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import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills';
import Service from '@ember/service';
import { computed, get, observer, set } from '@ember/object';
import { assert, warn } from '@ember/debug';
import intercom from 'intercom';
import { next } from '@ember/runloop';
import { typeOf } from '@ember/utils';
import { underscore } from '@ember/string';
import Evented from '@ember/object/evented';
import { alias } from '@ember/object/computed';

const WarnOption = {
  id: 'ember-intercom-io.missing-data'

 * Normalization function for converting intercom data to a consistent format.
 * Changes:
 * - underscore keys
 * - convert dates to unix timestamps
 * @param  {Object} data
 * @private
 * @return {Object}
function normalizeIntercomMetadata(data) {
  let result = {};
  let val;
  Object.keys(data).forEach(key => {
    val = data[key];
    if (typeOf(val) === 'object') {
      result[underscore(key)] = normalizeIntercomMetadata(val);
    } else {
      if (typeOf(val) === 'date') {
        val = val.valueOf();
      if (typeOf(val) !== 'undefined') {
        result[underscore(key)] = val;

  return result;

export default Service.extend(Evented, {
  init() {
    set(this, 'user', { email: null, name: null, hash: null, user_id: null });

  api: intercom,
  user: null,
   * [description]
   * @return {[type]} [description]
  _userHashProp: computed('user', 'config.userProperties.userHashProp', function() {
    return get(this, `user.${get(this, 'config.userProperties.userHashProp')}`);

  _userIdProp: computed('user', 'config.userProperties.userIdProp', function() {
    return get(this, `user.${get(this, 'config.userProperties.userIdProp')}`);

  _userNameProp: computed('user', 'config.userProperties.nameProp', function() {
    return get(this, `user.${get(this, 'config.userProperties.nameProp')}`);

  _userEmailProp: computed('user', 'config.userProperties.emailProp', function() {
    return get(this, `user.${get(this, 'config.userProperties.emailProp')}`);

  _userCreatedAtProp: computed('user', 'config.userProperties.createdAtProp', function() {
    return get(this, `user.${get(this, 'config.userProperties.createdAtProp')}`);

   * Indicates the open state of the Intercom panel
   * @public
   * @type {Boolean}
  isOpen: false,

   * Indicates whether the Intercom boot command has been called.
   * @public
   * @readonly
   * @type {Boolean}
  isBooted: false,
  _hasUserContext: computed('user', '_userEmailProp', '_userIdProp', function() {
    return (
      !!get(this, 'user') &&
      (!!get(this, '_userEmailProp') || !!get(this, '_userIdProp'))
   * Reports the number of unread messages
   * @public
   * @type {Number}
  unreadCount: 0,

   * If true, will automatically update intercom when changes to user object are made.
   * @type {Boolean}
   * @public
  autoUpdate: true,

   * Hide the default Intercom launcher button
   * @public
   * @type {Boolean}
  hideDefaultLauncher: false,

   * @private
   * alias for appId
   * @type {[type]}
  appId: alias('config.appId'),

  start(bootConfig = {}) {
    let _bootConfig = assign(get(this, '_intercomBootConfig'), bootConfig);

  stop() {
    return this.shutdown();

   * Boot intercom window
   * @param  {Object} [config={}] [description]
   * @public
  boot(config = {}) {
    this._callIntercomMethod('boot', normalizeIntercomMetadata(config));
    this.set('isBooted', true);

   * Update intercom data
   * @param  {Object} [config={}] [description]
   * @public
  update(config = {}) {
    if (!this.get('isBooted')) {
      warn('Cannot call update before boot', WarnOption);

    let _hasUserContext = this.get('_hasUserContext');
    if (_hasUserContext) {
      this._callIntercomMethod('update', normalizeIntercomMetadata(config));
    } else {
        'Refusing to send update to Intercom because user context is incomplete. Missing userId or email',

   * shutdown Intercom window
   * @public
  shutdown() {
    this.set('isBooted', false);
    this._hasEventHandlers = false;

   * Show intercom window
   * @public
  show() {
    return this._wrapIntercomCallInPromise('show', 'show');

   * hide intercom window
   * @public
  hide() {
    return this._wrapIntercomCallInPromise('hide', 'hide');

  toggleOpen() {
    this.get('isOpen') ? this.hide() : this.show();

   * Opens the message window with the message list visible.
   * @public
   * @return {Promise}
  showMessages() {
    return this._wrapIntercomCallInPromise('showMessages', 'show');

   * Opens the message window with the new message view.
   * @public
   * @return {Promise}
  showNewMessage(initialText) {
    return this._wrapIntercomCallInPromise('showNewMessage', 'show', initialText);

   * You can submit an event using the trackEvent method.
   * This will associate the event with the currently logged in user and
   * send it to Intercom.
   * The final parameter is a map that can be used to send optional
   * metadata about the event.
   * @param {String} eventName
   * @param {Object} metadata
   * @public
  trackEvent() {
    this._callIntercomMethod('trackEvent', ...arguments);

   * A visitor is someone who goes to your site but does not use the messenger.
   * You can track these visitors via the visitor user_id. This user_id
   * can be used to retrieve the visitor or lead through the REST API.
   * @public
   * @return {String} The visitor ID
  getVisitorId() {
    return this.get('api')('getVisitorId');

   * If you would like to trigger a tour based on an action a user or visitor
   * takes in your site or application, you can use this API method.
   * You need to call this method with the id of the tour you wish to show.
   * The id of the tour can be found in the “Use tour everywhere” section
   * of the tour editor.
   * @public
   * @param  {number} tourId Tour ID to trigger
  startTour(tourId) {
    return this.get('api')('startTour', tourId);

   * Private on hide
   * @private
   * @return {[type]} [description]
  _onHide() {
    this.set('isOpen', false);

   * handle onShow events
   * @private
  _onShow() {
    this.set('isOpen', true);

   * Handle onUnreadCountChange Events
   * @param  {[type]} count [description]
   * @private
  _onUnreadCountChange(count) {
    this.set('unreadCount', Number(count));

  _addEventHandlers() {
    if (this._hasEventHandlers) {
    this._callIntercomMethod('onHide', () => next(this, '_onHide'));
    this._callIntercomMethod('onShow', () => next(this, '_onShow'));
    this._callIntercomMethod('onUnreadCountChange', count => {
    this._hasEventHandlers = true;

  _wrapIntercomCallInPromise(intercomMethod, eventName, ...args) {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      let isOpen = this.get('isOpen');
      if ((eventName === 'show' && isOpen) || (eventName === 'hide' && !isOpen)) {
        next(this, resolve);
      } else {
        this.one(eventName, resolve);
      this._callIntercomMethod(intercomMethod, ...args);

  _callIntercomMethod(methodName, ...args) {
    let intercom = this.get('api');
    intercom(methodName, ...args);

  // eslint-disable-next-line ember/no-observers
  userDataDidChange: observer('user.@each', function() {
    if (this.get('autoUpdate') && this.get('isBooted')) {
      let user = this.get('_computedUser');
      let appId = this.get('appId');
      let config = assign({ app_id: appId}, user );

   * Alias for computed user data with app-provided config values
   * @private
   * @type {[type]}
  _computedUser: computed(
    function() {
      assert('You must supply an "ENV.intercom.appId" in your "config/environment.js" file.', this.get('appId'));

      let obj = {};
      if (this.get('user')) {
        let userProps = Object.values(get(this, 'config.userProperties')),
          user = get(this, 'user'),
          userKeys = Object.keys(user);

        userKeys.forEach(k => {
          if (!userProps.includes(k) && !obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
            obj[k] = user[k];

        obj.user_hash = get(this, '_userHashProp');
        obj.user_id = get(this, '_userIdProp');
        obj.name = get(this, '_userNameProp');
        obj.email = get(this, '_userEmailProp');
        if (get(this, '_userCreatedAtProp')) {
          // eslint-disable-next-line
          obj.created_at = get(this, '_userCreatedAtProp');
      return obj;

  _intercomBootConfig: computed('config', 'user.@each', '_hasUserContext', 'hideDefaultLauncher', function() {
    let appId = get(this, 'config.appId');
    let user = get(this, '_computedUser');
    let _hasUserContext = get(this, '_hasUserContext');
    let hideDefaultLauncher = get(this, 'hideDefaultLauncher');

    assert('You must supply an "ENV.intercom.appId" in your "config/environment.js" file.', appId);

    let obj = { app_id: appId };
    if (hideDefaultLauncher) {
      obj.hideDefaultLauncher = true;

    if (_hasUserContext) {
      obj = assign({}, obj, user);

    return normalizeIntercomMetadata(obj);