

Test Coverage
    <title>Getting Started - Data facet</title>

    /*END CSS*/
<!-- HTML -->

    <script src="../../dist/milo.bundle.js"></script>

    <!-- A simple component binding with a single data facet -->
    <div ml-bind="[data]:comp">My first component</div>

    <!-- A component with two facets, data and container. 
         Container creates a separate scope for child components. -->
    <div ml-bind="[data container]:nested">
        <h3 ml-bind="[data]:title"></h3>
        <p ml-bind="[data]:description"></p>

    <!-- A component and data facet bound to input element -->
    <input ml-bind="[data]:input" />

<!-- END HTML -->


        // Call milo ready function, just like jQuery's $(function() {})
        milo(function() {
            // Bind everything (no element passed to binder)
            var scope = milo.binder();

            // Access comp on scope object, and get the component's data
            // Set the data of comp
            scope.comp.data.set('My data');
            // Set a data object on nested component, when we set an object on
            // a parent object, the properties of object will be set on any
            // children of the component (as long as they have data facet).
                title: 'Great Expectations',
                description: 'A book about some expectations that were pretty great'
            // Data facet knows how to set inputs too (and images, checkboxes etc)
            scope.input.data.set('input data set');
            // Data fires change events too, empty string means the root
            // of the data. Now try typing in the input.
            scope.input.data.on('', function(msg, data) {
                // We'll set the data of our first component to the input value
            // With nested data, you can provide a path. This data will go straight
            // to the child component called 'description'.
            scope.nested.data.on('.description', function(msg, data) {
                console.log('data.on(.description): ', msg, data);
            // When we set it, the above listener will fire (open your console).
            setTimeout(function() {
                scope.nested.data.set({description: 'new description'});
            }, 2000);

    //END JS
