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# ember-intercom-io

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[Intercom.io](http://intercom.io) integration for Ember.js apps.

## Setup

**Install this addon with ember-cli** `ember install ember-intercom-io`

**Add the `{{intercom-io}}` component to one of your templates`**
The chat widget will appear whenever this component has been rendered, and should disappear whenever it's destroyed.

### Configuration

**In your `config/environment.js` file, you must provide your `appId`**


module.exports = function(environment) {
  intercom: {
    appId: null, // <-- REPLACE WITH YOUR INTERCOM.IO app_id
    enabled: true, // <-- Setting to false in your testing environment prevents unneccessary network requests (true by default)
    userProperties: {
      createdAtProp: 'createdAt',
      emailProp: 'email',
      nameProp: 'name',
      userHashProp: 'hash',
      userIdProp: 'id'


#### Users vs Leads

In the [intercom.io](http://intercom.io) world, a lead is a visitor to your site or app, without an email or name associated with them. A user has a name and email, and is a good construct for tracking the history of all interactions w/ a single person.

You can make `ember-intercom-io` aware of a "user" context (shifting into "users" mode instead of "leads" mode) by adding an object to the `intercom` service (i.e., your user authentication service).

When the application updates the `intercom.user` object, changes will be sent to Intercom and reflected in your Intercom dashboard.


import Service, {inject as service} from '@ember/service';

export default Service.extend({
  intercom: service(), // the intercom service
  didLogin(user) {
    this.get('intercom').set('user.name', 'Joe Username');
    this.get('intercom').set('user.email', 'joe@example.com');
    this.get('intercom').set('user.createdAt', 1447135065173);


#### Custom Properties

To send custom properties on to intercom, add them to the `intercom.user` object. All property names will be underscored prior to being sent.
undefined values will be removed (however, `null` is kept).

  let customProperties = {
    myCustomThing: 1,
    numberOfCats: false,
    notDefined: undefined
  set(this, 'intercom.user', customProperties);


  my_custom_thing: 1,
  number_of_cats: false

## API

The `intercom` service exposes several public API methods that match Intercom.com's
existing Javascript API. For full details on the client API, [read the Intercom docs.](https://developers.intercom.com/v2.0/docs/intercom-javascript#section-intercomonhide)

### Properties

|    Name      |      Type         |
---| --- | 
| autoUpdate   | Boolean           |
| hideDefaultLauncher | Boolean    |
| isOpen       | Boolean           |
| isBooted     | Boolean           |
| unreadCount  | Integer           |
| user         | Object            |

### Methods

The following intercom methods are implemented. See `services/intercom.js` for full









`getVisitorId()` Returns the current id of the logged in user.

`startTour()` Your intercom account needs to support product tours

### Events

Subscribe to events in your app with event listeners:



intercom: service(),
newMessageAlert: on('intercom.unreadCountChange', function() {
    alert('Unread Count Changed!');



**Available Events**

(Read the Intercom documentation for full details)[https://developers.intercom.com/v2.0/docs/intercom-javascript#section-intercomonhide]

| Ember Event | Intercom Event |
--- | --- |
| hide        | `onHide`       |
| show        | `onShow`       |
| unreadCountChange | `onUnreadCountChange` |

## Installation

- `git clone` this repository
- `npm install`

### Linting

- `npm run lint:hbs`
- `npm run lint:js`
- `npm run lint:js -- --fix`

### Running tests

- `ember test` – Runs the test suite on the current Ember version
- `ember test --server` – Runs the test suite in "watch mode"
- `ember try:each` – Runs the test suite against multiple Ember versions

### Running the dummy application

- `ember serve`
- Visit the dummy application at [http://localhost:4200](http://localhost:4200).

For more information on using ember-cli, visit [http://www.ember-cli.com/](http://www.ember-cli.com/).

Copyright (c) 2015 Levanto Financial, 2016-18 [Mike Works](https://mike.works), Inc.