

2 hrs
Test Coverage
'use strict';

// <a name="components-facets-drop"></a>
// ###drop facet

var ComponentFacet = require('../c_facet')
    , facetsRegistry = require('./cf_registry')
    , DOMEventsSource = require('../msg_src/dom_events')
    , DropMsgAPI = require('../msg_api/drop')
    , DragDrop = require('../../util/dragdrop')
    , _ = require('milo-core').proto;

 * `milo.registry.facets.get('Drop')`
 * Facet for components that can accept drops
 * Drop facet supports the following configuration parameters:
 *  - allow - an object that will define allowed data types during drag (`dragenter` and `dragover` events) with these properties:
 *      - components: `true` by default (all components will be accepted)
 *                        OR string with allowed component class
 *                        OR list of allowed components classes (strings)
 *                        OR map with allowed classes in keys and `true`/test functions in values
 *                        OR test function that will be passed object defined below
 *                        OR `false` to NOT accept components
 *      - dataTypes:  `false` by default (no other data types will be accepted)
 *                        OR string with allowed data type
 *                        OR list of additional data types that a drop target would accept
 *                        OR test function that will be passed DragDrop object
 *                        OR `true` to accept all data types
 *      - checkParent: `false` by default
 *                        OR `true` will call parent component drop allow to check if parent component will accept the component
 *      If test functions are used, they should return boolean. Each test function can also set drop effect as defined here:
 *      Setting drop effect that is not allowed by dragged object will prevent drop.
 *      Test functions for components will be passed the owner of Drop facet as context, the object with the following possible properties as the first parameter:
 *          compClass - name of component class as stored in registry
 *          compName - name of component (all lowercase)
 *          params - parameters as encoded in dataType, passed to `milo.util.dragDrop.setComponentMeta` by Drag facet
 *          metaDataType - data type of the data that has compClass, compName and params encoded
 *      ... and DragDrop instance as the second parameter
 *      Test function for other data types will be passed the owner of Drop facet as context and DragDrop instance as the first parameter
 * ####Events####
 * In addition to configuring allowed components and data types, components classes should subscribe to events.
 * At the very least, they should subscribe to `drop` event.
 * Drop facet emits dragin/dragout messages that are emitted whenever actual component element is entered or left
 * (which is different from dragenter and dragleave messages that are emitted whenever any child element is entered or left, as long as event bubbles up)
 * If child component has drop facet attached, dragout will be emitted on the current component when the child is entered.
 * You can see the demonstration of when messages are emitted [here](
var Drop = _.createSubclass(ComponentFacet, 'Drop');

_.extendProto(Drop, {
    init: Drop$init,
    start: Drop$start,
    isDropAllowed: Drop$isDropAllowed
    // _reattach: _reattachEventsOnElementChange


module.exports = Drop;

function Drop$init() {
    ComponentFacet.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
    this._createMessageSourceWithAPI(DOMEventsSource, new DropMsgAPI);

function Drop$start() {
    ComponentFacet.prototype.start.apply(this, arguments);
        'dragenter dragover': onDragging,
        'drop': onDrop,
        'dragenter dragover dragleave drop dragin dragout': postToService

function onDragging(eventType, event) {
    var dt = new DragDrop(event);


    if (!, dt))

function onDrop(eventType, event) {
    var dt = new DragDrop(event);
    DragDrop.service.postMessageSync('dragdropcompleted', {
        eventType: 'drop',
        dragDrop: dt,
        dropFacet: this,
        component: this.owner

function postToService(eventType, event) {
    DragDrop.service.postMessageSync(eventType, {
        event: event,
        dropFacet: this,
        component: this.owner

var _handleDropDependency = _.throttle(_handleDropDependencyNothrottle, 50);
function _handleDropDependencyNothrottle(dt, originalDropComponent) {
    var allow = this.config.allow
        , parentAllowed = true;

    originalDropComponent = originalDropComponent || this.owner;

    if (allow && allow.checkParent) {
        var parent = this.owner.getScopeParent('Drop');
        if (parent)
            parentAllowed =, dt, originalDropComponent);

    return parentAllowed && this.isDropAllowed(dt, originalDropComponent);

 * Checks if drop is allowed based on facet configuration (see above)
 * @param {DragDrop} dt
 * @return {Boolean}
function Drop$isDropAllowed(dt, originalDropComponent) {
    var allow = this.config.allow;

    if (dt.isComponent()) {
        var allowComps = allow && allow.components
            , meta = dt.getComponentMeta();

        switch (typeof allowComps) {
            case 'undefined':
                return true;
            case 'boolean':
                return allowComps;
            // component class
            case 'string':
                return meta && meta.compClass == allowComps;
            // test function
            case 'function':
                return, meta, dt, originalDropComponent);
            case 'object':
                if (Array.isArray(allowComps))
                    // list of allowed classes
                    return allowComps.indexOf(meta && meta.compClass) >= 0;
                else {
                    // map of class: boolean|test function
                    var test = allowComps[meta && meta.compClass];
                    return !! _.result(test, this.owner, meta, dt);
                throw new Error('Incorrect allowed components in config');
    } else {
        var dataTypes = allow && allow.dataTypes;
        switch (typeof dataTypes) {
            case 'undefined':
                return false;
            case 'string':
                return dt.types.indexOf(dataTypes) >= 0;
            case 'boolean':
                return dataTypes;
            case 'function':
                return, meta, dt, originalDropComponent);

    // TODO test for other data types