(4, 8); // true

### Less than or equal

Checks if the provided value is less than, or equal to, the reference.

mikrocompare.lessThanOrEqual(4, 4); // true

### More than

Checks if the provided value is more than the reference.

mikrocompare.moreThan(4, 2); // true

### More than or equal

Checks if the provided value is more than, or equal to, the reference.

mikrocompare.moreThanOrEqual(4, 4); // true

### Starts with

Checks if the provided string starts with the reference string.

Case-sensitivity can be adjusted and defaults to false.

mikrocompare.startsWith('Philips light bulb', 'philips'); // true (not case-sensitive)
mikrocompare.startsWith('Philips light bulb', 'philips', true); // false (case-sensitive)

## License

MIT. See `LICENSE` file.