

55 mins
Test Coverage
'use strict';

var Facet = require('./facet')
    , miloCore = require('milo-core')
    , _ = miloCore.proto
    , logger = miloCore.util.logger
    , check = miloCore.util.check
    , Match = check.Match;

module.exports = FacetedObject;

 * `milo.classes.FacetedObject`
 * Component class is based on an abstract ```FacetedObject``` class. This class can be used in any situation where objects can be represented via collection of facets (a facet is an object of a certain class, it holds its own configuration, data and methods).
 * In a way, "facets pattern" is an inversion of "adapter pattern" - while the latter allows finding a class/methods that has specific functionality, faceted object is simply constructed to have these functionalities.
 * With this architecture it is possible to create a virtually unlimited number of component classes with a very limited number of building blocks without having any hierarchy of classes - all components inherit directly from Component class.
 * This constructor should be called by all subclasses constructor (it will happen automatically if a subclass is created with `_.createSubclass`).
 * @return {FacetedObject}
function FacetedObject() {
    // this.facetsConfig and this.facetsClasses were stored on a specific class prototype
    // when the class was created by FacetedObject.createFacetedClass
    var facetsConfig = this.facetsConfig || {};

    var facetsDescriptors = {}
        , facets = {};

    // FacetedObject class itself is not meant to be instantiated - it has no facets
    // It may change, as adding facets is possible to instances
    if (this.constructor == FacetedObject)      
        throw new Error('FacetedObject is an abstract class, can\'t be instantiated');

    // instantiate class facets
    if (this.facetsClasses)
        _.eachKey(this.facetsClasses, instantiateFacet, this, true);

    // add facets to the class as properties under their own name
    Object.defineProperties(this, facetsDescriptors);

    // store all facets on `facets` property so that they can be enumerated
    _.defineProperty(this, 'facets', facets);   

    // call `init`method if it is defined in subclass
    if (this.init)
        this.init.apply(this, arguments);

    // instantiate facet with a given class (FacetClass) and name (facetName)
    function instantiateFacet(FacetClass, facetName) {
        // get facet configuration
        var fctConfig = facetsConfig[facetName];

        // instatiate facets
        facets[facetName] = new FacetClass(this, fctConfig);

        // add facet to property descriptors
        facetsDescriptors[facetName] = {
            enumerable: true,
            value: facets[facetName]

 * ####FacetedObject class methods####
 * - [createFacetedClass](#FacetedObject$$createFacetedClass)
 * - [hasFacet](#FacetedObject$$hasFacet)
_.extend(FacetedObject, {
    createFacetedClass: FacetedObject$$createFacetedClass,
    hasFacet: FacetedObject$$hasFacet,
    getFacetConfig: FacetedObject$$getFacetConfig

 * ####FacetedObject instance methods####
 * - [addFacet](#FacetedObject$addFacet)
_.extendProto(FacetedObject, {
    addFacet: FacetedObject$addFacet

 * FacetedObject instance method.
 * Adds a facet to the instance of FacetedObject subclass.
 * Returns an instance of the facet that was created.
 * @param {Function} FacetClass facet class constructor
 * @param {Object} facetConfig optional facet configuration
 * @param {String} facetName optional facet name, will be used if facetName is not passed.
 * @param {Boolean} throwOnErrors If set to false, then errors will only be logged to console. True by default.
 * @return {Facet}
function FacetedObject$addFacet(FacetClass, facetConfig, facetName, throwOnErrors) {
    check(FacetClass, Function);
    check(facetName, Match.Optional(String));

    // first letter of facet name should be lowercase
    facetName = _.firstLowerCase(facetName ||;

    // get facets defined in class
    var protoFacets = this.constructor.prototype.facetsClasses;

    // check that this facetName was not already used in the class
    if (protoFacets && protoFacets[facetName])
        throw new Error('facet ' + facetName + ' is already part of the class ' +;

    // check that this faceName does not already exist on the faceted object
    if (this[facetName]) {
        var message = 'facet ' + facetName + ' is already present in object';
        if (throwOnErrors === false)
            return logger.error('FacetedObject addFacet: ', message);
            throw new Error(message);

    // instantiate the facet
    var newFacet = this.facets[facetName] = new FacetClass(this, facetConfig);

    // add facet to faceted object
    _.defineProperty(this, facetName, newFacet, _.ENUM);

    return newFacet;

 * FacetedObject class method
 * Returns reference to the facet class if the facet with `facetName` is part of the class, `undefined` otherwise. If subclass is created using _.createSubclass (as it should be) it will also have this method.
 * @param {Subclass(FacetedObject)} this this in this method refers to FacetedObject (or its subclass) that calls this method
 * @param {String} facetName
 * @return {Subclass(Facet)|undefined} 
function FacetedObject$$hasFacet(facetName) {
    // this refers to the FacetedObject class (or subclass), not instance
    var protoFacets = this.prototype.facetsClasses;
    return protoFacets && protoFacets[facetName];

 * FacetedObject class method
 * Return the configuration of a facet
 * @param {String} facetName the facet which config should be retrieved
 * @return {Object} the configuration object that was passed to the facet
function FacetedObject$$getFacetConfig(facetName) {
    return this.hasFacet(facetName) ? this.prototype.facetsConfig[facetName] : null;

 * FacetedObject class method
 * Class factory that creates classes (constructor functions) from the maps of facets and their configurations.
 * Created class will be subclass of `FacetedObject`.
 * @param {Subclass(FacetedObject)} this this in this method refers to FacetedObject (or its subclass) that calls this method
 * @param {String} name class name (will be function name of class constructor function)
 * @param {Object[Subclass(Facet)]} facetsClasses map of classes of facets that will constitute the created class
 * @param {Object<Object>} facetsConfig map of facets configuration, should have the same keys as the map of classes. Some facets may not have configuration, but the configuration for a facet that is not included in facetsClasses will throw an exception
 * @return {Subclass(FacetedObject)}
function FacetedObject$$createFacetedClass(name, facetsClasses, facetsConfig) {
    check(name, String);
    check(facetsClasses, Match.Optional(Match.ObjectHash(Match.Subclass(Facet, true))));
    check(facetsConfig, Match.Optional(Object));

    // throw exception if config passed for facet for which there is no class
    if (facetsConfig)
        _.eachKey(facetsConfig, function(fctConfig, fctName) {
            if (! facetsClasses.hasOwnProperty(fctName))
                throw new Error('configuration for facet (' + fctName + ') passed that is not in class');

    // create subclass of the current class (this refers to the class that calls this method)
    var FacetedClass = _.createSubclass(this, name, true);

    // get facets classes and configurations from parent class
    facetsClasses = addInheritedFacets(this, facetsClasses, 'facetsClasses');
    facetsConfig = addInheritedFacets(this, facetsConfig, 'facetsConfig');

    // store facets classes and configurations of class prototype
    _.extendProto(FacetedClass, {
        facetsClasses: facetsClasses,
        facetsConfig: facetsConfig

    return FacetedClass;

    function addInheritedFacets(superClass, facetsInfo, facetsInfoName) {
        var inheritedFacetsInfo = superClass.prototype[facetsInfoName];
        if (inheritedFacetsInfo)
            return _(inheritedFacetsInfo)
                    .extend(facetsInfo || {})._();
            return facetsInfo;