<script src="../../dist/milo.bundle.js"></script>
<script src="todo.js"></script>
/* Style for checked items */
.todo-item-checked {
color: #888;
text-decoration: line-through;
<!-- An HTML input managed by a component with a `data` facet -->
<input ml-bind="[data]:newTodo" />
<!-- A button with an `events` facet -->
<button ml-bind="[events]:addBtn">Add</button>
<!-- Since we have only one list it makes sense to declare
it like this. To manage multiple lists, a list class
should be setup like this: ml-bind="MyList:todos" -->
<ul ml-bind="[list]:todos">
<!-- A single todo item in the list. Every list requires
one child with an item facet. This is basically milo's
ng-repeat, except that we manage lists and items separately.
The item facet is added here so we can use Todo on it's own. -->
<li ml-bind="Todo[item]:todo">
<!-- And each list has the following markup and child
components that it manages. -->
<input ml-bind="[data]:checked" type="checkbox">
<!-- Notice the `contenteditable`. This works, out-of-the-box
with `data` facet to fire off changes to the `minder`. -->
<span ml-bind="[data]:text" contenteditable="true"></span>
<button ml-bind="[events]:deleteBtn">X</button>
<!-- This component is only to show the contents of the model -->
<div ml-bind="[data]:modelView"></div>