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# mikroformat

**MikroFormat helps you convert and format between different formats.**

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MikroFormat helps you convert and format between different formats, for example to JSON, to various types of dates, to currencies and numbers, or different string casings.

- Simple API
- Tiny (~1.4 KB gzipped)
- Zero dependencies
- Has 100% test coverage

## Usage

### Basic importing and usage

// ES5 format
const { MikroFormat } = require('mikroformat');

// ES6 format
import { MikroFormat } from 'mikroformat';

const mikroformat = new MikroFormat();

const formatted = mikroformat.toBoolean(0);
console.log('Formatted value:', formatted);

## Features

### To boolean

Converts a value into a boolean true or false.

mikroformat.toBoolean(0); // false

### To camel case

Formats a string into a camel-case representation, i.e. `helloWorld`.

mikroformat.toCamelCase('Hello there!'); // "helloThere!"

### To currency

Outputs a currency string that is accurately formatted to the locale and currency provided.


  value: 24837.731,
  precision: 8,
  locale: 'sv-SE',
  currency: 'EUR'
}); // "24 837,731 €"

### To date

Converts one type of date into another.

The available styles are:

- `date`: A basic `YYYY-MM-DD` format, e.g. `2024-02-29`
- `iso`: ISO-8601 format, e.g. `2024-03-13T13:02:40.000Z`
- `unix`: A Unix timestamp, e.g. `1710334960000`
- `utc`: Universal Time Coordinated (RFC 7231) format, e.g. `Wed, 13 Mar 2024 13:02:40 GMT`

mikroformat.toDate(1710334960000, 'utc'); // "Wed, 13 Mar 2024 13:02:40 GMT"

### To decimal

Formats a number or string as a decimal number.

You may provide a desired level of precision for the decimals.

mikroformat.toDecimal(123.129631586528, 8); // Result: 123.12963159

### To integer

Formats a number or string as a whole integer.

mikroformat.toInteger(1672.47182); // 1672

### To JSON

Formats a string representation into JSON.

mikroformat.toJSON('{"abc":123,"foo":{"bar":"qwerty"}}'); // { abc: 123, foo: { bar: 'qwerty' } }

### To percent

Formats a number or string into a percentage representation (string).

You may provide a desired level of precision for the decimals.

mikroformat.toPercent(72.5); // "72.5%"

### To slug

Formats a string into a slugified representation, i.e. `hello-world`.

mikroformat.toSlug('New library simplifies formatting'); // "new-library-simplifies-formatting"

### To snake case

Formats a string into a snake-case representation, i.e. `hello_world`.

mikroformat.toSnakeCase('Some method name'); // "some_method_name"

### To string

Formats a number, string, or object into a string.

Undefined or null values will become empty strings.

mikroformat.toString(123); // "123"
mikroformat.toString({ abc: 123, foo: { bar: 'qwerty' } }; // Result: '{"abc":123,"foo":{"bar":"qwerty"}}'

### To title case

Formats a string into a title-case representation, i.e. `Hello World`.

mikroformat.toTitleCase('formatting: a new theory'); // "Formatting: A New Theory"

### To a normalized value

Returns an input as a normalized value, for example, mapping `true` to `Is employee`.

The mapping is provided as an array of values, which may be of string, boolean, number, or regular expression types.

const schema = {
  'Is employee': ['true', true, 1, /^(yes|employee)$/],
  'Contractor': ['false', false, 0, /^(no|consultant)$/],

mikroformat.toNormalized('yes', schema); // 'Is employee'
mikroformat.toNormalized(false, schema); // 'Contractor'

Optionally, the `noMatchHandling` parameter may be set to either `keep` (default) or `drop`: `keep` will return the input value if no match is found, while `drop` will return an empty string.

Also optionally, a `replacementValue` may be set. If `noMatchHandling` is set to `keep`, then any unmatched input will be replaced with the provided replacement value.

// Use explicit noMatchHandling params
mikroformat.toNormalized(123, schema, 'keep'); // 123
mikroformat.toNormalized(123, schema, 'drop'); // ''

// Setting a custom replacement value
mikroformat.toNormalized(123, schema, 'keep', 'Did not match'); // 'Did not match'

## License

MIT. See `LICENSE` file.