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4 days
Test Coverage
import json
import logging
import sys

if sys.version_info < (3, 5):
    from inspect import getargspec as getfullargspec

    keywords_args = "keywords"
    from inspect import getfullargspec

    keywords_args = "varkw"

from channels.generic.websockets import WebsocketConsumer
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.conf import settings
from channels.handler import AsgiHandler, AsgiRequest
from six import string_types
from corsheaders.middleware import CorsMiddleware

# Get an instance of a logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class JsonRpcException(Exception):
    >>> exc = JsonRpcException(1, JsonRpcConsumer.INVALID_REQUEST)
    >>> str(exc)
    '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "error": {"message": "Invalid Request", "code": -32600}}'


    def __init__(self, rpc_id, code, data=None):
        self.rpc_id = rpc_id
        self.code = code = data

    def message(self):
        return JsonRpcConsumer.errors[self.code]

    def as_dict(self):
        return JsonRpcConsumer.error(self.rpc_id, self.code, self.message,

    def __str__(self):
        return json.dumps(self.as_dict())

class MethodNotSupported(Exception):

class JsonRpcConsumer(WebsocketConsumer):
    Variant of WebsocketConsumer that automatically JSON-encodes and decodes
    messages as they come in and go out. Expects everything to be text; will
    error on binary data.
    code     message     meaning
    -32700     Parse error     Invalid JSON was received by the server.
            An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text.
    -32600     Invalid Request     The JSON sent is not a valid Request object.
    -32601     Method not found     The method does not exist / is not available.
    -32602     Invalid params     Invalid method parameter(s).
    -32603     Internal error     Internal JSON-RPC error.
    -32099 to -32000
            Server error     Reserved for implementation-defined server-errors. (@TODO)

    # Add http.request alogn with default websocket events
    method_mapping = {
        "websocket.connect": "raw_connect",
        "websocket.receive": "raw_receive",
        "websocket.disconnect": "raw_disconnect",
        "http.request": "http_handler"

    PARSE_ERROR = -32700
    INVALID_REQUEST = -32600
    METHOD_NOT_FOUND = -32601
    INVALID_PARAMS = -32602
    INTERNAL_ERROR = -32603

    errors = dict()
    errors[PARSE_ERROR] = "Parse Error"
    errors[INVALID_REQUEST] = "Invalid Request"
    errors[METHOD_NOT_FOUND] = "Method Not Found"
    errors[INVALID_PARAMS] = "Invalid Params"
    errors[INTERNAL_ERROR] = "Internal Error"
    errors[GENERIC_APPLICATION_ERROR] = "Application Error"

    _http_codes = {
        PARSE_ERROR: 500,
        INVALID_REQUEST: 400,
        METHOD_NOT_FOUND: 404,
        INVALID_PARAMS: 500,
        INTERNAL_ERROR: 500,

    json_encoder_class = None

    available_rpc_methods = dict()
    available_rpc_notifications = dict()

    def rpc_method(cls, rpc_name=None, websocket=True, http=True):
        Decorator to list RPC methodds available. An optional name and protocol rectrictions can be added
        :param rpc_name: RPC name for the function
        :param bool websocket: if websocket transport can use this function
        :param bool http:if http transport can use this function
        :return: decorated function

        def wrap(f):
            name = rpc_name if rpc_name is not None else f.__name__
            cid = id(cls)
            if cid not in cls.available_rpc_methods:
                cls.available_rpc_methods[cid] = dict()
            f.options = dict(websocket=websocket, http=http)
            cls.available_rpc_methods[cid][name] = f

            return f

        return wrap

    def get_rpc_methods(cls):
        Returns the RPC methods available for this consumer
        :return: list
        if id(cls) not in cls.available_rpc_methods:
            return []
        return list(cls.available_rpc_methods[id(cls)].keys())

    def rpc_notification(cls, rpc_name=None, websocket=True, http=True):
        Decorator to list RPC notifications available. An optional name can be added
        :param rpc_name: RPC name for the function
        :param bool websocket: if websocket transport can use this function
        :param bool http:if http transport can use this function
        :return: decorated function

        def wrap(f):
            name = rpc_name if rpc_name is not None else f.__name__
            cid = id(cls)
            if cid not in cls.available_rpc_notifications:
                cls.available_rpc_notifications[cid] = dict()
            f.options = dict(websocket=websocket, http=http)
            cls.available_rpc_notifications[cid][name] = f
            return f

        return wrap

    def get_rpc_notifications(cls):
        Returns the RPC methods available for this consumer
        :return: list
        if id(cls) not in cls.available_rpc_notifications:
            return []
        return list(cls.available_rpc_notifications[id(cls)].keys())

    def json_rpc_frame(_id=None, result=None, params=None, method=None, error=None):
        frame = {'jsonrpc': '2.0'}
        if _id is not None:
            frame["id"] = _id
        if method:
            frame["method"] = method
            frame["params"] = params
        elif result is not None:
            frame["result"] = result
        elif error is not None:
            frame["error"] = error

        return frame

    def error(_id, code, message, data=None):
        Error-type answer generator
        :param _id: int
        :param code: code of the error
        :param message: message for the error
        :param data: (optional) error data
        :return: object
        error = {'code': code, 'message': message}
        if data is not None:
            error["data"] = data

        return JsonRpcConsumer.json_rpc_frame(error=error, _id=_id)

    def http_handler(self, message):
        Called on HTTP request
        :param message: message received
        # Get Django HttpRequest object from ASGI Message
        request = AsgiRequest(message)

        # CORS
        response = CorsMiddleware().process_request(request)
        if not isinstance(response, HttpResponse):

            # Try to process content
                if request.method != 'POST':
                    raise MethodNotSupported('Only POST method is supported')
                content = request.body.decode('utf-8')
            except (UnicodeDecodeError, MethodNotSupported):
                content = ''
            result, is_notification = self.__handle(content, message)

            # Set response status code
            if not is_notification:
                # call response
                status_code = 200
                if 'error' in result:
                    status_code = self._http_codes[result['error']['code']]
                # notification response
                status_code = 204
                if result and 'error' in result:
                    status_code = self._http_codes[result['error']['code']]
                result = ''

            response = HttpResponse(self.__class__._encode(result), content_type='application/json-rpc',

        # CORS
        response = CorsMiddleware().process_response(request, response)

        # Encode that response into message format (ASGI)
        for chunk in AsgiHandler.encode_response(response):

    def raw_receive(self, message, **kwargs):
        Called when receiving a message.
        :param message: message received
        :param kwargs:
        content = '' if "text" not in message else message["text"]
        result, is_notification = self.__handle(content, message)

        # Send responce back only if it is a call, not notification
        if not is_notification:

    def __handle(self, content, message):
        :param content:
        :param message:
        result = None
        is_notification = False
        if content != '':
                data = json.loads(content)
            except ValueError:
                # json could not decoded
                result = self.error(None, self.PARSE_ERROR, self.errors[self.PARSE_ERROR])
                if isinstance(data, dict):

                        if data.get('method') is not None and data.get('id') is None:
                            is_notification = True
                        result = self.__process(data, message, is_notification)
                    except JsonRpcException as e:
                        result = e.as_dict()
                    except Exception as e:
                        logger.debug('Application error', e)
                        result = self.error(data.get('id'),
                                            e.args[0] if len(e.args) == 1 else e.args)
                elif isinstance(data, list):
                    # TODO: implement batch calls
                    if len([x for x in data if not isinstance(x, dict)]):
                        result = self.error(None, self.INVALID_REQUEST, self.errors[self.INVALID_REQUEST])

            result = self.error(None, self.INVALID_REQUEST, self.errors[self.INVALID_REQUEST])

        return result, is_notification

    def _encode(cls, data):
        Encode data object to JSON string
        :param data:
        return json.dumps(data, cls=cls.json_encoder_class)

    def notify_group(cls, group_name, method, params=None):
        Notify a group. Using JSON-RPC notificatons
        :param group_name: Group name
        :param method: JSON-RPC method
        :param params: parmas of the method
        content = JsonRpcConsumer.json_rpc_frame(method=method, params=params)
        cls.group_send(group_name, cls._encode(content))

    def notify_channel(cls, reply_channel, method, params):
        Notify a group. Using JSON-RPC notificatons
        :param reply_channel: Reply channel
        :param method: JSON-RPC method
        :param params: parmas of the method
        content = JsonRpcConsumer.json_rpc_frame(method=method, params=params)
        reply_channel.send({"text": cls._encode(content)})

    def __process(cls, data, original_msg, is_notification=False):
        Process the recived data
        :param dict data:
        :param channels.message.Message original_msg:
        :param bool is_notification:
        :return: dict

        if data.get('jsonrpc') != "2.0":
            raise JsonRpcException(data.get('id'), cls.INVALID_REQUEST)

        if 'method' not in data:
            raise JsonRpcException(data.get('id'), cls.INVALID_REQUEST)

        method_name = data['method']
        if not isinstance(method_name, string_types):
            raise JsonRpcException(data.get('id'), cls.INVALID_REQUEST)

        if method_name.startswith('_'):
            raise JsonRpcException(data.get('id'), cls.METHOD_NOT_FOUND)

            if is_notification:
                method = cls.available_rpc_notifications[id(cls)][method_name]
                method = cls.available_rpc_methods[id(cls)][method_name]
            proto ='.')[0]
            if not method.options[proto]:
                raise MethodNotSupported('Method not available through %s' % proto)
        except (KeyError, MethodNotSupported):
            raise JsonRpcException(data.get('id'), cls.METHOD_NOT_FOUND)
        params = data.get('params', [])

        if not isinstance(params, (list, dict)):
            raise JsonRpcException(data.get('id'), cls.INVALID_PARAMS)

        # log call in debug mode
        if settings.DEBUG:
            logger.debug('Executing %s(%s)' % (method_name, json.dumps(params)))

        result = JsonRpcConsumer.__get_result(method, params, original_msg)

        # check and pack result
        if not is_notification:
            # log call in debug mode
            if settings.DEBUG:
                logger.debug('Execution result: %s' % cls._encode(result))

            result = JsonRpcConsumer.json_rpc_frame(result=result, _id=data.get('id'))
        elif result is not None:
            logger.warning("The notification method shouldn't return any result")
            logger.warning("method: %s, params: %s" % (method_name, params))
            result = None

        return result

    def __get_result(method, params, original_msg):

        func_args = getattr(getfullargspec(method), keywords_args)

        if func_args and "kwargs" in func_args:
            if isinstance(params, list):
                result = method(*params, original_message=original_msg)
                result = method(original_message=original_msg, **params)
            if isinstance(params, list):
                result = method(*params)
                result = method(**params)

        return result

class JsonRpcConsumerTest(JsonRpcConsumer):
    def clean(cls):
        Clean the class method name for tests
        :return: None
        if id(cls) in cls.available_rpc_methods:
            del cls.available_rpc_methods[id(cls)]