import { getMetadata } from 'aws-metadata-utils';
import { Span } from './Span.js';
import {
} from '../interfaces/Tracer.js';
import { StaticMetadataConfigInput } from '../interfaces/Metadata.js';
import { getRandomBytes } from '../frameworks/getRandomBytes.js';
import {
} from '../application/errors/errors.js';
import { SpanConfiguration } from '../interfaces/Span.js';
* @description Custom basic tracer that mildly emulates OpenTelemetry semantics
* and behavior. Built as a ligher-weight way to handle spans in technical
* contexts (like AWS Lambda) where OTel tooling seems brittle at best.
* Make sure to reuse the same instance across your application to get it
* working as intended.
* MikroTrace simplifies the OTel model a bit:
* - Only supports a single tracing context
* - Removes the need to pass in complete instances into the
* span functions. Use strings to refer to spans.
export class MikroTrace {
private static instance: MikroTrace;
private static metadataConfig: StaticMetadataConfigInput | Record<string, any> = {};
private static serviceName: string;
private static spans: SpanRepresentation[];
private static correlationId?: string;
private static parentContext = '';
private static traceId: string;
private static event: any;
private static context: any;
private static samplingLevel: number;
private static isTraceSampled: boolean;
private constructor(event: any, context: any) {
MikroTrace.metadataConfig = {};
MikroTrace.spans = [];
MikroTrace.serviceName = '';
MikroTrace.correlationId = '';
MikroTrace.parentContext = '';
MikroTrace.traceId = getRandomBytes(32);
MikroTrace.event = event;
MikroTrace.context = context;
MikroTrace.samplingLevel = this.initSampleLevel();
MikroTrace.isTraceSampled = true;
* @description This instantiates MikroTrace. In order to be able
* to "remember" event and context we use a singleton pattern to
* reuse the same logical instance.
* If the `start` method receives any input, that input will
* overwrite any existing metadata.
* If you want to "add" to these, you should instead call
* `enrich()` and pass in your additional data there.
* Running this without input will also force a new `traceId`.
public static start(input?: MikroTraceInput) {
const serviceName = input?.serviceName || MikroTrace.serviceName || '';
const correlationId = input?.correlationId || MikroTrace.correlationId || '';
const parentContext = input?.parentContext || MikroTrace.parentContext || '';
const event = input?.event || MikroTrace.event || {};
const context = input?.context || MikroTrace.context || {};
if (!MikroTrace.instance) MikroTrace.instance = new MikroTrace(event, context);
MikroTrace.metadataConfig = input?.metadataConfig || {};
MikroTrace.serviceName = serviceName;
MikroTrace.correlationId = correlationId;
MikroTrace.parentContext = parentContext;
MikroTrace.traceId = getRandomBytes(32);
MikroTrace.event = event;
MikroTrace.context = context;
return MikroTrace.instance;
* @description Returns the current instance of MikroTrace without
* resetting anything or otherwise affecting the current state.
public static continue() {
return MikroTrace.instance;
* @description Enrich MikroTrace with values post-initialization.
public static enrich(input: MikroTraceEnrichInput) {
if (input.serviceName) MikroTrace.serviceName = input.serviceName;
if (input.correlationId) MikroTrace.setCorrelationId(input.correlationId);
if (input.parentContext) MikroTrace.parentContext = input.parentContext;
* @description Start a new trace. This will typically be automatically
* assigned to the parent trace if one exists. Optionally you can pass in
* the name of a parent span to link it to its trace ID.
* @see
* ```
* A root span, the first span in a trace, does not have a parent. As you
* instrument your code, make sure every span propagates its `trace.trace_id`
* and` trace.span_id` to any child spans it calls, so that the child span can
* use those values as its `trace.trace_id` and `trace.parent_id`. Honeycomb uses
* these relationships to determine the order spans execute and construct the
* waterfall diagram.
* ```
* @param parentSpanName If provided, this will override any existing parent context
* for this particular trace.
public start(spanName: string, parentSpanName?: string): Span {
if (!spanName) throw new MissingSpanNameError();
const spanExists = this.getSpan(spanName);
if (spanExists) throw new SpanAlreadyExistsError(spanName);
if (parentSpanName) {
const parentSpan = this.getSpan(parentSpanName);
if (!parentSpan) throw new MissingParentSpanError(parentSpanName);
const dynamicMetadata = getMetadata(MikroTrace.event, MikroTrace.context);
const parentSpan = this.getSpan(MikroTrace.parentContext);
const span = this.createSpan(spanName, dynamicMetadata, parentSpanName, parentSpan);
if (this.shouldSampleTrace()) this.addSpan(span);
return span;
* @description An emergency mechanism if you absolutely need to
* reset the instance to its empty default state.
public static reset() {
MikroTrace.instance = new MikroTrace({}, {});
* @description Initialize the sample rate level.
* Only accepts numbers or strings that can convert to numbers.
* The default is to use all traces (i.e. `100` percent).
private initSampleLevel(): number {
const envValue = process.env.MIKROTRACE_SAMPLE_RATE;
if (envValue) {
const isNumeric = !Number.isNaN(envValue) && !Number.isNaN(parseFloat(envValue));
if (isNumeric) return parseFloat(envValue);
return 100;
* @description Check if MicroTrace has sampled the last trace.
* Will only return true value _after_ having output an actual trace.
public isTraceSampled() {
return MikroTrace.isTraceSampled;
* @description Set sampling rate of traces as a number between 0 and 100.
public setSamplingRate(samplingPercent: number): number {
if (typeof samplingPercent !== 'number') return MikroTrace.samplingLevel;
if (samplingPercent < 0) samplingPercent = 0;
if (samplingPercent > 100) samplingPercent = 100;
MikroTrace.samplingLevel = samplingPercent;
return samplingPercent;
* @description Utility to check if a log should be sampled (written) based
* on the currently set `samplingLevel`. This uses a 0-100 scale.
* If the random number is lower than (or equal to) the sampling level,
* then we may sample the log.
private shouldSampleTrace(): boolean {
const logWillBeSampled = Math.random() * 100 <= MikroTrace.samplingLevel;
MikroTrace.isTraceSampled = logWillBeSampled;
return logWillBeSampled;
* @description Set correlation ID. Make use of this if you
* were not able to set the correlation ID at the point of
* instantiating `MikroTrace`.
* This value will be propagated to all future spans.
public static setCorrelationId(correlationId: string): void {
MikroTrace.correlationId = correlationId;
* @description Set the parent context. Use this if you
* want to automatically assign a span as the parent for
* any future spans.
* Call it with an empty string to reset it.
* @example tracer.setParentContext('FullSpan')
* @example tracer.setParentContext('')
* This value will be propagated to all future spans.
public setParentContext(parentContext: string): void {
MikroTrace.parentContext = parentContext;
* @description Output the tracer configuration, for
* example for debugging needs.
public getConfiguration() {
return {
serviceName: MikroTrace.serviceName,
spans: MikroTrace.spans,
correlationId: MikroTrace.correlationId,
parentContext: MikroTrace.parentContext,
traceId: MikroTrace.traceId
* @description Returns a string that can be used as the
* content of a W3C `traceparent` HTTP header.
* @see
public getTraceHeader(spanConfig: SpanConfiguration) {
// Use the W3C-recommended first version
const version = '00';
// Use MikroTrace's trace ID
const traceId = MikroTrace.traceId;
// Use the parent span's ID if available, else use the ID of the current span
const parentId = (() => {
const parentSpan = this.getSpan(MikroTrace.parentContext);
return parentSpan && parentSpan.parentSpanId ? parentSpan.parentSpanId : spanConfig.spanId;
// As per W3C recommendations
const traceFlags = this.isTraceSampled() ? '01' : '00';
return `${version}-${traceId}-${parentId}-${traceFlags}`;
* @description Request to create a valid Span.
private createSpan(
spanName: string,
dynamicMetadata: any,
parentSpanName?: string,
parentSpan?: any
): Span {
return new Span({
staticMetadata: MikroTrace.metadataConfig,
tracer: this,
correlationId: MikroTrace.correlationId || dynamicMetadata.correlationId,
service: MikroTrace.serviceName || MikroTrace.metadataConfig.service,
parentSpanId: parentSpan?.spanId || '',
parentSpanName: parentSpanName || parentSpan?.spanName || '',
parentTraceId: MikroTrace.traceId
* @description Store local representation so we can make lookups for relations.
private addSpan(span: Span) {
const { spanName, spanId, traceId, spanParentId } = span.getConfiguration();
parentSpanId: spanParentId,
reference: span
* @description Get an individual span by name.
private getSpan(spanName: string): SpanRepresentation | null {
const span: SpanRepresentation =
MikroTrace.spans.filter((span: SpanRepresentation) => span.spanName === spanName)[0] || null;
return span;
* @description Get an individual span by ID.
private getSpanById(spanId: string): SpanRepresentation | null {
const span: SpanRepresentation =
MikroTrace.spans.filter((span: SpanRepresentation) => span.spanId === spanId)[0] || null;
return span;
* @description Remove an individual span.
* Avoid calling this manually as the `Span` class will
* make the necessary call when having ended a span.
public removeSpan(spanName: string): void {
const parentSpanId = MikroTrace.spans.filter(
(span: SpanRepresentation) => span.spanName === spanName
const parentSpan = this.getSpanById(parentSpanId)?.spanName || '';
const spans = MikroTrace.spans.filter((span: SpanRepresentation) => span.spanName !== spanName);
MikroTrace.spans = spans;
* @description Closes all spans.
* Only use this sparingly and in relevant cases, such as
* when you need to close all spans in case of an error.
public endAll(): void {
MikroTrace.spans.forEach((spanRep: SpanRepresentation) => spanRep.reference.end());
MikroTrace.spans = [];
MikroTrace.traceId = getRandomBytes(32);