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import { basename, extname } from 'path';
import globby from 'globby';

import {
  type AnyEntity,
  type Constructor,
  type Dictionary,
  type EntityClass,
  type EntityClassGroup,
  type EntityProperty,
} from '../typings';
import { Utils } from '../utils/Utils';
import type { Configuration } from '../utils/Configuration';
import { MetadataValidator } from './MetadataValidator';
import type { MetadataProvider } from './MetadataProvider';
import type { NamingStrategy } from '../naming-strategy/NamingStrategy';
import type { SyncCacheAdapter } from '../cache/CacheAdapter';
import { MetadataStorage } from './MetadataStorage';
import { EntitySchema } from './EntitySchema';
import { Cascade, type EventType, ReferenceKind } from '../enums';
import { MetadataError } from '../errors';
import type { Platform } from '../platforms';
import {
} from '../types';
import { colors } from '../logging/colors';
import { raw, RawQueryFragment } from '../utils/RawQueryFragment';
import type { Logger } from '../logging/Logger';

export class MetadataDiscovery {

  private readonly namingStrategy: NamingStrategy;
  private readonly metadataProvider: MetadataProvider;
  private readonly cache: SyncCacheAdapter;
  private readonly logger: Logger;
  private readonly schemaHelper: unknown;
  private readonly validator = new MetadataValidator();
  private readonly discovered: EntityMetadata[] = [];

  constructor(private readonly metadata: MetadataStorage,
              private readonly platform: Platform,
              private readonly config: Configuration) {
    this.namingStrategy = this.config.getNamingStrategy();
    this.metadataProvider = this.config.getMetadataProvider();
    this.cache = this.config.getMetadataCacheAdapter();
    this.logger = this.config.getLogger();
    this.schemaHelper = this.platform.getSchemaHelper();

  async discover(preferTsNode = true): Promise<MetadataStorage> {
    const startTime = Date.now();
    this.logger.log('discovery', `ORM entity discovery started, using ${colors.cyan(this.metadataProvider.constructor.name)}`);
    await this.findEntities(preferTsNode);

    for (const meta of this.discovered) {
      await this.config.get('discovery').onMetadata?.(meta, this.platform);


    const diff = Date.now() - startTime;
    this.logger.log('discovery', `- entity discovery finished, found ${colors.green('' + this.discovered.length)} entities, took ${colors.green(`${diff} ms`)}`);

    const storage = this.mapDiscoveredEntities();
    await this.config.get('discovery').afterDiscovered?.(storage, this.platform);

    return storage;

  discoverSync(preferTsNode = true): MetadataStorage {
    const startTime = Date.now();
    this.logger.log('discovery', `ORM entity discovery started, using ${colors.cyan(this.metadataProvider.constructor.name)} in sync mode`);
    this.findEntities(preferTsNode, true);

    for (const meta of this.discovered) {
      this.config.get('discovery').onMetadata?.(meta, this.platform);


    const diff = Date.now() - startTime;
    this.logger.log('discovery', `- entity discovery finished, found ${colors.green('' + this.discovered.length)} entities, took ${colors.green(`${diff} ms`)}`);

    const storage = this.mapDiscoveredEntities();
    this.config.get('discovery').afterDiscovered?.(storage, this.platform);

    return storage;

  private mapDiscoveredEntities(): MetadataStorage {
    const discovered = new MetadataStorage();

      .filter(meta => meta.root.name)
      .sort((a, b) => b.root.name!.localeCompare(a.root.name!))
      .forEach(meta => {
        discovered.set(meta.className, meta);

    return discovered;

  processDiscoveredEntities(discovered: EntityMetadata[]): EntityMetadata[] {
    for (const meta of discovered) {
      let i = 1;
      Object.values(meta.properties).forEach(prop => meta.propertyOrder.set(prop.name, i++));
      Object.values(meta.properties).forEach(prop => this.initPolyEmbeddables(prop, discovered));

    // ignore base entities (not annotated with @Entity)
    const filtered = discovered.filter(meta => meta.root.name);
    // sort so we discover entities first to get around issues with nested embeddables
    filtered.sort((a, b) => !a.embeddable === !b.embeddable ? 0 : (a.embeddable ? 1 : -1));
    filtered.forEach(meta => this.initSingleTableInheritance(meta, filtered));
    filtered.forEach(meta => this.defineBaseEntityProperties(meta));
    filtered.forEach(meta => this.metadata.set(meta.className, EntitySchema.fromMetadata(meta).init().meta));
    filtered.forEach(meta => this.initAutoincrement(meta));
    filtered.forEach(meta => Object.values(meta.properties).forEach(prop => this.initEmbeddables(meta, prop)));
    filtered.forEach(meta => Object.values(meta.properties).forEach(prop => this.initFactoryField(meta, prop)));
    filtered.forEach(meta => Object.values(meta.properties).forEach(prop => this.initFieldName(prop)));
    filtered.forEach(meta => Object.values(meta.properties).forEach(prop => this.initVersionProperty(meta, prop)));
    filtered.forEach(meta => Object.values(meta.properties).forEach(prop => this.initCustomType(meta, prop)));
    filtered.forEach(meta => Object.values(meta.properties).forEach(prop => this.initGeneratedColumn(meta, prop)));
    filtered.forEach(meta => this.initAutoincrement(meta)); // once again after we init custom types
    filtered.forEach(meta => this.initCheckConstraints(meta));

    for (const meta of filtered) {
      for (const prop of Object.values(meta.properties)) {

        // change tracking on scalars is used only for "auto" flushMode
        if (this.config.get('flushMode') !== 'auto') {
          prop.trackChanges = false;

    filtered.forEach(meta => Object.values(meta.properties).forEach(prop => this.initIndexes(prop)));
    filtered.forEach(meta => this.autoWireBidirectionalProperties(meta));
    filtered.forEach(meta => this.findReferencingProperties(meta, filtered));

    for (const meta of filtered) {

    discovered.forEach(meta => meta.sync(true));
    const combinedCachePath = this.cache.combine?.();

    // override the path in the options, so we can log it from the CLI in `cache:generate` command
    if (combinedCachePath) {
      this.config.get('metadataCache').combined = combinedCachePath;

    return discovered.map(meta => this.metadata.get(meta.className));

  private findEntities(preferTsNode: boolean, sync: true): EntityMetadata[];
  private findEntities(preferTsNode: boolean, sync?: false): Promise<EntityMetadata[]>;
  private findEntities(preferTsNode: boolean, sync = false): EntityMetadata[] | Promise<EntityMetadata[]> {
    this.discovered.length = 0;

    const options = this.config.get('discovery');
    const key = (preferTsNode && this.config.get('tsNode', Utils.detectTsNode()) && this.config.get('entitiesTs').length > 0) ? 'entitiesTs' : 'entities';
    const paths = this.config.get(key).filter(item => Utils.isString(item)) as string[];
    const refs = this.config.get(key).filter(item => !Utils.isString(item)) as Constructor<AnyEntity>[];

    if (paths.length > 0) {
      if (sync || options.requireEntitiesArray) {
        throw new Error(`[requireEntitiesArray] Explicit list of entities is required, please use the 'entities' option.`);

      return this.discoverDirectories(paths).then(() => {
        this.validator.validateDiscovered(this.discovered, options);

        return this.discovered;

    this.validator.validateDiscovered(this.discovered, options);

    return this.discovered;

  private discoverMissingTargets(): void {
    const unwrap = (type: string) => type
      .replace(/Array<(.*)>/, '$1') // unwrap array
      .replace(/\[]$/, '')          // remove array suffix
      .replace(/\((.*)\)/, '$1');   // unwrap union types

    const missing: Constructor[] = [];

    this.discovered.forEach(meta => Object.values(meta.properties).forEach(prop => {
      if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_MANY && prop.pivotEntity && !this.discovered.find(m => m.className === Utils.className(prop.pivotEntity))) {
        const target = typeof prop.pivotEntity === 'function'
          ? (prop.pivotEntity as () => Constructor)()
          : prop.pivotEntity;
        missing.push(target as Constructor);

      if (prop.kind !== ReferenceKind.SCALAR && !unwrap(prop.type).split(/ ?\| ?/).every(type => this.discovered.find(m => m.className === type))) {
        const target = typeof prop.entity === 'function'
          ? prop.entity()
          : prop.type;
        missing.push(...Utils.asArray(target as Constructor));

    if (missing.length > 0) {

  private tryDiscoverTargets(targets: Constructor[]): void {
    for (const target of targets) {
      if (typeof target === 'function' && target.name && !this.metadata.has(target.name)) {

  private async discoverDirectories(paths: string[]): Promise<void> {
    paths = paths.map(path => Utils.normalizePath(path));
    const files = await globby(paths, { cwd: Utils.normalizePath(this.config.get('baseDir')) });
    this.logger.log('discovery', `- processing ${colors.cyan('' + files.length)} files`);
    const found: [EntitySchema, string][] = [];

    for (const filepath of files) {
      const filename = basename(filepath);

      if (
        !filename.match(/\.[cm]?[jt]s$/) ||
        filename.endsWith('.js.map') ||
        filename.match(/\.d\.[cm]?ts/) ||
        filename.startsWith('.') ||
      ) {
        this.logger.log('discovery', `- ignoring file ${filename}`);

      const name = this.namingStrategy.getClassName(filename);
      const path = Utils.normalizePath(this.config.get('baseDir'), filepath);
      const targets = await this.getEntityClassOrSchema(path, name);

      for (const target of targets) {
        if (!(target instanceof Function) && !(target instanceof EntitySchema)) {
          this.logger.log('discovery', `- ignoring file ${filename}`);

        const entity = this.prepare(target) as Constructor<AnyEntity>;
        const schema = this.getSchema(entity, path);
        const meta = schema.init().meta;
        this.metadata.set(meta.className, meta);

        found.push([schema, path]);

    for (const [schema, path] of found) {
      this.discoverEntity(schema, path);

  discoverReferences<T>(refs: (Constructor<T> | EntitySchema<T>)[]): EntityMetadata<T>[] {
    const found: EntitySchema[] = [];

    for (const entity of refs) {
      const schema = this.getSchema(this.prepare(entity) as Constructor<T>);
      const meta = schema.init().meta;
      this.metadata.set(meta.className, meta);

    for (const schema of found) {

    // discover parents (base entities) automatically
    for (const meta of this.metadata) {
      let parent = meta.extends as any;

      if (parent instanceof EntitySchema && !this.metadata.has(parent.meta.className)) {

      if (!meta.class) {

      parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(meta.class);

      if (parent.name !== '' && !this.metadata.has(parent.name)) {

    return this.discovered.filter(meta => found.find(m => m.name === meta.className));

  private prepare<T>(entity: EntityClass<T> | EntityClassGroup<T> | EntitySchema<T>): EntityClass<T> | EntitySchema<T> {
    if ('schema' in entity && entity.schema instanceof EntitySchema) {
      return entity.schema;

    if (EntitySchema.REGISTRY.has(entity)) {
      return EntitySchema.REGISTRY.get(entity)!;

    return entity as EntityClass<T>;

  private getSchema<T>(entity: (Constructor<T> & { [MetadataStorage.PATH_SYMBOL]?: string }) | EntitySchema<T>, filepath?: string): EntitySchema<T> {
    if (entity instanceof EntitySchema) {
      if (filepath) {
        // initialize global metadata for given entity
        MetadataStorage.getMetadata(entity.meta.className, filepath);

      return entity;

    const path = entity[MetadataStorage.PATH_SYMBOL];

    if (path) {
      const meta = Utils.copy(MetadataStorage.getMetadata(entity.name, path), false);
      meta.path = Utils.relativePath(path, this.config.get('baseDir'));
      this.metadata.set(entity.name, meta);

    const exists = this.metadata.has(entity.name);
    const meta = this.metadata.get<T>(entity.name, true);
    meta.abstract ??= !(exists && meta.name);
    const schema = EntitySchema.fromMetadata<T>(meta);
    schema.meta.useCache = this.metadataProvider.useCache();

    return schema;

  private discoverEntity<T>(schema: EntitySchema<T>, path?: string): void {
    this.logger.log('discovery', `- processing entity ${colors.cyan(schema.meta.className)}${colors.grey(path ? ` (${path})` : '')}`);
    const meta = schema.meta;
    const root = Utils.getRootEntity(this.metadata, meta);
    schema.meta.path = Utils.relativePath(path || meta.path, this.config.get('baseDir'));
    const cache = meta.useCache && meta.path && this.cache.get(meta.className + extname(meta.path));

    if (cache) {
      this.logger.log('discovery', `- using cached metadata for entity ${colors.cyan(meta.className)}`);
      this.metadataProvider.loadFromCache(meta, cache);
      meta.root = root;


    // infer default value from property initializer early, as the metadata provider might use some defaults, e.g. string for reflect-metadata
    for (const prop of meta.props) {
      this.inferDefaultValue(meta, prop);

    // if the definition is using EntitySchema we still want it to go through the metadata provider to validate no types are missing
    this.metadataProvider.loadEntityMetadata(meta, meta.className);

    if (!meta.collection && meta.name) {
      const entityName = root.discriminatorColumn ? root.name : meta.name;
      meta.collection = this.namingStrategy.classToTableName(entityName!);

    delete (meta as any).root; // to allow caching (as root can contain cycles)
    meta.root = root;

  private saveToCache<T>(meta: EntityMetadata): void {
    if (!meta.useCache) {

    const copy = Utils.copy(meta, false);

      .filter(prop => Type.isMappedType(prop.type))
      .forEach(prop => {
        (['type', 'customType'] as const)
          .filter(k => Type.isMappedType(prop[k]))
          .forEach(k => delete (prop as Dictionary)[k]);

      .filter(prop => prop.default)
      .forEach(prop => {
        const raw = RawQueryFragment.getKnownFragment(prop.default as string);

        if (raw) {
          prop.defaultRaw ??= this.platform.formatQuery(raw.sql, raw.params);
          delete prop.default;

      'prototype', 'props', 'referencingProperties', 'propertyOrder', 'relations',
      'concurrencyCheckKeys', 'checks',
    ] as const).forEach(key => delete copy[key]);

    // base entity without properties might not have path, but nothing to cache there
    if (meta.path) {
      this.cache.set(meta.className + extname(meta.path), copy, meta.path);

  private initNullability(prop: EntityProperty): void {
    if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_ONE) {
      return Utils.defaultValue(prop, 'nullable', prop.optional || prop.cascade.includes(Cascade.REMOVE) || prop.cascade.includes(Cascade.ALL));

    if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.ONE_TO_ONE) {
      return Utils.defaultValue(prop, 'nullable', prop.optional || !prop.owner || prop.cascade.includes(Cascade.REMOVE) || prop.cascade.includes(Cascade.ALL));

    return Utils.defaultValue(prop, 'nullable', prop.optional);

  private applyNamingStrategy(meta: EntityMetadata, prop: EntityProperty): void {
    if (!prop.fieldNames) {

    if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_MANY) {
      this.initManyToManyFields(meta, prop);

    if ([ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_ONE, ReferenceKind.ONE_TO_ONE].includes(prop.kind)) {

    if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.ONE_TO_MANY) {

  private initFieldName(prop: EntityProperty, object = false): void {
    if (prop.fieldNames && prop.fieldNames.length > 0) {

    if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.SCALAR || prop.kind === ReferenceKind.EMBEDDED) {
      prop.fieldNames = [this.namingStrategy.propertyToColumnName(prop.name, object)];
    } else if ([ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_ONE, ReferenceKind.ONE_TO_ONE].includes(prop.kind)) {
      prop.fieldNames = this.initManyToOneFieldName(prop, prop.name);
    } else if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_MANY && prop.owner) {
      prop.fieldNames = this.initManyToManyFieldName(prop, prop.name);

  private initManyToOneFieldName(prop: EntityProperty, name: string): string[] {
    const meta2 = this.metadata.get(prop.type);
    const ret: string[] = [];

    for (const primaryKey of meta2.primaryKeys) {

      for (const fieldName of meta2.properties[primaryKey].fieldNames) {
        ret.push(this.namingStrategy.joinKeyColumnName(name, fieldName, meta2.compositePK));

    return ret;

  private initManyToManyFieldName(prop: EntityProperty, name: string): string[] {
    const meta2 = this.metadata.get(prop.type);
    return meta2.primaryKeys.map(() => this.namingStrategy.propertyToColumnName(name));

  private initManyToManyFields(meta: EntityMetadata, prop: EntityProperty): void {
    const meta2 = this.metadata.get(prop.type);
    Utils.defaultValue(prop, 'fixedOrder', !!prop.fixedOrderColumn);
    const pivotMeta = this.metadata.find(prop.pivotEntity);
    const props = Object.values(pivotMeta?.properties ?? {});
    const pks = props.filter(p => p.primary);
    const fks = props.filter(p => p.kind === ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_ONE);

    if (pivotMeta) {
      pivotMeta.pivotTable = true;
      prop.pivotTable = pivotMeta.tableName;

      if (pks.length === 1) {
        prop.fixedOrder = true;
        prop.fixedOrderColumn = pks[0].name;

    if (pivotMeta && (pks.length === 2 || fks.length >= 2)) {
      const owner = prop.mappedBy ? meta2.properties[prop.mappedBy] : prop;
      const [first, second] = this.ensureCorrectFKOrderInPivotEntity(pivotMeta, owner);
      prop.joinColumns ??= first!.fieldNames;
      prop.inverseJoinColumns ??= second!.fieldNames;

    if (!prop.pivotTable && prop.owner && this.platform.usesPivotTable()) {
      prop.pivotTable = this.namingStrategy.joinTableName(meta.tableName, meta2.tableName, prop.name);

    if (prop.mappedBy) {
      const prop2 = meta2.properties[prop.mappedBy];
      this.initManyToManyFields(meta2, prop2);
      prop.pivotTable = prop2.pivotTable;
      prop.pivotEntity = prop2.pivotEntity ?? prop2.pivotTable;
      prop.fixedOrder = prop2.fixedOrder;
      prop.fixedOrderColumn = prop2.fixedOrderColumn;
      prop.joinColumns = prop2.inverseJoinColumns;
      prop.inverseJoinColumns = prop2.joinColumns;

    prop.referencedColumnNames ??= Utils.flatten(meta.primaryKeys.map(primaryKey => meta.properties[primaryKey].fieldNames));
    prop.joinColumns ??= prop.referencedColumnNames.map(referencedColumnName => this.namingStrategy.joinKeyColumnName(meta.root.className, referencedColumnName, meta.compositePK));
    prop.inverseJoinColumns ??= this.initManyToOneFieldName(prop, meta2.root.className);

  private initManyToOneFields(prop: EntityProperty): void {
    const meta2 = this.metadata.get(prop.type);
    const fieldNames = Utils.flatten(meta2.primaryKeys.map(primaryKey => meta2.properties[primaryKey].fieldNames));
    Utils.defaultValue(prop, 'referencedTableName', meta2.collection);

    if (!prop.joinColumns) {
      prop.joinColumns = fieldNames.map(fieldName => this.namingStrategy.joinKeyColumnName(prop.name, fieldName, fieldNames.length > 1));

    if (!prop.referencedColumnNames) {
      prop.referencedColumnNames = fieldNames;

  private initOneToManyFields(prop: EntityProperty): void {
    const meta2 = this.metadata.get(prop.type);

    if (!prop.joinColumns) {
      prop.joinColumns = [this.namingStrategy.joinColumnName(prop.name)];

    if (!prop.referencedColumnNames) {
      meta2.getPrimaryProps().forEach(pk => this.applyNamingStrategy(meta2, pk));
      prop.referencedColumnNames = Utils.flatten(meta2.getPrimaryProps().map(pk => pk.fieldNames));

  private processEntity(meta: EntityMetadata): EntityMetadata[] {
    const pks = Object.values(meta.properties).filter(prop => prop.primary);
    meta.primaryKeys = pks.map(prop => prop.name);
    meta.compositePK = pks.length > 1;

    // FK used as PK, we need to cascade
    if (pks.length === 1 && pks[0].kind !== ReferenceKind.SCALAR) {
      pks[0].deleteRule ??= 'cascade';

    meta.forceConstructor = this.shouldForceConstructorUsage(meta);
    this.validator.validateEntityDefinition(this.metadata, meta.className, this.config.get('discovery'));

    for (const prop of Object.values(meta.properties)) {
      this.applyNamingStrategy(meta, prop);
      this.initVersionProperty(meta, prop);
      this.initCustomType(meta, prop);

    meta.simplePK = pks.length === 1 && pks[0].kind === ReferenceKind.SCALAR && !pks[0].customType;
    meta.serializedPrimaryKey = this.platform.getSerializedPrimaryKeyField(meta.primaryKeys[0]);
    const serializedPKProp = meta.properties[meta.serializedPrimaryKey];

    if (serializedPKProp && meta.serializedPrimaryKey !== meta.primaryKeys[0]) {
      serializedPKProp.persist = false;

    if (this.platform.usesPivotTable()) {
      return Object.values(meta.properties)
        .filter(prop => prop.kind === ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_MANY && prop.owner && prop.pivotTable)
        .map(prop => this.definePivotTableEntity(meta, prop));

    return [];

  private findReferencingProperties(meta: EntityMetadata, metadata: EntityMetadata[]) {
    for (const meta2 of metadata) {
      const prop2 = meta2.relations.find(prop2 => {
        return prop2.kind !== ReferenceKind.SCALAR && prop2.type === meta.className;

      if (prop2) {
        meta.referencingProperties.push({ meta: meta2, prop: prop2 });

  private initFactoryField<T>(meta: EntityMetadata<T>, prop: EntityProperty<T>): void {
    (['mappedBy', 'inversedBy', 'pivotEntity'] as const).forEach(type => {
      const value = prop[type] as unknown;

      if (value instanceof Function) {
        const meta2 = this.metadata.get(prop.type);
        prop[type] = value(meta2.properties)?.name;

        if (prop[type] == null) {
          throw MetadataError.fromWrongReference(meta, prop, type as 'mappedBy' | 'inversedBy');

  private ensureCorrectFKOrderInPivotEntity(meta: EntityMetadata, owner: EntityProperty): [] | [EntityProperty, EntityProperty] {
    const pks = Object.values(meta.properties).filter(p => p.primary);
    const fks = Object.values(meta.properties).filter(p => p.kind === ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_ONE);
    let first, second;

    if (pks.length === 2) {
      [first, second] = pks;
    } else if (fks.length >= 2) {
      [first, second] = fks;
    } else {
      /* istanbul ignore next */
      return [];

    // wrong FK order, first FK needs to point to the owning side
    // (note that we can detect this only if the FKs target different types)
    if (owner.type === first.type && first.type !== second.type) {
      delete meta.properties[first.name];
      meta.removeProperty(first.name, false);
      [first, second] = [second, first];

    return [first, second];

  private definePivotTableEntity(meta: EntityMetadata, prop: EntityProperty): EntityMetadata {
    const pivotMeta = this.metadata.find(prop.pivotEntity);

    // ensure inverse side exists so we can join it when populating via pivot tables
    if (!prop.inversedBy && prop.targetMeta) {
      const inverseName = `${meta.className}_${prop.name}__inverse`;
      prop.inversedBy = inverseName;
      const inverseProp = {
        name: inverseName,
        kind: ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_MANY,
        type: meta.className,
        mappedBy: prop.name,
        pivotEntity: prop.pivotEntity,
        pivotTable: prop.pivotTable,
        persist: false,
        hydrate: false,
      } as EntityProperty;
      this.applyNamingStrategy(prop.targetMeta, inverseProp);
      this.initCustomType(prop.targetMeta, inverseProp);
      prop.targetMeta!.properties[inverseName] = inverseProp;

    if (pivotMeta) {
      this.ensureCorrectFKOrderInPivotEntity(pivotMeta, prop);
      return pivotMeta;

    const exists = this.metadata.find(prop.pivotTable);

    if (exists) {
      prop.pivotEntity = exists.className;
      return exists;

    let tableName = prop.pivotTable;
    let schemaName: string | undefined;

    if (prop.pivotTable.includes('.')) {
      [schemaName, tableName] = prop.pivotTable.split('.');

    schemaName ??= meta.schema;
    const targetType = prop.targetMeta!.className;
    const data = new EntityMetadata({
      name: prop.pivotTable,
      className: prop.pivotTable,
      collection: tableName,
      schema: schemaName,
      pivotTable: true,
    prop.pivotEntity = data.className;

    if (prop.fixedOrder) {
      const primaryProp = this.defineFixedOrderProperty(prop, targetType);
      data.properties[primaryProp.name] = primaryProp;
    } else {
      data.compositePK = true;

    // handle self-referenced m:n with same default field names
    if (meta.className === targetType && prop.joinColumns.every((joinColumn, idx) => joinColumn === prop.inverseJoinColumns[idx])) {
      prop.joinColumns = prop.referencedColumnNames.map(name => this.namingStrategy.joinKeyColumnName(meta.className + '_1', name, meta.compositePK));
      prop.inverseJoinColumns = prop.referencedColumnNames.map(name => this.namingStrategy.joinKeyColumnName(meta.className + '_2', name, meta.compositePK));

      if (prop.inversedBy) {
        const prop2 = this.metadata.get(targetType).properties[prop.inversedBy];
        prop2.inverseJoinColumns = prop.joinColumns;
        prop2.joinColumns = prop.inverseJoinColumns;

    data.properties[meta.name + '_owner'] = this.definePivotProperty(prop, meta.name + '_owner', meta.className, targetType + '_inverse', true, meta.className === targetType);
    data.properties[targetType + '_inverse'] = this.definePivotProperty(prop, targetType + '_inverse', targetType, meta.name + '_owner', false, meta.className === targetType);

    return this.metadata.set(data.className, data);

  private defineFixedOrderProperty(prop: EntityProperty, targetType: string): EntityProperty {
    const pk = prop.fixedOrderColumn || this.namingStrategy.referenceColumnName();
    const primaryProp = {
      name: pk,
      type: 'number',
      kind: ReferenceKind.SCALAR,
      primary: true,
      autoincrement: true,
      unsigned: this.platform.supportsUnsigned(),
    } as EntityProperty;
    prop.fixedOrderColumn = pk;

    if (prop.inversedBy) {
      const prop2 = this.metadata.get(targetType).properties[prop.inversedBy];
      prop2.fixedOrder = true;
      prop2.fixedOrderColumn = pk;

    return primaryProp;

  private definePivotProperty(prop: EntityProperty, name: string, type: string, inverse: string, owner: boolean, selfReferencing: boolean): EntityProperty {
    const ret = {
      kind: ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_ONE,
      cascade: [Cascade.ALL],
      fixedOrder: prop.fixedOrder,
      fixedOrderColumn: prop.fixedOrderColumn,
      index: this.platform.indexForeignKeys(),
      primary: !prop.fixedOrder,
      autoincrement: false,
      updateRule: prop.updateRule,
      deleteRule: prop.deleteRule,
    } as EntityProperty;

    if (selfReferencing && !this.platform.supportsMultipleCascadePaths()) {
      ret.updateRule ??= 'no action';
      ret.deleteRule ??= 'no action';

    const meta = this.metadata.get(type);
    ret.targetMeta = meta;
    ret.joinColumns = [];
    ret.inverseJoinColumns = [];
    const schema = meta.schema ?? this.config.get('schema') ?? this.platform.getDefaultSchemaName();
    ret.referencedTableName = schema && schema !== '*' ? schema + '.' + meta.tableName : meta.tableName;

    if (owner) {
      ret.owner = true;
      ret.inversedBy = inverse;
      ret.referencedColumnNames = prop.referencedColumnNames;
      ret.fieldNames = ret.joinColumns = prop.joinColumns;
      ret.inverseJoinColumns = prop.referencedColumnNames;
      meta.primaryKeys.forEach(primaryKey => {
        const prop2 = meta.properties[primaryKey];
        ret.length = prop2.length;
        ret.precision = prop2.precision;
        ret.scale = prop2.scale;
    } else {
      ret.owner = false;
      ret.mappedBy = inverse;
      ret.fieldNames = ret.joinColumns = prop.inverseJoinColumns;
      ret.referencedColumnNames = [];
      ret.inverseJoinColumns = [];
      meta.primaryKeys.forEach(primaryKey => {
        const prop2 = meta.properties[primaryKey];
        ret.length = prop2.length;
        ret.precision = prop2.precision;
        ret.scale = prop2.scale;


    return ret;

  private autoWireBidirectionalProperties(meta: EntityMetadata): void {
      .filter(prop => prop.kind !== ReferenceKind.SCALAR && !prop.owner && prop.mappedBy)
      .forEach(prop => {
        const meta2 = this.metadata.get(prop.type);
        const prop2 = meta2.properties[prop.mappedBy];

        if (prop2 && !prop2.inversedBy) {
          prop2.inversedBy = prop.name;

  private defineBaseEntityProperties(meta: EntityMetadata): number {
    const base = meta.extends && this.metadata.get(Utils.className(meta.extends));

    if (!base || base === meta) { // make sure we do not fall into infinite loop
      return 0;

    let order = this.defineBaseEntityProperties(base);
    const ownProps = Object.values(meta.properties);
    const old = ownProps.map(x => x.name);

    meta.properties = {};
    Object.values(base.properties).forEach(prop => {
      if (!prop.inherited) {
        meta.properties[prop.name] = prop;
    ownProps.forEach(prop => meta.properties[prop.name] = prop);
    meta.filters = { ...base.filters, ...meta.filters };

    if (!meta.discriminatorValue) {
      Object.values(base.properties).filter(prop => !old.includes(prop.name)).forEach(prop => {
        meta.properties[prop.name] = { ...prop };
        meta.propertyOrder.set(prop.name, (order += 0.01));

    meta.indexes = Utils.unique([...base.indexes, ...meta.indexes]);
    meta.uniques = Utils.unique([...base.uniques, ...meta.uniques]);
    const pks = Object.values(meta.properties).filter(p => p.primary).map(p => p.name);

    if (pks.length > 0 && meta.primaryKeys.length === 0) {
      meta.primaryKeys = pks;

    Utils.keys(base.hooks).forEach(type => {
      meta.hooks[type] = Utils.unique([...base.hooks[type as EventType]!, ...(meta.hooks[type] || [])]);

    if (meta.constructorParams.length === 0 && base.constructorParams.length > 0) {
      meta.constructorParams = [...base.constructorParams];

    if (meta.toJsonParams.length === 0 && base.toJsonParams.length > 0) {
      meta.toJsonParams = [...base.toJsonParams];

    return order;

  private initPolyEmbeddables(embeddedProp: EntityProperty, discovered: EntityMetadata[], visited = new Set<EntityProperty>()): void {
    if (embeddedProp.kind !== ReferenceKind.EMBEDDED || visited.has(embeddedProp)) {

    const types = embeddedProp.type.split(/ ?\| ?/);
    let embeddable = this.discovered.find(m => m.name === embeddedProp.type);
    const polymorphs = this.discovered.filter(m => types.includes(m.name!));

    // create virtual polymorphic entity
    if (!embeddable && polymorphs.length > 0) {
      const properties: Dictionary<EntityProperty> = {};
      let discriminatorColumn: string | undefined;

      const processExtensions = (meta: EntityMetadata) => {
        const parent = this.discovered.find(m => {
          return meta.extends && Utils.className(meta.extends) === m.className;

        if (!parent) {

        discriminatorColumn ??= parent.discriminatorColumn;
        Object.values(parent.properties).forEach(prop => properties[prop.name] = prop);

      polymorphs.forEach(meta => {
        Object.values(meta.properties).forEach(prop => properties[prop.name] = prop);
      const name = polymorphs.map(t => t.className).sort().join(' | ');
      embeddable = new EntityMetadata({
        className: name,
        embeddable: true,
        abstract: true,
      polymorphs.forEach(meta => meta.root = embeddable!);

  private initEmbeddables(meta: EntityMetadata, embeddedProp: EntityProperty, visited = new Set<EntityProperty>()): void {
    if (embeddedProp.kind !== ReferenceKind.EMBEDDED || visited.has(embeddedProp)) {

    const embeddable = this.discovered.find(m => m.name === embeddedProp.type);

    if (!embeddable) {
      throw MetadataError.fromUnknownEntity(embeddedProp.type, `${meta.className}.${embeddedProp.name}`);

    embeddedProp.embeddable = embeddable.class;
    embeddedProp.embeddedProps = {};
    let order = meta.propertyOrder.get(embeddedProp.name)!;
    const getRootProperty: (prop: EntityProperty) => EntityProperty = (prop: EntityProperty) => prop.embedded ? getRootProperty(meta.properties[prop.embedded[0]]) : prop;
    const isParentObject: (prop: EntityProperty) => boolean = (prop: EntityProperty) => {
      if (prop.object || prop.array) {
        return true;

      return prop.embedded ? isParentObject(meta.properties[prop.embedded[0]]) : false;
    const rootProperty = getRootProperty(embeddedProp);
    const parentProperty = meta.properties[embeddedProp.embedded?.[0] ?? ''];
    const object = isParentObject(embeddedProp);
    this.initFieldName(embeddedProp, rootProperty !== embeddedProp && object);
    const prefix = embeddedProp.prefix === false
      ? (parentProperty?.prefix || '')
      : embeddedProp.prefix === true
        ? embeddedProp.embeddedPath?.join('_') ?? embeddedProp.fieldNames[0] + '_'
        : embeddedProp.prefix;

    for (const prop of Object.values(embeddable.properties)) {
      const name = (embeddedProp.embeddedPath?.join('_') ?? embeddedProp.fieldNames[0] + '_') + prop.name;

      meta.properties[name] = Utils.copy(prop, false);
      meta.properties[name].name = name;
      meta.properties[name].embedded = [embeddedProp.name, prop.name];
      meta.propertyOrder.set(name, (order += 0.01));
      embeddedProp.embeddedProps[prop.name] = meta.properties[name];
      meta.properties[name].persist ??= embeddedProp.persist;

      if (embeddedProp.nullable) {
        meta.properties[name].nullable = true;

      if (meta.properties[name].fieldNames) {
        meta.properties[name].fieldNames[0] = prefix + meta.properties[name].fieldNames[0];
      } else {
        const name2 = meta.properties[name].name;
        meta.properties[name].name = prefix + prop.name;
        meta.properties[name].name = name2;

      if (object) {
        embeddedProp.object = true;
        let path: string[] = [];
        let tmp = embeddedProp;

        while (tmp.embedded && tmp.object) {
          tmp = meta.properties[tmp.embedded[0]];

        if (tmp === rootProperty) {
        } else if (embeddedProp.embeddedPath) {
          path = [...embeddedProp.embeddedPath];
        } else {
          path = [embeddedProp.fieldNames[0]];

        this.initFieldName(prop, true);
        meta.properties[name].fieldNames = prop.fieldNames;
        meta.properties[name].embeddedPath = path;
        const fieldName = raw(this.platform.getSearchJsonPropertySQL(path.join('->'), prop.runtimeType ?? prop.type, true));
        meta.properties[name].fieldNameRaw = fieldName.sql; // for querying in SQL drivers
        meta.properties[name].persist = false; // only virtual as we store the whole object
        meta.properties[name].userDefined = false; // mark this as a generated/internal property, so we can distinguish from user-defined non-persist properties
        meta.properties[name].object = true;

      this.initEmbeddables(meta, meta.properties[name], visited);

    for (const index of embeddable.indexes) {
        properties: Utils.asArray(index.properties).map(p => {
          return embeddedProp.embeddedProps[p].name;

    for (const unique of embeddable.uniques) {
        properties: Utils.asArray(unique.properties).map(p => {
          return embeddedProp.embeddedProps[p].name;

  private initSingleTableInheritance(meta: EntityMetadata, metadata: EntityMetadata[]): void {
    if (meta.root !== meta && !(meta as Dictionary).__processed) {
      meta.root = metadata.find(m => m.className === meta.root.className)!;
      (meta.root as Dictionary).__processed = true;
    } else {
      delete (meta.root as Dictionary).__processed;

    if (!meta.root.discriminatorColumn) {

    if (!meta.root.discriminatorMap) {
      meta.root.discriminatorMap = {} as Dictionary<string>;
      const children = metadata.filter(m => m.root.className === meta.root.className && !m.abstract);
      children.forEach(m => {
        const name = m.discriminatorValue ?? this.namingStrategy.classToTableName(m.className);
        meta.root.discriminatorMap![name] = m.className;

    meta.discriminatorValue = Object.entries(meta.root.discriminatorMap!).find(([, className]) => className === meta.className)?.[0];

    if (!meta.root.properties[meta.root.discriminatorColumn]) {

    Utils.defaultValue(meta.root.properties[meta.root.discriminatorColumn], 'items', Object.keys(meta.root.discriminatorMap));
    Utils.defaultValue(meta.root.properties[meta.root.discriminatorColumn], 'index', true);

    if (meta.root === meta) {

    Object.values(meta.properties).forEach(prop => {
      const exists = meta.root.properties[prop.name];
      prop = Utils.copy(prop, false);
      prop.nullable = true;

      if (!exists) {
        prop.inherited = true;


    meta.collection = meta.root.collection;
    meta.root.indexes = Utils.unique([...meta.root.indexes, ...meta.indexes]);
    meta.root.uniques = Utils.unique([...meta.root.uniques, ...meta.uniques]);

  private createDiscriminatorProperty(meta: EntityMetadata): void {
      name: meta.discriminatorColumn!,
      type: 'string',
      enum: true,
      kind: ReferenceKind.SCALAR,
      userDefined: false,
    } as EntityProperty);

  private initAutoincrement(meta: EntityMetadata): void {
    const pks = meta.getPrimaryProps();

    if (pks.length === 1 && this.isNumericProperty(pks[0])) {
      /* istanbul ignore next */
      pks[0].autoincrement ??= true;

  private initCheckConstraints(meta: EntityMetadata): void {
    const map = this.createColumnMappingObject(meta);

    for (const check of meta.checks) {
      const columns = check.property ? meta.properties[check.property].fieldNames : [];
      check.name ??= this.namingStrategy.indexName(meta.tableName, columns, 'check');

      if (check.expression instanceof Function) {
        check.expression = check.expression(map);

  private initGeneratedColumn(meta: EntityMetadata, prop: EntityProperty): void {
    if (!prop.generated && prop.columnTypes) {
      const match = prop.columnTypes[0]?.match(/(.*) generated always as (.*)/i);

      if (match) {
        prop.columnTypes[0] = match[1];
        prop.generated = match[2];


      const match2 = prop.columnTypes[0]?.trim().match(/^as (.*)/i);

      if (match2) {
        prop.generated = match2[1];


    const map = this.createColumnMappingObject(meta);

    if (prop.generated instanceof Function) {
      prop.generated = prop.generated(map);

  private createColumnMappingObject(meta: EntityMetadata<any>) {
    return Object.values(meta.properties).reduce((o, prop) => {
      if (prop.fieldNames) {
        o[prop.name] = prop.fieldNames[0];

      return o;
    }, {} as Dictionary);

  private getDefaultVersionValue(prop: EntityProperty): string {
    if (typeof prop.defaultRaw !== 'undefined') {
      return prop.defaultRaw;

    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (prop.default != null) {
      return '' + this.platform.quoteVersionValue(prop.default as number, prop);

    if (prop.type.toLowerCase() === 'date') {
      prop.length ??= this.platform.getDefaultVersionLength();
      return this.platform.getCurrentTimestampSQL(prop.length);

    return '1';

  private inferDefaultValue(meta: EntityMetadata, prop: EntityProperty): void {
    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (!meta.class) {

    try {
      // try to create two entity instances to detect the value is stable
      const now = Date.now();
      const entity1 = new (meta.class as Constructor<any>)();
      const entity2 = new (meta.class as Constructor<any>)();

      // we compare the two values by reference, this will discard things like `new Date()` or `Date.now()`
      if (this.config.get('discovery').inferDefaultValues && prop.default === undefined && entity1[prop.name] != null && entity1[prop.name] === entity2[prop.name] && entity1[prop.name] !== now) {
        prop.default ??= entity1[prop.name];

      // if the default value is null, infer nullability
      if (entity1[prop.name] === null) {
        prop.nullable ??= true;

      // but still use object values for type inference if not explicitly set, e.g. `createdAt = new Date()`
      if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.SCALAR && prop.type == null && entity1[prop.name] != null) {
        prop.type = Utils.getObjectType(entity1[prop.name]);
    } catch {
      // ignore

  private initDefaultValue(prop: EntityProperty): void {
    if (prop.defaultRaw || !('default' in prop)) {

    let val = prop.default;
    const raw = RawQueryFragment.getKnownFragment(val as string);

    if (raw) {
      prop.defaultRaw = this.platform.formatQuery(raw.sql, raw.params);

    if (prop.customType instanceof ArrayType && Array.isArray(prop.default)) {
      val = prop.customType.convertToDatabaseValue(prop.default, this.platform)!;

    prop.defaultRaw = typeof val === 'string' ? `'${val}'` : '' + val;

  private inferTypeFromDefault(prop: EntityProperty): void {
    if ((prop.defaultRaw == null && prop.default == null) || prop.type !== 'any') {

    switch (typeof prop.default) {
      case 'string': prop.type = prop.runtimeType = 'string'; break;
      case 'number': prop.type = prop.runtimeType = 'number'; break;
      case 'boolean': prop.type = prop.runtimeType = 'boolean'; break;

    if (prop.defaultRaw?.startsWith('current_timestamp')) {
      prop.type = prop.runtimeType = 'Date';

  private initVersionProperty(meta: EntityMetadata, prop: EntityProperty): void {
    if (prop.version) {
      meta.versionProperty = prop.name;
      prop.defaultRaw = this.getDefaultVersionValue(prop);

    if (prop.concurrencyCheck && !prop.primary) {

  private initCustomType(meta: EntityMetadata, prop: EntityProperty): void {
    // `prop.type` might be actually instance of custom type class
    if (Type.isMappedType(prop.type) && !prop.customType) {
      prop.customType = prop.type;
      prop.type = prop.customType.constructor.name;

    // `prop.type` might also be custom type class (not instance), so `typeof MyType` will give us `function`, not `object`
    if (typeof prop.type === 'function' && Type.isMappedType((prop.type as Constructor).prototype) && !prop.customType) {
      prop.customType = new (prop.type as Constructor<Type>)();
      prop.type = prop.customType.constructor.name;

    if (!prop.customType && ['json', 'jsonb'].includes(prop.type?.toLowerCase())) {
      prop.customType = new JsonType();

    if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.SCALAR && !prop.customType && prop.columnTypes && ['json', 'jsonb'].includes(prop.columnTypes[0])) {
      prop.customType = new JsonType();

    if (!prop.customType && prop.array && prop.items) {
      prop.customType = new EnumArrayType(`${meta.className}.${prop.name}`, prop.items);

    // for number arrays we make sure to convert the items to numbers
    if (!prop.customType && prop.type === 'number[]') {
      prop.customType = new ArrayType(i => +i);

    // `string[]` can be returned via ts-morph, while reflect metadata will give us just `array`
    if (!prop.customType && (prop.type?.toLowerCase() === 'array' || prop.type?.toString().endsWith('[]'))) {
      prop.customType = new ArrayType();

    if (!prop.customType && prop.type?.toLowerCase() === 'buffer') {
      prop.customType = new BlobType();

    if (!prop.customType && prop.type?.toLowerCase() === 'uint8array') {
      prop.customType = new Uint8ArrayType();

    const mappedType = this.getMappedType(prop);

    if (prop.fieldNames?.length === 1 && !prop.customType) {
      [BigIntType, DoubleType, DecimalType, IntervalType]
        .filter(type => mappedType instanceof type)
        .forEach(type => prop.customType = new type());

    if (prop.customType && !prop.columnTypes) {
      const mappedType = this.getMappedType({ columnTypes: [prop.customType.getColumnType(prop, this.platform)] } as EntityProperty);

      if (prop.customType.compareAsType() === 'any' && ![JsonType].some(t => prop.customType instanceof t)) {
        prop.runtimeType ??= mappedType.runtimeType as typeof prop.runtimeType;
      } else {
        prop.runtimeType ??= prop.customType.runtimeType as typeof prop.runtimeType;
    } else {
      prop.runtimeType ??= mappedType.runtimeType as typeof prop.runtimeType;

    if (prop.customType) {
      prop.customType.platform = this.platform;
      prop.customType.meta = meta;
      prop.customType.prop = prop;
      prop.columnTypes ??= [prop.customType.getColumnType(prop, this.platform)];
      prop.hasConvertToJSValueSQL = !!prop.customType.convertToJSValueSQL && prop.customType.convertToJSValueSQL('', this.platform) !== '';
      prop.hasConvertToDatabaseValueSQL = !!prop.customType.convertToDatabaseValueSQL && prop.customType.convertToDatabaseValueSQL('', this.platform) !== '';

      if (prop.customType instanceof BigIntType && ['string', 'bigint', 'number'].includes(prop.runtimeType.toLowerCase())) {
        prop.customType.mode = prop.runtimeType.toLowerCase() as 'string';

    if (Type.isMappedType(prop.customType) && prop.kind === ReferenceKind.SCALAR && !prop.type?.toString().endsWith('[]')) {
      prop.type = prop.customType.name;

    if (!prop.customType && [ReferenceKind.ONE_TO_ONE, ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_ONE].includes(prop.kind) && this.metadata.get(prop.type).compositePK) {
      prop.customTypes = [];

      for (const pk of this.metadata.get(prop.type).getPrimaryProps()) {
        if (pk.customType) {
          prop.hasConvertToJSValueSQL ||= !!pk.customType.convertToJSValueSQL && pk.customType.convertToJSValueSQL('', this.platform) !== '';
          prop.hasConvertToDatabaseValueSQL ||= !!pk.customType.convertToDatabaseValueSQL && pk.customType.convertToDatabaseValueSQL('', this.platform) !== '';
        } else {

    if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.SCALAR && !(mappedType instanceof UnknownType)) {
      prop.columnTypes ??= [mappedType.getColumnType(prop, this.platform)];

      // use only custom types provided by user, we don't need to use the ones provided by ORM,
      // with exception for ArrayType and JsonType, those two are handled in
      if (!Object.values(t).some(type => type === mappedType.constructor)) {
        prop.customType ??= mappedType;

  private initRelation(prop: EntityProperty): void {
    if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.SCALAR) {

    const meta2 = this.discovered.find(m => m.className === prop.type)!;
    prop.referencedPKs = meta2.primaryKeys;
    prop.targetMeta = meta2;

    if (!prop.formula && prop.persist === false && [ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_ONE, ReferenceKind.ONE_TO_ONE].includes(prop.kind) && !prop.embedded) {
      prop.formula = a => `${a}.${this.platform.quoteIdentifier(prop.fieldNames[0])}`;

  private initColumnType(prop: EntityProperty): void {
    this.metadata.find(prop.type)?.getPrimaryProps().map(pk => {
      prop.length ??= pk.length;
      prop.precision ??= pk.precision;
      prop.scale ??= pk.scale;

    if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.SCALAR && (prop.type == null || prop.type === 'object') && prop.columnTypes?.[0]) {
      delete (prop as Dictionary).type;
      const mappedType = this.getMappedType(prop);
      prop.type = mappedType.compareAsType();

    if (prop.columnTypes || !this.schemaHelper) {

    if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.SCALAR) {
      const mappedType = this.getMappedType(prop);
      const SCALAR_TYPES = ['string', 'number', 'boolean', 'bigint', 'Date', 'Buffer', 'RegExp', 'any', 'unknown'];

      if (
        mappedType instanceof UnknownType
        && !prop.columnTypes
        // it could be a runtime type from reflect-metadata
        && !SCALAR_TYPES.includes(prop.type)
        // or it might be inferred via ts-morph to some generic type alias
        && !prop.type.match(/[<>:"';{}]/)
      ) {
        prop.columnTypes = [prop.type];
      } else {
        prop.columnTypes = [mappedType.getColumnType(prop, this.platform)];


    if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.EMBEDDED && prop.object && !prop.columnTypes) {
      prop.columnTypes = [this.platform.getJsonDeclarationSQL()];

    const targetMeta = this.metadata.get(prop.type);
    prop.columnTypes = [];

    for (const pk of targetMeta.getPrimaryProps()) {
      this.initCustomType(targetMeta, pk);

      const mappedType = this.getMappedType(pk);
      let columnTypes = pk.columnTypes;

      if (pk.autoincrement) {
        columnTypes = [mappedType.getColumnType({ ...pk, autoincrement: false }, this.platform)];


      if (!targetMeta.compositePK) {
        prop.customType = pk.customType;

  private getMappedType(prop: EntityProperty): Type<unknown> {
    if (prop.customType) {
      return prop.customType;

    let t = prop.columnTypes?.[0] ?? prop.type;

    if (prop.nativeEnumName) {
      t = 'enum';
    } else if (prop.enum) {
      t = prop.items?.every(item => Utils.isString(item)) ? 'enum' : 'tinyint';

    if (t === 'Date') {
      t = 'datetime';

    return this.platform.getMappedType(t);

  private initUnsigned(prop: EntityProperty): void {
    if (prop.unsigned != null) {

    if ([ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_ONE, ReferenceKind.ONE_TO_ONE].includes(prop.kind)) {
      const meta2 = this.metadata.get(prop.type);
      prop.unsigned = meta2.getPrimaryProps().some(pk => {
        return pk.unsigned;

    prop.unsigned ??= (prop.primary || prop.unsigned) && this.isNumericProperty(prop) && this.platform.supportsUnsigned();

  private initIndexes(prop: EntityProperty): void {
    if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_ONE && this.platform.indexForeignKeys()) {
      prop.index ??= true;

  private isNumericProperty(prop: EntityProperty): boolean {
    if (prop.customType) {
      return this.platform.isNumericColumn(prop.customType);

    const numericMappedType = prop.columnTypes?.[0] && this.platform.isNumericColumn(this.platform.getMappedType(prop.columnTypes[0]));
    return numericMappedType || prop.type === 'number' || this.platform.isBigIntProperty(prop);

  private async getEntityClassOrSchema(path: string, name: string) {
    const exports = await Utils.dynamicImport(path);
    const targets = Object.values<Dictionary>(exports)
      .filter(item => item instanceof EntitySchema || (item instanceof Function && MetadataStorage.isKnownEntity(item.name)));

    // ignore class implementations that are linked from an EntitySchema
    for (const item of targets) {
      if (item instanceof EntitySchema) {
        targets.forEach((item2, idx) => {
          if (item.meta.class === item2) {
            targets.splice(idx, 1);

    if (targets.length > 0) {
      return targets;

    const target = exports.default ?? exports[name];

    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (!target) {
      throw MetadataError.entityNotFound(name, path.replace(this.config.get('baseDir'), '.'));

    return [target];

  private shouldForceConstructorUsage<T>(meta: EntityMetadata<T>) {
    const forceConstructor = this.config.get('forceEntityConstructor');

    if (Array.isArray(forceConstructor)) {
      return forceConstructor.some(cls => Utils.className(cls) === meta.className);

    return meta.forceConstructor = forceConstructor;
