<title>Getting Started - Messengers</title>
<!-- HTML -->
<script src="../../dist/milo.bundle.js"></script>
<!-- Milo is messenger crazy, everything has a messenger, components,
their facets, models, and even milo itself (milo.mail).
So it's obviously important that we get a handle on them. -->
<!-- Most of the tutorial will be in JavaScript, but lets setup two component
so we can explore messenger with components and facets. -->
<div ml-bind="[events]:comp">COMPONENT</div>
<input ml-bind="[data]:input" />
<!-- END HTML -->
milo(function() {
var mail = milo.mail
, scope = milo.binder()
, comp = scope.comp
, input = scope.input;
// The easiest way to get to know messenger is to take a look at milo's
// global messenger, milo.mail. The milo.mail messenger uses the window
// to give us a wrapper for the native 'window.postMessage', but can also
// pass any custom messages, so let's have a look at that.
// Messenger has methods for managing listeners, on and off are for
// adding and removing single subscribers.
mail.on('mymessage', example1);
mail.off('mymessage', example1);
// You can also put multiple messages in a string, or an array
mail.on('msg1 msg2 msg3', example1);
// We also have onMessages, and offMessages for multiple subscribers.
'message1': example1,
'message2': example2,
'message3': example1
'message1': example1,
'message2': example2
// We can also pass a regular expression, instead of a string, as
// the message.
milo.mail.on(/.*/, example3);
// We can get all the subscribers for any given message using getSubscribers.
// Notice the only one left for 'message1' is the regex 'catch-all'.
console.log('LOG 1: ', mail.getSubscribers('message1'));
// If you look at the logs, we still have one subscriber registered.
// Lets trigger that using the messenger postMessage method.
// We can pass any data we like along with the message.
mail.postMessage('message1', {name: 'Jason', age: 30});
// We also have a method for turning off all messages.
// More importantly, we have messengers on components and their facets.
// Component messengers work much the same as milo.mail, but with the
// context set as the component itself
comp.on('begin', function(msg, data) { console.log('LOG 3: ', this) });
// More interesting is that our facets have their own messengers, which
// have been customised for their purpose. Events facet is for DOM events,
// and the data facet understands when the dom data changes.
comp.events.on('click mouseover', function(type, event) {
// In this case our arguments are the event type string, and the
// native event object. The context is the facet, but we can get back
// to the component using the owner property.
console.log('LOG 4: ', this.owner);
console.log('LOG 5: ', event.clientX, event.clientY);
// Don't want to have the facet as the context, well we can pass any
// context we like, using an object literal with subscriber and context
comp.events.on('mouseup', {subscriber: example1, context: comp});
// When it comes to creating custom component classes, there is a bit
// more to learn about messenger context, but we'll learn about that in
// a later lesson.
// Let's listen to data changed on our input component. By passing
// an empty string as the message, we are listening to changes on
// the root level of our component, the scalar value of the input.
input.data.on('', function(msg, data) {
// Notice now that when you type in the input field, this event
// fires. The data object passed with the message is tailored
// for the data facet, and has oldValue, newValue as well as
// the type of operation, in this case, 'changed'
console.log('LOG 6: ', data);
// Well that's all for messengers, it is possible to create your
// own types of messengers by defining a messenger source, and a
// messenger api, but that is a more advanced lesson.
function example1() {}
function example2() {}
function example3(msg, data) { console.log('LOG 2: ', msg, data); }