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import { AsyncLocalStorage } from 'async_hooks';
import type {
} from '../typings';
import { Collection, EntityHelper, EntityIdentifier, helper, Reference } from '../entity';
import { ChangeSet, ChangeSetType } from './ChangeSet';
import { ChangeSetComputer } from './ChangeSetComputer';
import { ChangeSetPersister } from './ChangeSetPersister';
import { CommitOrderCalculator } from './CommitOrderCalculator';
import { Utils } from '../utils/Utils';
import type { EntityManager } from '../EntityManager';
import { Cascade, EventType, LockMode, ReferenceKind } from '../enums';
import { OptimisticLockError, ValidationError } from '../errors';
import type { Transaction } from '../connections';
import { type EventManager, TransactionEventBroadcaster } from '../events';
import { IdentityMap } from './IdentityMap';
import type { LockOptions } from '../drivers/IDatabaseDriver';
import type { EntityComparator, MetadataStorage, Platform } from '@mikro-orm/core';

// to deal with validation for flush inside flush hooks and `Promise.all`
const insideFlush = new AsyncLocalStorage<boolean>();

export class UnitOfWork {

  /** map of references to managed entities */
  private readonly identityMap = new IdentityMap();

  private readonly persistStack = new Set<AnyEntity>();
  private readonly removeStack = new Set<AnyEntity>();
  private readonly orphanRemoveStack = new Set<AnyEntity>();
  private readonly changeSets = new Map<AnyEntity, ChangeSet<any>>();
  private readonly collectionUpdates = new Set<Collection<AnyEntity>>();
  private readonly extraUpdates = new Set<[AnyEntity, string | string[], AnyEntity | AnyEntity[] | Reference<any> | Collection<any>, ChangeSet<any> | undefined]>();
  private readonly metadata: MetadataStorage;
  private readonly platform: Platform;
  private readonly eventManager: EventManager;
  private readonly comparator: EntityComparator;
  private readonly changeSetComputer: ChangeSetComputer;
  private readonly changeSetPersister: ChangeSetPersister;
  private readonly queuedActions = new Set<string>();
  private readonly loadedEntities = new Set<AnyEntity>();
  private readonly flushQueue: (() => Promise<void>)[] = [];
  private working = false;

  constructor(private readonly em: EntityManager) {
    this.metadata = this.em.getMetadata();
    this.platform = this.em.getPlatform();
    this.eventManager = this.em.getEventManager();
    this.comparator = this.em.getComparator();
    this.changeSetComputer = new ChangeSetComputer(this.em.getValidator(), this.collectionUpdates, this.metadata, this.platform, this.em.config, this.em);
    this.changeSetPersister = new ChangeSetPersister(this.em.getDriver(), this.metadata, this.em.config.getHydrator(this.metadata), this.em.getEntityFactory(), this.em.getValidator(), this.em.config);

  merge<T extends object>(entity: T, visited?: Set<AnyEntity>): void {
    const wrapped = helper(entity);
    wrapped.__em = this.em;

    if (!wrapped.hasPrimaryKey()) {

    // skip new entities that could be linked from already persisted entity
    // that is being re-fetched (but allow calling `merge(e)` explicitly for those)
    if (!wrapped.__managed && visited) {


    // if visited is available, we are cascading, and need to be careful when resetting the entity data
    // as there can be some entity with already changed state that is not yet flushed
    if (wrapped.__initialized && (!visited || !wrapped.__originalEntityData)) {
      wrapped.__originalEntityData = this.comparator.prepareEntity(entity);
      wrapped.__touched = false;

    this.cascade(entity, Cascade.MERGE, visited ?? new Set<AnyEntity>());

   * @internal
  register<T extends object>(entity: T, data?: EntityData<T>, options?: RegisterOptions): T {

    if (options?.newEntity) {
      return entity;

    const forceUndefined = this.em.config.get('forceUndefined');
    const wrapped = helper(entity);

    if (options?.loaded && wrapped.__initialized && !wrapped.__onLoadFired) {
      this.loadedEntities.add(entity as AnyEntity);

    wrapped.__em ??= this.em;
    wrapped.__managed = true;

    if (data && (options?.refresh || !wrapped.__originalEntityData)) {
      for (const key of Utils.keys(data)) {
        const prop = wrapped.__meta.properties[key];

        if (!prop) {

        if ([ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_ONE, ReferenceKind.ONE_TO_ONE].includes(prop.kind) && Utils.isPlainObject(data[prop.name])) {
          data[prop.name] = Utils.getPrimaryKeyValues(data[prop.name], prop.targetMeta!.primaryKeys, true);
        } else if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.EMBEDDED && !prop.object && Utils.isPlainObject(data[prop.name])) {
          for (const p of prop.targetMeta!.props) {
            /* istanbul ignore next */
            const prefix = prop.prefix === false ? '' : prop.prefix === true ? prop.name + '_' : prop.prefix;
            data[prefix + p.name as EntityKey] = data[prop.name as EntityKey][p.name];

          data[prop.name] = Utils.getPrimaryKeyValues(data[prop.name], prop.targetMeta!.primaryKeys, true);

        if (forceUndefined) {
          if (data[key] === null) {
            data[key] = undefined;

      wrapped.__originalEntityData = data;
      wrapped.__touched = false;

    return entity;

   * @internal
  async dispatchOnLoadEvent(): Promise<void> {
    for (const entity of this.loadedEntities) {
      if (this.eventManager.hasListeners(EventType.onLoad, entity.__meta)) {
        await this.eventManager.dispatchEvent(EventType.onLoad, { entity, meta: entity.__meta, em: this.em });
        helper(entity).__onLoadFired = true;


   * Returns entity from the identity map. For composite keys, you need to pass an array of PKs in the same order as they are defined in `meta.primaryKeys`.
  getById<T extends object>(entityName: string, id: Primary<T> | Primary<T>[], schema?: string): T | undefined {
    if (id == null || (Array.isArray(id) && id.length === 0)) {
      return undefined;

    const meta = this.metadata.find(entityName)!.root;
    let hash: string;

    if (meta.simplePK) {
      hash = '' + id;
    } else {
      const keys = Array.isArray(id) ? Utils.flatten(id as string[][]) : [id as string];
      hash = Utils.getPrimaryKeyHash(keys);

    schema ??= meta.schema ?? this.em.config.get('schema');

    if (schema) {
      hash = `${schema}:${hash}`;

    return this.identityMap.getByHash(meta, hash);

  tryGetById<T extends object>(entityName: string, where: FilterQuery<T>, schema?: string, strict = true): T | null {
    const pk = Utils.extractPK(where, this.metadata.find<T>(entityName)!, strict);

    if (!pk) {
      return null;

    return this.getById<T>(entityName, pk as Primary<T>, schema)!;

   * Returns map of all managed entities.
  getIdentityMap(): IdentityMap {
    return this.identityMap;

   * Returns stored snapshot of entity state that is used for change set computation.
  getOriginalEntityData<T extends object>(entity: T): EntityData<T> | undefined {
    return helper(entity as T).__originalEntityData;

  getPersistStack(): Set<AnyEntity> {
    return this.persistStack;

  getRemoveStack(): Set<AnyEntity> {
    return this.removeStack;

  getChangeSets(): ChangeSet<AnyEntity>[] {
    return [...this.changeSets.values()];

  getCollectionUpdates(): Collection<AnyEntity>[] {
    return [...this.collectionUpdates];

  getExtraUpdates(): Set<[AnyEntity, string | string[], (AnyEntity | AnyEntity[] | Reference<any> | Collection<any>), ChangeSet<any> | undefined]> {
    return this.extraUpdates;

  shouldAutoFlush<T extends object>(meta: EntityMetadata<T>): boolean {
    if (insideFlush.getStore()) {
      return false;

    if (this.queuedActions.has(meta.className) || this.queuedActions.has(meta.root.className)) {
      return true;

    for (const entity of this.identityMap.getStore(meta).values()) {
      if (helper(entity).__initialized && helper(entity).isTouched()) {
        return true;

    return false;

  clearActionsQueue(): void {

  computeChangeSet<T extends object>(entity: T, type?: ChangeSetType): void {
    const wrapped = helper(entity);

    if (type) {
      this.changeSets.set(entity, new ChangeSet(entity, type, {}, wrapped.__meta));

    const cs = this.changeSetComputer.computeChangeSet(entity);

    if (!cs || this.checkUniqueProps(cs)) {

    this.changeSets.set(entity, cs);
    wrapped.__originalEntityData = this.comparator.prepareEntity(entity);
    wrapped.__touched = false;

  recomputeSingleChangeSet<T extends object>(entity: T): void {
    const changeSet = this.changeSets.get(entity);

    if (!changeSet) {

    const cs = this.changeSetComputer.computeChangeSet(entity);

    /* istanbul ignore else */
    if (cs && !this.checkUniqueProps(cs)) {
      Object.assign(changeSet.payload, cs.payload);
      helper(entity).__originalEntityData = this.comparator.prepareEntity(entity);
      helper(entity).__touched = false;

  persist<T extends object>(entity: T, visited?: Set<AnyEntity>, options: { checkRemoveStack?: boolean; cascade?: boolean } = {}): void {

    if (options.checkRemoveStack && this.removeStack.has(entity)) {

    const wrapped = helper(entity);

    if (!wrapped.__managed && wrapped.hasPrimaryKey()) {

    if (options.cascade ?? true) {
      this.cascade(entity, Cascade.PERSIST, visited, options);

  remove<T extends object>(entity: T, visited?: Set<AnyEntity>, options: { cascade?: boolean } = {}): void {
    // allow removing not managed entities if they are not part of the persist stack
    if (helper(entity).__managed || !this.persistStack.has(entity)) {
    } else {

    // remove from referencing relations that are nullable
    for (const prop of helper(entity).__meta.bidirectionalRelations) {
      const inverseProp = prop.mappedBy || prop.inversedBy;
      const relation = Reference.unwrapReference(entity[prop.name] as T);
      const prop2 = prop.targetMeta!.properties[inverseProp];

      if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.ONE_TO_MANY && prop2.nullable && Utils.isCollection<AnyEntity>(relation)) {
        for (const item of relation.getItems(false)) {
          delete item[inverseProp];


      const target = relation && relation[inverseProp as keyof typeof relation] as unknown;

      if (relation && Utils.isCollection(target)) {

    if (options.cascade ?? true) {
      this.cascade(entity, Cascade.REMOVE, visited);

  async commit(): Promise<void> {
    if (this.working) {
      if (insideFlush.getStore()) {
        throw ValidationError.cannotCommit();

      return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
        this.flushQueue.push(() => {
          return insideFlush.run(true, () => {
            return this.doCommit().then(resolve, reject);

    try {
      this.working = true;
      await insideFlush.run(true, () => this.doCommit());

      while (this.flushQueue.length) {
        await this.flushQueue.shift()!();
    } finally {
      this.working = false;

  private async doCommit(): Promise<void> {
    const oldTx = this.em.getTransactionContext();

    try {
      await this.eventManager.dispatchEvent(EventType.beforeFlush, { em: this.em, uow: this });

      for (const cs of this.changeSets.values()) {
        cs.entity.__helper.__processing = true;

      await this.eventManager.dispatchEvent(EventType.onFlush, { em: this.em, uow: this });

      // nothing to do, do not start transaction
      if (this.changeSets.size === 0 && this.collectionUpdates.size === 0 && this.extraUpdates.size === 0) {
        return void await this.eventManager.dispatchEvent(EventType.afterFlush, { em: this.em, uow: this });

      const groups = this.getChangeSetGroups();
      const platform = this.em.getPlatform();
      const runInTransaction = !this.em.isInTransaction() && platform.supportsTransactions() && this.em.config.get('implicitTransactions');

      if (runInTransaction) {
        await this.em.getConnection('write').transactional(trx => this.persistToDatabase(groups, trx), {
          ctx: oldTx,
          eventBroadcaster: new TransactionEventBroadcaster(this.em, this),
      } else {
        await this.persistToDatabase(groups, this.em.getTransactionContext());

      for (const cs of this.changeSets.values()) {
        cs.entity.__helper.__processing = false;

      await this.eventManager.dispatchEvent(EventType.afterFlush, { em: this.em, uow: this });
    } finally {

  async lock<T extends object>(entity: T, options: LockOptions): Promise<void> {
    if (!this.getById((entity as Dictionary).constructor.name, helper(entity).__primaryKeys, helper(entity).__schema)) {
      throw ValidationError.entityNotManaged(entity);

    const meta = this.metadata.find<T>((entity as Dictionary).constructor.name)!;

    if (options.lockMode === LockMode.OPTIMISTIC) {
      await this.lockOptimistic(entity, meta, options.lockVersion!);
    } else if (options.lockMode != null) {
      await this.lockPessimistic(entity, options);

  clear(): void {

  unsetIdentity(entity: AnyEntity): void {
    const wrapped = helper(entity);

    // remove references of this entity in all managed entities, otherwise flushing could reinsert the entity
    for (const { meta, prop } of wrapped.__meta.referencingProperties) {
      for (const referrer of this.identityMap.getStore(meta).values()) {
        const rel = Reference.unwrapReference(referrer[prop.name] as object);

        if (Utils.isCollection(rel)) {
        } else if (rel === entity) {
          delete helper(referrer).__data[prop.name];

    delete wrapped.__identifier;
    delete wrapped.__originalEntityData;
    wrapped.__touched = false;
    wrapped.__managed = false;

  computeChangeSets(): void {
    const visited = new Set<AnyEntity>();

    for (const entity of this.removeStack) {
      this.cascade(entity, Cascade.REMOVE, visited);


    for (const entity of this.persistStack) {
      this.cascade(entity, Cascade.PERSIST, visited, { checkRemoveStack: true });

    for (const entity of this.identityMap) {
      if (!this.removeStack.has(entity) && !this.persistStack.has(entity) && !this.orphanRemoveStack.has(entity)) {
        this.cascade(entity, Cascade.PERSIST, visited, { checkRemoveStack: true });


    for (const entity of this.persistStack) {
      this.findNewEntities(entity, visited);

    for (const entity of this.orphanRemoveStack) {
      if (!helper(entity).__processing) {

    // Check insert stack if there are any entities matching something from delete stack. This can happen when recreating entities.
    const inserts: Dictionary<ChangeSet<any>[]> = {};

    for (const cs of this.changeSets.values()) {
      if (cs.type === ChangeSetType.CREATE) {
        inserts[cs.meta.className] ??= [];

    for (const cs of this.changeSets.values()) {
      if (cs.type === ChangeSetType.UPDATE) {
        this.findEarlyUpdates(cs, inserts[cs.meta.className]);

    for (const entity of this.removeStack) {
      const wrapped = helper(entity);

      /* istanbul ignore next */
      if (wrapped.__processing) {

      const deletePkHash = [wrapped.getSerializedPrimaryKey(), ...this.expandUniqueProps(entity)];
      let type = ChangeSetType.DELETE;

      for (const cs of inserts[wrapped.__meta.className] ?? []) {
        if (deletePkHash.some(hash => hash === cs.getSerializedPrimaryKey() || this.expandUniqueProps(cs.entity).find(child => hash === child))) {
          type = ChangeSetType.DELETE_EARLY;

      this.computeChangeSet(entity, type);

  scheduleExtraUpdate<T extends object>(changeSet: ChangeSet<T>, props: EntityProperty<T>[]): void {
    if (props.length === 0) {

    let conflicts = false;

    for (const cs of this.changeSets.values()) {
      if (cs.rootName === changeSet.rootName && cs.type === changeSet.type) {
        conflicts = true;

    if (!conflicts) {

    this.extraUpdates.add([changeSet.entity, props.map(p => p.name), props.map(p => changeSet.entity[p.name]), changeSet]);

    for (const p of props) {
      delete changeSet.entity[p.name];
      delete changeSet.payload[p.name];

  scheduleOrphanRemoval(entity?: AnyEntity, visited?: Set<AnyEntity>): void {
    if (entity) {
      this.cascade(entity, Cascade.SCHEDULE_ORPHAN_REMOVAL, visited);

  cancelOrphanRemoval(entity: AnyEntity, visited?: Set<AnyEntity>): void {
    this.cascade(entity, Cascade.CANCEL_ORPHAN_REMOVAL, visited);

  getOrphanRemoveStack(): Set<AnyEntity> {
    return this.orphanRemoveStack;

  getChangeSetPersister(): ChangeSetPersister {
    return this.changeSetPersister;

  private findNewEntities<T extends object>(entity: T, visited: Set<AnyEntity>, idx = 0, processed = new Set<AnyEntity>()): void {
    if (visited.has(entity)) {

    const wrapped = helper(entity);

    if (wrapped.__processing || this.removeStack.has(entity) || this.orphanRemoveStack.has(entity)) {

    // Set entityManager default schema
    wrapped.__schema ??= this.em.schema;

    for (const prop of wrapped.__meta.relations) {
      const targets = Utils.unwrapProperty(entity, wrapped.__meta, prop);
      for (const [target] of targets) {
        const kind = Reference.unwrapReference(target as object);
        this.processReference(entity, prop, kind, visited, processed, idx);

    const changeSet = this.changeSetComputer.computeChangeSet(entity);

    if (changeSet && !this.checkUniqueProps(changeSet)) {
      this.changeSets.set(entity, changeSet);

   * Returns `true` when the change set should be skipped as it will be empty after the extra update.
  private checkUniqueProps<T extends object>(changeSet: ChangeSet<T>): boolean {
    if (this.platform.allowsUniqueBatchUpdates() || changeSet.type !== ChangeSetType.UPDATE) {
      return false;

    // when changing a unique nullable property (or a 1:1 relation), we can't do it in a single query as it would cause unique constraint violations
    const uniqueProps = changeSet.meta.uniqueProps.filter(prop => {
      return (prop.nullable || changeSet.type !== ChangeSetType.CREATE)
        && changeSet.payload[prop.name] != null;
    this.scheduleExtraUpdate(changeSet, uniqueProps);

    return changeSet.type === ChangeSetType.UPDATE && !Utils.hasObjectKeys(changeSet.payload);

  private expandUniqueProps<T extends object>(entity: T): string[] {
    const wrapped = helper(entity);

    if (!wrapped.__meta.hasUniqueProps) {
      return [];

    const simpleUniqueHashes = wrapped.__meta.uniqueProps.map(prop => {
      if (entity[prop.name] != null) {
        return prop.kind === ReferenceKind.SCALAR || prop.mapToPk ? entity[prop.name] : helper(entity[prop.name]!).getSerializedPrimaryKey();

      if (wrapped.__originalEntityData?.[prop.name] != null) {
        return Utils.getPrimaryKeyHash(Utils.asArray(wrapped.__originalEntityData![prop.name] as string));

      return undefined;
    }).filter(i => i) as string[];

    const compoundUniqueHashes = wrapped.__meta.uniques.map(unique => {
      const props = Utils.asArray<EntityKey<T>>(unique.properties);

      if (props.every(prop => entity[prop] != null)) {
        return Utils.getPrimaryKeyHash(props.map(p => {
          const prop = wrapped.__meta.properties[p];
          return prop.kind === ReferenceKind.SCALAR || prop.mapToPk ? entity[prop.name] : helper(entity[prop.name as EntityKey]!).getSerializedPrimaryKey();
        }) as any);

      return undefined;
    }).filter(i => i) as string[];

    return simpleUniqueHashes.concat(compoundUniqueHashes);

  private initIdentifier<T extends object>(entity: T): void {
    const wrapped = entity && helper(entity);

    if (!wrapped || wrapped.__identifier || wrapped.hasPrimaryKey()) {

    const pk = wrapped.__meta.getPrimaryProps()[0];

    if (pk.kind === ReferenceKind.SCALAR) {
      wrapped.__identifier = new EntityIdentifier();
    } else if (entity[pk.name]) {
      this.initIdentifier(entity[pk.name] as object);
      wrapped.__identifier = helper(entity[pk.name] as AnyEntity)?.__identifier;

  private processReference<T extends object>(parent: T, prop: EntityProperty<T>, kind: any, visited: Set<AnyEntity>, processed: Set<AnyEntity>, idx: number): void {
    const isToOne = prop.kind === ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_ONE || prop.kind === ReferenceKind.ONE_TO_ONE;

    if (isToOne && Utils.isEntity(kind)) {
      return this.processToOneReference(kind, visited, processed, idx);

    if (Utils.isCollection<any>(kind)) {
        .filter(item => !item.__helper!.__originalEntityData)
        .forEach(item => {
          // propagate schema from parent
          item.__helper!.__schema ??= helper(parent).__schema;

      if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_MANY && kind.isDirty()) {
        this.processToManyReference(kind, visited, processed, parent, prop);

  private processToOneReference(kind: any, visited: Set<AnyEntity>, processed: Set<AnyEntity>, idx: number): void {
    if (!kind.__helper!.__managed) {
      this.findNewEntities(kind, visited, idx, processed);

  private processToManyReference<T extends object>(collection: Collection<AnyEntity>, visited: Set<AnyEntity>, processed: Set<AnyEntity>, parent: T, prop: EntityProperty<T>): void {
    if (this.isCollectionSelfReferenced(collection, processed)) {
      this.extraUpdates.add([parent, prop.name, collection, undefined]);
      const coll = new Collection<AnyEntity, T>(parent);
      coll.property = prop as EntityProperty<any>;
      parent[prop.name as keyof T] = coll as unknown as T[keyof T];


      .filter(item => !item.__helper!.__originalEntityData)
      .forEach(item => this.findNewEntities(item, visited, 0, processed));

  private async runHooks<T extends object>(type: EventType, changeSet: ChangeSet<T>, sync = false): Promise<void> {
    const meta = changeSet.meta;

    if (!this.eventManager.hasListeners(type, meta)) {

    if (!sync) {
      await this.eventManager.dispatchEvent(type, { entity: changeSet.entity, meta, em: this.em, changeSet });

    const copy = this.comparator.prepareEntity(changeSet.entity) as T;
    await this.eventManager.dispatchEvent(type, { entity: changeSet.entity, meta, em: this.em, changeSet });
    const current = this.comparator.prepareEntity(changeSet.entity) as T;
    const diff = this.comparator.diffEntities<T>(changeSet.name, copy, current);
    Object.assign(changeSet.payload, diff);
    const wrapped = helper(changeSet.entity);

    if (wrapped.__identifier && diff[wrapped.__meta.primaryKeys[0]]) {
      wrapped.__identifier.setValue(diff[wrapped.__meta.primaryKeys[0]] as IPrimaryKeyValue);

  private postCommitCleanup(): void {
    for (const cs of this.changeSets.values()) {
      const wrapped = helper(cs.entity);
      wrapped.__processing = false;
      delete wrapped.__pk;

    this.working = false;

  private cascade<T extends object>(entity: T, type: Cascade, visited = new Set<AnyEntity>(), options: { checkRemoveStack?: boolean; cascade?: boolean } = {}): void {
    if (visited.has(entity)) {


    switch (type) {
      case Cascade.PERSIST: this.persist(entity, visited, options); break;
      case Cascade.MERGE: this.merge(entity, visited); break;
      case Cascade.REMOVE: this.remove(entity, visited, options); break;
      case Cascade.SCHEDULE_ORPHAN_REMOVAL: this.scheduleOrphanRemoval(entity, visited); break;
      case Cascade.CANCEL_ORPHAN_REMOVAL: this.cancelOrphanRemoval(entity, visited); break;

    for (const prop of helper(entity).__meta.relations) {
      this.cascadeReference<T>(entity, prop, type, visited, options);

  private cascadeReference<T extends object>(entity: T, prop: EntityProperty<T>, type: Cascade, visited: Set<AnyEntity>, options: { checkRemoveStack?: boolean }): void {
    this.fixMissingReference(entity, prop);

    if (!this.shouldCascade(prop, type)) {

    const kind = Reference.unwrapReference(entity[prop.name] as object) as T | Collection<AnyEntity>;

    if ([ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_ONE, ReferenceKind.ONE_TO_ONE].includes(prop.kind) && Utils.isEntity(kind)) {
      return this.cascade(kind as T, type, visited, options);

    const collection = kind as Collection<AnyEntity>;

    if ([ReferenceKind.ONE_TO_MANY, ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_MANY].includes(prop.kind) && collection) {
      for (const item of collection.getItems(false)) {
        this.cascade(item, type, visited, options);

  private isCollectionSelfReferenced(collection: Collection<AnyEntity>, processed: Set<AnyEntity>): boolean {
    const filtered = collection.getItems(false).filter(item => !helper(item).__originalEntityData);
    return filtered.some(items => processed.has(items));

  private shouldCascade(prop: EntityProperty, type: Cascade): boolean {
    if ([Cascade.REMOVE, Cascade.SCHEDULE_ORPHAN_REMOVAL, Cascade.CANCEL_ORPHAN_REMOVAL, Cascade.ALL].includes(type) && prop.orphanRemoval) {
      return true;

    // ignore user settings for merge, it is kept only for back compatibility, this should have never been configurable
    if (type === Cascade.MERGE) {
      return true;

    return prop.cascade && (prop.cascade.includes(type) || prop.cascade.includes(Cascade.ALL));

  private async lockPessimistic<T extends object>(entity: T, options: LockOptions): Promise<void> {
    if (!this.em.isInTransaction()) {
      throw ValidationError.transactionRequired();

    await this.em.getDriver().lockPessimistic(entity, { ctx: this.em.getTransactionContext(), ...options });

  private async lockOptimistic<T extends object>(entity: T, meta: EntityMetadata<T>, version: number | Date): Promise<void> {
    if (!meta.versionProperty) {
      throw OptimisticLockError.notVersioned(meta);

    if (!Utils.isDefined<number | Date>(version)) {

    const wrapped = helper(entity);

    if (!wrapped.__initialized) {
      await wrapped.init();

    const previousVersion = entity[meta.versionProperty] as unknown as Date | number;

    if (previousVersion !== version) {
      throw OptimisticLockError.lockFailedVersionMismatch(entity, version, previousVersion);

  private fixMissingReference<T extends object>(entity: T, prop: EntityProperty<T>): void {
    const reference = entity[prop.name] as object;
    const kind = Reference.unwrapReference(reference);

    if ([ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_ONE, ReferenceKind.ONE_TO_ONE].includes(prop.kind) && kind && !prop.mapToPk) {
      if (!Utils.isEntity(kind)) {
        entity[prop.name] = this.em.getReference(prop.type, kind, { wrapped: !!prop.ref }) as EntityValue<T>;
      } else if (!helper(kind).__initialized && !helper(kind).__em) {
        const pk = helper(kind).getPrimaryKey();
        entity[prop.name] = this.em.getReference(prop.type, pk, { wrapped: !!prop.ref }) as EntityValue<T>;

    // perf: set the `Collection._property` to skip the getter, as it can be slow when there is a lot of relations
    if (Utils.isCollection<AnyEntity, T>(kind)) {
      kind.property = prop as EntityProperty<any>;

    const isCollection = [ReferenceKind.ONE_TO_MANY, ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_MANY].includes(prop.kind);

    if (isCollection && Array.isArray(kind)) {
      const collection = new Collection<AnyEntity>(entity);
      collection.property = prop as EntityProperty;
      entity[prop.name as keyof T] = collection as unknown as T[keyof T];
      collection.set(kind as AnyEntity[]);

  private async persistToDatabase(groups: { [K in ChangeSetType]: Map<string, ChangeSet<any>[]> }, ctx?: Transaction): Promise<void> {
    if (ctx) {

    const commitOrder = this.getCommitOrder();
    const commitOrderReversed = [...commitOrder].reverse();

    // 1. early delete - when we recreate entity in the same UoW, we need to issue those delete queries before inserts
    for (const name of commitOrderReversed) {
      await this.commitDeleteChangeSets(groups[ChangeSetType.DELETE_EARLY].get(name) ?? [], ctx);

    // 2. early update - when we recreate entity in the same UoW, we need to issue those delete queries before inserts
    for (const name of commitOrder) {
      await this.commitUpdateChangeSets(groups[ChangeSetType.UPDATE_EARLY].get(name) ?? [], ctx);

    // 3. create
    for (const name of commitOrder) {
      await this.commitCreateChangeSets(groups[ChangeSetType.CREATE].get(name) ?? [], ctx);

    // 4. update
    for (const name of commitOrder) {
      await this.commitUpdateChangeSets(groups[ChangeSetType.UPDATE].get(name) ?? [], ctx);

    // 5. extra updates
    await this.commitExtraUpdates(ctx);

    // 6. collection updates
    await this.commitCollectionUpdates(ctx);

    // 7. delete - entity deletions need to be in reverse commit order
    for (const name of commitOrderReversed) {
      await this.commitDeleteChangeSets(groups[ChangeSetType.DELETE].get(name) ?? [], ctx);

    // 8. take snapshots of all persisted collections
    const visited = new Set<object>();

    for (const changeSet of this.changeSets.values()) {
      this.takeCollectionSnapshots(changeSet.entity, visited);

  private async commitCreateChangeSets<T extends object>(changeSets: ChangeSet<T>[], ctx?: Transaction): Promise<void> {
    if (changeSets.length === 0) {

    const props = changeSets[0].meta.root.relations.filter(prop => {
      return (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.ONE_TO_ONE && prop.owner)
        || prop.kind === ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_ONE
        || (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_MANY && prop.owner && !this.platform.usesPivotTable());

    for (const changeSet of changeSets) {
      this.findExtraUpdates(changeSet, props);
      await this.runHooks(EventType.beforeCreate, changeSet, true);

    await this.changeSetPersister.executeInserts(changeSets, { ctx });

    for (const changeSet of changeSets) {
      this.register<T>(changeSet.entity, changeSet.payload, { refresh: true });
      await this.runHooks(EventType.afterCreate, changeSet);

  private findExtraUpdates<T extends object>(changeSet: ChangeSet<T>, props: EntityProperty<T>[]): void {
    for (const prop of props) {
      const ref = changeSet.entity[prop.name];

      if (!ref) {

      if (Utils.isCollection(ref)) {
        ref.getItems(false).some(item => {
          const cs = this.changeSets.get(Reference.unwrapReference(item));
          const isScheduledForInsert = cs && cs.type === ChangeSetType.CREATE && !cs.persisted;

          if (isScheduledForInsert) {
            this.scheduleExtraUpdate(changeSet, [prop]);
            return true;

          return false;

      const cs = this.changeSets.get(Reference.unwrapReference(ref));
      const isScheduledForInsert = cs && cs.type === ChangeSetType.CREATE && !cs.persisted;

      if (isScheduledForInsert) {
        this.scheduleExtraUpdate(changeSet, [prop]);

  private findEarlyUpdates<T extends object>(changeSet: ChangeSet<T>, inserts: ChangeSet<T>[] = []): void {
    const props = changeSet.meta.uniqueProps;

    for (const prop of props) {
      const insert = inserts.find(c => Utils.equals(c.payload[prop.name], changeSet.originalEntity![prop.name]));
      const propEmpty = changeSet.payload[prop.name] === null || changeSet.payload[prop.name] === undefined;

      if (
        prop.name in changeSet.payload &&
        insert &&
        // We only want to update early if the unique property on the changeset is going to be empty, so that
        // the previous unique value can be set on a different entity without constraint issues
      ) {
        changeSet.type = ChangeSetType.UPDATE_EARLY;

  private async commitUpdateChangeSets<T extends object>(changeSets: ChangeSet<T>[], ctx?: Transaction, batched = true): Promise<void> {
    if (changeSets.length === 0) {

    for (const changeSet of changeSets) {
      await this.runHooks(EventType.beforeUpdate, changeSet, true);

    await this.changeSetPersister.executeUpdates(changeSets, batched, { ctx });

    for (const changeSet of changeSets) {
      helper(changeSet.entity).__originalEntityData = this.comparator.prepareEntity(changeSet.entity);
      helper(changeSet.entity).__touched = false;
      helper(changeSet.entity).__initialized = true;
      await this.runHooks(EventType.afterUpdate, changeSet);

  private async commitDeleteChangeSets<T extends object>(changeSets: ChangeSet<T>[], ctx?: Transaction): Promise<void> {
    if (changeSets.length === 0) {

    for (const changeSet of changeSets) {
      await this.runHooks(EventType.beforeDelete, changeSet, true);

    await this.changeSetPersister.executeDeletes(changeSets, { ctx });

    for (const changeSet of changeSets) {
      await this.runHooks(EventType.afterDelete, changeSet);

  private async commitExtraUpdates<T extends object>(ctx?: Transaction): Promise<void> {
    const extraUpdates: [ChangeSet<any>, ChangeSet<any> | undefined][] = [];

    for (const extraUpdate of this.extraUpdates) {
      if (Array.isArray(extraUpdate[1])) {
        extraUpdate[1].forEach((p, i) => extraUpdate[0][p] = (extraUpdate[2] as unknown[])[i]);
      } else {
        extraUpdate[0][extraUpdate[1]] = extraUpdate[2];

      const changeSet = this.changeSetComputer.computeChangeSet(extraUpdate[0])!;

      if (changeSet) {
        extraUpdates.push([changeSet, extraUpdate[3]]);

    await this.commitUpdateChangeSets(extraUpdates.map(u => u[0]), ctx, false);

    // propagate the new values to the original changeset
    for (const extraUpdate of extraUpdates) {
      if (extraUpdate[1]) {
        Object.assign(extraUpdate[1].payload, extraUpdate[0].payload);

  private async commitCollectionUpdates(ctx?: Transaction): Promise<void> {
    const collectionUpdates = [];

    for (const coll of this.collectionUpdates) {
      if (coll.property.owner || coll.getItems(false).filter(item => !item.__helper!.__initialized).length > 0) {
        if (this.platform.usesPivotTable()) {
      } else if (coll.property.kind === ReferenceKind.ONE_TO_MANY && coll.getSnapshot() === undefined) {
      } else if (coll.property.kind === ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_MANY && !coll.property.owner) {

    await this.em.getDriver().syncCollections(collectionUpdates, { ctx });

    for (const coll of this.collectionUpdates) {

   * Orders change sets so FK constrains are maintained, ensures stable order (needed for node < 11)
  private getChangeSetGroups(): { [K in ChangeSetType]: Map<string, ChangeSet<any>[]> } {
    const groups = {
      [ChangeSetType.CREATE]: new Map<string, ChangeSet<any>[]>(),
      [ChangeSetType.UPDATE]: new Map<string, ChangeSet<any>[]>(),
      [ChangeSetType.DELETE]: new Map<string, ChangeSet<any>[]>(),
      [ChangeSetType.UPDATE_EARLY]: new Map<string, ChangeSet<any>[]>(),
      [ChangeSetType.DELETE_EARLY]: new Map<string, ChangeSet<any>[]>(),

    for (const cs of this.changeSets.values()) {
      const group = groups[cs.type];
      const classGroup = group.get(cs.rootName) ?? [];

      if (!group.has(cs.rootName)) {
        group.set(cs.rootName, classGroup);

    return groups;

  private getCommitOrder(): string[] {
    const calc = new CommitOrderCalculator();
    const set = new Set<string>();
    this.changeSets.forEach(cs => set.add(cs.rootName));
    set.forEach(entityName => calc.addNode(entityName));

    for (const entityName of set) {
      for (const prop of this.metadata.find(entityName)!.props) {
        calc.discoverProperty(prop, entityName);

    return calc.sort();

  private resetTransaction(oldTx: Transaction): void {
    if (oldTx) {
    } else {

   * Takes snapshots of all processed collections
  private takeCollectionSnapshots<T extends object>(entity: T, visited: Set<unknown>) {
    if (visited.has(entity)) {

    helper(entity)?.__meta.relations.forEach(prop => {
      const value = entity[prop.name];

      if (Utils.isCollection(value)) {

      // cascade to m:1 relations as we need to snapshot the 1:m inverse side (for `removeAll()` with orphan removal)
      if (prop.kind === ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_ONE && value) {
        this.takeCollectionSnapshots(Reference.unwrapReference(value), visited);


export interface RegisterOptions {
  refresh?: boolean;
  newEntity?: boolean;
  loaded?: boolean;